Декомпиляция скриптов


Автор темы

Общая тема для просьб о помощи в декомпиляциии и декриптованиии скриптов, плагинов и приложений.
Запрещено просить о декомпиляции/декриптовании софта, выставленного на продажу на нашем сайте.

  1. Сначала воспользуйтесь поиском по теме и по форуму, возможно его в декомпилированном виде или с исходным кодом уже выкладывали у нас на сайте.
  2. Попытайтесь декомпилировать самостоятельно: CLEO - декриптор, декомпилятор; AHK - распаковщик .exe; LuaJIT - декомпилятор1, декомпилятор2.
  3. Просить о декомпиляции .asi, .sf, .dll, .exe почти бесполезно, часто такие просьбы остаются без ответа и вряд ли вам это что-то даст. Можете попробовать сами, IDA Pro или Ghidra к вашим услугам.
    • Это не касается .exe, которые являются скомпилированными AutoHotKey-скриптами (.ahk).
  4. Добавьте название скрипта к сообщению, если оно известно - это поможет другим пользователям найти его с помощью поиска.
  5. Сообщения по типу "спасибо, помог" по правилам форума считаются флудом и скорее всего будут удалены. Если вам помогли, вы можете нажать кнопку Мне нравится под ответом - это даст понять, что ответ верный.
Последнее редактирование:

™ ChipFamily

По ту сторону надежды.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Можете, пожалуйста, чекнуть на вирусы файл этот? Скачал сборку, там он в эффектах висит файлик этот, а я знать не знаю для чего он, еще и код закрыт. Буду премного благодарен. И да, скажите, для чего он вообще?)
Код открыт.


Всефорумный модератор


  • ftt.cs
    27.4 KB · Просмотры: 4

™ ChipFamily

По ту сторону надежды.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0662: printstring "==============================================================="
0662: printstring "My VK: vk.com/id138101483"
0662: printstring "My Skype: hackes8"
0662: printstring "Group VK: vk.com/by_air"
0662: printstring "My YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/spacebmxair"
0662: printstring "All rights reserved ©"
0662: printstring "==============================================================="

0001: wait 0 ms
0AFA:  is_samp_available
004D: jump_if_false @Label00011F
0006: 4@ = 0
0007: 11@ = 999.999
0007: 12@ = 999.999
0007: 13@ = 999.999
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @Label00078B
0B34: samp register_client_command "ftt" to_label @Label0002D0
0B34: samp register_client_command "gtrp" to_label @Label0005DE
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[FireTeleportTrolling {CC0000}by AIR {33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Loaded! (/ftt; /gtrp)" color 3407667 

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0039:   4@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label0002C9
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @Label00078F
0B30: samp send_enter_vehicle 1@ as_passenger 0
0001: wait 400 ms
0224: set_car 2@ health_to 252
00AA: store_car 2@ position_to 8@ 9@ 10@

000F: 10@ -= 0.94
0AB1: call_scm_func @Label000677 5 1@ 8@ 9@ 10@ 249.0 
8021:   not  10@ > -99.99
004D: jump_if_false @Label000207
0AB1: call_scm_func @Label000677 5 1@ 11@ 12@ 13@ 249.0 
0001: wait 25 ms
0AB1: call_scm_func @Label000703 3 11@ 12@ -101.0 
00AB: put_car 2@ at 11@ 12@ 13@
0006: 15@ = 0

0AB1: call_scm_func @Label000703 3 8@ 9@ -101.0 
000A: 15@ += 1
0019:   15@ > 99
004D: jump_if_false @Label000286
0001: wait 25 ms
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0001: wait 550 ms
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @Label00078B
0006: 4@ = 0

0002: jump @Label0001C8

00D6: if
0039:   4@ == 0
004D: jump_if_false @Label00058C
00D6: if
0B35: samp 3@ = get_last_command_params
004D: jump_if_false @Label000531
0C1A: 1@ = atoi 3@
00D6: if
0AFF: samp 2@ = car_handle_by_samp_vehicle_id 1@
004D: jump_if_false @Label0004D5
00D6: if
0202:   actor $3 near_car 2@ radius 30.0 30.0 sphere 0
004D: jump_if_false @Label00047E
00D6: if
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 5@ 6@ 7@ // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003BE
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 5@ 6@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 5@ 6@ 7@
000B: 7@ += 999.0
02CE: 7@ = ground_z_at 5@ 6@ 7@
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 5@ 6@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 5@ 6@ 7@
000B: 7@ += 999.0
02CE: 7@ = ground_z_at 5@ 6@ 7@
0087: 11@ = 5@ // (float)
0087: 12@ = 6@ // (float)
0087: 13@ = 7@ // (float)
0006: 4@ = 1
0002: jump @Label000477

