lua скрипты

кусок воды

Автор темы
Здравствуйте, я нашел одного бота, который копает руду сам, и так как я новенький, не шарю в lua файлах, помогите пажалуйста его установить, я его закинул в moonloader, пишу /rmenu, и пишет неизвестная команда. По желанию можете найти меня в дс. Кусок воды#8753


Здравствуйте, я нашел одного бота, который копает руду сам, и так как я новенький, не шарю в lua файлах, помогите пажалуйста его установить, я его закинул в moonloader, пишу /rmenu, и пишет неизвестная команда. По желанию можете найти меня в дс. Кусок воды#8753
Откуда качал бота?

кусок воды

Автор темы
Скинь moonloader.log который находиться в в папке moonloader
[17:40:55.268560] (system) Session started.
[17:40:55.268560] (debug) Module handle: 67FD0000

MoonLoader v.025-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[17:40:55.268560] (info) Working directory: E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader
[17:40:55.268560] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[17:40:55.268560] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[17:40:55.268560] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[17:40:55.269560] (system) Hooks installed.
[17:40:56.832795] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[17:40:56.832795] (debug) package.path = E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?.lua;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\?.lua;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?.luac;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\?.luac;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[17:40:56.832795] (debug) package.cpath = E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[17:40:56.832795] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\cottonbot.lua'...
[17:40:56.832795] (debug) New script: 09D6EDFC
[17:40:56.837807] (debug) Add thread 097BB9AD to SCM-thread queue
[17:40:56.847808] (system) Cotton Bot v1.64: Script terminated. (09D6EDFC)
[17:40:56.848807] (error) ...mes 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\cottonbot.lua:27: attempt to index local 'font_flag' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...mes 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\cottonbot.lua:27: in main chunk
[17:40:56.848807] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\fishbot.lua'...
[17:40:56.848807] (debug) New script: 09D6EDFC
[17:40:56.854810] (system) fishbot.lua: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.854810] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\MHManager.luac'...
[17:40:56.854810] (debug) New script: 154CB2B4
[17:40:56.861811] (system) MVDHelper Manager: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.861811] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac'...
[17:40:56.861811] (debug) New script: 154CC064
[17:40:56.875814] (script) MVDHelper: MVDHelper successfully launched 08 03 2021, 17:40:56. Version 4.0.3
[17:40:56.875814] (script) MVDHelper: login E80A960E
[17:40:56.876814] (system) MVDHelper: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.876814] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.2.luac'...
[17:40:56.876814] (debug) New script: 154D9BE4
[17:40:56.876814] (system) Ryda Bot v1.2.luac: Script terminated. (154D9BE4)
[17:40:56.876814] (error) E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.2.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[17:40:56.876814] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\scriptManager.luac'...
[17:40:56.876814] (debug) New script: 154D9BE4
[17:40:56.880815] (system) ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.880815] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[17:40:56.880815] (debug) New script: 154E2A24
[17:40:56.882816] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.882816] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\_libs_test.lua'...
[17:40:56.882816] (debug) New script: 154E4BD4
[17:40:56.884816] (script) _libs_test.lua: inspect
[17:40:56.885816] (script) _libs_test.lua: {
KEY = inspect.KEY,
_DESCRIPTION = "human-readable representations of tables",
