Lua VK Messager

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63: if enabled and isKeyJustPressed(vk.VK_M) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then
Номер может отличаться.
Спасибо) Кстати, вроде бы понял, как пользоваться скриптом с двухфакторкой, протестируй. Заходишь на сайт, получаешь токен от Kate Mobile и вписываешь его в .ini


Можно библиотеки кинуть, 2 часа ищу никак не найду, от ФУП(ФИП, сори если не правильно сори) Copas ссылка не робит. Да и другие тоже надо.


Можно библиотеки кинуть, 2 часа ищу никак не найду, от ФУП(ФИП, сори если не правильно сори) Copas ссылка не робит. Да и другие тоже надо.


  • lib.rar
    253.3 KB · Просмотры: 39


хм...... Скачал ваш lib.rar, который друг другу кидаете, и ничего все равно не работает. Все так же пытается скачать автоматически, ничего не выходит, и скрипт падает. памагите штоле


Вроде как вк ограничило секцию messages для токенов пользователей. Не должен скрипт работать


Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.


Нажимаю на M и ничего не происходит
[15:39:54.258785] (system)    Session started.
[15:39:54.259785] (debug)    Module handle: 61CB0000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team.

[15:39:54.259785] (info)    Working directory: C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[15:39:54.259785] (debug)    FP Control: 0009001F
[15:39:54.259785] (debug)    Game: GTA SA US
[15:39:54.259785] (system)    Installing pre-game hooks...
[15:39:54.262785] (system)    Hooks installed.
[15:39:54.720781] (debug)    Initializing opcode handler table
[15:39:54.720781] (debug)    package.path = C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[15:39:54.720781] (debug)    package.cpath = C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[15:39:54.723785] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[15:39:54.724780] (debug)    New script: 0B204AB4
[15:39:54.725780] (system)    ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[15:39:54.725780] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[15:39:54.725780] (debug)    New script: 01C4609C
[15:39:54.729780] (system)    Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[15:39:54.729780] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[15:39:54.729780] (debug)    New script: 0B21751C
[15:39:54.730783] (system)    ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[15:39:54.730783] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[15:39:54.730783] (debug)    New script: 0B2180BC
[15:39:54.733779] (system)    SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[15:39:54.733779] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua'...
[15:39:54.733779] (debug)    New script: 0B219E5C
[15:39:54.736779] (error)    VKMessager: C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua:6: module 'deps' not found:
    no field package.preload['deps']
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps.lua'
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps\init.lua'
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deps.lua'
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deps\init.lua'
    no file '.\deps.lua'
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps.luac'
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps\init.luac'
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deps.luac'
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deps\init.luac'
    no file '.\deps.luac'
    no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps.dll'
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'require'
    C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua:6: in main chunk
[15:39:54.736779] (error)    VKMessager: Script died due to an error. (0B219E5C)
[15:40:05.887779] (system)    Installing post-load hooks...
[15:40:05.887779] (system)    Hooks installed.
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Нажимаю на M и ничего не происходит
15:39:54.258785] (system) Session started.
[15:39:54.259785] (debug) Module handle: 61CB0000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[15:39:54.259785] (info) Working directory: C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[15:39:54.259785] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[15:39:54.259785] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[15:39:54.259785] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[15:39:54.262785] (system) Hooks installed.
[15:39:54.720781] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[15:39:54.720781] (debug) package.path = C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[15:39:54.720781] (debug) package.cpath = C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[15:39:54.723785] (system) Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[15:39:54.724780] (debug) New script: 0B204AB4
[15:39:54.725780] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[15:39:54.725780] (system) Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[15:39:54.725780] (debug) New script: 01C4609C
[15:39:54.729780] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[15:39:54.729780] (system) Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[15:39:54.729780] (debug) New script: 0B21751C
[15:39:54.730783] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[15:39:54.730783] (system) Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[15:39:54.730783] (debug) New script: 0B2180BC
[15:39:54.733779] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[15:39:54.733779] (system) Loading script 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua'...
[15:39:54.733779] (debug) New script: 0B219E5C
[15:39:54.736779] (error) VKMessager: C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua:6: module 'deps' not found:
no field package.preload['deps']
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps.lua'
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps\init.lua'
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deps.lua'
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deps\init.lua'
no file '.\deps.lua'
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps.luac'
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps\init.luac'
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deps.luac'
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deps\init.luac'
no file '.\deps.luac'
no file 'C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\deps.dll'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua:6: in main chunk
[15:39:54.736779] (error) VKMessager: Script died due to an error. (0B219E5C)
[15:40:05.887779] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[15:40:05.887779] (system) Hooks installed.
Чтение для неудачников по жизни