00D6: if and
8043:   not  11@ == 999.999
8043:   not  12@ == 999.999
8043:   not  13@ == 999.999
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003F5
0006: 4@ = 1
0002: jump @Label000477

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[FireTeleportTrolling {CC0000}by AIR {33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Where to teleport? Put a mark on the map or enter /gtrp in chat!" color 3407667 

0002: jump @Label0004CE

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[FireTeleportTrolling {CC0000}by AIR {33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Long distance!" color 3407667 

0002: jump @Label00052A

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[FireTeleportTrolling {CC0000}by AIR {33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Car is not defined!" color 3407667 

0002: jump @Label000585

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[FireTeleportTrolling {CC0000}by AIR {33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Use: /ftt [CarID]!" color 3407667 

0002: jump @Label0005DC

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[FireTeleportTrolling {CC0000}by AIR {33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Please wait..." color 3407667 

0B43: samp cmd_ret

00D6: if
0256:   player $2 defined
004D: jump_if_false @Label000675
04C4: store_coords_to 11@ 12@ 13@ from_actor $3 with_offset 0.0 0.0 -0.5
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[FireTeleportTrolling {CC0000}by AIR {33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Position Saved! (XYZ: %f %f %f)" color 3407667 11@ 12@ 13@ 

0B43: samp cmd_ret

0B2B: samp 5@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle $3
0AC8: 6@ = allocate_memory_size 67
0BBB: samp store_player 5@ incar_data 6@
0C0D: struct 6@ offset 0 size 2 = 0@
0C0D: struct 6@ offset 24 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 6@ offset 28 size 4 = 2@
0C0D: struct 6@ offset 32 size 4 = 3@
0C0D: struct 6@ offset 36 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 6@ offset 40 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 6@ offset 44 size 4 = -0.939
0C0D: struct 6@ offset 48 size 4 = 4@
0BC1: samp send_incar_data 6@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 6@
0AB2: ret 0

0B2B: samp 3@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle $3
0AC8: 4@ = allocate_memory_size 68
0BBA: samp store_player 3@ onfoot_data 4@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 6 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 10 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 14 size 4 = 2@
0226: 5@ = actor $3 health
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 34 size 1 = 5@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 38 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 42 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 46 size 4 = -0.939
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 4@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 4@
0AB2: ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0
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Реакции: astap_


3d print
Всефорумный модератор
опен пж


  • PHUD-f1.cs
    10 KB · Просмотры: 3

™ ChipFamily

По ту сторону надежды.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.


  • PHUD.txt
    23.3 KB · Просмотры: 5
  • AutoCapture.txt
    15.3 KB · Просмотры: 12
Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: DonnyZa и trefa


Дайте пожалуйста код от этого чудесного худа, благодарю :blush:


  • - hud.cs
    3.6 KB · Просмотры: 8


Poh production
Дайте пожалуйста код от этого чудесного худа, благодарю :blush:
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP

   not SAMP.Available
jf @Noname_23
wait 2000
goto @Noname_2

0B34: samp register_client_command "hud" to_label @Noname_2003
10@ = 1
21@ = Render.CreateFont("Sergio", 10, 2)
22@ = Render.CreateFont("Sergio", 14, 1)
alloc 2@ 128
alloc 3@ 128
alloc 4@ 128
alloc 11@ 128
alloc 12@ 128
alloc 13@ 128
alloc 19@ 128
alloc 23@ 128
alloc 24@ 128
alloc 25@ 128

wait 0
0AAB:   file_exists "cleo\config.ini"
jf @Noname_263
0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\config.ini" section "hud" key "PosX"
0AF0: 6@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\config.ini" section "hud" key "PosY"
goto @Noname_329

