// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
wait 0
else_jump @Label000002
0@ = 0
4@ = 0
$4 = 1.0
$5 = 1.0
$6 = 1.0
$7 = 1.0
$8 = 0
Dialog.Create(1@, "GhettoTawer_{CC0000}by AIR{FFFFFF}")
Dialog.SetRECT(1@, 450, 450, 585, 240)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 1, "God Mode", 0, 0, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 2, "WallHack", 0, 30, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 3, "Suicide", 0, 60, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 4, "Endless Running", 0, 90, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 8, "+C Bag", 0, 120, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 6, "FastStun", 210, 0, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(1@, 14, 400, 0, 172, 20, 100)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 7, "Lags", 210, 30, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(1@, 17, 400, 30, 172, 20, 1000)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 5, "FastRun", 210, 60, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(1@, 18, 400, 60, 172, 20, 24)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 9, "Rapid", 210, 90, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(1@, 15, 400, 90, 172, 20, 25)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 10, "AntiSkinAim", 210, 120, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 11, "NoReload", 210, 150, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(1@, 13, "Spread", 0, 150, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(1@, 12, "To enable / disable the mouse cursor press 'E' and 'Space'", 70, 180, 425, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(1@, 16, "To close the dialog box enter cheat-code 'GH'", 80, 200, 425, 20)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(1@, 14, 0)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(1@, 15, 0)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(1@, 17, 0)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(1@, 18, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(1@, 0)
Dialog.Create(7@, "GhettoTawer_{CC0000}by AIR{FFFFFF}_(Spread)")
Dialog.SetRECT(7@, 450, 450, 400, 270)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 1, "9mm", 0, 0, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 2, "Silenced 9mm", 0, 30, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 3, "Desert Eagle", 0, 60, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 4, "Shotgun", 0, 90, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 5, "Sawnoff Shotgun", 0, 120, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 6, "Combat Shotgun", 0, 150, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 7, "ALL", 0, 180, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 8, "Micro SMG/Uzi", 210, 0, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 9, "MP5", 210, 30, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 10, "AK-47", 210, 60, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 11, "M4", 210, 90, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 12, "Tec-9", 210, 120, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(7@, 13, "Country Rifle", 210, 150, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddButton(7@, 14, "Back", 210, 180, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(7@, 15, 105, 220, 172, 20, 100)
Dialog.SliderSetValue(7@, 15, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(7@, 0)
Dialog.Create(13@, "GhettoTawer_{CC0000}by AIR{FFFFFF}_(CBug)")
Dialog.SetRECT(13@, 450, 450, 212, 140)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(13@, 1, "CBUG (Reload)", 0, 0, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(13@, 2, "CBUG (NoReload)", 0, 30, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(13@, 3, "CBUG (TP)", 0, 60, 172, 20)
Dialog.AddButton(13@, 4, "Back", 0, 90, 172, 20)
Dialog.SetVisible(13@, 0)
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @Label003288
0BE2: raknet setup_outcoming_packet_hook @Label00303B
wait 0
if and
8184: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health >= 0
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 1)
else_jump @Label000591
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 1, 0)
if and
02E0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)
else_jump @Label00082D
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 3)
else_jump @Label00082D
0470: $9 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
if or
$9 == 24
$9 == 25
$9 == 33
$9 == 34
else_jump @Label00082D
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 6
else_jump @Label000718
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 1)
else_jump @Label00063B
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, $9, 0)
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(18, -255)
wait 5
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(16, -255)
jump @Label000711
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 2)
else_jump @Label000666
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(18, -255)
wait 5
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(16, -255)
jump @Label000711
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 3)
else_jump @Label000711
if and
$9 >= 23
not $9 > 25
else_jump @Label0006C8
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, $9, 0)
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15@, 16@, 17@)
17@ -= 1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15@, 16@, 17@)
jump @Label000711
if or
$9 == 33
$9 == 34
else_jump @Label000711
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, $9, 0)
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15@, 16@, 17@)
17@ -= 1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15@, 16@, 17@)
jump @Label00082D
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 1)
else_jump @Label000757
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, $9, 0)
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(18, -255)
