Крашится САМП (Эксперты, сУда)

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


Автор темы
Короче говоря, есть у меня сборка с клео, луа, сф и аси. Около 50-60 клео и 10-15 луа, 5 сф, 5 аси (Скрипты не со сборки, а добавлял их сам).
И вот в чём проблема. После захода на сервер, в любое время игра может крашнутся. Может через 5 минут, может через полчаса, может через час.
И проверять каждый клео отдельно вообще не вариант, так как нет определённого действия, после которого кришится игра. А ждать по часу на 1 скрипт, бред (Около 70 скриптов+-). И вот вопрос, как понять из-за чего именно крашится игра? Из-за одного скрипта все удалять тоже не хочется. Пробовал поиграть на чистой, вроде не крашит. (При следующем краше, приложу скрин)
[08:58:50.943252] (system) Session started.
[08:58:50.943252] (debug) Module handle: 61E90000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[08:58:50.943252] (info) Working directory: D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader
[08:58:50.943252] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[08:58:50.943252] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[08:58:50.943252] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[08:58:50.945250] (system) Hooks installed.
[08:58:59.197497] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[08:58:59.197497] (debug) package.path = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[08:58:59.197497] (debug) package.cpath = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[08:58:59.199496] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\aniframe_fix.luac'...
[08:58:59.199496] (debug) New script: 10883D8C
[08:58:59.200495] (system) aniframe_fix.luac: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.200495] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\AutoAD.luac'...
[08:58:59.200495] (debug) New script: 108843AC
[08:58:59.206491] (system) AutoAD: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.206491] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[08:58:59.206491] (debug) New script: 10884534
[08:58:59.207490] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.207490] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[08:58:59.207490] (debug) New script: 108849CC
[08:58:59.209489] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.209489] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\ClearChat.luac'...
[08:58:59.209489] (debug) New script: 108838F4
[08:58:59.211488] (system) Clear Chat: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.211488] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\correct.lua'...
[08:58:59.211488] (debug) New script: 10884B54
[08:58:59.232473] (system) CorrectionWords: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.232473] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\dre.luac'...
[08:58:59.232473] (debug) New script: 10884CDC
[08:58:59.236470] (system) No Drugs Effect: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.236470] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\FamilyInfo.lua'...
[08:58:59.236470] (debug) New script: 10884E64
[08:58:59.245464] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[08:58:59.246462] (debug) New script: 1088314C
[08:58:59.250460] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.250460] (system) Дела семейные: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.250460] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\nej.lua'...
[08:58:59.250460] (debug) New script: 1399FEBC
[08:58:59.254457] (system) nej.lua: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.254457] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\Nоte.lua'...
[08:58:59.254457] (debug) New script: 139A0354
[08:58:59.265449] (system) Nоte.lua: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.265449] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\player_info.lua'...
[08:58:59.265449] (debug) New script: 139A0044
[08:58:59.267448] (system) player_info.lua: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.267448] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\Police Assistant.luac'...
[08:58:59.267448] (debug) New script: 139A111C
[08:58:59.283437] (system) Police Assistant: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.283437] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[08:58:59.283437] (debug) New script: 139A0E0C
[08:58:59.284436] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.284436] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\scoreboard.lua'...
[08:58:59.284436] (debug) New script: 1399F714
[08:58:59.294429] (system) ImGui Scoreboard: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.294429] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\screenmanager.lua'...
[08:58:59.294429] (debug) New script: 139A04DC
[08:58:59.304422] (system) ScreenManager: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.304422] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\ScriptManager.lua'...
[08:58:59.304422] (debug) New script: 139A01CC
[08:58:59.307420] (system) ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.307420] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\SensetivFix.luac'...
[08:58:59.307420] (debug) New script: 1399F89C
[08:58:59.313415] (system) Sensetiv Fix: Loaded successfully.
[08:58:59.313415] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[08:58:59.313415] (debug) New script: 139A0664
[08:58:59.315414] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01.584194] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[08:59:01.584194] (system) Hooks installed.
[08:59:02.587842] (script) aniframe_fix.luac: [DAF] txt loaded succesfull
[09:31:41.963028] (system) Unloading...
[09:31:41.963028] (system) aniframe_fix.luac: Script terminated. (10883D8C)
[09:31:41.964027] (system) AutoAD: Script terminated. (108843AC)
[09:31:41.964027] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Script terminated. (10884534)
[09:31:41.965027] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Script terminated. (108849CC)
[09:31:41.966027] (system) Clear Chat: Script terminated. (108838F4)
[09:31:41.966027] (system) CorrectionWords: Script terminated. (10884B54)
17/04/2020 08:58:50.897 Log started.
17/04/2020 08:58:50.897 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
17/04/2020 08:58:50.897 Unprotecting memory region '.rdata': 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
17/04/2020 08:58:50.897 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x008B1000 (size: 0x0064A000)
17/04/2020 08:58:50.897 Unloading plugins...
17/04/2020 08:58:50.897 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
17/04/2020 08:58:50.897 Loading plugin cleo/GxtHook.cleo
17/04/2020 08:58:50.899 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
17/04/2020 08:58:50.899 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
17/04/2020 08:58:50.899 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
17/04/2020 08:58:50.899 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier...
17/04/2020 08:58:50.899 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
17/04/2020 08:58:50.899 Injecting DmaFix...
