// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (
http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
wait 0
Until 0AB0: 50
{0} 0C6A: 25@ = create_custom_thread_at_label @Noname1_776 -807 -608 -936 -959 -1092
{36} 0000: NOP
{38} wait 1750
{58} 0B34: samp register_client_command "reload" to_label @Noname1_565
{73} wait 0
{77} if and
{81} 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 6
{87} 31@ == 1
{94} jf @Noname1_280
{101} 0470: 9@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
{109} if
{113} not 9@ > 38
{120} jf @Noname1_280
{127} Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
{141} call @Noname1_435 2 9@ $PLAYER_ACTOR 9@
{160} 0AA6: call_method 5327216 struct 11989032 num_params 6 pop 0 3@v 6@v 2@ 1@ 0@ 1.0
{197} 0AA6: call_method 5327216 struct 11989032 num_params 6 pop 0 6@v 10@v 2@ 1@ 0@ 9@
{232} if
{236} 86BD: not no_obstacles_between 3@ 4@ 5@ and 6@ 7@ 8@ solid 0 car 0 actor 1 object 0 particle 0
{266} jf @Noname1_280
{273} SAMP.SetGameKeyState(17, 255)
{280} goto @Noname1_73
{287} 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1
{297} if
31@ == 1
jf @Noname1_377
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "TriGBot by On" time 1000
{370} goto @Noname1_433
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "TriGBot Off" time 1000
{433} SAMP.CmdRet
{435} 0A96: 2@ = actor 1@ struct
{443} 2@ += 1836
{451} 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 2@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
{463} 0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int)
{471} if
{475} 2@ == 2
{482} jf @Noname1_496
{489} 1@ += 25
{496} if
{500} 2@ == 3
{507} jf @Noname1_521
{514} 1@ += 36
{521} 1@ *= 112
{528} 1@ += 13150904
{538} 1@ += 8
{545} 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
{557} ret 1 1@