- 22
- 7
- Версия SA-MP
- 0.3.7-R2
скачал хелпер ловли в итоге
[ML] (error) Shapez.lua: C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\Shapez.lua:8: module 'imgui_addons' not found:
no field package.preload['imgui_addons']
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons\init.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\imgui_addons.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\imgui_addons\init.lua'
no file '.\imgui_addons.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons\init.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\imgui_addons.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\imgui_addons\init.luac'
no file '.\imgui_addons.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons.dll'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\Shapez.lua:8: in main chunk
[ML] (error) Shapez.lua: Script died due to an error. (07F41184)
[ML] (error) Shapez.lua: C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\Shapez.lua:8: module 'imgui_addons' not found:
no field package.preload['imgui_addons']
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons\init.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\imgui_addons.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\imgui_addons\init.lua'
no file '.\imgui_addons.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons\init.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\imgui_addons.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\imgui_addons\init.luac'
no file '.\imgui_addons.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\lib\imgui_addons.dll'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\Games\GTA 140K BY DAPO SHOW\moonloader\Shapez.lua:8: in main chunk
[ML] (error) Shapez.lua: Script died due to an error. (07F41184)