wait 5
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(16, -255)
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, $9, 0)
jump @Label00082D
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 2)
else_jump @Label000782
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(18, -255)
wait 5
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(16, -255)
jump @Label00082D
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 3)
else_jump @Label00082D
if and
$9 >= 23
not $9 > 25
else_jump @Label0007E4
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, $9, 0)
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15@, 16@, 17@)
17@ -= 1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15@, 16@, 17@)
jump @Label00082D
if or
$9 == 33
$9 == 34
else_jump @Label00082D
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, $9, 0)
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15@, 16@, 17@)
17@ -= 1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15@, 16@, 17@)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 6)
else_jump @Label000BCA
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_armL_frmBK" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_armL_frmFT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_armL_frmLT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_armR_frmBK" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_armR_frmFT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_armR_frmRT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LegL_frmBK" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LegL_frmFT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LegL_frmLT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LegR_frmBK" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LegR_frmFT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_LegR_frmRT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_stomach_frmBK" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_stomach_frmFT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_stomach_frmLT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DAM_stomach_frmRT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gas_cwr" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_walk" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_wall" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "KD_left" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "KD_right" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "KO_skid_back" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "KO_skid_front" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "KO_spin_L" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "KO_spin_R" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHOT_leftP" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHOT_partial" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHOT_partial_B" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHOT_rightP" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHOT_leftP" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHOT_leftP" at $4 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHOT_leftP" at $4 times_normal_rate
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 9)
else_jump @Label000DBD
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchfire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "shotgun_fire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "shotgun_fire_poor" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "shotgun_crouchfire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SilenceCrouchfire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Silence_fire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_fire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_fire_poor" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchfire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_fire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_fire_poor" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchfire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "uzi_fire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "uzi_fire_poor" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "uzi_crouchfire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "flame_fire" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "flame_fire_poor" at $5 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "flame_crouchfire" at $5 times_normal_rate
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 5)
else_jump @Label00111E
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH_R" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JUMP_GLIDE" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WOMAN_RUNSEXY" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WOMAN_RUNPANIC" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WOMAN_RUNFATOLD" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WOMAN_RUNBUSY" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WOMAN_RUN" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SWAT_RUN" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_WUZI" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_PANIC" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_WUZI" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_RIGHT" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_LEFT" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_PLAYER" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_FATOLD" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_FAT" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CSAW" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_ARMED" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_1ARMED" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JOG_MALEA" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JOG_FEMALEA" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "JOG_FEMALEA" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SWIM_BREAST" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SWIM_CRAWL" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SWIM_DIVE_UNDER" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SWIM_GLIDE" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SWIM_JUMPOUT" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SWIM_UNDER" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_JUMP" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_JUMP_B" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_PULL" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "run_1armed" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "run_armed" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "run_gang1" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "run_left" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "run_old" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "run_right" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stop" at $7 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stopR" at $7 times_normal_rate
if and
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 11)
02E0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
056D: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined
not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR)
else_jump @Label001151
0470: $9 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, $9, 0)
4@ == 1
else_jump @Label0012C4
key_down 2
else_jump @Label001202
if and
not Dialog.IsMinimized(1@)
else_jump @Label0011A2
0B5E: get_cursor_pos 5@ 6@
Dialog.SetRECT(1@, 5@, 6@, 585, 240)
if and
not Dialog.IsMinimized(7@)
else_jump @Label0011D2
0B5E: get_cursor_pos 5@ 6@
Dialog.SetRECT(7@, 5@, 6@, 400, 270)
if and
not Dialog.IsMinimized(13@)
else_jump @Label001202
0B5E: get_cursor_pos 5@ 6@
Dialog.SetRECT(13@, 5@, 6@, 212, 140)
if and
key_down 69
key_down 32
else_jump @Label0012AC
wait 400
if and
key_down 69
key_down 32
else_jump @Label0012AC
0B12: 0@ = 0@ XOR 1
0@ == 0
else_jump @Label0012A8
if and
not Dialog.IsMinimized(1@)
else_jump @Label001269
Dialog.SetMinimized(1@, 1)
if and
not Dialog.IsMinimized(7@)
else_jump @Label001285
Dialog.SetMinimized(7@, 1)
if and
not Dialog.IsMinimized(13@)
else_jump @Label0012A1
Dialog.SetMinimized(13@, 1)
jump @Label0012AC
if and
0@ == 1
not SAMP.IsCursorActive
else_jump @Label0012C4
Dialog.PopEvent(1@, 2@, 3@)
else_jump @Label0019BA
2@ == 1025
else_jump @Label001861
3@ == 1
else_jump @Label001409
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 3@)
else_jump @Label001391
else_jump @Label001355
$10 = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
Car.SetImmunities($10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
053F: set_car $10 tires_vulnerability 1
Car.ImmuneToNonPlayer($10) = True
03F5: set_car $10 apply_damage_rules 0
jump @Label00138A
0184: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health >= 1
else_jump @Label00138A
Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
02A9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR immune_to_nonplayer 1
0A8C: write_memory 9867629 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
jump @Label001409
else_jump @Label0013D4
$10 = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
Car.SetImmunities($10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
053F: set_car $10 tires_vulnerability 0
Car.ImmuneToNonPlayer($10) = False
03F5: set_car $10 apply_damage_rules 1
jump @Label001409
0184: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health >= 1
else_jump @Label001409
Actor.SetImmunities($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
02A9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR immune_to_nonplayer 0
0A8C: write_memory 9867629 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
3@ == 2
else_jump @Label0015A6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 3@)
else_jump @Label0014D0
0AA2: 30@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
0A8E: 31@ = 30@ + 457971 // int
0A8C: write_memory 31@ size 6 value -1869574000 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 32@ = 30@ + 458004 // int
0A8C: write_memory 32@ size 6 value -1869574000 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 33@ = 30@ + 458280 // int
0A8C: write_memory 33@ size 2 value 37008 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 29@ = 30@ + 462648 // int
0A8C: write_memory 29@ size 2 value 37008 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 28@ = 30@ + 462372 // int
0A8C: write_memory 28@ size 6 value -1869574000 virtual_protect 1
0AA3: free_library 30@
jump @Label0015A6
0AA2: 30@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
0A8E: 31@ = 30@ + 457971 // int
0A8C: write_memory 31@ size 4 value 24216591 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 32@ = 31@ + 4 // int
0A8C: write_memory 32@ size 2 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 33@ = 30@ + 458004 // int
0A8C: write_memory 33@ size 4 value 22053903 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 29@ = 33@ + 4 // int
0A8C: write_memory 29@ size 2 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 28@ = 30@ + 458280 // int
0A8C: write_memory 28@ size 2 value 16500 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 27@ = 30@ + 462648 // int
0A8C: write_memory 27@ size 2 value 24948 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 26@ = 30@ + 462372 // int
0A8C: write_memory 26@ size 4 value 24218127 virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 25@ = 26@ + 4 // int
0A8C: write_memory 25@ size 2 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0AA3: free_library 30@
3@ == 3
else_jump @Label0015F4
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 3@)
else_jump @Label0015E3
Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 0
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 3@, 0)
jump @Label0015F4
Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 0
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 3@, 0)
3@ == 4