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Injecting TextManager...
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Injecting SoundSystem...
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem...
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Injecting ScriptEngine...
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
17/04/2020 08:58:50.900 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
17/04/2020 08:58:51.306 Creating main window...
17/04/2020 08:58:51.310 Found sound device 0: No sound
17/04/2020 08:58:51.310 Found sound device 1 (default): Динамики (2- High Definition Audio Device)
17/04/2020 08:58:51.310 Found sound device 2: 2381 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
17/04/2020 08:58:51.310 Found sound device 3: Динамики (USB PnP Sound Device)
17/04/2020 08:58:51.310 On system found 4 devices, 4 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Динамики (2- High Definition Audio Device))
17/04/2020 08:58:51.325 SoundSystem initialized
17/04/2020 08:58:51.327 Floating-point audio supported!
17/04/2020 08:58:51.328 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
17/04/2020 08:58:59.992 Scripts exclusively initialized
17/04/2020 08:58:59.995 Deleting dynamic fxts...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.995 Cleaning up script data... 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Searching for cleo scripts
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Loading custom script !FixSpawnBug.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Registering custom script named !FixSpa
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Loading custom script Alternative Horn (Hydros).cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Registering custom script named Alterna
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Loading custom script Anti-DriverKillByDarkP1xel.CS...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Registering custom script named Anti-Dr
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Loading custom script anticrasher037.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Registering custom script named anticra
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Loading custom script Antistealer.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Registering custom script named Antiste
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Loading custom script arab_drift.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Registering custom script named arab_dr
17/04/2020 08:58:59.996 Loading custom script bib.CS...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Registering custom script named bib.CS
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Loading custom script binthesky_by_DK.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Registering custom script named binthes
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Loading custom script BombFix_by_Dapo Show.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Registering custom script named BombFix
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Loading custom script camera.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Registering custom script named camera.
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Loading custom script Car Speed FPS Fix.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Registering custom script named Car Spe
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Loading custom script CCleaner v3.2.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Registering custom script named CCleane
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Loading custom script ccontrol.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.997 Registering custom script named ccontro
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Loading custom script chatkeyfix.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Registering custom script named chatkey
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Loading custom script CrosshairFix.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Registering custom script named Crossha
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Loading custom script dhouses_checker.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Registering custom script named dhouses
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Loading custom script Fast_connect.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Registering custom script named Fast_co
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Loading custom script Fix Water Square.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Registering custom script named Fix Wat
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Loading custom script fixmoneyzero.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Registering custom script named fixmone
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Loading custom script hnnssy date and time.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Registering custom script named hnnssy
17/04/2020 08:58:59.998 Loading custom script hnnssy.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Registering custom script named hnnssy.
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Loading custom script HP Hud v3.0.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Registering custom script named HP Hud
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Loading custom script HUDFix.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Registering custom script named HUDFix.
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Loading custom script InputHelper.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Registering custom script named InputHe
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Loading custom script InputHelperByiTz_XG4M3R.CS...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Registering custom script named InputHe
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Loading custom script memory.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Registering custom script named memory.
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Loading custom script memory_full.cs...
17/04/2020 08:58:59.999 Registering custom script named memory_
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Loading custom script NoDialogItemRestore.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Registering custom script named NoDialo
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Loading custom script NoRadio.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Registering custom script named NoRadio
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Loading custom script objectFinder.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Registering custom script named objectF
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Loading custom script par.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Registering custom script named par.cs
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Loading custom script PassengerGun.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Registering custom script named Passeng
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Loading custom script PauseResumeCLEOByiTz_XG4M3R.CS...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Registering custom script named PauseRe
17/04/2020 08:59:00.000 Loading custom script PurpzMarkerz.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Registering custom script named PurpzMa
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Loading custom script RadarZoom.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Registering custom script named RadarZo
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Loading custom script radar_color_fix.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Registering custom script named radar_c
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Loading custom script Remove 3D Gunflash.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Registering custom script named Remove
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Loading custom script samp++.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Registering custom script named samp++.
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Loading custom script sensafix.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Registering custom script named sensafi
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Loading custom script show_hp.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Registering custom script named show_hp
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Loading custom script Silent Anti Stiller.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Registering custom script named Silent
17/04/2020 08:59:00.001 Loading custom script SkinChanger v2.1.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.002 Registering custom script named SkinCha
17/04/2020 08:59:00.002 Loading custom script SkyControl.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.002 Registering custom script named SkyCont
17/04/2020 08:59:00.002 Loading custom script UltraFastConnect.cs...
17/04/2020 08:59:00.002 Registering custom script named UltraFa
17/04/2020 08:59:00.054 Unregistering custom script named Remove
17/04/2020 08:59:00.085 Unregistering custom script named memory_
17/04/2020 08:59:01.460 Unregistering custom script named HUDFix.
17/04/2020 08:59:01.487 Unregistering custom script named Fix Wat
17/04/2020 08:59:01.545 Unregistering custom script named binthes
17/04/2020 08:59:01.545 Unregistering custom script named anticra
17/04/2020 08:59:01.597 Unregistering custom script named fixthedaђQ
17/04/2020 08:59:02.366 Unregistering custom script named PurpzMa
17/04/2020 08:59:03.318 [0A92] Starting new custom script dhouses_info.s from thread named dhousechРв Дз
17/04/2020 08:59:03.318 Loading custom script dhouses_info.s...