  • sa-mp-000.png
    253.5 KB · Просмотры: 221

Roman Grudov

Чет не робит:)
Мунлоадер лог:
[20:27:30.613281] (system)    Session started.
[20:27:30.615234] (debug)    Module handle: 699D0000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[20:27:30.615234] (info)    Working directory: D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader
[20:27:30.615234] (debug)    FP Control: 0009001F
[20:27:30.615234] (debug)    Game: GTA SA US
[20:27:30.615234] (system)    Installing pre-game hooks...
[20:27:30.655273] (system)    Hooks installed.
[20:27:32.221679] (debug)    Initializing opcode handler table
[20:27:32.222656] (debug)    package.path = D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\?.lua;D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\?.lua;D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\?.luac;D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\?.luac;D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[20:27:32.222656] (debug)    package.cpath = D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[20:27:32.226562] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\AddHelper.lua'...
[20:27:32.226562] (debug)    New script: 072FB1C4
[20:27:32.298828] (system)    AddHelper.lua: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:32.299804] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[20:27:32.299804] (debug)    New script: 0731171C
[20:27:32.304687] (system)    ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:32.304687] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[20:27:32.304687] (debug)    New script: 073189B4
[20:27:32.314453] (system)    Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:32.314453] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\fake.lua'...
[20:27:32.314453] (debug)    New script: 019AF43C
[20:27:32.314453] (error)    fake.lua: ...AMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\fake.lua:12: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
[20:27:32.314453] (error)    fake.lua: Script died due to an error. (019AF43C)
[20:27:32.315429] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[20:27:32.315429] (debug)    New script: 019AF43C
[20:27:32.318359] (system)    ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:32.318359] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\sa wiki.lua'...
[20:27:32.318359] (debug)    New script: 019AF5C4
[20:27:33.573242] (script)    sa wiki.lua: Attention! File "moonloader/sa wiki/pic/weapons/19.png" does not exist
[20:27:33.573242] (script)    sa wiki.lua: Attention! File "moonloader/sa wiki/pic/weapons/20.png" does not exist
[20:27:33.573242] (script)    sa wiki.lua: Attention! File "moonloader/sa wiki/pic/weapons/21.png" does not exist
[20:27:37.821289] (script)    sa wiki.lua: Attention! File "moonloader/sa wiki/pic/snapshots/44.png" does not exist
[20:27:38.886718] (system)    sa wiki.lua: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:38.887695] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\scoreboard.lua'...
[20:27:38.887695] (debug)    New script: 019AF74C
[20:27:38.923828] (system)    ImGui Scoreboard: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:38.923828] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[20:27:38.923828] (debug)    New script: 019AF8D4
[20:27:38.930664] (system)    SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:38.930664] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\Trinity_UpTrinity (1).lua'...
[20:27:38.931640] (debug)    New script: 019AFA5C
[20:27:38.949218] (system)    UPTrinity: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:38.949218] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\[TRH]TrinityHelper.luac'...
[20:27:38.949218] (debug)    New script: 019AFBE4
[20:27:38.996093] (system)    [TRH]TrinityHelper.luac: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:38.996093] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\быстрая загрузка.lua'...
[20:27:38.996093] (debug)    New script: 0AB51444
[20:27:38.999023] (system)    быстрая загрузка: Loaded successfully.
[20:27:43.138671] (system)    Installing post-load hooks...
[20:27:43.138671] (system)    Hooks installed.
[20:40:09.963867] (system)    AddHelper.lua: Script terminated. (072FB1C4)
[20:40:09.967773] (system)    ML-AutoReboot: Script terminated. (0731171C)
[20:40:09.968750] (system)    Check MoonLoader Updates: Script terminated. (073189B4)
[20:40:09.970703] (system)    ML-ReloadAll: Script terminated. (019AF43C)
[20:40:09.972656] (system)    sa wiki.lua: Script terminated. (019AF5C4)