else_jump @Label00162E
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 3@)
else_jump @Label001627
Player.InfiniteRun($PLAYER_CHAR) = True
jump @Label00162E
Player.InfiniteRun($PLAYER_CHAR) = False
3@ == 5
else_jump @Label001640
3@ == 6
else_jump @Label001652
3@ == 7
else_jump @Label0016C5
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 3@)
else_jump @Label0016A2
33@ = 1
SAMP.SetSendrate(33@) = $8
33@ += 1
33@ > 3
else_jump @Label00167E
jump @Label0016C5
33@ = 1
SAMP.SetSendrate(33@) = False
33@ += 1
33@ > 3
else_jump @Label0016A9
3@ == 8
else_jump @Label001747
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 3)
else_jump @Label001708
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 3@, 1)
jump @Label001712
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 3@, 0)
else_jump @Label001729
Dialog.SetVisible(7@, 0)
else_jump @Label001740
Dialog.SetVisible(1@, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(13@, 1)
3@ == 9
else_jump @Label001759
3@ == 10
else_jump @Label00176B
3@ == 11
else_jump @Label00177D
3@ == 13
else_jump @Label001861
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label0017E3
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 3@, 1)
jump @Label00182C
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label001822
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 3@, 1)
jump @Label00182C
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 3@, 0)
else_jump @Label001843
Dialog.SetVisible(1@, 0)
else_jump @Label00185A
Dialog.SetVisible(13@, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(7@, 1)
2@ == 1281
else_jump @Label0019BA
3@ == 14
else_jump @Label0018B2
Dialog.SliderGetValue(1@, 3@, 33@)
33@ == 0
else_jump @Label0018AA
33@ = 1
0091: $4 = integer 33@ to_float
3@ == 15
else_jump @Label0018F0
Dialog.SliderGetValue(1@, 3@, 33@)
33@ == 0
else_jump @Label0018E8
33@ = 1
0091: $5 = integer 33@ to_float
3@ == 17
else_jump @Label00194A
Dialog.SliderGetValue(1@, 3@, $8)
$8 *= 10
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 7)
else_jump @Label00194A
33@ = 1
SAMP.SetSendrate(33@) = $8
33@ += 1
33@ > 3
else_jump @Label00192D
3@ == 18
else_jump @Label0019BA
Dialog.SliderGetValue(1@, 3@, 33@)
33@ == 0
else_jump @Label00198F
33@ = 1
0091: $7 = integer 33@ to_float
jump @Label0019BA
33@ == 1
else_jump @Label0019B2
$7 = 1.5
jump @Label0019BA
0091: $7 = integer 33@ to_float
Dialog.PopEvent(13@, 2@, 3@)
else_jump @Label001C02
2@ == 1025
else_jump @Label001BA8
3@ == 1
else_jump @Label001A7A
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 3)
else_jump @Label001A25
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 8, 1)
jump @Label001A2E
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 8, 0)
33@ = 1
87D6: not 33@ == 3@ // @ == $ (int)
else_jump @Label001A65
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 33@)
else_jump @Label001A65
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(13@, 33@, 0)
33@ += 1
33@ > 3
else_jump @Label001A35
3@ == 2
else_jump @Label001B11
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 3)
else_jump @Label001ABC
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 8, 1)
jump @Label001AC5
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 8, 0)
33@ = 1
87D6: not 33@ == 3@ // @ == $ (int)
else_jump @Label001AFC
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 33@)
else_jump @Label001AFC
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(13@, 33@, 0)
33@ += 1
33@ > 3
else_jump @Label001ACC
3@ == 3
else_jump @Label001BA8
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 3)
else_jump @Label001B53
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 8, 1)
jump @Label001B5C
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 8, 0)
33@ = 1
87D6: not 33@ == 3@ // @ == $ (int)
else_jump @Label001B93
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(13@, 33@)
else_jump @Label001B93
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(13@, 33@, 0)
33@ += 1
33@ > 3
else_jump @Label001B63
2@ == 257
else_jump @Label001C02
3@ == 4
else_jump @Label001C02
else_jump @Label001BE4
Dialog.SetVisible(7@, 0)
else_jump @Label001BFB
Dialog.SetVisible(13@, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(1@, 1)
Dialog.PopEvent(7@, 2@, 3@)
else_jump @Label002FC0
2@ == 1025
else_jump @Label002C17
3@ == 1
else_jump @Label001D5A
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label001C90
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label001CD7
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label001CCE
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label001CD7
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label001D20
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label001CF9
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label001D49
call @Label0032CD 2 22 $6
jump @Label001D5A
call @Label0032CD 2 22 1.0
3@ == 2
else_jump @Label001E89
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label001DBF
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label001E06
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label001DFD
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label001E06
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label001E4F
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label001E28
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label001E78
call @Label0032CD 2 23 $6
jump @Label001E89
call @Label0032CD 2 23 1.0
3@ == 3
else_jump @Label001FB8
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label001EEE
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label001F35
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label001F2C
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label001F35
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label001F7E
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label001F57
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label001FA7
call @Label0032CD 2 24 $6
jump @Label001FB8
call @Label0032CD 2 24 1.0
