Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

Общая тема для вопросов по разработке скриптов на языке программирования Lua, в частности под MoonLoader.
  • Задавая вопрос, убедитесь, что его нет в списке частых вопросов и что на него ещё не отвечали (воспользуйтесь поиском).
  • Поищите ответ в теме посвященной разработке Lua скриптов в MoonLoader
  • Отвечая, убедитесь, что ваш ответ корректен.
  • Старайтесь как можно точнее выразить мысль, а если проблема связана с кодом, то обязательно прикрепите его к сообщению, используя блок [code=lua]здесь мог бы быть ваш код[/code].
  • Если вопрос связан с MoonLoader-ом первым делом желательно поискать решение на wiki.

Частые вопросы

Как научиться писать скрипты? С чего начать?
Информация - Гайд - Всё о Lua скриптинге для MoonLoader(https://blast.hk/threads/22707/)
Как вывести текст на русском? Вместо русского текста у меня какие-то каракули.
Изменить кодировку файла скрипта на Windows-1251. В Atom: комбинация клавиш Ctrl+Shift+U, в Notepad++: меню Кодировки -> Кодировки -> Кириллица -> Windows-1251.
Как получить транспорт, в котором сидит игрок?
local veh = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(PLAYER_PED)
Как получить свой id или id другого игрока?
local _, id = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) -- получить свой ид
local _, id = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(ped) -- получить ид другого игрока. ped - это хендл персонажа
Как проверить, что строка содержит какой-то текст?
if string.find(str, 'текст', 1, true) then
-- строка str содержит "текст"
Как эмулировать нажатие игровой клавиши?
local game_keys = require 'game.keys' -- где-нибудь в начале скрипта вне функции main

setGameKeyState(game_keys.player.FIREWEAPON, -1) -- будет сэмулировано нажатие клавиши атаки
Все иды клавиш находятся в файле moonloader/lib/game/keys.lua.
Подробнее о функции setGameKeyState здесь: lua - setgamekeystate | BlastHack — DEV_WIKI(https://www.blast.hk/wiki/lua:setgamekeystate)
Как получить id другого игрока, в которого целюсь я?
local valid, ped = getCharPlayerIsTargeting(PLAYER_HANDLE) -- получить хендл персонажа, в которого целится игрок
if valid and doesCharExist(ped) then -- если цель есть и персонаж существует
  local result, id = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(ped) -- получить samp-ид игрока по хендлу персонажа
  if result then -- проверить, прошло ли получение ида успешно
    -- здесь любые действия с полученным идом игрока
Как зарегистрировать команду чата SAMP?
-- До бесконечного цикла/задержки
sampRegisterChatCommand("mycommand", function (param)
     -- param будет содержать весь текст введенный после команды, чтобы разделить его на аргументы используйте string.match()
    sampAddChatMessage("MyCMD", -1)
Крашит игру при вызове sampSendChat. Как это исправить?
Это происходит из-за бага в SAMPFUNCS, когда производится попытка отправки пакета определенными функциями изнутри события исходящих RPC и пакетов. Исправления для этого бага нет, но есть способ не провоцировать его. Вызов sampSendChat изнутри обработчика исходящих RPC/пакетов нужно обернуть в скриптовый поток с нулевой задержкой:
function onSendRpc(id)
  -- крашит:
  -- sampSendChat('Send RPC: ' .. id)

  -- норм:
    sampSendChat('Send RPC: ' .. id)
Последнее редактирование:


sampRegisterChatCommand('arrest', function (arg)
    local id, time = arg:match('(%d+)%s*(%d*)')
    if not (id and time) then
        return sampAddChatMessage('Введите /arrest [ID] [time]', -1)
    sampSendChat('/do ...')
    sampSendChat('/me ...')
    sampSendChat('/arrest ' .. arg)

Impossible to do that. You can ignore interior change RPC, but when the server sets your virtual world there's no way to bypass it.

if tonumber(str) then
expected (to close '(' at line 7) near 'sampRegisterChatCommand'

Удалённый пользователь 257775

Помогите, можете создать в данном коде новое окно imgui, которое будет открываться на клавишу "F9"
Желательно закоментируйте всё что вы сделали, огромнейшое спасибо всем кто поможет, и конечно с меня по почте ананас :D
Полный код потому-что я не знаю что и где, всего 120 строк :C
Помогите опять-таки новичку в Lua :C
--Arizona Helper v0.1
require "lib.moonloader"

local keys = require "vkeys" -- подключаю библиотеку vkeys
local imgui = require "lib.imgui" -- подключаю imgui
local encoding = require "lib.encoding" -- теперь encoding
ocal sampev = require 'lib.samp.events' -- Самп Ивент подключаю

-- полезные локальные переменные которые потом сильно помогут
local tag = "{FFFFFF}[7P Script]:{3BADFE} "
local name = '"{FF2E2E}Arizona {FFFFFF}Helper"{3BADFE}'
local version = '0.1'
-- цвета
local mc = 0x3BADFE
local wc = 0xFFFFFF
local mct = '{3BADFE}'
local wct = '{FFFFFF}'
-- настройка encoding для стабильного отображения кириллицы в imgui
encoding.default = 'CP1251'
u8 = encoding.UTF8

local main_window_state = imgui.ImBool(false)
local text_buffer = imgui.ImBuffer(256)

function main()
    if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end
    while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end
    color = ("%06x"):format(sampGetPlayerColor(idp))
    thread = lua_thread.create_suspended(thread_function)
    sampRegisterChatCommand("azhelp", cmd_azhelp) -- регистрируем команду открытия окна помощи
    sampRegisterChatCommand("cchat", cmd_cchat) -- регистрируем команду очистки чата
    -- текст при старте скрипта
    sampAddChatMessage(tag .. name .. "- активирован!!",wc)
    sampAddChatMessage(tag .. 'Версия скрипта - ' .. version,wc)
        sampAddChatMessage(tag .. 'Используйте: ' .. wct .. '/azhelp' .. mct .. ' для того, что-бы узнать весь список функций скрипта!',wc)
    print(mct .. "Скрипт Активирован!")
    --делаем проверку на то заспавнен ли игрок потому что после доступности сампа твой локальный ид будет равен 0 и вот только потом получаем ID
    while not sampIsLocalPlayerSpawned() do wait(100) return end
    --объявляем глобальную переменную idp
    _, idp = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED)
    imgui.Process = false
    --цикл постоянного выполнения функций
    while true do
        if main_window_state.v == false then -- если main_window_state = ложь, тогда imgui не работает
            imgui.Process = false
        if isKeyJustPressed(VK_L) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() then -- регистрируем /lock
        if isKeyDown(VK_I) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_D) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() then -- узнаём свой ID
            sampAddChatMessage(tag .. 'Ваш ID: {FFFFFF}' .. idp, wc)
        if isKeyDown(VK_E) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_Z) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive()  then -- ez - время
            sampAddChatMessage(tag .. "Время:", wc)
        if isKeyDown(VK_A) and isKeyDown(VK_R) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_M) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive()  then  -- При нажатии ARM вы юзаете броник
        if isKeyDown(VK_M) and isKeyDown(VK_S) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_K) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive()  then --  при нажатии MSK вы надевааете маску
        if isKeyJustPressed(VK_P) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() then -- мобилка

function sampev.onShowDialog(id, style, title, b1, b2, text) -- автоматом принимаем диалог выбора телефона
    if id == 1000 then

function cmd_cchat() -- очистка чата
        for i=1, 30 do
        sampAddChatMessage("", wc)

--function sampev.onShowDialog(dialogId, style, title, button1, button2, text)

function imgui.OnDrawFrame() -- /azhelp меню
    local ex, ey = getScreenResolution()
    imgui.SetNextWindowSize(imgui.ImVec2(400, 400), imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver) -- пример
    imgui.SetNextWindowPos(imgui.ImVec2(ex / 2 - 200, ey / 2 - 200), imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver) -- пример
    imgui.Begin(u8"Первая помощь!", main_window_state)
    imgui.Text(u8" /azhelp - Вывести это окно.")
    imgui.Text(u8" /cchat - очистить чат.")
    imgui.Text(u8" 'P' - Достать телефон")
    imgui.Text(u8" 'L' - Открыть/закрыть личный транспорт")
    imgui.Text(u8" 'I + D' - Узнать свой ID")
    imgui.Text(u8" 'E + Z' - Посмотреть время (/time)")
    imgui.Text(u8" 'A + R + M' - Надеть бронежилет.")
    imgui.Text(u8" 'M + S + K' - Надеть маску.")
    imgui.Text(u8" ")
    imgui.Text(u8" Специально для BlastHack, автор: vendykoff")


function cmd_azhelp() -- включение данного меню
    main_window_state.v = not main_window_state.v
    imgui.Process = main_window_state.v


Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
как записать в переменную текст который был написан в диалог


Пацаны, что здесь не так? Изначально были функции отображение над радаром направления и районов, я добавил туда код отображения квадратов на радаром дополнительно. Захожу в самп - показывают только районы и направление. Заранее Спасибо
local plashka = {show = true,x = "10", y = "290"} -- Тут редактируйте расположение инфы.

require "lib.moonloader"
require "lib.sampfuncs"
local sampev = require 'lib.samp.events'
local font_flag = require('moonloader').font_flag
local sx, sy = getScreenResolution()
local logo = renderCreateFont('BigNoodleTitlingCyr', 14, font_flag.BORDER) -- А тут редактируйте размер текста. Сейчас размер текста "14".