[20:40:10.172851] (system)    ImGui Scoreboard: Script terminated. (019AF74C)
[20:40:10.194335] (system)    SF Integration: Script terminated. (019AF8D4)
[20:40:10.196289] (system)    UPTrinity: Script terminated. (019AFA5C)
[20:40:10.198242] (system)    [TRH]TrinityHelper.luac: Script terminated. (019AFBE4)
[20:40:10.207031] (system)    быстрая загрузка: Script terminated. (0AB51444)
[20:40:10.208007] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\AddHelper.lua'...
[20:40:10.208984] (debug)    New script: 0AB51444
[20:40:10.383789] (system)    AddHelper.lua: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:10.383789] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[20:40:10.383789] (debug)    New script: 019AFBE4
[20:40:10.390625] (system)    ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:10.390625] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[20:40:10.390625] (debug)    New script: 019AFA5C
[20:40:10.397460] (system)    Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:10.398437] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\fake.lua'...
[20:40:10.398437] (debug)    New script: 019AF8D4
[20:40:10.413085] (error)    fake.lua: ...AMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\fake.lua:12: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
[20:40:10.414062] (error)    fake.lua: Script died due to an error. (019AF8D4)
[20:40:10.414062] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[20:40:10.414062] (debug)    New script: 019AF8D4
[20:40:10.418945] (system)    ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:10.418945] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\sa wiki.lua'...
[20:40:10.418945] (debug)    New script: 019AF74C
[20:40:12.938476] (script)    sa wiki.lua: Attention! File "moonloader/sa wiki/pic/weapons/19.png" does not exist
[20:40:12.938476] (script)    sa wiki.lua: Attention! File "moonloader/sa wiki/pic/weapons/20.png" does not exist
[20:40:12.938476] (script)    sa wiki.lua: Attention! File "moonloader/sa wiki/pic/weapons/21.png" does not exist
[20:40:18.930664] (script)    sa wiki.lua: Attention! File "moonloader/sa wiki/pic/snapshots/44.png" does not exist
[20:40:20.401367] (system)    sa wiki.lua: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:20.401367] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\scoreboard.lua'...
[20:40:20.402343] (debug)    New script: 019AF5C4
[20:40:20.451171] (system)    ImGui Scoreboard: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:20.451171] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[20:40:20.451171] (debug)    New script: 019AF43C
[20:40:20.468750] (system)    SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:20.468750] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\Trinity_UpTrinity (1).lua'...
[20:40:20.469726] (debug)    New script: 019AF12C
[20:40:20.499023] (system)    UPTrinity: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:20.499023] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua'...
[20:40:20.499023] (debug)    New script: 09B4C814
[20:40:20.503906] (error)    VKMessager: Andreas (\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua:6: module 'deps' not found:
    no field package.preload['deps']
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\deps.lua'
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\deps\init.lua'
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\deps.lua'
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\deps\init.lua'
    no file '.\deps.lua'
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\deps.luac'
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\deps\init.luac'
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\deps.luac'
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\deps\init.luac'
    no file '.\deps.luac'
    no file 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\lib\deps.dll'
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'require' Andreas (\moonloader\VKMessager_0.4.lua:6: in main chunk
[20:40:20.504882] (error)    VKMessager: Script died due to an error. (09B4C814)
[20:40:20.504882] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\[TRH]TrinityHelper.luac'...
[20:40:20.504882] (debug)    New script: 09B4C814
[20:40:20.595703] (system)    [TRH]TrinityHelper.luac: Loaded successfully.
[20:40:20.595703] (system)    Loading script 'D:\GAMES\GTA San Andreas (\moonloader\быстрая загрузка.lua'...
[20:40:20.596679] (debug)    New script: 09B4C37C
[20:40:20.608398] (system)    быстрая загрузка: Loaded successfully.
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.