Kristyan Известный Автор темы 165 16 20 Авг 2017 #1 How to get my own actor handle, not of other player? For this opcode Actor.DrivingPoliceVehicle(Actor:Handle) Thanks. Последнее редактирование: 20 Авг 2017
How to get my own actor handle, not of other player? For this opcode Actor.DrivingPoliceVehicle(Actor:Handle) Thanks.
I ishi Известный 493 110 20 Авг 2017 #2 try $PLAYER_ACTOR or $PLAYER_CHAR Позитивный голос 0 Негативный голос
I ishi Известный 493 110 20 Авг 2017 #3 jaggerjam написал(а): 056C: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_police_car like this? What is difference between ACTOR and CHAR? Нажмите для раскрытия... i know whats some cleo funcs accepts only handle from silnge player, and some can use handle from sa:mp. Exuse me, i dont know anything more. i hope, @FYP will write a full answer, whats difference beetween $PLAYER_ACTOR and $PLAYER_CHAR Позитивный голос 0 Негативный голос
jaggerjam написал(а): 056C: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_police_car like this? What is difference between ACTOR and CHAR? Нажмите для раскрытия... i know whats some cleo funcs accepts only handle from silnge player, and some can use handle from sa:mp. Exuse me, i dont know anything more. i hope, @FYP will write a full answer, whats difference beetween $PLAYER_ACTOR and $PLAYER_CHAR
Kristyan Известный Автор темы 165 16 20 Авг 2017 #4 Снежок написал(а): i know whats some cleo funcs accepts only handle from silnge player, and some can use handle from sa:mp. Exuse me, i dont know anything more. i hope, @FYP will write a full answer, whats difference beetween $PLAYER_ACTOR and $PLAYER_CHAR Нажмите для раскрытия... The $PLAYER_ACTOR worked "Actor.DrivingPoliceVehicle($PLAYER_ACTOR)". Thanks a lot :* Реакции: ishi Позитивный голос 0 Негативный голос
Снежок написал(а): i know whats some cleo funcs accepts only handle from silnge player, and some can use handle from sa:mp. Exuse me, i dont know anything more. i hope, @FYP will write a full answer, whats difference beetween $PLAYER_ACTOR and $PLAYER_CHAR Нажмите для раскрытия... The $PLAYER_ACTOR worked "Actor.DrivingPoliceVehicle($PLAYER_ACTOR)". Thanks a lot :*