0AF1: write_int 747 to_ini_file "cleo\config.ini" section "hud" key "PosX"
0AF1: write_int 179 to_ini_file "cleo\config.ini" section "hud" key "PosY"

  10@ == 1
jf @Noname_1712
$4 = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($PLAYER_ACTOR)
$5 = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname($4)
$6 = Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR)
04DD: $7 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour
$8 = Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR)
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, 200, 121, -13350562, 2, -13350562)
5@ += 201
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, 100, 60, -13350562, 0, -13350562)
6@ += 61
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, 100, 60, -13350562, 0, -13350562)
format 2@ "$%d" $8
5@ += 6
6@ -= 33
Render.DrawText(21@, 2@, 5@, 6@, -1)
   not $8 > 999
jf @Noname_559
format 2@ "$%d" $8
goto @Noname_657

   not $8 > 999999
jf @Noname_610
$8 /= 1000
format 2@ "$%dk" $8
goto @Noname_657

  $8 >= 999999
jf @Noname_657
$8 /= 1000000
format 2@ "$%dkk" $8

5@ += 13
6@ -= 23
Render.DrawText(22@, 2@, 5@, 6@, -1)
format 3@ "Health: %d" $6
format 4@ "Armour: %d" $7
   not $6 > 100
jf @Noname_764
$6 *= 1.7
goto @Noname_772

$6 = 170

5@ -= 205
6@ += 15
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, 170, 3, -14404020, 0, -13350562)
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, $6, 3, -6364687, 0, -13350562)
6@ -= 18
Render.DrawText(21@, 3@, 5@, 6@, -9526601)
   not $7 > 100
jf @Noname_898
$7 *= 1.7
goto @Noname_906

$7 = 170

6@ += 58
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, 170, 3, -14404020, 0, -13350562)
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, $7, 3, -6364687, 0, -13350562)
6@ -= 21
Render.DrawText(21@, 4@, 5@, 6@, -9526601)
jf @Noname_1190
$9 = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
$10 = Car.Health($9)
format 11@ "Health vehicle: %d" $10
$10 /= 10
   not $10 > 100
jf @Noname_1092
$10 *= 1.7
goto @Noname_1100

$10 = 170

6@ += 60
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, 170, 3, -14404020, 0, -13350562)
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, $10, 3, -6364687, 0, -13350562)
6@ -= 20
Render.DrawText(21@, 11@, 5@, 6@, -9526601)
goto @Noname_1565

0965:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR swimming
jf @Noname_1386
0652: $12 = integer_stat 4080
0092: $12 = float $12 to_integer
$12 /= 39.99
format 24@ "Oxygen: %d" $12
   not $12 > 100
jf @Noname_1288
$12 *= 1.7
goto @Noname_1296

$12 = 170

6@ += 60
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, 170, 3, -14404020, 0, -13350562)
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, $12, 3, -6364687, 0, -13350562)
6@ -= 20
Render.DrawText(21@, 24@, 5@, 6@, -9526601)
goto @Noname_1565

call @Noname_3184 0 $13
jf @Noname_1565
0092: $13 = float $13 to_integer
format 12@ "Sprint: %d" $13
   not $13 > 100
jf @Noname_1474
$13 *= 1.7
goto @Noname_1482

$13 = 170

6@ += 60
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, 170, 3, -14404020, 0, -13350562)
Render.DrawBorderedBox(5@, 6@, $13, 3, -6364687, 0, -13350562)
6@ -= 20
Render.DrawText(21@, 12@, 5@, 6@, -9526601)

0470: $23 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
041A: $28 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon $23 ammo
call @Noname_2204 1 $23 1@
call @Noname_3100 0 18@
0063: $28 -= 18@ // (float)
format 13@ "%s" 1@
format 23@ "Ammo:%d/%d" 18@ $28
5@ += 205
6@ -= 10
Render.DrawText(22@, 13@, 5@, 6@, -1)
6@ += 23
Render.DrawText(21@, 23@, 5@, 6@, -1)

