void StartRadio(unsigned int station)
DWORD dwFunc = 0x4DBEC3;
DWORD dwFunc2 = 0x4EB3C3;
// We can't do this anymore as we've returned out StartRadio
push 0
push station
mov ecx, CLASS_CAudioEngine
call dwFunc
// Push our arguments onto the stack
push 0
push station
// Call something, skip 3 bytes that we have our return instruction on (no arguments)
mov ecx, 0x8AE554
mov eax, dword ptr[ecx + 8]
call dwFunc
// Check the return value, eventually skip
test al, al
jne skip
mov eax, dword ptr[esp + 4]
mov ecx, dword ptr[esp]
// Push arguments to some other function
push 0
push 0
push eax
push ecx
// Call it (emulate call instruction)
mov ecx, 8CB6F8h
push done
push ebx
mov bl, byte ptr[esp + 8]
jmp dwFunc2
// Pop our arguments back
done :
pop eax
pop eax
skip :
void ResetRadio()
DWORD dwFunc = 0x4E7F80;
mov ecx, 0x8CB6F8
call dwFunc