Декомпиляция скриптов


Автор темы

Общая тема для просьб о помощи в декомпиляциии и декриптованиии скриптов, плагинов и приложений.
Запрещено просить о декомпиляции/декриптовании софта, выставленного на продажу на нашем сайте.

  1. Сначала воспользуйтесь поиском по теме и по форуму, возможно его в декомпилированном виде или с исходным кодом уже выкладывали у нас на сайте.
  2. Попытайтесь декомпилировать самостоятельно: CLEO - декриптор, декомпилятор; AHK - распаковщик .exe; LuaJIT - декомпилятор1, декомпилятор2.
  3. Просить о декомпиляции .asi, .sf, .dll, .exe почти бесполезно, часто такие просьбы остаются без ответа и вряд ли вам это что-то даст. Можете попробовать сами, IDA Pro или Ghidra к вашим услугам.
    • Это не касается .exe, которые являются скомпилированными AutoHotKey-скриптами (.ahk).
  4. Добавьте название скрипта к сообщению, если оно известно - это поможет другим пользователям найти его с помощью поиска.
  5. Сообщения по типу "спасибо, помог" по правилам форума считаются флудом и скорее всего будут удалены. Если вам помогли, вы можете нажать кнопку Мне нравится под ответом - это даст понять, что ответ верный.
Последнее редактирование:

™ ChipFamily

По ту сторону надежды.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Код открыт.
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by Seemann (http://sannybuilder.com/files/SASCM.rar) on 13.10.2007
{$CLEO .cs}

03A4: name_thread "STATUS_INDICATORS"

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0256:   player 0 defined
004D: jump_if_false @Label000024
00D6: if
80DF:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label00014A
04DD: 2@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour
00D6: if
0029:   2@ >= 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label0000F2
0226: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
0349: set_text_draw_font 3
03E4: enable_text_draw_align_right 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 1.1
0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 180 25 29 255
081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255
045A: draw_text_1number 635.0 65.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number 1@  // ~1~
0349: set_text_draw_font 3
03E4: enable_text_draw_align_right 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 1.1
081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255
045A: draw_text_1number 635.0 43.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number 2@  // ~1~
0002: jump @Label000024

0226: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
0349: set_text_draw_font 3
03E4: enable_text_draw_align_right 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 1.1
0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 180 25 29 255
081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255
045A: draw_text_1number 635.0 65.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number 1@  // ~1~
0002: jump @Label000024

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
00DF:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label000024
00D6: if
00DB:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car 0@
0AA0: gosub_if_false @Label00026A
04DD: 2@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour
0227: 3@ = car 0@ health
0226: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
0349: set_text_draw_font 3
03E4: enable_text_draw_align_right 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 1.1
0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 180 25 29 255
081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255
045A: draw_text_1number 635.0 65.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number 1@  // ~1~
0349: set_text_draw_font 3
03E4: enable_text_draw_align_right 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 1.1
0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 150 255 0 255
081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255
045A: draw_text_1number 635.0 54.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number 3@  // ~1~
00D6: if
0029:   2@ >= 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label00014A
0349: set_text_draw_font 3
03E4: enable_text_draw_align_right 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 1.1
081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255
045A: draw_text_1number 635.0 43.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number 2@  // ~1~
0002: jump @Label00014A

03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
0051: return

// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP

0001: wait 150 ms
0AFA:  is_samp_available
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2
0B34: samp register_client_command "ftime" to_label @Noname_1791
0B34: samp register_client_command "fhelp" to_label @false
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{FFFFFF}Fake Time для {FF0000}Arizona RP {FFFFFF}by {FF9300}Nuccleo{FFFFFF} используйте{FF9300}/ftime"
0AC8: 5@ = allocate_memory_size 128
0AC8: 6@ = allocate_memory_size 128
0AC8: 7@ = allocate_memory_size 128
0AC8: 8@ = allocate_memory_size 128
0AC8: 9@ = allocate_memory_size 128