  7@ == 1
jf @Noname_1880
0B5E: get_cursor_pos 9@ 8@
0AF1: write_int 9@ to_ini_file "cleo\config.ini" section "hud" key "PosX"
0AF1: write_int 8@ to_ini_file "cleo\config.ini" section "hud" key "PosY"
key_down 1
jf @Noname_1880
7@ = 0
chatmsg "- hud: {42AE9C}Перемещение выключено" -12891237

if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "hud"
   not SAMP.ChatInputOpened
jf @Noname_1946
chatmsg "[- hud]{808080}reload" 16763904
run "- hud.cs"
0A93: end_custom_thread

goto @Noname_156
free 2@
free 3@
free 4@
free 11@
free 12@
free 13@
free 19@
free 23@
free 24@
free 25@

0C14: strcmp string1 1@ string2 "on"
jf @Noname_2067
chatmsg "- hud: {42AE9C}Включен" -12891237
10@ = 1

0C14: strcmp string1 1@ string2 "off"
jf @Noname_2128
chatmsg "- hud: {42AE9C}Выключен" -12891237
10@ = 0

0C14: strcmp string1 1@ string2 "move"
jf @Noname_2202
chatmsg "- hud: {42AE9C}Перемещение включено" -12891237
7@ = 1


0AC6: 1@ = label @Noname_2237 offset
0@ *= 19
005A: 1@ += 0@ // (int)
ret 1 1@

44 75 6B 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 42 72 61 73 73 20 4B 6E 75 63 6B 6C 65

0A96: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR struct
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 1816 // int
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
1@ *= 28
0A8E: 2@ = 0@ + 1440 // int
005A: 2@ += 1@ // (int)
2@ += 8
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 2@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
ret 1 2@

0A8D: $13 = read_memory 12045748 size 4 virtual_protect 0
$13 /= 31.47
$13 += 4.0
$13 *= 0.9615384
0A8D: $30 = read_memory 12045792 size 4 virtual_protect 0
$30 /= 39.97
  $30 > 99.0
jf @Noname_3282
goto @Noname_3284


ret 1 $13

Буду благодарен :)
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

thread "hphud"
call @hphud_23100 1 -24
0000: NOP

   not SAMP.Available
jf @hphud_121
wait 1500
chatmsg "HP Hud by Black Jesus FPS Version v2 (Активация HUD как чит-код)" 9902251
goto @hphud_26

alloc 2@ 64
5@ = 880.0
6@ = -1
7@ = -1
8@ = -1
9@ = -1

0A8C: write_memory 12030944 size 4 value 5@ virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 12235308 size 4 value 6@ virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 12235312 size 4 value 7@ virtual_protect 1
0C48: samp textdraw 1337 create "+" pos 497.0 69.0
0C52: samp textdraw 1337 set_letter_size 0.7 2.7 color 8@
0C4E: samp textdraw 1337 set_outline 1 color -16777216
0C51: samp textdraw 268 set_pos 496.0 107.5
0C52: samp textdraw 268 set_letter_size 0.67 1.7 color 9@
wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "hud"
   not SAMP.ChatInputOpened
   not SAMP.IsDialogActive(-1)
   not SAMP.IsCursorActive
jf @hphud_550

   not SAMP.IsDialogActive(-1)
jf @hphud_528
wait 0
if and
   not SAMP.ChatInputOpened
   not SAMP.IsDialogActive(-1)
   not SAMP.IsCursorActive
jf @hphud_521
alloc 0@ 64
format 0@ "WhiteHud%cPurpleHud%cRedHud%cGreenHud%cBlueHood%cYellowHud" 10 10 10 10 10 10
SAMP.ShowDialog(1334, "HudEditor by Black Jesus FPS Version v1.1", 0@, "Выбрать", "Закрыть", DIALOG_STYLE_LIST)
free 0@
goto @hphud_528

goto @hphud_319

   not SAMP.IsDialogActive(-1)
jf @hphud_550
wait 0
goto @hphud_528

   SAMP.DialogRespond(1334, 1@, 3@, 0)
jf @hphud_995
  1@ == 1
jf @hphud_995
  3@ == 0
jf @hphud_648
5@ = 880.0
6@ = -1
7@ = -1
8@ = -1
9@ = -1

  3@ == 1
jf @hphud_716
5@ = 880.0
6@ = -5439320
7@ = -5439320
8@ = -8060722
9@ = -8060722

  3@ == 2
jf @hphud_784
5@ = 880.0
6@ = -16709695
7@ = -15891456
8@ = -65536
9@ = -65536