3@ == 4
else_jump @Label0020E7
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label00201D
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002064
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label00205B
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002064
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label0020AD
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label002086
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label0020D6
call @Label0032CD 2 25 $6
jump @Label0020E7
call @Label0032CD 2 25 1.0
3@ == 5
else_jump @Label002216
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label00214C
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002193
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label00218A
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002193
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label0021DC
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label0021B5
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label002205
call @Label0032CD 2 26 $6
jump @Label002216
call @Label0032CD 2 26 1.0
3@ == 6
else_jump @Label002345
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label00227B
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label0022C2
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label0022B9
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label0022C2
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label00230B
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label0022E4
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label002334
call @Label0032CD 2 27 $6
jump @Label002345
call @Label0032CD 2 27 1.0
3@ == 7
else_jump @Label0024FD
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label0023AA
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label0023F1
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label0023E8
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label0023F1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label002483
33@ = 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 33@, 0)
33@ += 1
33@ > 6
else_jump @Label00240B
33@ = 8
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 33@, 0)
33@ += 1
33@ > 13
else_jump @Label002431
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ $6
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label002457
jump @Label0024FD
33@ = 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 33@, 0)
33@ += 1
33@ > 6
else_jump @Label00248A
33@ = 8
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 33@, 0)
33@ += 1
33@ > 13
else_jump @Label0024B0
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label0024D6
3@ == 8
else_jump @Label00262C
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label002562
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label0025A9
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label0025A0
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label0025A9
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label0025F2
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label0025CB
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label00261B
call @Label0032CD 2 28 $6
jump @Label00262C
call @Label0032CD 2 28 1.0
3@ == 9
else_jump @Label00275B
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label002691
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label0026D8
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label0026CF
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label0026D8
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label002721
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label0026FA
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label00274A
call @Label0032CD 2 29 $6
jump @Label00275B
call @Label0032CD 2 29 1.0
3@ == 10
else_jump @Label00288A
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label0027C0
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002807
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label0027FE
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002807
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label002850
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label002829
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label002879
call @Label0032CD 2 30 $6
jump @Label00288A
call @Label0032CD 2 30 1.0
3@ == 11
else_jump @Label0029B9
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label0028EF
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002936
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label00292D
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002936
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label00297F
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label002958
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label0029A8
call @Label0032CD 2 31 $6
jump @Label0029B9
call @Label0032CD 2 31 1.0
3@ == 12
else_jump @Label002AE8
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label002A1E
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002A65
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label002A5C
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002A65
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label002AAE
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label002A87
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label002AD7
call @Label0032CD 2 32 $6
jump @Label002AE8
call @Label0032CD 2 32 1.0
3@ == 13
else_jump @Label002C17
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label002B4D
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002B94
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label002B8B
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002B94
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label002BDD
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(7@, 7, 0)
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ 1.0
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label002BB6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3@)