17/04/2020 08:59:03.318 Registering custom script named dhouses
17/04/2020 08:59:03.337 Unregistering custom script named BombFix
17/04/2020 08:59:03.531 [004E] Incorrect usage of opcode in script 'UltraFa'.
17/04/2020 08:59:03.531 Unregistering custom script named UltraFa
17/04/2020 08:59:03.531 Unregistering custom script named NoDialo
17/04/2020 08:59:06.521 Unregistering custom script named memory s R
SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1)
Compiled: Dec 24 2018 03:13:37

Copyright (c) 2013-2018, BlastHack Team <blast.hk>

[08:58:50] Base address: 0x62460000.
[08:58:50] Initializing opcodes...
[08:58:50] Opcodes initialized successfully. Total opcodes: 382.
[08:58:50] Hook "CTimer::GetRealTimeScale" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CPad::Update" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CCamera::RenderMotionBlur" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CScriptThread::AddScriptToQueue" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CScriptThread::RemoveScriptFromQueue" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CScriptThread::Process" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "WinMainLoop" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CLoadingScreen::RenderSplash" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CVehicle::CVehicle" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CVehicle::~CVehicle" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CPed::CPed" installed.
[08:58:50] Hook "CPed::~CPed" installed.
[08:58:50] Initializing plugins...
[08:58:50] SF Plugin "AntiSilentAIMIByDarkP1xel.SF" loaded.
[08:58:50] SF Plugin "chatlog in console.sf" loaded.
[08:58:50] SF Plugin "FastExitByiTz_XG4M3R.SF" loaded.
[08:58:50] SF Plugin "fps2.sf" loaded.
[08:58:50] SF Plugin "Reconnect+.sf" loaded.
[08:58:50] SF Plugin "sfp.sf" loaded.
[08:58:59] samp.dll base addres: 0x03C90000
[08:58:59] Hook "SAMP: CNetGame::CNetGame" installed.
[08:58:59] Hook "SAMP: CDialog::Close" installed.
[08:58:59] Hook "SAMP: QuitGame" installed.
[08:58:59] Hook "SAMP: CCmdWindow::ProcessInput" installed.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Session started.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}
MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}https://www.blast.hk/moonloader/

[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {A9EFF5}(info) {C0C0C0}Working directory: D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Installing pre-game hooks...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Hooks installed.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\aniframe_fix.luac'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}aniframe_fix.luac: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\AutoAD.luac'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}AutoAD: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ML-AutoReboot: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Check MoonLoader Updates: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\ClearChat.luac'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Clear Chat: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\correct.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}CorrectionWords: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\dre.luac'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}No Drugs Effect: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\FamilyInfo.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}imgui_notf.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Дела семейные: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\nej.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}nej.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\Nоte.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Nоte.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\player_info.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}player_info.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\Police Assistant.luac'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Police Assistant: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ML-ReloadAll: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\scoreboard.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ImGui Scoreboard: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\screenmanager.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ScreenManager: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\ScriptManager.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ScriptManager: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\SensetivFix.luac'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Sensetiv Fix: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}SF Integration: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Installing post-load hooks...
[08:59:01] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Hooks installed.
[08:59:02] Direct3DDevice9 hook installed.
[08:59:02] {FFFFFF}Chat++ by {90EE90}BlackKnigga {FFFFFF}loaded!
[08:59:02] Hook "SAMP: RakPeer::HandleRPCPacket" installed.
[08:59:02] Initializing SAMP data...
[08:59:02] Info initialized.
[08:59:02] Pools initialized.
[08:59:02] Player pool initialized.
[08:59:02] Vehicle pool initialized.
[08:59:02] Chat initialized.
[08:59:02] Input initialized.
[08:59:02] Death list initialized.
[08:59:02] Dialog initialized.
[08:59:02] Misc data initialized.
[08:59:02] Scoreboard initialized.
[08:59:02] RakNet initialized.
[08:59:02] SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1) completely loaded!
[08:59:02] {C0C0C0}[ML] {7DD156}(script) {E0E0E0}aniframe_fix.luac: {C0C0C0}[DAF] txt loaded succesfull
[08:59:03] {007fff}DRP {ffffff}House Checker Loaded!
[08:59:03] {ffffff}Author: {007fff}Romelo {ffffff}Commands: {007fff}/dhc /hm /drph
Последнее редактирование:


Автор темы
СКорее всего да, потому что там вызывается не правильный опкод, только эту ошибку увидел
При /recon снова крашит. Вот логи:
17/04/2020 12:43:53.285 Log started.
17/04/2020 12:43:53.285 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
17/04/2020 12:43:53.285 Unprotecting memory region '.rdata': 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
17/04/2020 12:43:53.286 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x008B1000 (size: 0x0064A000)
17/04/2020 12:43:53.286 Unloading plugins...
17/04/2020 12:43:53.286 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
17/04/2020 12:43:53.286 Loading plugin cleo/GxtHook.cleo
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier...
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Injecting DmaFix...
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Injecting TextManager...
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Injecting SoundSystem...
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem...
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Injecting ScriptEngine...