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_288
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_288
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in January ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_424
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 2
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_424
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in February ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_557
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 3
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_557
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in March ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_690
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 4
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_690
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in April ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_821
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 5
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_821
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in May ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_953
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 6
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_953
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in June ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1085
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 7
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1085
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in July ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1219
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 8
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1219
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in August ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1356
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 9
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1356
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in September ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@ 
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1491
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 10
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1491
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in October ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@ 
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1627
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 11
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1627
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~%d in November ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@
0006: 22@ = 0

00D6: if
0039:   22@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1764
00D6: if
0039:   6@ == 12
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1764
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Coplook_watch" IFP "COP_AMBIENT" framedelta 4.1 loop 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~y~ %d in December ~n~~w~%d:%d ~n~~g~played ~w~%d min." time 3000 style 2 5@ 7@ 8@ 9@ 
0006: 22@ = 0

0AC9: free_allocated_memory 5@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 6@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 7@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 8@
0AC9: free_allocated_memory 9@
0002: jump @Noname_149

0B35: samp 0@ = get_last_command_params
00D6: if
0AD4: 4@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d %d %d %d %d" 5@ 6@ 7@ 8@ 9@
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1855
0006: 22@ = 1
0B43: samp cmd_ret

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "1" color 11447982 

wait 5
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{868686}[{FFFFFF}FakeTime{FF0000}ArizonaRP{868686}]{FFFFFF}Используйте: {FF9300}/ftime {FFFFFF}[день] [месяц] [часов] [минут] [playtime]" color 11447982
Последнее редактирование модератором:

клешь рояль

// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP

0001: wait 0 ms
0B2D: write_samp_memory offset 2964549 value 0 size 2
0B61:  samp is_local_player_spawned
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if and
0AB0:   key_pressed 18
0AB0:   key_pressed 106
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_62
0B28: samp disconnect_with_reason 1
0001: wait 16000 ms
0B27: samp set_gamestate 1

0002: jump @Noname_26

клешь рояль

// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

03A4: name_thread 'AMMO'

0001: wait 0 ms
0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 9867536 size 4 virtual_protect 0
00D6: if and
04A4:   0@ == 1095585103 // == constant
004D: jump_if_false @AMMO_11
0470: $CURRGUN = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == $CURRGUN
004D: jump_if_false @AMMO_58
03E5: show_text_box 'CHEAT1'  // Ќњ¦-koљ ak¦њўњpoўa®
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon $CURRGUN ammo 100000 // Load the weapon model before using this
0A8C: write_memory 9867536 size 4 value 0 virtual_protect 0
0002: jump @AMMO_11


Ride the Lightning
Всефорумный модератор
function randomFunction    var_23_3.onclick ()
    var_0_2 = not shotsound
    shotsound = var_0_2
    var_0_3 = not dmgIni.settings.shotsound
    dmgIni.settings.shotsound = var_0_3
    if shotsound then
        --jump to 0017 (if previous if statement is false) --0017 JMP-JMP
        --location 0017--0017 LOCATION-LOCATION_
        var_0_3 =  "Shot Sound: {FF0000}Off" --"Shot Sound: {00FF00}On" STRING-STRING
    unknown0.title = var_0_3
    var_0_2 = true --var_0_2 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
    return var_0_2

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFFFFFFFF"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFF008000"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFFFF0000"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFFFFFF00"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFF800080"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFF000080"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFF00FFFF"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFFFF00FF"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFF008080"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    dmgIni.settings.text_color = "0xFF4B0082"

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    var_11_1 = 1000 --var_11_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
    dmgIni.settings.seconds = var_11_1

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    var_12_1 = 2000 --var_12_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
    dmgIni.settings.seconds = var_12_1

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    var_13_1 = 3000 --var_13_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
    dmgIni.settings.seconds = var_13_1

