Minecraft 1.8 Hacked Client "Wurst

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Автор темы
FastPlace: F
Flight: G
Freecam: U
Fullbright: C
/home: H
Killaura: R
Nuker: L
Sneak: Z
X-Ray: X
.addalt: Adds a player or all players on a server to your alt list.
.annoy: Annoys a player by repeating everything he says.
.bind: Changes a keybind or lists all keybinds.
.clear: Clears the chat completely.
.fastbreak: Changes the settings of FastBreak or toggles it.
.gm: Types “/gamemode “.
.help: Shows the command list or helps you with a command.
.ip: Tells you the IP of the server you are playing on.
.nuker: Changes the settings of Nuker or toggles it.
.rv: Toggles RemoteView or makes it target a specific entity.
.say: Sends a chat message, even if the message starts with a dot.
.search: Changes the settings of Search or toggles it.
.stats: Lists some facts about the Wurst client.
.taco: Made for WiZARDHAX.
.t: Toggles a command.
AntiKnockback: Protects you from getting pushed.
AntiSpam: Protects you from chat spam.
ArenaBrawl: Automatically plays ArenaBrawl on mc.hypixel.net. (work in progress)
AutoAdSign: Writes an ad for GriefWurst on every sign you place.
AutoBuild: Builds stuff whenever you place a block. Modes: Bridge, Floor, Swastika, Penis, Pillar, Wall, Wurst
AutoMine: Automatically mines a block if you look at it.
AutoRespawn: Automatically respawns you whenever you die.
AutoSign: Instantly writes whatever text you want on every sign you place.
AutoSwitch: Switches the item in your hand all the time.
AutoWalk: Automatically walks all the time.
BuildRandom: Builds random shit.
ChestESP: Allows you to see chests through walls. Works with piston crates.
Criticals: Changes all your hits to critical hits.
Derp: Makes other players unable to see where you’re looking at.
Dolphin: Automatically swims like a dolphin.
FastBreak: Allows you to break blocks faster.
FastEat: OM! NOM! NOM!
FastLadder: Allows you to climb up ladders faster.
FastPlace: Allows you to place blocks 5 times faster.
FightBot: Automatically fights for you. Walks around and kills everything.
Flight: Makes you fly.
Follow: Follows the closest entity. Very annoying.
ForceOP (a.k.a. AuthMeCracker): Cracks other people’s AuthMe passwords. You can get OP by cracking an admin’s password.
Freecam: Allows you to fly out of your body.
Fullbright: Allows you to see in the dark.
Glide: Makes you fall like if you had a hang glider.
Headless: Makes you look like you were headless.
HealthTags: Adds the health of players to their nametags.
HighJump: Makes you jump six times higher.
/home: Types “/home” instantly.
InstantBunker: Instantly builds a bunker (5x5x3 with 57 blocks) around you.
Invisibility (a.k.a. Godmode): Makes you invisible to other players if you die and respawn near them. Only works on vanilla servers.
ItemESP: Allows you to see items through walls.
Jesus: Allows you to walk on water. Jesus used this hack ~2000 years ago.
Jetpack: Allows you to jump in mid-air. Looks like if you had a jetpack.
Killaura: Automatically attacks everything in your range.
Liquids: Allows you to interact with liquid blocks.
MassTPA: Sends a TPA request to all players. Stops if someone accepts.
Miley Cyrus: Makes you twerk all the time.
MobESP: Allows you to see mobs through walls.
NameTags: Changes the scale of the nametags so you can always read them.
YesCheat+: Makes other mods bypass NoCheat+ or disables them.
NoFall: Protects you from fall damage.
NoHurtcam: Disables the annoying effect when you get hurt.
Nuker: Destroys blocks around you. Modes: Normal, ID, Flat (Flat mode only destroys blocks above your feet.)
Only Mobs/Players: Makes other mods only target mobs or players.
Overlay: Renders the Nuker animation when you mine a block.
Panic: Turns off all enabled mods.
Phase: Exploits a bug in NoCheat+ that allows you to glitch through blocks.
PlayerESP: Allows you to see players through walls.
Protect: Follows the closest entity and protects it.
Regen: Regenerates your health 100 times faster.
RemoteView: Allows you to see the world as someone else.
Search: Helps you to find specific blocks. Use .search to specify it.
Sneak: Automatically sneaks all the time.
Spider: Allows you to climb up walls like a spider.
Sprint: Makes you sprint whenever you walk.
Step: Allows you to step up full blocks.
Timer: Changes the speed of almost everything.
Tracers: Draws lines to players around you.
TrueSight: Allows you to see invisible entities.
X-Ray: Allows you to see ores and caves through walls.
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Реакции: byShiz0


Как бы руками...
Олег дело говорит!

как установить то
1. Скачать и распаковать архив.
2. Закрыть minecraft(если открыт).
3. Нажми "Win+R", напиши %appdata% и нажми Enter. И открой папку .minecraft\versions
4. Разархивированный Wurst переместить в папку: \versions
5. Открыть лаунчер.
6. Кликнуть на “New Profile”.
7. Settings:
  • Profile Name: Wurst
  • Use version: release Wurst
8. Save Profile.
9. Выбрать только что созданный профиль "Wurst" и нажать "Play".
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