else_jump @Label002C06
call @Label0032CD 2 33 $6
jump @Label002C17
call @Label0032CD 2 33 1.0
2@ == 1281
else_jump @Label002ECC
3@ == 15
else_jump @Label002ECC
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label002C8F
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002CD6
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label002CCD
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002CD6
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
Dialog.SliderGetValue(7@, 3@, 33@)
33@ == 0
else_jump @Label002CFA
33@ = 1
0091: $6 = integer 33@ to_float
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
else_jump @Label002D23
call @Label0032CD 2 22 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
else_jump @Label002D44
call @Label0032CD 2 23 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
else_jump @Label002D65
call @Label0032CD 2 24 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
else_jump @Label002D86
call @Label0032CD 2 25 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
else_jump @Label002DA7
call @Label0032CD 2 26 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
else_jump @Label002DC8
call @Label0032CD 2 27 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
else_jump @Label002E06
33@ = 22
call @Label0032CD 2 33@ $6
33@ += 1
33@ > 33
else_jump @Label002DE1
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label002E27
call @Label0032CD 2 28 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
else_jump @Label002E48
call @Label0032CD 2 29 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
else_jump @Label002E69
call @Label0032CD 2 30 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
else_jump @Label002E8A
call @Label0032CD 2 31 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
else_jump @Label002EAB
call @Label0032CD 2 32 $6
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label002ECC
call @Label0032CD 2 33 $6
2@ == 257
else_jump @Label002FC0
3@ == 14
else_jump @Label002FC0
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 1)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 2)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 3)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 4)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 5)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 6)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 7)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 8)
else_jump @Label002F44
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002F8B
if or
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 9)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 10)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 11)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 12)
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(7@, 13)
else_jump @Label002F82
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 1)
jump @Label002F8B
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(1@, 13, 0)
else_jump @Label002FA2
Dialog.SetVisible(7@, 0)
else_jump @Label002FB9
Dialog.SetVisible(13@, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(1@, 1)
0ADC: test_cheat "GH"
else_jump @Label003034
0B12: 4@ = 4@ XOR 1
4@ == 1
else_jump @Label003014
Dialog.SetVisible(1@, 1)
Dialog.SetVisible(7@, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(13@, 0)
0@ = 1
jump @Label003034
Dialog.SetVisible(1@, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(7@, 0)
Dialog.SetVisible(13@, 0)
0@ = 0
jump @Label00056B
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 10)
else_jump @Label003284
0BE5: raknet 8@ = get_hook_param 1
8@ == 207
else_jump @Label003284
0A96: 8@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR struct
0C0C: 9@ = struct 8@ offset 1420 size 4
9@ == 0
else_jump @Label003278
8@ = 0
9@ = SAMP.GetActorHandleByPlayerID(8@)
else_jump @Label003136
02D8: actor 9@ current_weapon == 34
else_jump @Label003136
if or
Actor.Animation(9@) == "RIFLE_CROUCHFIRE"
Actor.Animation(9@) == "RIFLE_FIRE"
Actor.Animation(9@) == "RIFLE_FIRE_POOR"
else_jump @Label00310E
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
jump @Label003136
0104: actor 9@ near_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR radius 1.2 1.2 1.2 sphere 0
else_jump @Label003136
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
8@ += 1
8@ > 1000
else_jump @Label003095
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 8@, 9@, 10@)
0AE3: 11@ = random_object_near_point 8@ 9@ 10@ in_radius 1.0 find_next 1 //IF and SET
else_jump @Label0031AA
12@ = Object.Model(11@)
12@ == 2680
else_jump @Label00319C
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
jump @Label0031A3
jump @Label0031AA
jump @Label00315A
0BE5: raknet 8@ = get_hook_param 0
8@ = BitStream.GetDataPtr(8@)
0C0C: 9@ = struct 8@ offset 38 size 1
9@ == 0
else_jump @Label0031ED
0C0D: struct 8@ offset 38 size 1 = 3
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
jump @Label003271
0C0C: 9@ = struct 8@ offset 63 size 2
9@ = SAMP.GetVehicleHandleBySAMPVehicleID(9@)
else_jump @Label003231
8547: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR colliding_with_car 9@
else_jump @Label00322A
0C0D: struct 8@ offset 63 size 2 = 0
jump @Label003271
9@ = 1
10@ = SAMP.GetVehicleHandleBySAMPVehicleID(9@)
else_jump @Label00325B
0C0D: struct 8@ offset 63 size 2 = 9@
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
9@ += 1
9@ > 2000
else_jump @Label003238
jump @Label003284
0C0D: struct 8@ offset 1420 size 4 = 0
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(1@, 1)
else_jump @Label0032C9
0BE5: raknet 8@ = get_hook_param 1
if and
8@ == 14
0184: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health >= 1
else_jump @Label0032C5
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0
jump @Label0032C9
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
0@ += 36
0@ *= 112
0@ += 13150960
0A8C: write_memory 0@ size 4 value 1@ virtual_protect 0
ret 0