// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
0662: printstring "Car Teleport: Evolve-Rp"
0662: printstring "Автор скрипта: Ded_Fedot"
0662: printstring "Контакты: vk.com/idedfedot"
0662: printstring "Специально для: Perfect-Soft.net"
wait 400
else_jump @Label00007B
wait 0
0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\TPCAR.ini"
else_jump @Label0000B1
jump @Label0001CC
wait 0
alloc 0@ 1024
0AA7: call_function 0x81E532 num_params 8 pop 0 0 0 0 0 0@v 0 0 0 1@
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Car Teleport на {00D632}метку" -1
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Ключ активации: {00D632}%d" -1 0@
wait 500
0AF1: write_int 0@ to_ini_file "CLEO\TPCAR.ini" section "Activation" key "SerialKey"
wait 0
if or
0AAB: file_exists "SAMPFUNCS\CDD.sf"
0AAB: file_exists "SAMPFUNCS\CDD.ini"
else_jump @Label000227
0AA5: call 0x823BDB num_params 3 pop 3 0 0 0 // terminate the game
0AA7: call_function 0x81E532 num_params 8 pop 0 0 0 0 0 0@v 0 0 0 1@
0@ == 0x70F60AA6
else_jump @Label0003CB
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Ваша копия скрипта активирована. {00D632}Приятной игры" -1
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Car Teleport на {00D632}метку" -1
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Активация командой: {FFE662}/tped" -1
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Автор: {00D632}Ded_Fedot" -1
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Специально для: {00D632}Perfect-Soft.net" -1
free 0@
jump @Label0004E6
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Car Teleport на {00D632}метку" -1
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Ваша копия скрипта не {FF0000}активирована. {DBDBDB}Для активации обратитесь к автору скрипта" -1
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Evolve-Rp] {DBDBDB}Контакты: {00D632}vk.com/idedfedot" -1
free 0@
0A93: end_custom_thread
0B34: samp register_client_command "tped" to_label @Label0008FF
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @Label0009B5
0BE2: raknet setup_outcoming_packet_hook @Label000AE5
SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(27@, 0x146E0, 2)
SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(28@, 0xD150, 2)
wait 0
if and
6@ == 1
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 12@ 13@ 14@ // IF and SET
else_jump @Label000537
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0x146E0, 0xC390, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0xD150, 0xC390, 2)
29@ = 1
30@ = 1
wait 1000
wait 200
04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 12@ 13@
Camera.SetAtPos(12@, 13@, 14@)
02CE: 14@ = ground_z_at 12@ 13@ 500.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 12@, 13@, 14@)
jump @Label000627
wait 0
04C4: store_coords_to 9@ 10@ 11@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 2.0
8@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
0C72: set_virtual_key 71 down 1
wait 100
0C72: set_virtual_key 71 down 0
7@ = SAMP.GetSAMPVehicleIDByCarHandle(8@)
SAMP.SendEnterVehicle(7@, 0)
wait 500
0430: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR into_car 8@ passenger_seat 0
wait 200
0362: remove_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_car_and_place_at 9@ 10@ 11@
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0x146E0, 27@, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0xD150, 28@, 2)
29@ = 0
30@ = 0
wait 1000
jump @Label00075D
wait 0
0AF0: 26@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TPCAR.ini" section "Options" key "AutoInCar"
26@ == 1
else_jump @Label0008A4
jump @Label0007A3
wait 0
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0x146E0, 27@, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0xD150, 28@, 2)
0AB5: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR closest_vehicle_to 4@ closest_ped_to 5@
056E: car 4@ defined
else_jump @Label0007A3
0C72: set_virtual_key 71 down 1
wait 100
0C72: set_virtual_key 71 down 0
wait 2000
18@ = SAMP.GetSAMPVehicleIDByCarHandle(4@)
SAMP.SendEnterVehicle(18@, 0)
wait 500
036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car 4@
6@ = 0
29@ = 0
30@ = 0
wait 1000
jump @Label000537
wait 0
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0x146E0, 27@, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0xD150, 28@, 2)
6@ = 0
29@ = 0
30@ = 0
wait 1000
jump @Label000537
0AB6: store_target_marker_coords_to 12@ 13@ 14@ // IF and SET
else_jump @Label000966
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0x146E0, 0xC390, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(0xD150, 0xC390, 2)
6@ = 1
29@ = 1
30@ = 1
chatmsg "{00A4D5}[Ошибка] {DBDBDB}Нет метки карте" -1
30@ == 1
else_jump @Label000AE1
0BE5: raknet 20@ = get_hook_param 1
20@ == 93
else_jump @Label000AE1
0BE5: raknet 21@ = get_hook_param 0
22@ = BitStream.Read(21@, 3)
23@ = BitStream.Read(21@, 3)
alloc 24@ 145
BitStream.ReadArray(21@, 24@, 23@)
0C0D: struct 24@ offset 23@ size 1 = 0
0C18: 25@ = strstr string1 24@ string2 "Сменить скин можно в магазинах 'Victim'."
not 25@ == 0
else_jump @Label000ADC
0AA5: call 0x8220AD num_params 3 pop 3 26@v "Сменить скин можно в магазинах 'Victim'."
free 24@
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0
free 24@
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
29@ == 1
else_jump @Label000B15
0BE5: raknet 19@ = get_hook_param 1
19@ == 211
else_jump @Label000B15
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1