local event = require('lib.samp.events')
stop = 0
started = 0
prinato = 0
active_report = 0
active_report2 = 0
prikoll = false
function main()
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end
sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43)
while true do wait(0)
if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then
if(active_report == 2) then
sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d)
sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss)
status(true, 1)
Горизонтальная табуляция (HT, TAB) — управляющий символ таблицы ASCII с кодом 0916, используется для выравнивания текста в строках. Встретив этот символ, терминал перемещает каретку (или курсор) вправо на ближайшую позицию табуляции.
local event = require('lib.samp.events')
stop = 0
started = 0
prinato = 0
active_report = 0
active_report2 = 0
prikoll = false
function main()
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end
sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43)
while true do wait(0)
if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then
while isKeyDown(75) do wait(0) end
if(active_report == 2) then
sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d)
sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss)
status("true", 1)
sampSendChat("/a [Forma] +")
active_report2 = 1
local reasons = {"kick", "mute", "jail", "jailoff", "sethp", "sban", "banoff", "muteoff", "sbanoff", "spawn", "slap", "unmute", "unjail", "sban", "spcar", "ban", "sban", "warn", "skick", "setskin", "ao", "unban", "unwarn", "setskin", "skick", "banip", "offban", "offwarn", "plveh", "sban", "ptp", "o", "aad", "givegun", "avig", "aunvig", "setadmin", "givedonate", "spawncars", "mpwin", "prefix", "asellhouse", "delacc", "asellbiz", "money", "avig", "aunvig", 'iban'}
function event.onServerMessage(color, text)
for k,v in ipairs(reasons) do
if text:match("%[.*%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s") then
started = started + 1
if started < 2 then
prikoll = true
admin_nick, admin_id, other = text:match("%[.+%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s(.*)")
cmd = v
paramssss = other
if stop == 0 then
for i = 0, 5 do
if active_report2 == 0 then
status("false", i)
status("true", i)
if prikoll then
printStyledString("You missed form", 1000, 5)
active_report = 1
active_report2 = 0
started = 0
bbstart = -1
function status(parsasm, ggbc)
if parsasm then
active_report2 = 1
prikoll = false
if ggbc == 5 then
active_report2 = 0
started = 0
active_report = 1
printStyledString("Admin form accepted", 5000, 5)
bbstart = -1
bbstart = -1
bbstart = bbstart + ggbc
if bbstart == 0 then
active_report = 2
if active_report2 == 0 then
printStyledString('Admin form '..ggbc.." wait", 1000, 5)
не работает четКакое же это ...
код выравнял и убрал баги но по факту работать не будет т.к ты нахуярил все подряд
Lua:local event = require('lib.samp.events') stop = 0 started = 0 prinato = 0 active_report = 0 active_report2 = 0 prikoll = false function main() while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43) while true do wait(0) if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then while isKeyDown(75) do wait(0) end if(active_report == 2) then sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d) sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss) status("true", 1) wait(1000) sampSendChat("/a [Forma] +") active_report2 = 1 end end end end function event.onServerMessage(color, text) end local reasons = {"kick", "mute", "jail", "jailoff", "sethp", "sban", "banoff", "muteoff", "sbanoff", "spawn", "slap", "unmute", "unjail", "sban", "spcar", "ban", "sban", "warn", "skick", "setskin", "ao", "unban", "unwarn", "setskin", "skick", "banip", "offban", "offwarn", "plveh", "sban", "ptp", "o", "aad", "givegun", "avig", "aunvig", "setadmin", "givedonate", "spawncars", "mpwin", "prefix", "asellhouse", "delacc", "asellbiz", "money", "avig", "aunvig", 'iban'} for k,v in ipairs(reasons) do if text:match("%[.*%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s") then started = started + 1 if started < 2 then prikoll = true admin_nick, admin_id, other = text:match("%[.+%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s(.*)") cmd = v paramssss = other if stop == 0 then lua_thread.create(function() for i = 0, 5 do if active_report2 == 0 then status("false", i) else status("true", i) end end if prikoll then wait(550) printStyledString("You missed form", 1000, 5) active_report = 1 active_report2 = 0 started = 0 bbstart = -1 end end) end end end end function status(parsasm, ggbc) if parsasm then active_report2 = 1 prikoll = false if ggbc == 5 then active_report2 = 0 started = 0 end active_report = 1 printStyledString("Admin form accepted", 5000, 5) bbstart = -1 else bbstart = -1 bbstart = bbstart + ggbc if bbstart == 0 then active_report = 2 end if active_report2 == 0 then wait(1000) printStyledString('Admin form '..ggbc.." wait", 1000, 5) end end end
Понял как ты сделалне работает чет
ИсправилКакое же это ...