  3@ == 3
jf @hphud_852
5@ = 880.0
6@ = -15891456
7@ = -15891456
8@ = -16724965
9@ = -16724965

  3@ == 4
jf @hphud_920
5@ = 880.0
6@ = -1378560
7@ = -1378560
8@ = -16718089
9@ = -16718089

  3@ == 5
jf @hphud_988
5@ = 880.0
6@ = -16723465
7@ = -16723465
8@ = -528896
9@ = -528896

goto @hphud_995

goto @hphud_166
call @hphud_23100 1 -24
  • Нравится
Реакции: MAHEKEH

™ ChipFamily

По ту сторону надежды.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Код пожалуйста)
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0662: printstring "==============================================================="
0662: printstring "My VK: vk.com/id138101483"
0662: printstring "My Skype: hackes8"
0662: printstring "Group VK: vk.com/by_air"
0662: printstring "My YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/spacebmxair"
0662: printstring "All rights reserved ©"
0662: printstring "==============================================================="

0001: wait 0 ms
0AFA:  is_samp_available
004D: jump_if_false @Label00011F
0006: 0@ = 0
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @Label0005AF
0BE2: raknet setup_outcoming_packet_hook @Label0005E2
0B34: samp register_client_command "ratp" to_label @Label0001EA
0B34: samp register_client_command "ztp" to_label @Label000343
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Loaded! (/ratp; /ztp)" color 3407667 

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0039:   0@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label0001E3
0001: wait 3000 ms
0006: 0@ = 0
04D7: set_actor $3 locked 0
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync

0002: jump @Label0001B8

00D6: if
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Label0002E2
0006: 0@ = 1
0B32: samp send_spawn
00D6: if
00DF:   actor $3 driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label000227
0362: remove_actor $3 from_car_and_place_at 1@ 2@ 3@

0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ // IF and SET
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 1@ 2@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 1@ 2@ 3@
000B: 3@ += 500.0
02CE: 3@ = ground_z_at 1@ 2@ 3@
00A1: put_actor $3 at 1@ 2@ 3@
04BB: select_interior 0
0860: link_actor $3 to_interior 0
0BCF: samp send_interior_change 0
01B4: set_player $2 can_move 1
0B32: samp send_spawn
02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Teleported!" color 3407667 
0002: jump @Label000341

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Put a mark on the map!" color 3407667 

0B43: samp cmd_ret

00D6: if
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Label0004DA
0006: 0@ = 1
04D7: set_actor $3 locked 1
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 1@ 2@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 1@ 2@ 3@
000B: 3@ += 500.0
02CE: 3@ = ground_z_at 1@ 2@ 3@
00A0: store_actor $3 position_to 5@ 6@ 7@
00D6: if
00DF:   actor $3 driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003BE
0362: remove_actor $3 from_car_and_place_at 5@ 6@ 7@

04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 5@ 6@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 5@ 6@ 7@

00D6: if
80DF:   not actor $3 driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003FB
0AB1: call_scm_func @Label00053B 3 5@ 6@ 7@ 
0002: jump @Label000410

0362: remove_actor $3 from_car_and_place_at 5@ 6@ 7@
0002: jump @Label00042B

000F: 7@ -= 0.94
8031:   not  7@ >= -100.0
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003D1

0AB1: call_scm_func @Label00053B 3 5@ 6@ -101.0 
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 1@ 2@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 1@ 2@ 3@
00A1: put_actor $3 at 1@ 2@ 3@
04BB: select_interior 0
0860: link_actor $3 to_interior 0
0BCF: samp send_interior_change 0
01B4: set_player $2 can_move 1
02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Teleported!" color 3407667 
0002: jump @Label000539

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Put a mark on the map!" color 3407667 

0B43: samp cmd_ret

0B2B: samp 3@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle $3
0AC8: 4@ = allocate_memory_size 68
0BBA: samp store_player 3@ onfoot_data 4@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 6 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 10 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 14 size 4 = 2@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 38 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 42 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 46 size 4 = -0.939
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 4@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 4@
0AB2: ret 0

00D6: if
0039:   0@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label0005DE
0BE5: raknet 4@ = get_hook_param 1
00D6: if
0039:   4@ == 12
004D: jump_if_false @Label0005DE
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1