17/04/2020 12:43:53.288 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
17/04/2020 12:43:53.289 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
17/04/2020 12:43:53.289 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
17/04/2020 12:43:53.289 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
17/04/2020 12:43:53.289 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
17/04/2020 12:43:53.289 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
17/04/2020 12:43:53.289 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
17/04/2020 12:43:53.289 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
17/04/2020 12:43:53.289 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
17/04/2020 12:43:53.702 Creating main window...
17/04/2020 12:43:53.706 Found sound device 0: No sound
17/04/2020 12:43:53.706 Found sound device 1 (default): Динамики (2- High Definition Audio Device)
17/04/2020 12:43:53.706 Found sound device 2: 2381 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
17/04/2020 12:43:53.706 Found sound device 3: Динамики (USB PnP Sound Device)
17/04/2020 12:43:53.706 On system found 4 devices, 4 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Динамики (2- High Definition Audio Device))
17/04/2020 12:43:53.723 SoundSystem initialized
17/04/2020 12:43:53.726 Floating-point audio supported!
17/04/2020 12:43:53.727 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
17/04/2020 12:44:07.619 Scripts exclusively initialized
17/04/2020 12:44:07.622 Deleting dynamic fxts...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Cleaning up script data... 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Searching for cleo scripts
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Loading custom script !FixSpawnBug.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Registering custom script named !FixSpa
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Loading custom script Alternative Horn (Hydros).cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Registering custom script named Alterna
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Loading custom script Anti-DriverKillByDarkP1xel.CS...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Registering custom script named Anti-Dr
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Loading custom script anticrasher037.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Registering custom script named anticra
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Loading custom script Antistealer.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.623 Registering custom script named Antiste
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Loading custom script arab_drift.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Registering custom script named arab_dr
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Loading custom script bib.CS...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Registering custom script named bib.CS
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Loading custom script binthesky_by_DK.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Registering custom script named binthes
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Loading custom script BombFix_by_Dapo Show.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Registering custom script named BombFix
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Loading custom script camera.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Registering custom script named camera.
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Loading custom script Car Speed FPS Fix.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Registering custom script named Car Spe
17/04/2020 12:44:07.624 Loading custom script CCleaner v3.2.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Registering custom script named CCleane
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Loading custom script ccontrol.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Registering custom script named ccontro
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Loading custom script chatkeyfix.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Registering custom script named chatkey
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Loading custom script CrosshairFix.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Registering custom script named Crossha
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Loading custom script dhouses_checker.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Registering custom script named dhouses
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Loading custom script Fast_connect.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Registering custom script named Fast_co
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Loading custom script Fix Water Square.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Registering custom script named Fix Wat
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Loading custom script fixmoneyzero.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Registering custom script named fixmone
17/04/2020 12:44:07.625 Loading custom script hnnssy date and time.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Registering custom script named hnnssy
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Loading custom script hnnssy.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Registering custom script named hnnssy.
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Loading custom script HP Hud v3.0.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Registering custom script named HP Hud
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Loading custom script HUDFix.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Registering custom script named HUDFix.
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Loading custom script InputHelper.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Registering custom script named InputHe
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Loading custom script InputHelperByiTz_XG4M3R.CS...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Registering custom script named InputHe
17/04/2020 12:44:07.626 Loading custom script memory_full.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Registering custom script named memory_
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Loading custom script NoRadio.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Registering custom script named NoRadio
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Loading custom script objectFinder.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Registering custom script named objectF
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Loading custom script par.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Registering custom script named par.cs
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Loading custom script PassengerGun.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Registering custom script named Passeng
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Loading custom script PauseResumeCLEOByiTz_XG4M3R.CS...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Registering custom script named PauseRe
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Loading custom script PurpzMarkerz.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Registering custom script named PurpzMa
17/04/2020 12:44:07.627 Loading custom script RadarZoom.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Registering custom script named RadarZo
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Loading custom script radar_color_fix.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Registering custom script named radar_c
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Loading custom script Remove 3D Gunflash.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Registering custom script named Remove
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Loading custom script samp++.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Registering custom script named samp++.
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Loading custom script sensafix.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Registering custom script named sensafi
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Loading custom script show_hp.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Registering custom script named show_hp
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Loading custom script Silent Anti Stiller.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Registering custom script named Silent
17/04/2020 12:44:07.628 Loading custom script SkinChanger v2.1.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.629 Registering custom script named SkinCha
17/04/2020 12:44:07.629 Loading custom script SkyControl.cs...
17/04/2020 12:44:07.629 Registering custom script named SkyCont
17/04/2020 12:44:07.679 Unregistering custom script named Remove
17/04/2020 12:44:07.710 Unregistering custom script named memory_
17/04/2020 12:44:07.710 Unregistering custom script named HUDFix.
17/04/2020 12:44:07.737 Unregistering custom script named Fix Wat
17/04/2020 12:44:07.796 Unregistering custom script named binthes
17/04/2020 12:44:07.796 Unregistering custom script named anticra
17/04/2020 12:44:07.847 Unregistering custom script named fixthedaИM!‰N!
17/04/2020 12:44:08.691 Unregistering custom script named PurpzMa
17/04/2020 12:44:09.647 [0A92] Starting new custom script dhouses_info.s from thread named dhousechадФй
17/04/2020 12:44:09.647 Loading custom script dhouses_info.s...