код выравнял и убрал баги но по факту работать не будет т.к ты нахуярил все подряд
Lua:local event = require('lib.samp.events') stop = 0 started = 0 prinato = 0 active_report = 0 active_report2 = 0 prikoll = false function main() while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43) while true do wait(0) if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then while isKeyDown(75) do wait(0) end if(active_report == 2) then sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d) sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss) status("true", 1) wait(1000) sampSendChat("/a [Forma] +") active_report2 = 1 end end end end local reasons = {"kick", "mute", "jail", "jailoff", "sethp", "sban", "banoff", "muteoff", "sbanoff", "spawn", "slap", "unmute", "unjail", "sban", "spcar", "ban", "sban", "warn", "skick", "setskin", "ao", "unban", "unwarn", "setskin", "skick", "banip", "offban", "offwarn", "plveh", "sban", "ptp", "o", "aad", "givegun", "avig", "aunvig", "setadmin", "givedonate", "spawncars", "mpwin", "prefix", "asellhouse", "delacc", "asellbiz", "money", "avig", "aunvig", 'iban'} function event.onServerMessage(color, text) for k,v in ipairs(reasons) do if text:match("%[.*%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s") then started = started + 1 if started < 2 then prikoll = true admin_nick, admin_id, other = text:match("%[.+%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s(.*)") cmd = v paramssss = other if stop == 0 then lua_thread.create(function() for i = 0, 5 do if active_report2 == 0 then status("false", i) else status("true", i) end end if prikoll then wait(550) printStyledString("You missed form", 1000, 5) active_report = 1 active_report2 = 0 started = 0 bbstart = -1 end end) end end end end end function status(parsasm, ggbc) if parsasm then active_report2 = 1 prikoll = false if ggbc == 5 then active_report2 = 0 started = 0 end active_report = 1 printStyledString("Admin form accepted", 5000, 5) bbstart = -1 else bbstart = -1 bbstart = bbstart + ggbc if bbstart == 0 then active_report = 2 end if active_report2 == 0 then wait(1000) printStyledString('Admin form '..ggbc.." wait", 1000, 5) end end end
Понял как ты сделал
Но чует мое очко то что ты хуню написал
оно работает но не выполняет команду, вчера работало выключил пк не сохранив и по пизде
оно работает и приветствие делает но я когда пишу /a /slap 116 то просто form accepted а нужно чтобы я подтвердил на 75(K) кнопку и оно потом еще написало в чат /a [form] +
local event = require('lib.samp.events')
stop = 0
started = 0
prinato = 0
active_report = 0
active_report2 = 0
prikoll = false
function main()
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end
sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43)
while true do wait(0)
if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then
while isKeyDown(75) do wait(0) end
if(active_report == 2) then
sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d)
sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss)
status("true", 1)
sampSendChat("/a [Forma] +")
active_report2 = 1
local reasons = {"kick", "mute", "jail", "jailoff", "sethp", "sban", "banoff", "muteoff", "sbanoff", "spawn", "slap", "unmute", "unjail", "sban", "spcar", "ban", "sban", "warn", "skick", "setskin", "ao", "unban", "unwarn", "setskin", "skick", "banip", "offban", "offwarn", "plveh", "sban", "ptp", "o", "aad", "givegun", "avig", "aunvig", "setadmin", "givedonate", "spawncars", "mpwin", "prefix", "asellhouse", "delacc", "asellbiz", "money", "avig", "aunvig", 'iban'}
function event.onServerMessage(color, text)
for k,v in ipairs(reasons) do
if text:match("%[.*%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s") then
started = started + 1
if started < 2 then
prikoll = true
admin_nick, admin_id, other = text:match("%[.+%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s(.*)")
cmd = v
paramssss = other
if stop == 0 then
for i = 0, 5 do
if active_report2 == 0 then
status("false", i)
status("true", i)
if prikoll then
printStyledString("You missed form", 1000, 5)
active_report = 1
active_report2 = 0
started = 0
bbstart = -1
function status(parsasm, ggbc)
if parsasm == "true" then
active_report2 = 1
prikoll = "false"
if ggbc == 5 then
active_report2 = 0
started = 0
active_report = 1
printStyledString("Admin form accepted", 5000, 5)
bbstart = -1
bbstart = -1
bbstart = bbstart + ggbc
if bbstart == 0 then
active_report = 2
if active_report2 == 0 then