function main()
    if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end
    while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end
    while true do
        if plashka.show == true then
            local naprav = ""
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) >= 337.5 or getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 22.5 then naprav = "Северное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 22.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 67.5 then naprav = "Северо-западное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 67.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 112.5 then naprav = "Западное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 112.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 157.5 then naprav = "Юго-западное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 157.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 202.5 then naprav = "Южное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 202.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 247.5 then naprav = "Юго-восточное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 247.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 292.5 then naprav = "Восточное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 292.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 337.5 then naprav = "Северо-восточное" end
            renderFontDrawText(logo, "Направление: "..naprav, plashka.x, sy-plashka.y, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            renderFontDrawText(logo, "Район: "..calculateZone(getCharCoordinates(playerPed)), plashka.x, sy-plashka.y+renderGetFontDrawHeight(logo), 0xFFFFFFFF)

function kvadrat()
    local KV = { [1] = "А", [2] = "Б", [3] = "В", [4] = "Г", [5] = "Д", [6] = "Ж", [7] = "З", [8] = "И", [9] = "К", [10] = "Л", [11] = "М", [12] = "Н", [13] = "О", [14] = "П", [15] = "Р", [16] = "С", [17] = "Т", [18] = "У", [19] = "Ф", [20] = "Х", [21] = "Ц", [22] = "Ч", [23] = "Ш", [24] = "Я"}
    local X, Y, Z = getCharCoordinates(playerPed)
    X = math.ceil((X + 3000) / 250)
    Y = math.ceil((Y * - 1 + 3000) / 250)
    return KV[Y].."-"..X

