wheelie-key: "K"
ski-left-key: "J"
ski-right-key: "L"
(for Key assignment only use characters A-Z (capital letters) or 0-9)
wheelies for all cars (1:on/0:off): "1"
If you don't want to enable wheelies for all cars, you can assign wheelies to up to 24 specified vehicles.
Use only vehicle-IDs 400-611 (see vehicle.ide for the IDs)!
If you don't use all 24 possible slots, fill the remaining ones with '0'
By default it's configured to enable wheelies for some various funcars and the default instalslot of 'Chucky' (greenwoo).
ID #1 : "492" greenwoo
ID #2 : "434" hotknife
ID #3 : "531" Tractor
ID #4 : "568" bandito
ID #5 : "424" bfinject
ID #6 : "444" monster
ID #7 : "556" monstera
ID #8 : "557" monsterb
ID #9 : "495" sandking
ID #10: "470" patriot
ID #11: "0"
ID #12: "0"
ID #13: "0"
ID #14: "0"
ID #15: "0"
ID #16: "0"
ID #17: "0"
ID #18: "0"
ID #19: "0"
ID #20: "0"
ID #21: "0"
ID #22: "0"
ID #23: "0"
ID #24: "0"