_LICENSE = ' MIT LICENSE\n\n Copyright (c) 2013 Enrique GarcГa Cota\n\n Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\n permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\n the following conditions:\n\n The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\n THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\n IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\n TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\n SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n ',
_URL = "",
_VERSION = "inspect.lua 3.1.0",
inspect = <function 1>,
<metatable> = {
__call = <function 2>
[17:40:56.885816] (script) _libs_test.lua: lua-cjson
[17:40:56.886807] (script) _libs_test.lua: { true, {
foo = "bar"
} }
[17:40:56.886807] (script) _libs_test.lua: '[true,{"foo":"bar"}]'
[17:40:56.886807] (script) _libs_test.lua: htmlparser
[17:40:56.887817] (system) _libs_test.lua: Script terminated. (154E4BD4)
[17:40:56.887817] (error) ...\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser.lua:9: module 'htmlparser.ElementNode' not found:
no field package.preload['htmlparser.ElementNode']
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode\init.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\htmlparser\ElementNode.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\htmlparser\ElementNode\init.lua'
no file '.\htmlparser\ElementNode.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode.luac'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode\init.luac'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\htmlparser\ElementNode.luac'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\htmlparser\ElementNode\init.luac'
no file '.\htmlparser\ElementNode.luac'
no file './lib/htmlparser\ElementNode.lua'
no file './lib/htmlparser\ElementNode/init.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode.dll'
no file './lib/htmlparser\ElementNode.dll'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser.dll'
no file './lib/htmlparser.dll'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
...\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser.lua:9: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require' 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\_libs_test.lua:20: in main chunk
[17:41:06.984987] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[17:41:06.984987] (system) Hooks installed.
[17:41:06.990987] (script) MVDHelper: Проверка целосности файлов
[17:41:07.009982] (script) MVDHelper: Проверка целосности файлов - Порядок.
[17:41:07.027119] (debug) Add thread 21496785 to SCM-thread queue
[17:41:07.028123] (debug) Add thread 2149665D to SCM-thread queue
[17:41:09.916673] (debug) Add thread 2C451BDD to SCM-thread queue
[17:41:13.788950] (debug) Add thread 377A4E65 to SCM-thread queue
[17:41:13.821958] (script) MVDHelper: require lanes done
[17:41:13.827959] (script) MVDHelper: Проверка обновлений
[17:41:14.305076] (script) MVDHelper: Checking statistics. Name: Minato_Kato , org: Полиция ЛС
[17:41:14.340085] (script) MVDHelper: Подключение к базе выполнено. Ваш индификатор в MVDHelper: 40765
[17:41:17.370756] (script) MVDHelper: dopSu - download (Arizona Role Play | Chandler)
[17:41:17.872869] (script) MVDHelper: dopSu - OK
[17:41:18.379993] (script) MVDHelper: dopTicket - download (Arizona Role Play | Chandler)
[17:41:18.884106] (script) MVDHelper: dopTicket - OK
[17:41:19.887322] (script) MVDHelper: Messages none
Status: 0
[17:41:26.644623] (system) Unloading...
[17:41:26.644623] (system) fishbot.lua: Script terminated. (09D6EDFC)
[17:41:26.644623] (debug) Remove thread 377A4E65 from SCM-thread queue
[17:41:26.645623] (system) MVDHelper Manager: Script terminated. (154CB2B4)
[17:41:26.646624] (system) MVDHelper: Script terminated. (154CC064)
[17:41:26.646624] (debug) Remove thread 21496785 from SCM-thread queue
[17:41:26.665638] (system) ScriptManager: Script terminated. (154D9BE4)
[17:41:26.665638] (debug) Remove thread 2C451BDD from SCM-thread queue
[17:41:26.665638] (system) SF Integration: Script terminated. (154E2A24)
[17:41:26.665638] (debug) Remove thread 2149665D from SCM-thread queue
[17:41:26.915758] (system) Session terminated.
[17:41:26.915758] (debug) Remove thread 097BB9AD from SCM-thread queue