printStyledString('Admin form '..ggbc.." wait", 1000, 5)
local event = require('lib.samp.events')
stop = 0
started = 0
prinato = 0
active_report = 0
active_report2 = 0
prikoll = false
function main()
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end
sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43)
while true do wait(0)
if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then
if(active_report == 2) then
sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d)
sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss)
status(true, 1)
sampSendChat("/a [Forma] +")
active_report2 = 1
local reasons = {"kick", "mute", "jail", "jailoff", "sethp", "sban", "banoff", "muteoff", "sbanoff", "spawn", "slap", "unmute", "unjail", "sban", "spcar", "ban", "sban", "warn", "skick", "setskin", "ao", "unban", "unwarn", "setskin", "skick", "banip", "offban", "offwarn", "plveh", "sban", "ptp", "o", "aad", "givegun", "avig", "aunvig", "setadmin", "givedonate", "spawncars", "mpwin", "prefix", "asellhouse", "delacc", "asellbiz", "money", "avig", "aunvig", 'iban'}
function event.onServerMessage(color, text)
for k,v in ipairs(reasons) do
local mess = '%[.*%] ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)%[(%d+)%]%: /'..v..'%s*(.*)'
if string.match(text,mess) then
started = started + 1
if started < 2 then
prikoll = true
admin_nick, admin_id, other = string.match(text,mess)
cmd = v
paramssss = other
if stop == 0 then
for i = 0, 5 do
if active_report2 == 0 then
status(false, i)
status(true, i)
if prikoll then
printStyledString("You missed form", 1000, 5)
active_report = 1
active_report2 = 0
started = 0
bbstart = -1
function status(parsasm, ggbc)
if parsasm then
active_report2 = 1
prikoll = false
if ggbc == 5 then
active_report2 = 0
started = 0
active_report = 1
printStyledString("Admin form accepted", 5000, 5)
bbstart = -1
bbstart = -1
bbstart = bbstart + ggbc
if bbstart == 0 then
active_report = 2
if active_report2 == 0 then
printStyledString('Admin form '..ggbc.." wait", 1000, 5)
Ты зачемПосмотреть вложение 175432
оно работает но не выполняет команду, вчера работало выключил пк не сохранив и по пизде
оно работает и приветствие делает но я когда пишу /a /slap 116 то просто form accepted а нужно чтобы я подтвердил на 75(K) кнопку и оно потом еще написало /a [form] +
все, я починил
вот код:local event = require('lib.samp.events') stop = 0 started = 0 prinato = 0 active_report = 0 active_report2 = 0 prikoll = false function main() while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43) while true do wait(0) if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then while isKeyDown(75) do wait(0) end if(active_report == 2) then sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d) sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss) status("true", 1) wait(1000) sampSendChat("/a [Forma] +") active_report2 = 1 end end end end local reasons = {"kick", "mute", "jail", "jailoff", "sethp", "sban", "banoff", "muteoff", "sbanoff", "spawn", "slap", "unmute", "unjail", "sban", "spcar", "ban", "sban", "warn", "skick", "setskin", "ao", "unban", "unwarn", "setskin", "skick", "banip", "offban", "offwarn", "plveh", "sban", "ptp", "o", "aad", "givegun", "avig", "aunvig", "setadmin", "givedonate", "spawncars", "mpwin", "prefix", "asellhouse", "delacc", "asellbiz", "money", "avig", "aunvig", 'iban'} function event.onServerMessage(color, text) for k,v in ipairs(reasons) do if text:match("%[.*%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s") then started = started + 1 if started < 2 then prikoll = true admin_nick, admin_id, other = text:match("%[.+%] (%w+_?%w+)%[(%d+)%]%: /"..v.."%s(.*)") cmd = v paramssss = other if stop == 0 then lua_thread.create(function() for i = 0, 5 do if active_report2 == 0 then status("false", i) else status("true", i) end end if prikoll then wait(550) printStyledString("You missed form", 1000, 5) active_report = 1 active_report2 = 0 started = 0 bbstart = -1 end end) end end end end end function status(parsasm, ggbc) if parsasm == "true" then active_report2 = 1 prikoll = "false" if ggbc == 5 then active_report2 = 0 started = 0 end active_report = 1 printStyledString("Admin form accepted", 5000, 5) bbstart = -1 else bbstart = -1 bbstart = bbstart + ggbc if bbstart == 0 then active_report = 2 end if active_report2 == 0 then wait(1000) printStyledString('Admin form '..ggbc.." wait", 1000, 5) end end end
превратил в String