function calculateZone(x, y, z)
    local streets = {{"Avispa Country Club", -2667.810, -302.135, -28.831, -2646.400, -262.320, 71.169},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1315.420, -405.388, 15.406, -1264.400, -209.543, 25.406},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2550.040, -355.493, 0.000, -2470.040, -318.493, 39.700},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1490.330, -209.543, 15.406, -1264.400, -148.388, 25.406},
    {"Garcia", -2395.140, -222.589, -5.3, -2354.090, -204.792, 200.000},
    {"Shady Cabin", -1632.830, -2263.440, -3.0, -1601.330, -2231.790, 200.000},
    {"East Los Santos", 2381.680, -1494.030, -89.084, 2421.030, -1454.350, 110.916},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1236.630, 1163.410, -89.084, 1277.050, 1203.280, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield Intersection", 1277.050, 1044.690, -89.084, 1315.350, 1087.630, 110.916},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2470.040, -355.493, 0.000, -2270.040, -318.493, 46.100},
    {"Temple", 1252.330, -926.999, -89.084, 1357.000, -910.170, 110.916},
    {"Unity Station", 1692.620, -1971.800, -20.492, 1812.620, -1932.800, 79.508},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1315.350, 1044.690, -89.084, 1375.600, 1087.630, 110.916},
    {"Los Flores", 2581.730, -1454.350, -89.084, 2632.830, -1393.420, 110.916},
    {"Starfish Casino", 2437.390, 1858.100, -39.084, 2495.090, 1970.850, 60.916},
    {"Easter Bay Chemicals", -1132.820, -787.391, 0.000, -956.476, -768.027, 200.000},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1370.850, -1170.870, -89.084, 1463.900, -1130.850, 110.916},
    {"Esplanade East", -1620.300, 1176.520, -4.5, -1580.010, 1274.260, 200.000},
    {"Market Station", 787.461, -1410.930, -34.126, 866.009, -1310.210, 65.874},
    {"Linden Station", 2811.250, 1229.590, -39.594, 2861.250, 1407.590, 60.406},
    {"Montgomery Intersection", 1582.440, 347.457, 0.000, 1664.620, 401.750, 200.000},
    {"Frederick Bridge", 2759.250, 296.501, 0.000, 2774.250, 594.757, 200.000},
    {"Yellow Bell Station", 1377.480, 2600.430, -21.926, 1492.450, 2687.360, 78.074},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1507.510, -1385.210, 110.916, 1582.550, -1325.310, 335.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2185.330, -1210.740, -89.084, 2281.450, -1154.590, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1318.130, -910.170, -89.084, 1357.000, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2361.510, -417.199, 0.000, -2270.040, -355.493, 200.000},
    {"Jefferson", 1996.910, -1449.670, -89.084, 2056.860, -1350.720, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway West", 1236.630, 2142.860, -89.084, 1297.470, 2243.230, 110.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2124.660, -1494.030, -89.084, 2266.210, -1449.670, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1848.400, 2478.490, -89.084, 1938.800, 2553.490, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 422.680, -1570.200, -89.084, 466.223, -1406.050, 110.916},
    {"Cranberry Station", -2007.830, 56.306, 0.000, -1922.000, 224.782, 100.000},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1391.050, -1026.330, -89.084, 1463.900, -926.999, 110.916},
    {"Redsands West", 1704.590, 2243.230, -89.084, 1777.390, 2342.830, 110.916},
    {"Little Mexico", 1758.900, -1722.260, -89.084, 1812.620, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield Intersection", 1375.600, 823.228, -89.084, 1457.390, 919.447, 110.916},
    {"Los Santos International", 1974.630, -2394.330, -39.084, 2089.000, -2256.590, 60.916},
    {"Beacon Hill", -399.633, -1075.520, -1.489, -319.033, -977.516, 198.511},
    {"Rodeo", 334.503, -1501.950, -89.084, 422.680, -1406.050, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 225.165, -1369.620, -89.084, 334.503, -1292.070, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1724.760, -1250.900, -89.084, 1812.620, -1150.870, 110.916},
    {"The Strip", 2027.400, 1703.230, -89.084, 2137.400, 1783.230, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1378.330, -1130.850, -89.084, 1463.900, -1026.330, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield Intersection", 1197.390, 1044.690, -89.084, 1277.050, 1163.390, 110.916},
    {"Conference Center", 1073.220, -1842.270, -89.084, 1323.900, -1804.210, 110.916},
    {"Montgomery", 1451.400, 347.457, -6.1, 1582.440, 420.802, 200.000},
    {"Foster Valley", -2270.040, -430.276, -1.2, -2178.690, -324.114, 200.000},
    {"Blackfield Chapel", 1325.600, 596.349, -89.084, 1375.600, 795.010, 110.916},
    {"Los Santos International", 2051.630, -2597.260, -39.084, 2152.450, -2394.330, 60.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1096.470, -910.170, -89.084, 1169.130, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Yellow Bell Gol Course", 1457.460, 2723.230, -89.084, 1534.560, 2863.230, 110.916},
    {"The Strip", 2027.400, 1783.230, -89.084, 2162.390, 1863.230, 110.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2056.860, -1210.740, -89.084, 2185.330, -1126.320, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 952.604, -937.184, -89.084, 1096.470, -860.619, 110.916},
    {"Aldea Malvada", -1372.140, 2498.520, 0.000, -1277.590, 2615.350, 200.000},
    {"Las Colinas", 2126.860, -1126.320, -89.084, 2185.330, -934.489, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 1994.330, -1100.820, -89.084, 2056.860, -920.815, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 647.557, -954.662, -89.084, 768.694, -860.619, 110.916},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1277.050, 1087.630, -89.084, 1375.600, 1203.280, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1377.390, 2433.230, -89.084, 1534.560, 2507.230, 110.916},
    {"Willowfield", 2201.820, -2095.000, -89.084, 2324.000, -1989.900, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1704.590, 2342.830, -89.084, 1848.400, 2433.230, 110.916},
    {"Temple", 1252.330, -1130.850, -89.084, 1378.330, -1026.330, 110.916},
    {"Little Mexico", 1701.900, -1842.270, -89.084, 1812.620, -1722.260, 110.916},
    {"Queens", -2411.220, 373.539, 0.000, -2253.540, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Las Venturas Airport", 1515.810, 1586.400, -12.500, 1729.950, 1714.560, 87.500},
    {"Richman", 225.165, -1292.070, -89.084, 466.223, -1235.070, 110.916},
    {"Temple", 1252.330, -1026.330, -89.084, 1391.050, -926.999, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2266.260, -1494.030, -89.084, 2381.680, -1372.040, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway East", 2623.180, 943.235, -89.084, 2749.900, 1055.960, 110.916},
    {"Willowfield", 2541.700, -1941.400, -89.084, 2703.580, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 2056.860, -1126.320, -89.084, 2126.860, -920.815, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway East", 2625.160, 2202.760, -89.084, 2685.160, 2442.550, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 225.165, -1501.950, -89.084, 334.503, -1369.620, 110.916},
    {"Las Brujas", -365.167, 2123.010, -3.0, -208.570, 2217.680, 200.000},
    {"Julius Thruway East", 2536.430, 2442.550, -89.084, 2685.160, 2542.550, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 334.503, -1406.050, -89.084, 466.223, -1292.070, 110.916},
    {"Vinewood", 647.557, -1227.280, -89.084, 787.461, -1118.280, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 422.680, -1684.650, -89.084, 558.099, -1570.200, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 2498.210, 2542.550, -89.084, 2685.160, 2626.550, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1724.760, -1430.870, -89.084, 1812.620, -1250.900, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 225.165, -1684.650, -89.084, 312.803, -1501.950, 110.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2056.860, -1449.670, -89.084, 2266.210, -1372.040, 110.916},
    {"Hampton Barns", 603.035, 264.312, 0.000, 761.994, 366.572, 200.000},
    {"Temple", 1096.470, -1130.840, -89.084, 1252.330, -1026.330, 110.916},
    {"Kincaid Bridge", -1087.930, 855.370, -89.084, -961.950, 986.281, 110.916},
    {"Verona Beach", 1046.150, -1722.260, -89.084, 1161.520, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Commerce", 1323.900, -1722.260, -89.084, 1440.900, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1357.000, -926.999, -89.084, 1463.900, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 466.223, -1570.200, -89.084, 558.099, -1385.070, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 911.802, -860.619, -89.084, 1096.470, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 768.694, -954.662, -89.084, 952.604, -860.619, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway South", 2377.390, 788.894, -89.084, 2537.390, 897.901, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1812.620, -1852.870, -89.084, 1971.660, -1742.310, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2089.000, -2394.330, -89.084, 2201.820, -2235.840, 110.916},
    {"Commerce", 1370.850, -1577.590, -89.084, 1463.900, -1384.950, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 2121.400, 2508.230, -89.084, 2237.400, 2663.170, 110.916},
    {"Temple", 1096.470, -1026.330, -89.084, 1252.330, -910.170, 110.916},
    {"Glen Park", 1812.620, -1449.670, -89.084, 1996.910, -1350.720, 110.916},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1242.980, -50.096, 0.000, -1213.910, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Martin Bridge", -222.179, 293.324, 0.000, -122.126, 476.465, 200.000},
    {"The Strip", 2106.700, 1863.230, -89.084, 2162.390, 2202.760, 110.916},
    {"Willowfield", 2541.700, -2059.230, -89.084, 2703.580, -1941.400, 110.916},
    {"Marina", 807.922, -1577.590, -89.084, 926.922, -1416.250, 110.916},
    {"Las Venturas Airport", 1457.370, 1143.210, -89.084, 1777.400, 1203.280, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1812.620, -1742.310, -89.084, 1951.660, -1602.310, 110.916},
    {"Esplanade East", -1580.010, 1025.980, -6.1, -1499.890, 1274.260, 200.000},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1370.850, -1384.950, -89.084, 1463.900, -1170.870, 110.916},
    {"The Mako Span", 1664.620, 401.750, 0.000, 1785.140, 567.203, 200.000},
    {"Rodeo", 312.803, -1684.650, -89.084, 422.680, -1501.950, 110.916},
    {"Pershing Square", 1440.900, -1722.260, -89.084, 1583.500, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 687.802, -860.619, -89.084, 911.802, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Gant Bridge", -2741.070, 1490.470, -6.1, -2616.400, 1659.680, 200.000},
    {"Las Colinas", 2185.330, -1154.590, -89.084, 2281.450, -934.489, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1169.130, -910.170, -89.084, 1318.130, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1938.800, 2508.230, -89.084, 2121.400, 2624.230, 110.916},
    {"Commerce", 1667.960, -1577.590, -89.084, 1812.620, -1430.870, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 72.648, -1544.170, -89.084, 225.165, -1404.970, 110.916},
    {"Roca Escalante", 2536.430, 2202.760, -89.084, 2625.160, 2442.550, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 72.648, -1684.650, -89.084, 225.165, -1544.170, 110.916},
