0B34: samp register_client_command "spick" to_label @Noname_288
0B34: samp register_client_command "rpick" to_label @Noname_247
13@ = Render.CreateFont("Courier New", 9, 12)
wait 0
29@ == 1
jf @Noname_240
0AF2: 28@ = get_float_from_ini_file "CLEO\SendPick.ini" section "Настройки" key "Дистанция"
0006: 31@ = 28@ // Note: the incorrect math opcode was used here
gosub @Noname_523
goto @Noname_157
29@ == 0
jf @Noname_279
29@ = 1
goto @Noname_286
29@ = 0
0C17: 3@ = strlen 0@
3@ > 0
jf @Noname_447
0AD4: 0@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d" 3@
4@ = SAMP.PickupHandleByID(3@)
065B: store_pickup 4@ position_to 0@ 1@ 2@
not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)
jf @Noname_447
0@ -= 1.0
call @Noname_449 3 0@ 1@ 2@
0BD1: samp send_picked_up_pickup 3@
0ACF: show_formatted_styled_text "~g~SCRIPT ~w~BY ~r~DED_FEDOT" time 1000 style 2
6@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($PLAYER_ACTOR)
alloc 7@ 68
0BBA: samp store_player 6@ onfoot_data 7@
0C0D: struct 7@ offset 6 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 7@ offset 10 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 7@ offset 14 size 4 = 2@
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 7@
free 7@
ret 0
0@ = 0
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
1@ = SAMP.PickupHandleByID(0@)
065B: store_pickup 1@ position_to 2@ 3@ 4@
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 7@, 8@, 9@)
00FE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere 2@ 3@ 4@ radius 28@ 28@ 28@
jf @Noname_762
call @Noname_786 3 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 6@
jf @Noname_762
050A: 10@ = distance_between_XYZ 2@ 3@ 4@ and_XYZ 7@ 8@ 9@
call @GetPickupModelbySampID 1 0@ ret 21@
21@ == 1273
jf @Noname_803
alloc 11@ 512
format 11@ "{00df0f}Свободный дом%c{00df0f}pID: {ffffff}%d%c{00df0f}mID: {ffffff}%d%c{00df0f}pD: {ffffff}%0.f" 10 0@ 10 21@ 10 10@
Render.DrawText(13@, 11@, 5@, 6@, -1)
free 11@
goto @Noname_762
21@ == 1272
jf @Noname_800
alloc 11@ 512
format 11@ "{009cdf}Купленный дом%c{00df0f}pID: {ffffff}%d%c{00df0f}mID: {ffffff}%d%c{00df0f}pD: {ffffff}%0.f" 10 0@ 10 21@ 10 10@
Render.DrawText(13@, 11@, 5@, 6@, -1)
free 11@
goto @Noname_762
alloc 11@ 512
format 11@ "{00df0f}pID: {ffffff}%d%c{00df0f}mID: {ffffff}%d%c{00df0f}pD: {ffffff}%0.f" 0@ 10 21@ 10 10@
Render.DrawText(13@, 11@, 5@, 6@, -1)
free 11@
0@ += 1
0@ > 4096
jf @Noname_530
SAMP.Convert3DCoordsToScreen(0@, 1@, 2@, 5@, 6@)
if and
not 5@ > 640.0
not 6@ > 480.0
5@ >= 0.0
6@ >= 0.0
00C2: sphere_onscreen 0@ 1@ 2@ radius 0.0
jf @Noname_879
goto @Noname_881
ret 2 5@ 6@
0AB2: ret 0
0BB9: samp 21@ = get_pickup_pool_ptr
0@ *= 20
0@ += 61444
005A: 21@ += 0@
0A8D: 21@ = read_memory 21@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
ret 1 21@