17/04/2020 12:44:09.647 Registering custom script named dhouses
17/04/2020 12:44:09.689 Unregistering custom script named BombFix
SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1)
Compiled: Dec 24 2018 03:13:37

Copyright (c) 2013-2018, BlastHack Team <blast.hk>

[12:43:53] Base address: 0x69260000.
[12:43:53] Initializing opcodes...
[12:43:53] Opcodes initialized successfully. Total opcodes: 382.
[12:43:53] Hook "CTimer::GetRealTimeScale" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CPad::Update" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CCamera::RenderMotionBlur" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CScriptThread::AddScriptToQueue" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CScriptThread::RemoveScriptFromQueue" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CScriptThread::Process" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "WinMainLoop" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CLoadingScreen::RenderSplash" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CVehicle::CVehicle" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CVehicle::~CVehicle" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CPed::CPed" installed.
[12:43:53] Hook "CPed::~CPed" installed.
[12:43:53] Initializing plugins...
[12:43:53] SF Plugin "AntiSilentAIMIByDarkP1xel.SF" loaded.
[12:43:53] SF Plugin "chatlog in console.sf" loaded.
[12:43:53] SF Plugin "FastExitByiTz_XG4M3R.SF" loaded.
[12:43:53] SF Plugin "fps2.sf" loaded.
[12:43:53] SF Plugin "Reconnect+.sf" loaded.
[12:43:53] SF Plugin "sfp.sf" loaded.
[12:44:06] samp.dll base addres: 0x03C10000
[12:44:06] Hook "SAMP: CNetGame::CNetGame" installed.
[12:44:06] Hook "SAMP: CDialog::Close" installed.
[12:44:06] Hook "SAMP: QuitGame" installed.
[12:44:06] Hook "SAMP: CCmdWindow::ProcessInput" installed.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Session started.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}
MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}https://www.blast.hk/moonloader/

[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {A9EFF5}(info) {C0C0C0}Working directory: D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Installing pre-game hooks...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Hooks installed.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\aniframe_fix.luac'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}aniframe_fix.luac: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\AutoAD.luac'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}AutoAD: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ML-AutoReboot: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Check MoonLoader Updates: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\ClearChat.luac'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Clear Chat: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\correct.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}CorrectionWords: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\dre.luac'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}No Drugs Effect: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\FamilyInfo.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}imgui_notf.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Дела семейные: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\nej.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}nej.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\nodialogrestore.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}nodialogrestore: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\Nоte.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Nоte.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\player_info.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}player_info.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\Police Assistant.luac'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Police Assistant: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ML-ReloadAll: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\scoreboard.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ImGui Scoreboard: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\screenmanager.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ScreenManager: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\ScriptManager.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ScriptManager: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\SensetivFix.luac'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Sensetiv Fix: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}SF Integration: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Installing post-load hooks...
[12:44:07] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Hooks installed.
[12:44:08] Direct3DDevice9 hook installed.
[12:44:08] {FFFFFF}Chat++ by {90EE90}BlackKnigga {FFFFFF}loaded!
[12:44:08] Hook "SAMP: RakPeer::HandleRPCPacket" installed.
[12:44:08] Initializing SAMP data...
[12:44:08] Info initialized.
[12:44:08] Pools initialized.
[12:44:08] Player pool initialized.
[12:44:08] Vehicle pool initialized.
[12:44:08] Chat initialized.
[12:44:08] Input initialized.
[12:44:08] Death list initialized.
[12:44:08] Dialog initialized.
[12:44:08] Misc data initialized.
[12:44:08] Scoreboard initialized.
[12:44:08] RakNet initialized.
[12:44:08] SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1) completely loaded!
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] RegisterCommand Error: Command "XЙ"xt”20 12:44:08]" already exists.
[12:44:08] {C0C0C0}[ML] {7DD156}(script) {E0E0E0}aniframe_fix.luac: {C0C0C0}[DAF] txt loaded succesfull
[12:44:09] {007fff}DRP {ffffff}House Checker Loaded!
[12:44:09] {ffffff}Author: {007fff}Romelo {ffffff}Commands: {007fff}/dhc /hm /drph
[12:44:54] Reconnecting...
[12:43:53.336226] (system) Session started.
[12:43:53.337226] (debug) Module handle: 62440000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[12:43:53.337226] (info) Working directory: D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader
[12:43:53.337226] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[12:43:53.337226] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[12:43:53.337226] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[12:43:53.339224] (system) Hooks installed.
[12:44:06.813405] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[12:44:06.813405] (debug) package.path = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[12:44:06.813405] (debug) package.cpath = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[12:44:06.814404] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\aniframe_fix.luac'...
[12:44:06.815404] (debug) New script: 10A7AF44
[12:44:06.816404] (system) aniframe_fix.luac: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.816404] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\AutoAD.luac'...
[12:44:06.816404] (debug) New script: 10A799D4
[12:44:06.823398] (system) AutoAD: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.823398] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[12:44:06.823398] (debug) New script: 10A7A48C
[12:44:06.824397] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.824397] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[12:44:06.824397] (debug) New script: 10A79CE4
[12:44:06.826396] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.826396] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\ClearChat.luac'...
[12:44:06.826396] (debug) New script: 10A79B5C
[12:44:06.828394] (system) Clear Chat: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.828394] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\correct.lua'...