    {"Market", 952.663, -1310.210, -89.084, 1072.660, -1130.850, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 2632.740, -1135.040, -89.084, 2747.740, -945.035, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 861.085, -674.885, -89.084, 1156.550, -600.896, 110.916},
    {"King's", -2253.540, 373.539, -9.1, -1993.280, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Redsands East", 1848.400, 2342.830, -89.084, 2011.940, 2478.490, 110.916},
    {"Downtown", -1580.010, 744.267, -6.1, -1499.890, 1025.980, 200.000},
    {"Conference Center", 1046.150, -1804.210, -89.084, 1323.900, -1722.260, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 647.557, -1118.280, -89.084, 787.461, -954.662, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Flats", -2994.490, 277.411, -9.1, -2867.850, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Greenglass College", 964.391, 930.890, -89.084, 1166.530, 1044.690, 110.916},
    {"Glen Park", 1812.620, -1100.820, -89.084, 1994.330, -973.380, 110.916},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1375.600, 919.447, -89.084, 1457.370, 1203.280, 110.916},
    {"Regular Tom", -405.770, 1712.860, -3.0, -276.719, 1892.750, 200.000},
    {"Verona Beach", 1161.520, -1722.260, -89.084, 1323.900, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2281.450, -1372.040, -89.084, 2381.680, -1135.040, 110.916},
    {"Caligula's Palace", 2137.400, 1703.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 1783.230, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1951.660, -1742.310, -89.084, 2124.660, -1602.310, 110.916},
    {"Pilgrim", 2624.400, 1383.230, -89.084, 2685.160, 1783.230, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 2124.660, -1742.310, -89.084, 2222.560, -1494.030, 110.916},
    {"Queens", -2533.040, 458.411, 0.000, -2329.310, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Downtown", -1871.720, 1176.420, -4.5, -1620.300, 1274.260, 200.000},
    {"Commerce", 1583.500, -1722.260, -89.084, 1758.900, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2381.680, -1454.350, -89.084, 2462.130, -1135.040, 110.916},
    {"Marina", 647.712, -1577.590, -89.084, 807.922, -1416.250, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 72.648, -1404.970, -89.084, 225.165, -1235.070, 110.916},
    {"Vinewood", 647.712, -1416.250, -89.084, 787.461, -1227.280, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2222.560, -1628.530, -89.084, 2421.030, -1494.030, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 558.099, -1684.650, -89.084, 647.522, -1384.930, 110.916},
    {"Easter Tunnel", -1709.710, -833.034, -1.5, -1446.010, -730.118, 200.000},
    {"Rodeo", 466.223, -1385.070, -89.084, 647.522, -1235.070, 110.916},
    {"Redsands East", 1817.390, 2202.760, -89.084, 2011.940, 2342.830, 110.916},
    {"The Clown's Pocket", 2162.390, 1783.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 1883.230, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1971.660, -1852.870, -89.084, 2222.560, -1742.310, 110.916},
    {"Montgomery Intersection", 1546.650, 208.164, 0.000, 1745.830, 347.457, 200.000},
    {"Willowfield", 2089.000, -2235.840, -89.084, 2201.820, -1989.900, 110.916},
    {"Temple", 952.663, -1130.840, -89.084, 1096.470, -937.184, 110.916},
    {"Prickle Pine", 1848.400, 2553.490, -89.084, 1938.800, 2863.230, 110.916},
    {"Los Santos International", 1400.970, -2669.260, -39.084, 2189.820, -2597.260, 60.916},
    {"Garver Bridge", -1213.910, 950.022, -89.084, -1087.930, 1178.930, 110.916},
    {"Garver Bridge", -1339.890, 828.129, -89.084, -1213.910, 1057.040, 110.916},
    {"Kincaid Bridge", -1339.890, 599.218, -89.084, -1213.910, 828.129, 110.916},
    {"Kincaid Bridge", -1213.910, 721.111, -89.084, -1087.930, 950.022, 110.916},
    {"Verona Beach", 930.221, -2006.780, -89.084, 1073.220, -1804.210, 110.916},
    {"Verdant Bluffs", 1073.220, -2006.780, -89.084, 1249.620, -1842.270, 110.916},
    {"Vinewood", 787.461, -1130.840, -89.084, 952.604, -954.662, 110.916},
    {"Vinewood", 787.461, -1310.210, -89.084, 952.663, -1130.840, 110.916},
    {"Commerce", 1463.900, -1577.590, -89.084, 1667.960, -1430.870, 110.916},
    {"Market", 787.461, -1416.250, -89.084, 1072.660, -1310.210, 110.916},
    {"Rockshore West", 2377.390, 596.349, -89.084, 2537.390, 788.894, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 2237.400, 2542.550, -89.084, 2498.210, 2663.170, 110.916},
    {"East Beach", 2632.830, -1668.130, -89.084, 2747.740, -1393.420, 110.916},
    {"Fallow Bridge", 434.341, 366.572, 0.000, 603.035, 555.680, 200.000},
    {"Willowfield", 2089.000, -1989.900, -89.084, 2324.000, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Chinatown", -2274.170, 578.396, -7.6, -2078.670, 744.170, 200.000},
    {"El Castillo del Diablo", -208.570, 2337.180, 0.000, 8.430, 2487.180, 200.000},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2324.000, -2145.100, -89.084, 2703.580, -2059.230, 110.916},
    {"Easter Bay Chemicals", -1132.820, -768.027, 0.000, -956.476, -578.118, 200.000},
    {"The Visage", 1817.390, 1703.230, -89.084, 2027.400, 1863.230, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Flats", -2994.490, -430.276, -1.2, -2831.890, -222.589, 200.000},
    {"Richman", 321.356, -860.619, -89.084, 687.802, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Green Palms", 176.581, 1305.450, -3.0, 338.658, 1520.720, 200.000},
    {"Richman", 321.356, -768.027, -89.084, 700.794, -674.885, 110.916},
    {"Starfish Casino", 2162.390, 1883.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 2012.180, 110.916},
    {"East Beach", 2747.740, -1668.130, -89.084, 2959.350, -1498.620, 110.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2056.860, -1372.040, -89.084, 2281.450, -1210.740, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1463.900, -1290.870, -89.084, 1724.760, -1150.870, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1463.900, -1430.870, -89.084, 1724.760, -1290.870, 110.916},
    {"Garver Bridge", -1499.890, 696.442, -179.615, -1339.890, 925.353, 20.385},
    {"Julius Thruway South", 1457.390, 823.228, -89.084, 2377.390, 863.229, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2421.030, -1628.530, -89.084, 2632.830, -1454.350, 110.916},
    {"Greenglass College", 964.391, 1044.690, -89.084, 1197.390, 1203.220, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 2747.740, -1120.040, -89.084, 2959.350, -945.035, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 737.573, -768.027, -89.084, 1142.290, -674.885, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2201.820, -2730.880, -89.084, 2324.000, -2418.330, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2462.130, -1454.350, -89.084, 2581.730, -1135.040, 110.916},
    {"Ganton", 2222.560, -1722.330, -89.084, 2632.830, -1628.530, 110.916},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2831.890, -430.276, -6.1, -2646.400, -222.589, 200.000},
    {"Willowfield", 1970.620, -2179.250, -89.084, 2089.000, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Esplanade North", -1982.320, 1274.260, -4.5, -1524.240, 1358.900, 200.000},
    {"The High Roller", 1817.390, 1283.230, -89.084, 2027.390, 1469.230, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2201.820, -2418.330, -89.084, 2324.000, -2095.000, 110.916},
    {"Last Dime Motel", 1823.080, 596.349, -89.084, 1997.220, 823.228, 110.916},
    {"Bayside Marina", -2353.170, 2275.790, 0.000, -2153.170, 2475.790, 200.000},
    {"King's", -2329.310, 458.411, -7.6, -1993.280, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"El Corona", 1692.620, -2179.250, -89.084, 1812.620, -1842.270, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield Chapel", 1375.600, 596.349, -89.084, 1558.090, 823.228, 110.916},
    {"The Pink Swan", 1817.390, 1083.230, -89.084, 2027.390, 1283.230, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway West", 1197.390, 1163.390, -89.084, 1236.630, 2243.230, 110.916},
    {"Los Flores", 2581.730, -1393.420, -89.084, 2747.740, -1135.040, 110.916},
    {"The Visage", 1817.390, 1863.230, -89.084, 2106.700, 2011.830, 110.916},
    {"Prickle Pine", 1938.800, 2624.230, -89.084, 2121.400, 2861.550, 110.916},
    {"Verona Beach", 851.449, -1804.210, -89.084, 1046.150, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Robada Intersection", -1119.010, 1178.930, -89.084, -862.025, 1351.450, 110.916},
    {"Linden Side", 2749.900, 943.235, -89.084, 2923.390, 1198.990, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2703.580, -2302.330, -89.084, 2959.350, -2126.900, 110.916},
    {"Willowfield", 2324.000, -2059.230, -89.084, 2541.700, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"King's", -2411.220, 265.243, -9.1, -1993.280, 373.539, 200.000},
    {"Commerce", 1323.900, -1842.270, -89.084, 1701.900, -1722.260, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1269.130, -768.027, -89.084, 1414.070, -452.425, 110.916},
    {"Marina", 647.712, -1804.210, -89.084, 851.449, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Battery Point", -2741.070, 1268.410, -4.5, -2533.040, 1490.470, 200.000},
    {"The Four Dragons Casino", 1817.390, 863.232, -89.084, 2027.390, 1083.230, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield", 964.391, 1203.220, -89.084, 1197.390, 1403.220, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1534.560, 2433.230, -89.084, 1848.400, 2583.230, 110.916},
    {"Yellow Bell Gol Course", 1117.400, 2723.230, -89.084, 1457.460, 2863.230, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1812.620, -1602.310, -89.084, 2124.660, -1449.670, 110.916},
    {"Redsands West", 1297.470, 2142.860, -89.084, 1777.390, 2243.230, 110.916},
    {"Doherty", -2270.040, -324.114, -1.2, -1794.920, -222.589, 200.000},
    {"Hilltop Farm", 967.383, -450.390, -3.0, 1176.780, -217.900, 200.000},
    {"Las Barrancas", -926.130, 1398.730, -3.0, -719.234, 1634.690, 200.000},
    {"Pirates in Men's Pants", 1817.390, 1469.230, -89.084, 2027.400, 1703.230, 110.916},
    {"City Hall", -2867.850, 277.411, -9.1, -2593.440, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2646.400, -355.493, 0.000, -2270.040, -222.589, 200.000},
    {"The Strip", 2027.400, 863.229, -89.084, 2087.390, 1703.230, 110.916},
    {"Hashbury", -2593.440, -222.589, -1.0, -2411.220, 54.722, 200.000},
    {"Los Santos International", 1852.000, -2394.330, -89.084, 2089.000, -2179.250, 110.916},
    {"Whitewood Estates", 1098.310, 1726.220, -89.084, 1197.390, 2243.230, 110.916},
    {"Sherman Reservoir", -789.737, 1659.680, -89.084, -599.505, 1929.410, 110.916},
    {"El Corona", 1812.620, -2179.250, -89.084, 1970.620, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Downtown", -1700.010, 744.267, -6.1, -1580.010, 1176.520, 200.000},
    {"Foster Valley", -2178.690, -1250.970, 0.000, -1794.920, -1115.580, 200.000},
    {"Las Payasadas", -354.332, 2580.360, 2.0, -133.625, 2816.820, 200.000},
    {"Valle Ocultado", -936.668, 2611.440, 2.0, -715.961, 2847.900, 200.000},
    {"Blackfield Intersection", 1166.530, 795.010, -89.084, 1375.600, 1044.690, 110.916},
    {"Ganton", 2222.560, -1852.870, -89.084, 2632.830, -1722.330, 110.916},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1213.910, -730.118, 0.000, -1132.820, -50.096, 200.000},
