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Hello, I'm looking for someone to decompile this file to lua. I tried my self many ways, but any methods didn't work. I'm desperate for help, contact me for file
Компилятор LuaJIT для самых маленьких. Установка: Распаковать архив с нужной версией в любое место. Использование: Перетащить .lua-файл на compile.bat. Скомпилированный скрипт с расширением .luac появится рядом с исходником. Скачать v025 (Download compiler)...
Hello, I'm looking for someone to decompile this file to lua. I tried my self many ways, but any methods didn't work. I'm desperate for help, contact me for file
If I'm not mistaken, there was even such a topic where scripts are decompiled, but it seems there you need to throw a script into the discord server so that they would open it to you, all sorts of decompilers from this topic will not help you, since many scripts use compilation at all on some sites, therefore the decompiler is not the same version as the compiler