[12:44:06.828394] (debug) New script: 10A7953C
[12:44:06.847381] (system) CorrectionWords: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.847381] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\dre.luac'...
[12:44:06.847381] (debug) New script: 10A796C4
[12:44:06.852378] (system) No Drugs Effect: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.852378] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\FamilyInfo.lua'...
[12:44:06.852378] (debug) New script: 10A7984C
[12:44:06.862371] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[12:44:06.862371] (debug) New script: 10A7A17C
[12:44:06.867367] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.867367] (system) Дела семейные: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.867367] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\nej.lua'...
[12:44:06.867367] (debug) New script: 139D30CC
[12:44:06.871364] (system) nej.lua: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.871364] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\nodialogrestore.lua'...
[12:44:06.871364] (debug) New script: 139D4C5C
[12:44:06.875364] (system) nodialogrestore: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.876362] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\Nоte.lua'...
[12:44:06.876362] (debug) New script: 139D33DC
[12:44:06.888352] (system) Nоte.lua: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.888352] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\player_info.lua'...
[12:44:06.888352] (debug) New script: 139D3B84
[12:44:06.889351] (system) player_info.lua: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.889351] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\Police Assistant.luac'...
[12:44:06.889351] (debug) New script: 139D3564
[12:44:06.906340] (system) Police Assistant: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.906340] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[12:44:06.906340] (debug) New script: 139D3254
[12:44:06.907339] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.907339] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\scoreboard.lua'...
[12:44:06.907339] (debug) New script: 139D494C
[12:44:06.917332] (system) ImGui Scoreboard: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.917332] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\screenmanager.lua'...
[12:44:06.917332] (debug) New script: 139D36EC
[12:44:06.927325] (system) ScreenManager: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.927325] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\ScriptManager.lua'...
[12:44:06.927325] (debug) New script: 139D39FC
[12:44:06.930322] (system) ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.930322] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\SensetivFix.luac'...
[12:44:06.930322] (debug) New script: 139D3D0C
[12:44:06.936319] (system) Sensetiv Fix: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:06.936319] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas Raysses\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[12:44:06.936319] (debug) New script: 139D3874
[12:44:06.938317] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[12:44:07.834786] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[12:44:07.834786] (system) Hooks installed.
[12:44:08.836817] (script) aniframe_fix.luac: [DAF] txt loaded succesfull
[12:46:06.611234] (system) Unloading...
[12:46:06.611234] (system) aniframe_fix.luac: Script terminated. (10A7AF44)
17/04/2020 08:59:03.531 [004E] Incorrect usage of opcode in script 'UltraFa'.
Крашит в клео скрипте UltraFa
Удалил, всё равно крашится
Последнее редактирование:


Автор темы
[11:05:30.738255] (system) Session started.
[11:05:30.739254] (debug) Module handle: 62D80000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[11:05:30.739254] (info) Working directory: D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[11:05:30.739254] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[11:05:30.739254] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[11:05:30.739254] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[11:05:30.741252] (system) Hooks installed.
[11:05:34.573090] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[11:05:34.573090] (debug) package.path = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[11:05:34.573090] (debug) package.cpath = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[11:05:34.574092] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\aniframe_fix.luac'...
[11:05:34.574092] (debug) New script: 0F704974
[11:05:34.575090] (system) aniframe_fix.luac: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.575090] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoAD.luac'...
[11:05:34.575090] (debug) New script: 0F704F94
[11:05:34.581084] (system) AutoAD: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.581084] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[11:05:34.581084] (debug) New script: 0F703EBC
[11:05:34.582084] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.582084] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ClearChat.luac'...
[11:05:34.582084] (debug) New script: 0F70511C
[11:05:34.584082] (system) Clear Chat: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.584082] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\correct.lua'...
[11:05:34.584082] (debug) New script: 157FFC64
[11:05:34.623054] (system) CorrectionWords: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.623054] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\dre.luac'...
[11:05:34.623054] (debug) New script: 15800A2C
[11:05:34.627051] (system) No Drugs Effect: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.627051] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FamilyInfo.lua'...
[11:05:34.628050] (debug) New script: 157FF7CC
[11:05:34.637044] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[11:05:34.637044] (debug) New script: 15800BB4
[11:05:34.642041] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.642041] (system) Дела семейные: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.642041] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\fastpay.lua'...
[11:05:34.642041] (debug) New script: 15800D3C
[11:05:34.643040] (system) fastpay.lua: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.643040] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\njc.lua'...
[11:05:34.643040] (debug) New script: 15800EC4
[11:05:34.644040] (system) njc.lua: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.644040] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Nоte.lua'...
[11:05:34.644040] (debug) New script: 158011D4
[11:05:34.655031] (system) Nоte.lua: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.655031] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\player_info.lua'...
[11:05:34.655031] (debug) New script: 157FFDEC
[11:05:34.656031] (system) player_info.lua: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.656031] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[11:05:34.656031] (debug) New script: 157FF954
[11:05:34.657030] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.657030] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\scoreboard.lua'...
[11:05:34.657030] (debug) New script: 1580040C
[11:05:34.667024] (system) ImGui Scoreboard: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.667024] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\screenmanager.lua'...
[11:05:34.667024] (debug) New script: 157FF4BC
[11:05:34.678016] (system) ScreenManager: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.678016] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ScriptManager.lua'...