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    var_14_1 = 4000 --var_14_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
    dmgIni.settings.seconds = var_14_1

function randomFunction    var_23_5.onclick ()
    var_15_1 = 5000 --var_15_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
    dmgIni.settings.seconds = var_15_1

function randomFunction    main ()
    var_16_0 = isSampLoaded()
    if var_16_0 then
        --jump to 0009 (if previous if statement is false) --0009 JMP-JMP
        var_16_0 = isSampfuncsLoaded()
        if not var_16_0 then
        end -- maybe?
        --location 0009--0009 LOCATION-LOCATION_
    var_16_0 = isSampAvailable()
    if not var_16_0 then
        --jump to 0019 (if previous if statement is false) --0019 JMP-JMP
        var_16_1 = 100 --var_16_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
        --location 0019--0019 LOCATION-LOCATION_
        until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0019
        var_16_0 = doesDirectoryExist("moonloader\config")
        if not var_16_0 then
            --jump to 0027 (if previous if statement is false) --0027 JMP-JMP
        var_16_1 = nil --var_16_1 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
        var_16_0 = inicfg.load(var_16_1, "example_another_config")
        if var_16_0 ~= nil then
            --jump to 0041 (if previous if statement is false) --0041 JMP-JMP
            var_16_1 = inicfg.save(newData, "example_another_config")
            if var_16_1 then
                --jump to 0041 (if previous if statement is false) --0041 JMP-JMP
            var_16_2 = "{B22222}[Reference]:{FFFFFF} Damage-Info" --strings longer than 40 characters get cut off, so check to see if there's more!
            shotsound = dmgIni.settings.shotsound
            var_16_1 = doesFileExist("moonloader\damage\hit.wav")
            if not var_16_1 then
                --jump to 0058 (if previous if statement is false) --0058 JMP-JMP
                var_16_3 = 11674146 --var_16_3 NUMBER-NUMBER
                sampAddChatMessage("[Reference]: {FFFFFF}hit.wav not found.", var_16_3)
                --location 0058--0058 LOCATION-LOCATION_
                var_16_2 =  loadAudioStream("moonloader\damage\hit.wav")
                handle = var_16_2
                result_audio = var_16_1
            var_16_2 = 0 --var_16_2 NUMBER-NUMBER
            var_16_1 = testCheat("damag")
            if var_16_1 then
                --jump to 0063 (if previous if statement is false) --0063 JMP-JMP
                submenus_show(mod_submenus_sa, "Damage Informer Settings", "Выбрать", "Закрыть", "Назад")
                --jump to 0063 (if previous if statement is false) --0063 JMP-JMP
                until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0080
                var_16_2 = -1 --var_16_2 NUMBER-NUMBER

function randomFunction    var_23_1.onSendGiveDamage (INPUT_VAR_0_,INPUT_VAR_1_)
    var_17_5 = INPUT_VAR_0_
    var_17_4, var_17_5 = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(var_17_5)
    var_17_7 = var_17_5
    var_17_6, var_17_7, var_17_8 = getCharCoordinates(var_17_7)
    var_17_9 = i +  1 --var_17_9 NUMBER-NUMBER
    i = var_17_9
    var_17_13 = INPUT_VAR_1_
    var_17_11 = string.format("%.0f", var_17_13)
    until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0019
    var_17_13 = var_17_6
    var_17_14 = var_17_7
    var_17_15 = var_17_8
    var_17_16 = 120 --var_17_16 NUMBER-NUMBER
    var_17_17 = 0 --var_17_17 NUMBER-NUMBER
    var_17_18 = -1 --var_17_18 NUMBER-NUMBER
    var_17_19 = -1 --var_17_19 NUMBER-NUMBER
    var_17_9 = sampCreate3dTextEx(i, var_17_11, dmgIni.settings.text_color, var_17_13, var_17_14, var_17_15, var_17_16, var_17_17, var_17_18, var_17_19)
    information = var_17_9
    if result_audio ~= nil then
        --jump to 0039 (if previous if statement is false) --0039 JMP-JMP
        if shotsound == true then
            --jump to 0039 (if previous if statement is false) --0039 JMP-JMP
            var_17_11 = 1 --var_17_11 NUMBER-NUMBER
            setAudioStreamState(handle, var_17_11)
    end end --REVERSE ME--REVERSE ME