?щас исправлюНа попробуй хз надолго ли
проверил у меня работаетLua:local event = require('lib.samp.events') stop = 0 started = 0 prinato = 0 active_report = 0 active_report2 = 0 prikoll = false function main() while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43) while true do wait(0) if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then if(active_report == 2) then sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d) sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss) status(true, 1) wait(1000) sampSendChat("/a [Forma] +") active_report2 = 1 end end end end local reasons = {"kick", "mute", "jail", "jailoff", "sethp", "sban", "banoff", "muteoff", "sbanoff", "spawn", "slap", "unmute", "unjail", "sban", "spcar", "ban", "sban", "warn", "skick", "setskin", "ao", "unban", "unwarn", "setskin", "skick", "banip", "offban", "offwarn", "plveh", "sban", "ptp", "o", "aad", "givegun", "avig", "aunvig", "setadmin", "givedonate", "spawncars", "mpwin", "prefix", "asellhouse", "delacc", "asellbiz", "money", "avig", "aunvig", 'iban'} function event.onServerMessage(color, text) lua_thread.create(function() for k,v in ipairs(reasons) do local mess = '%[.*%] ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)%[(%d+)%]%: /'..v..'%s*(.*)' if string.match(text,mess) then started = started + 1 if started < 2 then prikoll = true admin_nick, admin_id, other = string.match(text,mess) cmd = v paramssss = other if stop == 0 then for i = 0, 5 do if active_report2 == 0 then status(false, i) else status(true, i) end end if prikoll then wait(550) printStyledString("You missed form", 1000, 5) active_report = 1 active_report2 = 0 started = 0 bbstart = -1 end end end end end end) end function status(parsasm, ggbc) if parsasm then active_report2 = 1 prikoll = false if ggbc == 5 then active_report2 = 0 started = 0 end active_report = 1 printStyledString("Admin form accepted", 5000, 5) bbstart = -1 else bbstart = -1 bbstart = bbstart + ggbc if bbstart == 0 then active_report = 2 end if active_report2 == 0 then wait(1000) printStyledString('Admin form '..ggbc.." wait", 1000, 5) end end end
Ты зачем[B]Boolean[/B]
превратил в[B]String[/B]
а ты где нашел это?На попробуй хз надолго ли
проверил у меня работаетLua:local event = require('lib.samp.events') stop = 0 started = 0 prinato = 0 active_report = 0 active_report2 = 0 prikoll = false function main() while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end sampAddChatMessage('[FORM]: Привет братик! Я начала свою работу! Люблю<3', 0xFAEE43) while true do wait(0) if isKeyDown(75) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then if(active_report == 2) then sampAddChatMessage('[FORM] Выполняю братик<3', 0xFFff004d) sampSendChat("/"..cmd.." "..paramssss) status(true, 1) wait(1000) sampSendChat("/a [Forma] +") active_report2 = 1 end end end end local reasons = {"kick", "mute", "jail", "jailoff", "sethp", "sban", "banoff", "muteoff", "sbanoff", "spawn", "slap", "unmute", "unjail", "sban", "spcar", "ban", "sban", "warn", "skick", "setskin", "ao", "unban", "unwarn", "setskin", "skick", "banip", "offban", "offwarn", "plveh", "sban", "ptp", "o", "aad", "givegun", "avig", "aunvig", "setadmin", "givedonate", "spawncars", "mpwin", "prefix", "asellhouse", "delacc", "asellbiz", "money", "avig", "aunvig", 'iban'} function event.onServerMessage(color, text) lua_thread.create(function() for k,v in ipairs(reasons) do local mess = '%[.*%] ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)%[(%d+)%]%: /'..v..'%s*(.*)' if string.match(text,mess) then started = started + 1 if started < 2 then prikoll = true admin_nick, admin_id, other = string.match(text,mess) cmd = v paramssss = other if stop == 0 then for i = 0, 5 do if active_report2 == 0 then status(false, i) else status(true, i) end end if prikoll then wait(550) printStyledString("You missed form", 1000, 5) active_report = 1 active_report2 = 0 started = 0 bbstart = -1 end end end end end end) end function status(parsasm, ggbc) if parsasm then active_report2 = 1 prikoll = false if ggbc == 5 then active_report2 = 0 started = 0 end active_report = 1 printStyledString("Admin form accepted", 5000, 5) bbstart = -1 else bbstart = -1 bbstart = bbstart + ggbc if bbstart == 0 then active_report = 2 end if active_report2 == 0 then wait(1000) printStyledString('Admin form '..ggbc.." wait", 1000, 5) end end end
Ты зачемBoolean
превратил вString
бля можешь вк свой сказать там быстрее