[11:05:34.678016] (debug) New script: 1580104C
[11:05:34.680014] (system) ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.680014] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SensetivFix.luac'...
[11:05:34.680014] (debug) New script: 157FFF74
[11:05:34.686010] (system) Sensetiv Fix: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:34.686010] (system) Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[11:05:34.686010] (debug) New script: 158000FC
[11:05:34.688009] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35.710290] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[11:05:35.711289] (system) Hooks installed.
[11:05:36.707663] (script) aniframe_fix.luac: [DAF] txt loaded succesfull
[11:13:46.869921] (system) Unloading...
[11:13:46.869921] (system) aniframe_fix.luac: Script terminated. (0F704974)
[11:13:46.870913] (system) AutoAD: Script terminated. (0F704F94)
[11:13:46.870913] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Script terminated. (0F703EBC)
[11:13:46.871912] (system) Clear Chat: Script terminated. (0F70511C)
[11:13:46.871912] (system) CorrectionWords: Script terminated. (157FFC64)
[11:13:46.873912] (system) No Drugs Effect: Script terminated. (15800A2C)
[11:13:46.874911] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Script terminated. (15800BB4)
[11:13:46.876909] (system) Дела семейные: Script terminated. (157FF7CC)
[11:13:46.878908] (system) fastpay.lua: Script terminated. (15800D3C)
[11:13:46.878908] (system) njc.lua: Script terminated. (15800EC4)
[11:13:46.879907] (system) Nоte.lua: Script terminated. (158011D4)
[11:13:46.881905] (system) player_info.lua: Script terminated. (157FFDEC)
[11:13:46.881905] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Script terminated. (157FF954)
[11:13:46.882904] (system) ImGui Scoreboard: Script terminated. (1580040C)
[11:13:46.883906] (system) ScreenManager: Script terminated. (157FF4BC)
[11:13:46.886904] (system) ScriptManager: Script terminated. (1580104C)
[11:13:46.886904] (system) Sensetiv Fix: Script terminated. (157FFF74)
[11:13:46.887901] (system) SF Integration: Script terminated. (158000FC)
22/04/2020 11:05:30.620 Log started.
22/04/2020 11:05:30.620 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
22/04/2020 11:05:30.620 Unprotecting memory region '.rdata': 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
22/04/2020 11:05:30.620 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x008B1000 (size: 0x0064A000)
22/04/2020 11:05:30.620 Unloading plugins...
22/04/2020 11:05:30.620 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
22/04/2020 11:05:30.622 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
22/04/2020 11:05:30.623 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
22/04/2020 11:05:30.624 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
22/04/2020 11:05:30.624 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier...
22/04/2020 11:05:30.624 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
22/04/2020 11:05:30.624 Injecting DmaFix...
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Injecting TextManager...
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Injecting SoundSystem...
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem...
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Injecting ScriptEngine...
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
22/04/2020 11:05:30.625 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
22/04/2020 11:05:31.500 Creating main window...
22/04/2020 11:05:31.503 Found sound device 0: No sound
22/04/2020 11:05:31.503 Found sound device 1 (default): Динамики (2- High Definition Audio Device)
22/04/2020 11:05:31.503 Found sound device 2: 2381 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
22/04/2020 11:05:31.503 Found sound device 3: Динамики (USB PnP Sound Device)
22/04/2020 11:05:31.503 On system found 4 devices, 4 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Динамики (2- High Definition Audio Device))
22/04/2020 11:05:31.556 SoundSystem initialized
22/04/2020 11:05:31.558 Floating-point audio supported!
22/04/2020 11:05:31.560 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
22/04/2020 11:05:35.536 Scripts exclusively initialized
22/04/2020 11:05:35.539 Deleting dynamic fxts...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.539 Cleaning up script data... 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.539 Searching for cleo scripts
22/04/2020 11:05:35.539 Loading custom script !FixSpawnBug.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.539 Registering custom script named !FixSpa
22/04/2020 11:05:35.539 Loading custom script Alternative Horn (Hydros).cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.539 Registering custom script named Alterna
22/04/2020 11:05:35.539 Loading custom script Anti-DriverKillByDarkP1xel.CS...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Registering custom script named Anti-Dr
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Loading custom script Antistealer.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Registering custom script named Antiste
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Loading custom script arab_drift.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Registering custom script named arab_dr
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Loading custom script bib.CS...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Registering custom script named bib.CS
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Loading custom script Car Speed FPS Fix.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Registering custom script named Car Spe
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Loading custom script ccontrol.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Registering custom script named ccontro
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Loading custom script chatkeyfix.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Registering custom script named chatkey
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Loading custom script dhouses_checker.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Registering custom script named dhouses
22/04/2020 11:05:35.540 Loading custom script Fast_connect.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Registering custom script named Fast_co
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Loading custom script fixmoneyzero.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Registering custom script named fixmone
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Loading custom script hnnssy date and time.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Registering custom script named hnnssy
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Loading custom script hnnssy.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Registering custom script named hnnssy.
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Loading custom script HP Hud v3.0.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Registering custom script named HP Hud
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Loading custom script HUDFix.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Registering custom script named HUDFix.