function randomFunction    var_23_1.onPlayerDeathNotification (INPUT_VAR_0_,INPUT_VAR_1_)
    var_18_3, var_18_4 = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(playerPed)
    var_18_5 = require("game.weapons")
    if var_18_4 == INPUT_VAR_0_ then
        --jump to 0023 (if previous if statement is false) --0023 JMP-JMP
        var_18_7 = INPUT_VAR_1_
        var_18_6 = sampGetPlayerNickname(var_18_7)
        var_18_10 = var_18_6
        until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0019
        var_18_8 = string.format("You killed %s with %s.", var_18_10, unknown1)
        var_18_9 = 11842740 --var_18_9 NUMBER-NUMBER
        sampAddChatMessage(var_18_8, var_18_9)
        --location 0023--0023 LOCATION-LOCATION_
        if INPUT_VAR_1_ == var_18_4 then
            --jump to 0045 (if previous if statement is false) --0045 JMP-JMP
            var_18_7 = INPUT_VAR_0_
            var_18_6 = sampGetPlayerNickname(var_18_7)
            var_18_8 = INPUT_VAR_0_
            var_18_7 = sampGetPlayerPing(var_18_8)
            ping = var_18_7
            var_18_10 = var_18_6
            var_18_8 = string.format("%s killed you with %s. Ping: %s", var_18_10, unknown2,  getStrByPing(ping) )
            var_18_9 = 11842740 --var_18_9 NUMBER-NUMBER
            sampAddChatMessage(var_18_8, var_18_9)

function randomFunction    Delete3DTextLabel ()
    var_19_0 = i -  1 --var_19_0 NUMBER-NUMBER
    i = var_19_0
    var_19_1 = 0 --var_19_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
    if i < var_19_1 then
        --jump to 0018 (if previous if statement is false) --0018 JMP-JMP
        var_19_0 = 0 --var_19_0 NUMBER-NUMBER
        i = var_19_0

function randomFunction    getStrByPing (INPUT_VAR_0_)
    var_20_1 = 100 --var_20_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
    if INPUT_VAR_0_ < var_20_1 then
        --jump to 0010 (if previous if statement is false) --0010 JMP-JMP
        var_20_3 = INPUT_VAR_0_
        return string.format("{85CF17}%d{FFFFFF}", var_20_3)
        --location 0010--0010 LOCATION-LOCATION_
        var_20_1 = 150 --var_20_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
        if INPUT_VAR_0_ < var_20_1 then
            --jump to 0018 (if previous if statement is false) --0018 JMP-JMP
            var_20_3 = INPUT_VAR_0_
            return string.format("{FF8533}%d{FFFFFF}", var_20_3)
    until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0019
    var_20_3 = INPUT_VAR_0_
    return string.format("{BF0000}%d{FFFFFF}", var_20_3)