00D6: if
0039:   0@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label000612
0BE5: raknet 8@ = get_hook_param 1
00D6: if
0039:   8@ == 207
004D: jump_if_false @Label000612
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
  • Нравится
Реакции: debil :))

™ ChipFamily

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Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Выше кинул, глаза открывай.
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0662: printstring "==============================================================="
0662: printstring "My VK: vk.com/id138101483"
0662: printstring "My Skype: hackes8"
0662: printstring "Group VK: vk.com/by_air"
0662: printstring "My YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/spacebmxair"
0662: printstring "All rights reserved ©"
0662: printstring "==============================================================="

0001: wait 0 ms
0AFA:  is_samp_available
004D: jump_if_false @Label00011F
0006: 0@ = 0
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @Label0005AF
0BE2: raknet setup_outcoming_packet_hook @Label0005E2
0B34: samp register_client_command "ratp" to_label @Label0001EA
0B34: samp register_client_command "ztp" to_label @Label000343
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Loaded! (/ratp; /ztp)" color 3407667

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0039:   0@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label0001E3
0001: wait 3000 ms
0006: 0@ = 0
04D7: set_actor $3 locked 0
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync

0002: jump @Label0001B8

00D6: if
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Label0002E2
0006: 0@ = 1
0B32: samp send_spawn
00D6: if
00DF:   actor $3 driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label000227
0362: remove_actor $3 from_car_and_place_at 1@ 2@ 3@

0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ // IF and SET
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 1@ 2@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 1@ 2@ 3@
000B: 3@ += 500.0
02CE: 3@ = ground_z_at 1@ 2@ 3@
00A1: put_actor $3 at 1@ 2@ 3@
04BB: select_interior 0
0860: link_actor $3 to_interior 0
0BCF: samp send_interior_change 0
01B4: set_player $2 can_move 1
0B32: samp send_spawn
02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Teleported!" color 3407667
0002: jump @Label000341

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Put a mark on the map!" color 3407667

0B43: samp cmd_ret

00D6: if
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Label0004DA
0006: 0@ = 1
04D7: set_actor $3 locked 1
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 1@ 2@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 1@ 2@ 3@
000B: 3@ += 500.0
02CE: 3@ = ground_z_at 1@ 2@ 3@
00A0: store_actor $3 position_to 5@ 6@ 7@
00D6: if
00DF:   actor $3 driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003BE
0362: remove_actor $3 from_car_and_place_at 5@ 6@ 7@

04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 5@ 6@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 5@ 6@ 7@

00D6: if
80DF:   not actor $3 driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003FB
0AB1: call_scm_func @Label00053B 3 5@ 6@ 7@
0002: jump @Label000410

0362: remove_actor $3 from_car_and_place_at 5@ 6@ 7@
0002: jump @Label00042B

000F: 7@ -= 0.94
8031:   not  7@ >= -100.0
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003D1

0AB1: call_scm_func @Label00053B 3 5@ 6@ -101.0
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 1@ 2@
03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 1@ 2@ 3@
00A1: put_actor $3 at 1@ 2@ 3@
04BB: select_interior 0
0860: link_actor $3 to_interior 0
0BCF: samp send_interior_change 0
01B4: set_player $2 can_move 1
02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0C83: samp force_onfoot_sync
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Teleported!" color 3407667
0002: jump @Label000539

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[Teleport {CC00FF}for NuBO RP {CC0000}by AIR{33FF33}]: {FFFFFF}Put a mark on the map!" color 3407667

0B43: samp cmd_ret

0B2B: samp 3@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle $3
0AC8: 4@ = allocate_memory_size 68
0BBA: samp store_player 3@ onfoot_data 4@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 6 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 10 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 14 size 4 = 2@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 38 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 42 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 46 size 4 = -0.939
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 4@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 4@
0AB2: ret 0

00D6: if
0039:   0@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label0005DE
0BE5: raknet 4@ = get_hook_param 1
00D6: if
0039:   4@ == 12
004D: jump_if_false @Label0005DE
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1

00D6: if
0039:   0@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label000612
0BE5: raknet 8@ = get_hook_param 1
00D6: if
0039:   8@ == 207
004D: jump_if_false @Label000612
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1