    {"Redsands East", 1817.390, 2011.830, -89.084, 2106.700, 2202.760, 110.916},
    {"Esplanade East", -1499.890, 578.396, -79.615, -1339.890, 1274.260, 20.385},
    {"Caligula's Palace", 2087.390, 1543.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 1703.230, 110.916},
    {"Royal Casino", 2087.390, 1383.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 1543.230, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 72.648, -1235.070, -89.084, 321.356, -1008.150, 110.916},
    {"Starfish Casino", 2437.390, 1783.230, -89.084, 2685.160, 2012.180, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1281.130, -452.425, -89.084, 1641.130, -290.913, 110.916},
    {"Downtown", -1982.320, 744.170, -6.1, -1871.720, 1274.260, 200.000},
    {"Hankypanky Point", 2576.920, 62.158, 0.000, 2759.250, 385.503, 200.000},
    {"K.A.C.C. Military Fuels", 2498.210, 2626.550, -89.084, 2749.900, 2861.550, 110.916},
    {"Harry Gold Parkway", 1777.390, 863.232, -89.084, 1817.390, 2342.830, 110.916},
    {"Bayside Tunnel", -2290.190, 2548.290, -89.084, -1950.190, 2723.290, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2324.000, -2302.330, -89.084, 2703.580, -2145.100, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 321.356, -1044.070, -89.084, 647.557, -860.619, 110.916},
    {"Randolph Industrial Estate", 1558.090, 596.349, -89.084, 1823.080, 823.235, 110.916},
    {"East Beach", 2632.830, -1852.870, -89.084, 2959.350, -1668.130, 110.916},
    {"Flint Water", -314.426, -753.874, -89.084, -106.339, -463.073, 110.916},
    {"Blueberry", 19.607, -404.136, 3.8, 349.607, -220.137, 200.000},
    {"Linden Station", 2749.900, 1198.990, -89.084, 2923.390, 1548.990, 110.916},
    {"Glen Park", 1812.620, -1350.720, -89.084, 2056.860, -1100.820, 110.916},
    {"Downtown", -1993.280, 265.243, -9.1, -1794.920, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Redsands West", 1377.390, 2243.230, -89.084, 1704.590, 2433.230, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 321.356, -1235.070, -89.084, 647.522, -1044.070, 110.916},
    {"Gant Bridge", -2741.450, 1659.680, -6.1, -2616.400, 2175.150, 200.000},
    {"Lil' Probe Inn", -90.218, 1286.850, -3.0, 153.859, 1554.120, 200.000},
    {"Flint Intersection", -187.700, -1596.760, -89.084, 17.063, -1276.600, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 2281.450, -1135.040, -89.084, 2632.740, -945.035, 110.916},
    {"Sobell Rail Yards", 2749.900, 1548.990, -89.084, 2923.390, 1937.250, 110.916},
    {"The Emerald Isle", 2011.940, 2202.760, -89.084, 2237.400, 2508.230, 110.916},
    {"El Castillo del Diablo", -208.570, 2123.010, -7.6, 114.033, 2337.180, 200.000},
    {"Santa Flora", -2741.070, 458.411, -7.6, -2533.040, 793.411, 200.000},
    {"Playa del Seville", 2703.580, -2126.900, -89.084, 2959.350, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Market", 926.922, -1577.590, -89.084, 1370.850, -1416.250, 110.916},
    {"Queens", -2593.440, 54.722, 0.000, -2411.220, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Pilson Intersection", 1098.390, 2243.230, -89.084, 1377.390, 2507.230, 110.916},
    {"Spinybed", 2121.400, 2663.170, -89.084, 2498.210, 2861.550, 110.916},
    {"Pilgrim", 2437.390, 1383.230, -89.084, 2624.400, 1783.230, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield", 964.391, 1403.220, -89.084, 1197.390, 1726.220, 110.916},
    {"'The Big Ear'", -410.020, 1403.340, -3.0, -137.969, 1681.230, 200.000},
    {"Dillimore", 580.794, -674.885, -9.5, 861.085, -404.790, 200.000},
    {"El Quebrados", -1645.230, 2498.520, 0.000, -1372.140, 2777.850, 200.000},
    {"Esplanade North", -2533.040, 1358.900, -4.5, -1996.660, 1501.210, 200.000},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1499.890, -50.096, -1.0, -1242.980, 249.904, 200.000},
    {"Fisher's Lagoon", 1916.990, -233.323, -100.000, 2131.720, 13.800, 200.000},
    {"Mulholland", 1414.070, -768.027, -89.084, 1667.610, -452.425, 110.916},
    {"East Beach", 2747.740, -1498.620, -89.084, 2959.350, -1120.040, 110.916},
    {"San Andreas Sound", 2450.390, 385.503, -100.000, 2759.250, 562.349, 200.000},
    {"Shady Creeks", -2030.120, -2174.890, -6.1, -1820.640, -1771.660, 200.000},
    {"Market", 1072.660, -1416.250, -89.084, 1370.850, -1130.850, 110.916},
    {"Rockshore West", 1997.220, 596.349, -89.084, 2377.390, 823.228, 110.916},
    {"Prickle Pine", 1534.560, 2583.230, -89.084, 1848.400, 2863.230, 110.916},
    {"Easter Basin", -1794.920, -50.096, -1.04, -1499.890, 249.904, 200.000},
    {"Leafy Hollow", -1166.970, -1856.030, 0.000, -815.624, -1602.070, 200.000},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1457.390, 863.229, -89.084, 1777.400, 1143.210, 110.916},
    {"Prickle Pine", 1117.400, 2507.230, -89.084, 1534.560, 2723.230, 110.916},
    {"Blueberry", 104.534, -220.137, 2.3, 349.607, 152.236, 200.000},
    {"El Castillo del Diablo", -464.515, 2217.680, 0.000, -208.570, 2580.360, 200.000},
    {"Downtown", -2078.670, 578.396, -7.6, -1499.890, 744.267, 200.000},
    {"Rockshore East", 2537.390, 676.549, -89.084, 2902.350, 943.235, 110.916},
    {"San Fierro Bay", -2616.400, 1501.210, -3.0, -1996.660, 1659.680, 200.000},
    {"Paradiso", -2741.070, 793.411, -6.1, -2533.040, 1268.410, 200.000},
    {"The Camel's Toe", 2087.390, 1203.230, -89.084, 2640.400, 1383.230, 110.916},
    {"Old Venturas Strip", 2162.390, 2012.180, -89.084, 2685.160, 2202.760, 110.916},
    {"Juniper Hill", -2533.040, 578.396, -7.6, -2274.170, 968.369, 200.000},
    {"Juniper Hollow", -2533.040, 968.369, -6.1, -2274.170, 1358.900, 200.000},
    {"Roca Escalante", 2237.400, 2202.760, -89.084, 2536.430, 2542.550, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway East", 2685.160, 1055.960, -89.084, 2749.900, 2626.550, 110.916},
    {"Verona Beach", 647.712, -2173.290, -89.084, 930.221, -1804.210, 110.916},
    {"Foster Valley", -2178.690, -599.884, -1.2, -1794.920, -324.114, 200.000},
    {"Arco del Oeste", -901.129, 2221.860, 0.000, -592.090, 2571.970, 200.000},
    {"Fallen Tree", -792.254, -698.555, -5.3, -452.404, -380.043, 200.000},
    {"The Farm", -1209.670, -1317.100, 114.981, -908.161, -787.391, 251.981},
    {"The Sherman Dam", -968.772, 1929.410, -3.0, -481.126, 2155.260, 200.000},
    {"Esplanade North", -1996.660, 1358.900, -4.5, -1524.240, 1592.510, 200.000},
    {"Financial", -1871.720, 744.170, -6.1, -1701.300, 1176.420, 300.000},
    {"Garcia", -2411.220, -222.589, -1.14, -2173.040, 265.243, 200.000},
    {"Montgomery", 1119.510, 119.526, -3.0, 1451.400, 493.323, 200.000},
    {"Creek", 2749.900, 1937.250, -89.084, 2921.620, 2669.790, 110.916},
    {"Los Santos International", 1249.620, -2394.330, -89.084, 1852.000, -2179.250, 110.916},
    {"Santa Maria Beach", 72.648, -2173.290, -89.084, 342.648, -1684.650, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland Intersection", 1463.900, -1150.870, -89.084, 1812.620, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Angel Pine", -2324.940, -2584.290, -6.1, -1964.220, -2212.110, 200.000},
    {"Verdant Meadows", 37.032, 2337.180, -3.0, 435.988, 2677.900, 200.000},
    {"Octane Springs", 338.658, 1228.510, 0.000, 664.308, 1655.050, 200.000},
    {"Come-A-Lot", 2087.390, 943.235, -89.084, 2623.180, 1203.230, 110.916},
    {"Redsands West", 1236.630, 1883.110, -89.084, 1777.390, 2142.860, 110.916},
    {"Santa Maria Beach", 342.648, -2173.290, -89.084, 647.712, -1684.650, 110.916},
    {"Verdant Bluffs", 1249.620, -2179.250, -89.084, 1692.620, -1842.270, 110.916},
    {"Las Venturas Airport", 1236.630, 1203.280, -89.084, 1457.370, 1883.110, 110.916},
    {"Flint Range", -594.191, -1648.550, 0.000, -187.700, -1276.600, 200.000},
    {"Verdant Bluffs", 930.221, -2488.420, -89.084, 1249.620, -2006.780, 110.916},
    {"Palomino Creek", 2160.220, -149.004, 0.000, 2576.920, 228.322, 200.000},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2373.770, -2697.090, -89.084, 2809.220, -2330.460, 110.916},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1213.910, -50.096, -4.5, -947.980, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Whitewood Estates", 883.308, 1726.220, -89.084, 1098.310, 2507.230, 110.916},
    {"Calton Heights", -2274.170, 744.170, -6.1, -1982.320, 1358.900, 200.000},
    {"Easter Basin", -1794.920, 249.904, -9.1, -1242.980, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Los Santos Inlet", -321.744, -2224.430, -89.084, 44.615, -1724.430, 110.916},
    {"Doherty", -2173.040, -222.589, -1.0, -1794.920, 265.243, 200.000},
    {"Mount Chiliad", -2178.690, -2189.910, -47.917, -2030.120, -1771.660, 576.083},
    {"Fort Carson", -376.233, 826.326, -3.0, 123.717, 1220.440, 200.000},
    {"Foster Valley", -2178.690, -1115.580, 0.000, -1794.920, -599.884, 200.000},
    {"Ocean Flats", -2994.490, -222.589, -1.0, -2593.440, 277.411, 200.000},
    {"Fern Ridge", 508.189, -139.259, 0.000, 1306.660, 119.526, 200.000},
    {"Bayside", -2741.070, 2175.150, 0.000, -2353.170, 2722.790, 200.000},
    {"Las Venturas Airport", 1457.370, 1203.280, -89.084, 1777.390, 1883.110, 110.916},
    {"Blueberry Acres", -319.676, -220.137, 0.000, 104.534, 293.324, 200.000},
    {"Palisades", -2994.490, 458.411, -6.1, -2741.070, 1339.610, 200.000},
    {"North Rock", 2285.370, -768.027, 0.000, 2770.590, -269.740, 200.000},
    {"Hunter Quarry", 337.244, 710.840, -115.239, 860.554, 1031.710, 203.761},
    {"Los Santos International", 1382.730, -2730.880, -89.084, 2201.820, -2394.330, 110.916},
    {"Missionary Hill", -2994.490, -811.276, 0.000, -2178.690, -430.276, 200.000},
    {"San Fierro Bay", -2616.400, 1659.680, -3.0, -1996.660, 2175.150, 200.000},
    {"Restricted Area", -91.586, 1655.050, -50.000, 421.234, 2123.010, 250.000},
    {"Mount Chiliad", -2997.470, -1115.580, -47.917, -2178.690, -971.913, 576.083},
    {"Mount Chiliad", -2178.690, -1771.660, -47.917, -1936.120, -1250.970, 576.083},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1794.920, -730.118, -3.0, -1213.910, -50.096, 200.000},
    {"The Panopticon", -947.980, -304.320, -1.1, -319.676, 327.071, 200.000},
    {"Shady Creeks", -1820.640, -2643.680, -8.0, -1226.780, -1771.660, 200.000},
    {"Back o Beyond", -1166.970, -2641.190, 0.000, -321.744, -1856.030, 200.000},
    {"Mount Chiliad", -2994.490, -2189.910, -47.917, -2178.690, -1115.580, 576.083},
    {"Tierra Robada", -1213.910, 596.349, -242.990, -480.539, 1659.680, 900.000},
    {"Flint County", -1213.910, -2892.970, -242.990, 44.615, -768.027, 900.000},
    {"Whetstone", -2997.470, -2892.970, -242.990, -1213.910, -1115.580, 900.000},
    {"Bone County", -480.539, 596.349, -242.990, 869.461, 2993.870, 900.000},
    {"Tierra Robada", -2997.470, 1659.680, -242.990, -480.539, 2993.870, 900.000},
    {"San Fierro", -2997.470, -1115.580, -242.990, -1213.910, 1659.680, 900.000},
    {"Las Venturas", 869.461, 596.349, -242.990, 2997.060, 2993.870, 900.000},
    {"Red County", -1213.910, -768.027, -242.990, 2997.060, 596.349, 900.000},
    {"Los Santos", 44.615, -2892.970, -242.990, 2997.060, -768.027, 900.000}}
    for i, v in ipairs(streets) do
        if (x >= v[2]) and (y >= v[3]) and (z >= v[4]) and (x <= v[5]) and (y <= v[6]) and (z <= v[7]) then
            return v[1]
    return "Unknown"


Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
должен выводить текст в консоль при нажатие f2
текст введенные в диалог id 2 выводит при нажатие f2
[ML] (script) moonloader.lua: nil -- муцнлоадер название скрипта
function main()
  while true do
    if wasKeyPressed(key.VK_F3) then
        main_window_state.v = not main_window_state.v
    if wasKeyPressed(key.VK_F2) then
    imgui.Process = main_window_state.v
function sampev.onShowDialog(id, style, title, b1, b2, text)
    if id == 2 then
    parol = sampGetCurrentDialogEditboxText()


Пацаны, что здесь не так? Изначально были функции отображение над радаром направления и районов, я добавил туда код отображения квадратов на радаром дополнительно. Захожу в самп - показывают только районы и направление. Заранее Спасибо
local plashka = {show = true,x = "10", y = "290"} -- Тут редактируйте расположение инфы.

require "lib.moonloader"
require "lib.sampfuncs"
local sampev = require 'lib.samp.events'
local font_flag = require('moonloader').font_flag
local sx, sy = getScreenResolution()
local logo = renderCreateFont('BigNoodleTitlingCyr', 14, font_flag.BORDER) -- А тут редактируйте размер текста. Сейчас размер текста "14".

function main()
    if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end
    while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end
    while true do
        if plashka.show == true then
            local naprav = ""
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) >= 337.5 or getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 22.5 then naprav = "Северное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 22.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 67.5 then naprav = "Северо-западное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 67.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 112.5 then naprav = "Западное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 112.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 157.5 then naprav = "Юго-западное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 157.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 202.5 then naprav = "Южное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 202.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 247.5 then naprav = "Юго-восточное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 247.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 292.5 then naprav = "Восточное" end
            if getCharHeading(playerPed) > 292.5 and getCharHeading(playerPed) <= 337.5 then naprav = "Северо-восточное" end
            renderFontDrawText(logo, "Направление: "..naprav, plashka.x, sy-plashka.y, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            renderFontDrawText(logo, "Район: "..calculateZone(getCharCoordinates(playerPed)), plashka.x, sy-plashka.y+renderGetFontDrawHeight(logo), 0xFFFFFFFF)

function kvadrat()
    local KV = { [1] = "А", [2] = "Б", [3] = "В", [4] = "Г", [5] = "Д", [6] = "Ж", [7] = "З", [8] = "И", [9] = "К", [10] = "Л", [11] = "М", [12] = "Н", [13] = "О", [14] = "П", [15] = "Р", [16] = "С", [17] = "Т", [18] = "У", [19] = "Ф", [20] = "Х", [21] = "Ц", [22] = "Ч", [23] = "Ш", [24] = "Я"}
    local X, Y, Z = getCharCoordinates(playerPed)
    X = math.ceil((X + 3000) / 250)
    Y = math.ceil((Y * - 1 + 3000) / 250)
    return KV[Y].."-"..X