function randomFunction    submenus_show (INPUT_VAR_0_,INPUT_VAR_1_,INPUT_VAR_2_)
    var_21_3 = {}
    var_21_5 = INPUT_VAR_0_
    for var_21_7, var_21_8 in ipairs(var_21_5) do --var_21_4 FORTEST-FORTEST
        --jump to 0021 (if previous if statement is false) --0021 JMP-JMP
        var_21_10 = var_21_3
        var_21_11 = type(var_21_8.submenu)
        if var_21_11 ==  "table" then
            --jump to 0019 (if previous if statement is false) --0019 JMP-JMP
            var_21_11 = var_21_11 .. "  >>"
            if not var_21_11 then
            end -- maybe?
            --location 0019--0019 LOCATION-LOCATION_
            until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0019
        table.insert(var_21_10, var_21_8.title)
        --location 0021--0021 LOCATION-LOCATION
    end --end of a for loop
    var_21_5 = INPUT_VAR_1_
    var_21_6 = INPUT_VAR_2_
    var_21_8 = var_21_3
    var_21_7 = table.concat(var_21_8, "\n")
    LEN unhandled at 0033
    var_21_10 = 0 --var_21_10 NUMBER-NUMBER
    if var_21_10 < prev_menus then
        --jump to 0040 (if previous if statement is false) --0040 JMP-JMP
        if not uget_21_1 then
            --jump to 0041 (if previous if statement is false) --0041 JMP-JMP
            sampShowDialog(var_21_5, var_21_6, var_21_7, uget_21_0, uget_21_2, uget_21_3.DIALOG_STYLE_LIST)
            var_21_5 = 0 --var_21_5 NUMBER-NUMBER
            var_21_5 = INPUT_VAR_1_
            var_21_4, var_21_5, var_21_6 = sampHasDialogRespond(var_21_5)
            if var_21_4 then
                --jump to 0134 (if previous if statement is false) --0134 JMP-JMP
                if var_21_5 == 0 then
                    --jump to 0113 (if previous if statement is false) --0113 JMP-JMP
                    if var_21_6 ~= 1 then
                        --jump to 0113 (if previous if statement is false) --0113 JMP-JMP
                        var_21_7 = var_21_6 +  1 --var_21_7 NUMBER-NUMBER
                        var_21_8 = type(unknown3.submenu)
                        if var_21_8 ==  "table" then
                            --jump to 0095 (if previous if statement is false) --0095 JMP-JMP
                            var_21_10 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
                            var_21_10.menu = INPUT_VAR_0_
                            var_21_10.caption = INPUT_VAR_2_
                            table.insert(prev_menus, var_21_10)
                            var_21_8 = type(unknown3.onclick)
                            if var_21_8 ==  "function" then
                                --jump to 0081 (if previous if statement is false) --0081 JMP-JMP
                                var_21_9 = INPUT_VAR_0_
                                var_21_10 = var_21_6 +  1 --var_21_10 NUMBER-NUMBER
                                until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0080
                                unknown3.onclick(var_21_9, var_21_10, unknown3.submenu)
                                var_21_10 = INPUT_VAR_1_ +  1 --var_21_10 NUMBER-NUMBER
                                if unknown3.submenu.title then
                                    --jump to 0092 (if previous if statement is false) --0092 JMP-JMP
                                    if not unknown3.submenu.title then
                                        --jump to 0093 (if previous if statement is false) --0093 JMP-JMP
                                        return display(unknown3.submenu, var_21_10, unknown3.title)
                                        --jump to 0134 (if previous if statement is false) --0134 JMP-JMP
                                        var_21_8 = type(unknown3.onclick)
                                        if var_21_8 ==  "function" then
                                            --jump to 0134 (if previous if statement is false) --0134 JMP-JMP
                                            var_21_9 = INPUT_VAR_0_
                                            var_21_10 = var_21_6 +  1 --var_21_10 NUMBER-NUMBER
                                            var_21_8 = unknown3.onclick(var_21_9, var_21_10)
                                            if not var_21_8 then
                                                --jump to 0107 (if previous if statement is false) --0107 JMP-JMP
                                                return var_21_8
                                                var_21_10 = INPUT_VAR_0_
                                                var_21_11 = INPUT_VAR_1_
                                                var_21_12 = INPUT_VAR_2_
                                                return display(var_21_10, var_21_11, var_21_12)
                                                --jump to 0134 (if previous if statement is false) --0134 JMP-JMP
                                                LEN unhandled at 0114
                                                var_21_8 = 0 --var_21_8 NUMBER-NUMBER
                                                if var_21_8 < prev_menus then
                                                    --jump to 0132 (if previous if statement is false) --0132 JMP-JMP
                                                    LEN unhandled at 0120
                                                    LEN unhandled at 0124
                                                    var_21_10 = nil --var_21_10 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
                                                    prev_menus[prev_menus] = var_21_10
                                                    var_21_10 = INPUT_VAR_1_ -  1 --var_21_10 NUMBER-NUMBER
                                                    return display(unknown4.menu, var_21_10, unknown4.caption)
                                                    var_21_7 = false --var_21_7 PRIMITIVE-PRIMITIVE
                                                    return var_21_7
                                                    if var_21_4 then
                                                        --jump to 0044 (if previous if statement is false) --0044 JMP-JMP
                                                        until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0136

