[ML] (info) Working directory: C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader
[ML] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[ML] (system) Hooks installed.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[ML] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[ML] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\helper.luac'...
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[ML] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) helper: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\MHManager.luac'...
[ML] (error) MHManager.luac: C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\MHManager.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[ML] (error) MHManager.luac: Script died due to an error. (08508A3C)
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\Monopoly.lua'...
[ML] (error) Mono Tools: C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\Monopoly.lua:187: Library "luairc" не найдена. Cкачать все нужны файлы и библиотеки, вы можете на форуме БХ -
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\Monopoly.lua:187: in main chunk
[ML] (error) Mono Tools: Script died due to an error. (08508A3C)
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac'...
[ML] (error) MVDhelp.luac: C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[ML] (error) MVDhelp.luac: Script died due to an error. (08508A3C)
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[ML] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\scriptManager.luac'...
[ML] (error) scriptManager.luac: C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\scriptManager.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[ML] (error) scriptManager.luac: Script died due to an error. (265DC11C)
[ML] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[ML] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[ML] (system) Hooks installed.
[ML] (error) imgui_notf.lua: cannot resume non-suspended coroutine
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'SetMouseCursor'
...ames\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua:103: in function <...ames\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua:99>
[ML] (error) imgui_notf.lua: Script died due to an error. (085085A4)
Direct3DDevice9 hook installed.
Hook "SAMP: RakPeer::HandleRPCPacket" installed.
Initializing SAMP data...
NetGame initialized.
Pools initialized.
Player pool initialized.
Vehicle pool initialized.
Chat initialized.
Input initialized.
Death list initialized.
Dialog initialized.
Misc data initialized.
Scoreboard initialized.
RakNet initialized.
SAMPFUNCS v5.5.0 rel.22 (SA-MP 0.3.7 R3-1) completely loaded!
[ML] (script) helper: 23:26 | [UNH] Успешный запуск!
[ML] (script) helper: 23:26 | [UNH] Настройки скрипта загружены.
[ML] (script) helper: 23:26 | [UNH] Авторизация сервера пройдена, Вы на Arizona RedRock
[ML] (script) helper: 23:27 | [UNH] Обновление не требуется, версия скрипта: 7.7.v
[ML] (script) helper: 23:27 | [UNH] Необходимость установки файлов - отсутствует
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