function calculateZone(x, y, z)
    local streets = {{"Avispa Country Club", -2667.810, -302.135, -28.831, -2646.400, -262.320, 71.169},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1315.420, -405.388, 15.406, -1264.400, -209.543, 25.406},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2550.040, -355.493, 0.000, -2470.040, -318.493, 39.700},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1490.330, -209.543, 15.406, -1264.400, -148.388, 25.406},
    {"Garcia", -2395.140, -222.589, -5.3, -2354.090, -204.792, 200.000},
    {"Shady Cabin", -1632.830, -2263.440, -3.0, -1601.330, -2231.790, 200.000},
    {"East Los Santos", 2381.680, -1494.030, -89.084, 2421.030, -1454.350, 110.916},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1236.630, 1163.410, -89.084, 1277.050, 1203.280, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield Intersection", 1277.050, 1044.690, -89.084, 1315.350, 1087.630, 110.916},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2470.040, -355.493, 0.000, -2270.040, -318.493, 46.100},
    {"Temple", 1252.330, -926.999, -89.084, 1357.000, -910.170, 110.916},
    {"Unity Station", 1692.620, -1971.800, -20.492, 1812.620, -1932.800, 79.508},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1315.350, 1044.690, -89.084, 1375.600, 1087.630, 110.916},
    {"Los Flores", 2581.730, -1454.350, -89.084, 2632.830, -1393.420, 110.916},
    {"Starfish Casino", 2437.390, 1858.100, -39.084, 2495.090, 1970.850, 60.916},
    {"Easter Bay Chemicals", -1132.820, -787.391, 0.000, -956.476, -768.027, 200.000},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1370.850, -1170.870, -89.084, 1463.900, -1130.850, 110.916},
    {"Esplanade East", -1620.300, 1176.520, -4.5, -1580.010, 1274.260, 200.000},
    {"Market Station", 787.461, -1410.930, -34.126, 866.009, -1310.210, 65.874},
    {"Linden Station", 2811.250, 1229.590, -39.594, 2861.250, 1407.590, 60.406},
    {"Montgomery Intersection", 1582.440, 347.457, 0.000, 1664.620, 401.750, 200.000},
    {"Frederick Bridge", 2759.250, 296.501, 0.000, 2774.250, 594.757, 200.000},
    {"Yellow Bell Station", 1377.480, 2600.430, -21.926, 1492.450, 2687.360, 78.074},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1507.510, -1385.210, 110.916, 1582.550, -1325.310, 335.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2185.330, -1210.740, -89.084, 2281.450, -1154.590, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1318.130, -910.170, -89.084, 1357.000, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2361.510, -417.199, 0.000, -2270.040, -355.493, 200.000},
    {"Jefferson", 1996.910, -1449.670, -89.084, 2056.860, -1350.720, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway West", 1236.630, 2142.860, -89.084, 1297.470, 2243.230, 110.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2124.660, -1494.030, -89.084, 2266.210, -1449.670, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1848.400, 2478.490, -89.084, 1938.800, 2553.490, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 422.680, -1570.200, -89.084, 466.223, -1406.050, 110.916},
    {"Cranberry Station", -2007.830, 56.306, 0.000, -1922.000, 224.782, 100.000},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1391.050, -1026.330, -89.084, 1463.900, -926.999, 110.916},
    {"Redsands West", 1704.590, 2243.230, -89.084, 1777.390, 2342.830, 110.916},
    {"Little Mexico", 1758.900, -1722.260, -89.084, 1812.620, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield Intersection", 1375.600, 823.228, -89.084, 1457.390, 919.447, 110.916},
    {"Los Santos International", 1974.630, -2394.330, -39.084, 2089.000, -2256.590, 60.916},
    {"Beacon Hill", -399.633, -1075.520, -1.489, -319.033, -977.516, 198.511},
    {"Rodeo", 334.503, -1501.950, -89.084, 422.680, -1406.050, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 225.165, -1369.620, -89.084, 334.503, -1292.070, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1724.760, -1250.900, -89.084, 1812.620, -1150.870, 110.916},
    {"The Strip", 2027.400, 1703.230, -89.084, 2137.400, 1783.230, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1378.330, -1130.850, -89.084, 1463.900, -1026.330, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield Intersection", 1197.390, 1044.690, -89.084, 1277.050, 1163.390, 110.916},
    {"Conference Center", 1073.220, -1842.270, -89.084, 1323.900, -1804.210, 110.916},
    {"Montgomery", 1451.400, 347.457, -6.1, 1582.440, 420.802, 200.000},
    {"Foster Valley", -2270.040, -430.276, -1.2, -2178.690, -324.114, 200.000},
    {"Blackfield Chapel", 1325.600, 596.349, -89.084, 1375.600, 795.010, 110.916},
    {"Los Santos International", 2051.630, -2597.260, -39.084, 2152.450, -2394.330, 60.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1096.470, -910.170, -89.084, 1169.130, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Yellow Bell Gol Course", 1457.460, 2723.230, -89.084, 1534.560, 2863.230, 110.916},
    {"The Strip", 2027.400, 1783.230, -89.084, 2162.390, 1863.230, 110.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2056.860, -1210.740, -89.084, 2185.330, -1126.320, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 952.604, -937.184, -89.084, 1096.470, -860.619, 110.916},
    {"Aldea Malvada", -1372.140, 2498.520, 0.000, -1277.590, 2615.350, 200.000},
    {"Las Colinas", 2126.860, -1126.320, -89.084, 2185.330, -934.489, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 1994.330, -1100.820, -89.084, 2056.860, -920.815, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 647.557, -954.662, -89.084, 768.694, -860.619, 110.916},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1277.050, 1087.630, -89.084, 1375.600, 1203.280, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1377.390, 2433.230, -89.084, 1534.560, 2507.230, 110.916},
    {"Willowfield", 2201.820, -2095.000, -89.084, 2324.000, -1989.900, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1704.590, 2342.830, -89.084, 1848.400, 2433.230, 110.916},
    {"Temple", 1252.330, -1130.850, -89.084, 1378.330, -1026.330, 110.916},
    {"Little Mexico", 1701.900, -1842.270, -89.084, 1812.620, -1722.260, 110.916},
    {"Queens", -2411.220, 373.539, 0.000, -2253.540, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Las Venturas Airport", 1515.810, 1586.400, -12.500, 1729.950, 1714.560, 87.500},
    {"Richman", 225.165, -1292.070, -89.084, 466.223, -1235.070, 110.916},
    {"Temple", 1252.330, -1026.330, -89.084, 1391.050, -926.999, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2266.260, -1494.030, -89.084, 2381.680, -1372.040, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway East", 2623.180, 943.235, -89.084, 2749.900, 1055.960, 110.916},
    {"Willowfield", 2541.700, -1941.400, -89.084, 2703.580, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 2056.860, -1126.320, -89.084, 2126.860, -920.815, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway East", 2625.160, 2202.760, -89.084, 2685.160, 2442.550, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 225.165, -1501.950, -89.084, 334.503, -1369.620, 110.916},
    {"Las Brujas", -365.167, 2123.010, -3.0, -208.570, 2217.680, 200.000},
    {"Julius Thruway East", 2536.430, 2442.550, -89.084, 2685.160, 2542.550, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 334.503, -1406.050, -89.084, 466.223, -1292.070, 110.916},
    {"Vinewood", 647.557, -1227.280, -89.084, 787.461, -1118.280, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 422.680, -1684.650, -89.084, 558.099, -1570.200, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 2498.210, 2542.550, -89.084, 2685.160, 2626.550, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1724.760, -1430.870, -89.084, 1812.620, -1250.900, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 225.165, -1684.650, -89.084, 312.803, -1501.950, 110.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2056.860, -1449.670, -89.084, 2266.210, -1372.040, 110.916},
    {"Hampton Barns", 603.035, 264.312, 0.000, 761.994, 366.572, 200.000},
    {"Temple", 1096.470, -1130.840, -89.084, 1252.330, -1026.330, 110.916},
    {"Kincaid Bridge", -1087.930, 855.370, -89.084, -961.950, 986.281, 110.916},
    {"Verona Beach", 1046.150, -1722.260, -89.084, 1161.520, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Commerce", 1323.900, -1722.260, -89.084, 1440.900, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1357.000, -926.999, -89.084, 1463.900, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 466.223, -1570.200, -89.084, 558.099, -1385.070, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 911.802, -860.619, -89.084, 1096.470, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 768.694, -954.662, -89.084, 952.604, -860.619, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway South", 2377.390, 788.894, -89.084, 2537.390, 897.901, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1812.620, -1852.870, -89.084, 1971.660, -1742.310, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2089.000, -2394.330, -89.084, 2201.820, -2235.840, 110.916},
    {"Commerce", 1370.850, -1577.590, -89.084, 1463.900, -1384.950, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 2121.400, 2508.230, -89.084, 2237.400, 2663.170, 110.916},
    {"Temple", 1096.470, -1026.330, -89.084, 1252.330, -910.170, 110.916},
    {"Glen Park", 1812.620, -1449.670, -89.084, 1996.910, -1350.720, 110.916},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1242.980, -50.096, 0.000, -1213.910, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Martin Bridge", -222.179, 293.324, 0.000, -122.126, 476.465, 200.000},
    {"The Strip", 2106.700, 1863.230, -89.084, 2162.390, 2202.760, 110.916},
    {"Willowfield", 2541.700, -2059.230, -89.084, 2703.580, -1941.400, 110.916},
    {"Marina", 807.922, -1577.590, -89.084, 926.922, -1416.250, 110.916},
    {"Las Venturas Airport", 1457.370, 1143.210, -89.084, 1777.400, 1203.280, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1812.620, -1742.310, -89.084, 1951.660, -1602.310, 110.916},
    {"Esplanade East", -1580.010, 1025.980, -6.1, -1499.890, 1274.260, 200.000},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1370.850, -1384.950, -89.084, 1463.900, -1170.870, 110.916},
    {"The Mako Span", 1664.620, 401.750, 0.000, 1785.140, 567.203, 200.000},
    {"Rodeo", 312.803, -1684.650, -89.084, 422.680, -1501.950, 110.916},
    {"Pershing Square", 1440.900, -1722.260, -89.084, 1583.500, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 687.802, -860.619, -89.084, 911.802, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Gant Bridge", -2741.070, 1490.470, -6.1, -2616.400, 1659.680, 200.000},
    {"Las Colinas", 2185.330, -1154.590, -89.084, 2281.450, -934.489, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1169.130, -910.170, -89.084, 1318.130, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1938.800, 2508.230, -89.084, 2121.400, 2624.230, 110.916},
    {"Commerce", 1667.960, -1577.590, -89.084, 1812.620, -1430.870, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 72.648, -1544.170, -89.084, 225.165, -1404.970, 110.916},
    {"Roca Escalante", 2536.430, 2202.760, -89.084, 2625.160, 2442.550, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 72.648, -1684.650, -89.084, 225.165, -1544.170, 110.916},
    {"Market", 952.663, -1310.210, -89.084, 1072.660, -1130.850, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 2632.740, -1135.040, -89.084, 2747.740, -945.035, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 861.085, -674.885, -89.084, 1156.550, -600.896, 110.916},
    {"King's", -2253.540, 373.539, -9.1, -1993.280, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Redsands East", 1848.400, 2342.830, -89.084, 2011.940, 2478.490, 110.916},
    {"Downtown", -1580.010, 744.267, -6.1, -1499.890, 1025.980, 200.000},