function someFunc22(INPUT_VAR_0_,INPUT_VAR_1_,INPUT_VAR_2_,INPUT_VAR_3_,INPUT_VAR_4_)
    ISTC unhandled at 0001
    --jump to 0004 (if previous if statement is false) --0004 JMP-JMP
    --location 0004--0004 LOCATION-LOCATION
    ISTC unhandled at 0004
    --jump to 0007 (if previous if statement is false) --0007 JMP-JMP
    --location 0007--0007 LOCATION-LOCATION
    if not INPUT_VAR_4_ then
        --jump to 0010 (if previous if statement is false) --0010 JMP-JMP
        var_22_4 = "Back" --var_22_4 STRING-STRING
    var_22_3 = "Close"
    var_22_2 = "Select"
    var_22_5 = {}
    prev_menus = var_22_5
    local randomFunction0 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    display = randomFunction0
    var_22_6 = INPUT_VAR_0_
    var_22_7 = 31337 --var_22_7 NUMBER-NUMBER
    until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0019
    ISTC unhandled at 0019
    --jump to 0022 (if previous if statement is false) --0022 JMP-JMP
    return display(var_22_6, var_22_7, INPUT_VAR_0_.title)

function someFunc23()
    script_name("Damage Informer")
    script_author("{B22222}Johhny a.k.a ynhhoJ")
    var_23_1 = 4 --var_23_1 NUMBER-NUMBER
    script_dependencies("SAMPFUNCS", "SAMP")
    until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0019
    script_description("Damage Informer")
    var_23_0 = require("sampfuncs")
    var_23_1 = require("lib.samp.events")
    var_23_2 = require("inicfg")
    inicfg = var_23_2
    var_23_3 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    var_23_4 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    var_23_3.settings = var_23_4
    var_23_2 = inicfg.load(var_23_3)
    dmgIni = var_23_2
    var_23_2 = {}
    var_23_3 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction1 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_3.onclick = randomFunction1
    var_23_2[1] = var_23_3
    var_23_3 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    var_23_4 = {}
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction2 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction2
    var_23_4[1] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction3 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction3
    var_23_4[2] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction4 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction4
    var_23_4[3] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction5 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction5
    var_23_4[4] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction6 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction6
    var_23_4[5] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction7 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction7
    var_23_4[6] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction8 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction8
    var_23_4[7] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction9 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction9
    var_23_4[8] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    until false or (previous if statement is true) --location 0080
    local randomFunction10 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction10
    var_23_4[9] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction11 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction11
    var_23_4[10] = var_23_5
    var_23_3.submenu = var_23_4
    var_23_2[2] = var_23_3
    var_23_3 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    var_23_4 = {}
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction12 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction12
    var_23_4[1] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction13 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction13
    var_23_4[2] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction14 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction14
    var_23_4[3] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction15 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction15
    var_23_4[4] = var_23_5
    var_23_5 = {} --to find out the contents of this table look inside the lua file
    local randomFunction16 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_5.onclick = randomFunction16
    var_23_4[5] = var_23_5
    var_23_3.submenu = var_23_4
    var_23_2[3] = var_23_3
    mod_submenus_sa = var_23_2
    local randomFunction17 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    main = randomFunction17
    var_23_2 = 0 --var_23_2 NUMBER-NUMBER
    i = var_23_2
    local randomFunction18 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_1.onSendGiveDamage = randomFunction18
    local randomFunction19 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    var_23_1.onPlayerDeathNotification = randomFunction19
    local randomFunction20 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    Delete3DTextLabel = randomFunction20
    local randomFunction21 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    getStrByPing = randomFunction21
    local randomFunction22 = function() end -- starts at  test.lua:0
    submenus_show = randomFunction22

thx killa

// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

03A4: name_thread 'AMMO'

0001: wait 0 ms
0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 9867536 size 4 virtual_protect 0
00D6: if and
04A4:   0@ == 1095585103 // == constant
004D: jump_if_false @AMMO_11
0470: $CURRGUN = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == $CURRGUN
004D: jump_if_false @AMMO_58
03E5: show_text_box 'CHEAT1'  // Ќњ¦-koљ ak¦њўњpoўa®
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon $CURRGUN ammo 100000 // Load the weapon model before using this
0A8C: write_memory 9867536 size 4 value 0 virtual_protect 0
0002: jump @AMMO_11
А нормальный код можно чтобы не такой как там ?


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