22/04/2020 11:05:35.541 Loading custom script InputHelper.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Registering custom script named InputHe
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Loading custom script InputHelperByiTz_XG4M3R.CS...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Registering custom script named InputHe
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Loading custom script objectFinder.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Registering custom script named objectF
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Loading custom script par.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Registering custom script named par.cs
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Loading custom script PassengerGun.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Registering custom script named Passeng
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Loading custom script PauseResumeCLEOByiTz_XG4M3R.CS...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Registering custom script named PauseRe
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Loading custom script radar_color_fix.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Registering custom script named radar_c
22/04/2020 11:05:35.542 Loading custom script samp++.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Registering custom script named samp++.
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Loading custom script sensafix.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Registering custom script named sensafi
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Loading custom script show_hp.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Registering custom script named show_hp
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Loading custom script Silent Anti Stiller.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Registering custom script named Silent
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Loading custom script SkinChanger v2.1.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Registering custom script named SkinCha
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Loading custom script SkyControl.cs...
22/04/2020 11:05:35.543 Registering custom script named SkyCont
22/04/2020 11:05:35.612 Unregistering custom script named HUDFix.
22/04/2020 11:05:35.725 Unregistering custom script named fixthedaXҐБ¦Б
22/04/2020 11:06:13.289 [0A92] Starting new custom script dhouses_info.s from thread named dhousechрїьфї
22/04/2020 11:06:13.290 Loading custom script dhouses_info.s...
22/04/2020 11:06:13.290 Registering custom script named dhouses
SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1)
Compiled: Dec 24 2018 03:13:37

Copyright (c) 2013-2018, BlastHack Team <blast.hk>

[11:05:30] Base address: 0x681A0000.
[11:05:30] Initializing opcodes...
[11:05:30] Opcodes initialized successfully. Total opcodes: 382.
[11:05:30] Hook "CTimer::GetRealTimeScale" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CPad::Update" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CCamera::RenderMotionBlur" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CScriptThread::AddScriptToQueue" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CScriptThread::RemoveScriptFromQueue" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CScriptThread::Process" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "WinMainLoop" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CLoadingScreen::RenderSplash" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CVehicle::CVehicle" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CVehicle::~CVehicle" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CPed::CPed" installed.
[11:05:30] Hook "CPed::~CPed" installed.
[11:05:30] Initializing plugins...
[11:05:30] SF Plugin "AntiSilentAIMIByDarkP1xel.SF" loaded.
[11:05:30] SF Plugin "chatlog in console.sf" loaded.
[11:05:30] SF Plugin "FastExitByiTz_XG4M3R.SF" loaded.
[11:05:30] SF Plugin "fps2.sf" loaded.
[11:05:30] SF Plugin "Reconnect+.sf" loaded.
[11:05:34] samp.dll base addres: 0x03B80000
[11:05:34] Hook "SAMP: CNetGame::CNetGame" installed.
[11:05:34] Hook "SAMP: CDialog::Close" installed.
[11:05:34] Hook "SAMP: QuitGame" installed.
[11:05:34] Hook "SAMP: CCmdWindow::ProcessInput" installed.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Session started.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}
MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {C0C0C0}https://www.blast.hk/moonloader/

[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {A9EFF5}(info) {C0C0C0}Working directory: D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Installing pre-game hooks...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Hooks installed.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\aniframe_fix.luac'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}aniframe_fix.luac: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoAD.luac'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}AutoAD: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ML-AutoReboot: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ClearChat.luac'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Clear Chat: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\correct.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}CorrectionWords: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\dre.luac'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}No Drugs Effect: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FamilyInfo.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}imgui_notf.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Дела семейные: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\fastpay.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}fastpay.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\njc.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}njc.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Nоte.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Nоte.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\player_info.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}player_info.lua: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ML-ReloadAll: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\scoreboard.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ImGui Scoreboard: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\screenmanager.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ScreenManager: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ScriptManager.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}ScriptManager: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SensetivFix.luac'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}Sensetiv Fix: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {E0E0E0}SF Integration: {C0C0C0}Loaded successfully.
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Installing post-load hooks...
[11:05:35] {C0C0C0}[ML] {FA9746}(system) {C0C0C0}Hooks installed.
[11:05:36] Direct3DDevice9 hook installed.
[11:05:36] {FFFFFF}Chat++ by {90EE90}BlackKnigga {FFFFFF}loaded!
[11:05:36] Hook "SAMP: RakPeer::HandleRPCPacket" installed.
[11:05:36] Initializing SAMP data...
[11:05:36] Info initialized.
[11:05:36] Pools initialized.
[11:05:36] Player pool initialized.
[11:05:36] Vehicle pool initialized.
[11:05:36] Chat initialized.
[11:05:36] Input initialized.
[11:05:36] Death list initialized.
[11:05:36] Dialog initialized.
[11:05:36] Misc data initialized.
[11:05:36] Scoreboard initialized.
[11:05:36] RakNet initialized.
[11:05:36] SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1) completely loaded!
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] RegisterCommand Error: Command "цВпіІNяV" already exists.
[11:05:36] {C0C0C0}[ML] {7DD156}(script) {E0E0E0}aniframe_fix.luac: {C0C0C0}[DAF] txt loaded succesfull
[11:06:07] Reconnecting...
[11:06:13] {007fff}DRP {ffffff}House Checker Loaded!
[11:06:13] {ffffff}Author: {007fff}Romelo {ffffff}Commands: {007fff}/dhc /hm /drph
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