[17:40:55.268560] (system) Session started.
[17:40:55.268560] (debug) Module handle: 67FD0000

MoonLoader v.025-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[17:40:55.268560] (info) Working directory: E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader
[17:40:55.268560] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[17:40:55.268560] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[17:40:55.268560] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[17:40:55.269560] (system) Hooks installed.
[17:40:56.832795] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[17:40:56.832795] (debug) package.path = E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?.lua;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\?.lua;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?.luac;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\?.luac;E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[17:40:56.832795] (debug) package.cpath = E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[17:40:56.832795] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\cottonbot.lua'...
[17:40:56.832795] (debug) New script: 09D6EDFC
[17:40:56.837807] (debug) Add thread 097BB9AD to SCM-thread queue
[17:40:56.847808] (system) Cotton Bot v1.64: Script terminated. (09D6EDFC)
[17:40:56.848807] (error) ...mes 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\cottonbot.lua:27: attempt to index local 'font_flag' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...mes 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\cottonbot.lua:27: in main chunk
[17:40:56.848807] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\fishbot.lua'...
[17:40:56.848807] (debug) New script: 09D6EDFC
[17:40:56.854810] (system) fishbot.lua: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.854810] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\MHManager.luac'...
[17:40:56.854810] (debug) New script: 154CB2B4
[17:40:56.861811] (system) MVDHelper Manager: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.861811] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac'...
[17:40:56.861811] (debug) New script: 154CC064
[17:40:56.875814] (script) MVDHelper: MVDHelper successfully launched 08 03 2021, 17:40:56. Version 4.0.3
[17:40:56.875814] (script) MVDHelper: login E80A960E
[17:40:56.876814] (system) MVDHelper: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.876814] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.2.luac'...
[17:40:56.876814] (debug) New script: 154D9BE4
[17:40:56.876814] (system) Ryda Bot v1.2.luac: Script terminated. (154D9BE4)
[17:40:56.876814] (error) E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.2.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[17:40:56.876814] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\scriptManager.luac'...
[17:40:56.876814] (debug) New script: 154D9BE4
[17:40:56.880815] (system) ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.880815] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[17:40:56.880815] (debug) New script: 154E2A24
[17:40:56.882816] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[17:40:56.882816] (system) Loading script 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\_libs_test.lua'...
[17:40:56.882816] (debug) New script: 154E4BD4
[17:40:56.884816] (script) _libs_test.lua: inspect
[17:40:56.885816] (script) _libs_test.lua: {
KEY = inspect.KEY,
_DESCRIPTION = "human-readable representations of tables",
_LICENSE = ' MIT LICENSE\n\n Copyright (c) 2013 Enrique GarcГa Cota\n\n Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\n permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\n the following conditions:\n\n The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\n THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\n IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\n TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\n SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n ',
_URL = "",
_VERSION = "inspect.lua 3.1.0",
inspect = <function 1>,
<metatable> = {
__call = <function 2>
[17:40:56.885816] (script) _libs_test.lua: lua-cjson
[17:40:56.886807] (script) _libs_test.lua: { true, {
foo = "bar"
} }
[17:40:56.886807] (script) _libs_test.lua: '[true,{"foo":"bar"}]'
[17:40:56.886807] (script) _libs_test.lua: htmlparser
[17:40:56.887817] (system) _libs_test.lua: Script terminated. (154E4BD4)
[17:40:56.887817] (error) ...\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser.lua:9: module 'htmlparser.ElementNode' not found:
no field package.preload['htmlparser.ElementNode']
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode\init.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\htmlparser\ElementNode.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\htmlparser\ElementNode\init.lua'
no file '.\htmlparser\ElementNode.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode.luac'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode\init.luac'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\htmlparser\ElementNode.luac'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\htmlparser\ElementNode\init.luac'
no file '.\htmlparser\ElementNode.luac'
no file './lib/htmlparser\ElementNode.lua'
no file './lib/htmlparser\ElementNode/init.lua'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser\ElementNode.dll'
no file './lib/htmlparser\ElementNode.dll'
no file 'E:\Games 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser.dll'
no file './lib/htmlparser.dll'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
...\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\lib\htmlparser.lua:9: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require' 1\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\moonloader\_libs_test.lua:20: in main chunk
[17:41:06.984987] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[17:41:06.984987] (system) Hooks installed.
[17:41:06.990987] (script) MVDHelper: Проверка целосности файлов
[17:41:07.009982] (script) MVDHelper: Проверка целосности файлов - Порядок.
[17:41:07.027119] (debug) Add thread 21496785 to SCM-thread queue
[17:41:07.028123] (debug) Add thread 2149665D to SCM-thread queue
[17:41:09.916673] (debug) Add thread 2C451BDD to SCM-thread queue
[17:41:13.788950] (debug) Add thread 377A4E65 to SCM-thread queue
[17:41:13.821958] (script) MVDHelper: require lanes done
[17:41:13.827959] (script) MVDHelper: Проверка обновлений
[17:41:14.305076] (script) MVDHelper: Checking statistics. Name: Minato_Kato , org: Полиция ЛС
[17:41:14.340085] (script) MVDHelper: Подключение к базе выполнено. Ваш индификатор в MVDHelper: 40765
[17:41:17.370756] (script) MVDHelper: dopSu - download (Arizona Role Play | Chandler)
[17:41:17.872869] (script) MVDHelper: dopSu - OK
[17:41:18.379993] (script) MVDHelper: dopTicket - download (Arizona Role Play | Chandler)
[17:41:18.884106] (script) MVDHelper: dopTicket - OK
[17:41:19.887322] (script) MVDHelper: Messages none
Status: 0
[17:41:26.644623] (system) Unloading...
[17:41:26.644623] (system) fishbot.lua: Script terminated. (09D6EDFC)
[17:41:26.644623] (debug) Remove thread 377A4E65 from SCM-thread queue
[17:41:26.645623] (system) MVDHelper Manager: Script terminated. (154CB2B4)
[17:41:26.646624] (system) MVDHelper: Script terminated. (154CC064)
[17:41:26.646624] (debug) Remove thread 21496785 from SCM-thread queue
[17:41:26.665638] (system) ScriptManager: Script terminated. (154D9BE4)
[17:41:26.665638] (debug) Remove thread 2C451BDD from SCM-thread queue
[17:41:26.665638] (system) SF Integration: Script terminated. (154E2A24)
[17:41:26.665638] (debug) Remove thread 2149665D from SCM-thread queue
[17:41:26.915758] (system) Session terminated.
[17:41:26.915758] (debug) Remove thread 097BB9AD from SCM-thread queue
Скрипт скомпилирован под 026 мунлоадер, а у тебя 025