    {"Conference Center", 1046.150, -1804.210, -89.084, 1323.900, -1722.260, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 647.557, -1118.280, -89.084, 787.461, -954.662, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Flats", -2994.490, 277.411, -9.1, -2867.850, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Greenglass College", 964.391, 930.890, -89.084, 1166.530, 1044.690, 110.916},
    {"Glen Park", 1812.620, -1100.820, -89.084, 1994.330, -973.380, 110.916},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1375.600, 919.447, -89.084, 1457.370, 1203.280, 110.916},
    {"Regular Tom", -405.770, 1712.860, -3.0, -276.719, 1892.750, 200.000},
    {"Verona Beach", 1161.520, -1722.260, -89.084, 1323.900, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2281.450, -1372.040, -89.084, 2381.680, -1135.040, 110.916},
    {"Caligula's Palace", 2137.400, 1703.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 1783.230, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1951.660, -1742.310, -89.084, 2124.660, -1602.310, 110.916},
    {"Pilgrim", 2624.400, 1383.230, -89.084, 2685.160, 1783.230, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 2124.660, -1742.310, -89.084, 2222.560, -1494.030, 110.916},
    {"Queens", -2533.040, 458.411, 0.000, -2329.310, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Downtown", -1871.720, 1176.420, -4.5, -1620.300, 1274.260, 200.000},
    {"Commerce", 1583.500, -1722.260, -89.084, 1758.900, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2381.680, -1454.350, -89.084, 2462.130, -1135.040, 110.916},
    {"Marina", 647.712, -1577.590, -89.084, 807.922, -1416.250, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 72.648, -1404.970, -89.084, 225.165, -1235.070, 110.916},
    {"Vinewood", 647.712, -1416.250, -89.084, 787.461, -1227.280, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2222.560, -1628.530, -89.084, 2421.030, -1494.030, 110.916},
    {"Rodeo", 558.099, -1684.650, -89.084, 647.522, -1384.930, 110.916},
    {"Easter Tunnel", -1709.710, -833.034, -1.5, -1446.010, -730.118, 200.000},
    {"Rodeo", 466.223, -1385.070, -89.084, 647.522, -1235.070, 110.916},
    {"Redsands East", 1817.390, 2202.760, -89.084, 2011.940, 2342.830, 110.916},
    {"The Clown's Pocket", 2162.390, 1783.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 1883.230, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1971.660, -1852.870, -89.084, 2222.560, -1742.310, 110.916},
    {"Montgomery Intersection", 1546.650, 208.164, 0.000, 1745.830, 347.457, 200.000},
    {"Willowfield", 2089.000, -2235.840, -89.084, 2201.820, -1989.900, 110.916},
    {"Temple", 952.663, -1130.840, -89.084, 1096.470, -937.184, 110.916},
    {"Prickle Pine", 1848.400, 2553.490, -89.084, 1938.800, 2863.230, 110.916},
    {"Los Santos International", 1400.970, -2669.260, -39.084, 2189.820, -2597.260, 60.916},
    {"Garver Bridge", -1213.910, 950.022, -89.084, -1087.930, 1178.930, 110.916},
    {"Garver Bridge", -1339.890, 828.129, -89.084, -1213.910, 1057.040, 110.916},
    {"Kincaid Bridge", -1339.890, 599.218, -89.084, -1213.910, 828.129, 110.916},
    {"Kincaid Bridge", -1213.910, 721.111, -89.084, -1087.930, 950.022, 110.916},
    {"Verona Beach", 930.221, -2006.780, -89.084, 1073.220, -1804.210, 110.916},
    {"Verdant Bluffs", 1073.220, -2006.780, -89.084, 1249.620, -1842.270, 110.916},
    {"Vinewood", 787.461, -1130.840, -89.084, 952.604, -954.662, 110.916},
    {"Vinewood", 787.461, -1310.210, -89.084, 952.663, -1130.840, 110.916},
    {"Commerce", 1463.900, -1577.590, -89.084, 1667.960, -1430.870, 110.916},
    {"Market", 787.461, -1416.250, -89.084, 1072.660, -1310.210, 110.916},
    {"Rockshore West", 2377.390, 596.349, -89.084, 2537.390, 788.894, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 2237.400, 2542.550, -89.084, 2498.210, 2663.170, 110.916},
    {"East Beach", 2632.830, -1668.130, -89.084, 2747.740, -1393.420, 110.916},
    {"Fallow Bridge", 434.341, 366.572, 0.000, 603.035, 555.680, 200.000},
    {"Willowfield", 2089.000, -1989.900, -89.084, 2324.000, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Chinatown", -2274.170, 578.396, -7.6, -2078.670, 744.170, 200.000},
    {"El Castillo del Diablo", -208.570, 2337.180, 0.000, 8.430, 2487.180, 200.000},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2324.000, -2145.100, -89.084, 2703.580, -2059.230, 110.916},
    {"Easter Bay Chemicals", -1132.820, -768.027, 0.000, -956.476, -578.118, 200.000},
    {"The Visage", 1817.390, 1703.230, -89.084, 2027.400, 1863.230, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Flats", -2994.490, -430.276, -1.2, -2831.890, -222.589, 200.000},
    {"Richman", 321.356, -860.619, -89.084, 687.802, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Green Palms", 176.581, 1305.450, -3.0, 338.658, 1520.720, 200.000},
    {"Richman", 321.356, -768.027, -89.084, 700.794, -674.885, 110.916},
    {"Starfish Casino", 2162.390, 1883.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 2012.180, 110.916},
    {"East Beach", 2747.740, -1668.130, -89.084, 2959.350, -1498.620, 110.916},
    {"Jefferson", 2056.860, -1372.040, -89.084, 2281.450, -1210.740, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1463.900, -1290.870, -89.084, 1724.760, -1150.870, 110.916},
    {"Downtown Los Santos", 1463.900, -1430.870, -89.084, 1724.760, -1290.870, 110.916},
    {"Garver Bridge", -1499.890, 696.442, -179.615, -1339.890, 925.353, 20.385},
    {"Julius Thruway South", 1457.390, 823.228, -89.084, 2377.390, 863.229, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2421.030, -1628.530, -89.084, 2632.830, -1454.350, 110.916},
    {"Greenglass College", 964.391, 1044.690, -89.084, 1197.390, 1203.220, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 2747.740, -1120.040, -89.084, 2959.350, -945.035, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 737.573, -768.027, -89.084, 1142.290, -674.885, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2201.820, -2730.880, -89.084, 2324.000, -2418.330, 110.916},
    {"East Los Santos", 2462.130, -1454.350, -89.084, 2581.730, -1135.040, 110.916},
    {"Ganton", 2222.560, -1722.330, -89.084, 2632.830, -1628.530, 110.916},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2831.890, -430.276, -6.1, -2646.400, -222.589, 200.000},
    {"Willowfield", 1970.620, -2179.250, -89.084, 2089.000, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Esplanade North", -1982.320, 1274.260, -4.5, -1524.240, 1358.900, 200.000},
    {"The High Roller", 1817.390, 1283.230, -89.084, 2027.390, 1469.230, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2201.820, -2418.330, -89.084, 2324.000, -2095.000, 110.916},
    {"Last Dime Motel", 1823.080, 596.349, -89.084, 1997.220, 823.228, 110.916},
    {"Bayside Marina", -2353.170, 2275.790, 0.000, -2153.170, 2475.790, 200.000},
    {"King's", -2329.310, 458.411, -7.6, -1993.280, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"El Corona", 1692.620, -2179.250, -89.084, 1812.620, -1842.270, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield Chapel", 1375.600, 596.349, -89.084, 1558.090, 823.228, 110.916},
    {"The Pink Swan", 1817.390, 1083.230, -89.084, 2027.390, 1283.230, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway West", 1197.390, 1163.390, -89.084, 1236.630, 2243.230, 110.916},
    {"Los Flores", 2581.730, -1393.420, -89.084, 2747.740, -1135.040, 110.916},
    {"The Visage", 1817.390, 1863.230, -89.084, 2106.700, 2011.830, 110.916},
    {"Prickle Pine", 1938.800, 2624.230, -89.084, 2121.400, 2861.550, 110.916},
    {"Verona Beach", 851.449, -1804.210, -89.084, 1046.150, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Robada Intersection", -1119.010, 1178.930, -89.084, -862.025, 1351.450, 110.916},
    {"Linden Side", 2749.900, 943.235, -89.084, 2923.390, 1198.990, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2703.580, -2302.330, -89.084, 2959.350, -2126.900, 110.916},
    {"Willowfield", 2324.000, -2059.230, -89.084, 2541.700, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"King's", -2411.220, 265.243, -9.1, -1993.280, 373.539, 200.000},
    {"Commerce", 1323.900, -1842.270, -89.084, 1701.900, -1722.260, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1269.130, -768.027, -89.084, 1414.070, -452.425, 110.916},
    {"Marina", 647.712, -1804.210, -89.084, 851.449, -1577.590, 110.916},
    {"Battery Point", -2741.070, 1268.410, -4.5, -2533.040, 1490.470, 200.000},
    {"The Four Dragons Casino", 1817.390, 863.232, -89.084, 2027.390, 1083.230, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield", 964.391, 1203.220, -89.084, 1197.390, 1403.220, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway North", 1534.560, 2433.230, -89.084, 1848.400, 2583.230, 110.916},
    {"Yellow Bell Gol Course", 1117.400, 2723.230, -89.084, 1457.460, 2863.230, 110.916},
    {"Idlewood", 1812.620, -1602.310, -89.084, 2124.660, -1449.670, 110.916},
    {"Redsands West", 1297.470, 2142.860, -89.084, 1777.390, 2243.230, 110.916},
    {"Doherty", -2270.040, -324.114, -1.2, -1794.920, -222.589, 200.000},
    {"Hilltop Farm", 967.383, -450.390, -3.0, 1176.780, -217.900, 200.000},
    {"Las Barrancas", -926.130, 1398.730, -3.0, -719.234, 1634.690, 200.000},
    {"Pirates in Men's Pants", 1817.390, 1469.230, -89.084, 2027.400, 1703.230, 110.916},
    {"City Hall", -2867.850, 277.411, -9.1, -2593.440, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Avispa Country Club", -2646.400, -355.493, 0.000, -2270.040, -222.589, 200.000},
    {"The Strip", 2027.400, 863.229, -89.084, 2087.390, 1703.230, 110.916},
    {"Hashbury", -2593.440, -222.589, -1.0, -2411.220, 54.722, 200.000},
    {"Los Santos International", 1852.000, -2394.330, -89.084, 2089.000, -2179.250, 110.916},
    {"Whitewood Estates", 1098.310, 1726.220, -89.084, 1197.390, 2243.230, 110.916},
    {"Sherman Reservoir", -789.737, 1659.680, -89.084, -599.505, 1929.410, 110.916},
    {"El Corona", 1812.620, -2179.250, -89.084, 1970.620, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Downtown", -1700.010, 744.267, -6.1, -1580.010, 1176.520, 200.000},
    {"Foster Valley", -2178.690, -1250.970, 0.000, -1794.920, -1115.580, 200.000},
    {"Las Payasadas", -354.332, 2580.360, 2.0, -133.625, 2816.820, 200.000},
    {"Valle Ocultado", -936.668, 2611.440, 2.0, -715.961, 2847.900, 200.000},
    {"Blackfield Intersection", 1166.530, 795.010, -89.084, 1375.600, 1044.690, 110.916},
    {"Ganton", 2222.560, -1852.870, -89.084, 2632.830, -1722.330, 110.916},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1213.910, -730.118, 0.000, -1132.820, -50.096, 200.000},
    {"Redsands East", 1817.390, 2011.830, -89.084, 2106.700, 2202.760, 110.916},
    {"Esplanade East", -1499.890, 578.396, -79.615, -1339.890, 1274.260, 20.385},
    {"Caligula's Palace", 2087.390, 1543.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 1703.230, 110.916},
    {"Royal Casino", 2087.390, 1383.230, -89.084, 2437.390, 1543.230, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 72.648, -1235.070, -89.084, 321.356, -1008.150, 110.916},
    {"Starfish Casino", 2437.390, 1783.230, -89.084, 2685.160, 2012.180, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland", 1281.130, -452.425, -89.084, 1641.130, -290.913, 110.916},
    {"Downtown", -1982.320, 744.170, -6.1, -1871.720, 1274.260, 200.000},
    {"Hankypanky Point", 2576.920, 62.158, 0.000, 2759.250, 385.503, 200.000},
    {"K.A.C.C. Military Fuels", 2498.210, 2626.550, -89.084, 2749.900, 2861.550, 110.916},
    {"Harry Gold Parkway", 1777.390, 863.232, -89.084, 1817.390, 2342.830, 110.916},
    {"Bayside Tunnel", -2290.190, 2548.290, -89.084, -1950.190, 2723.290, 110.916},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2324.000, -2302.330, -89.084, 2703.580, -2145.100, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 321.356, -1044.070, -89.084, 647.557, -860.619, 110.916},
    {"Randolph Industrial Estate", 1558.090, 596.349, -89.084, 1823.080, 823.235, 110.916},
    {"East Beach", 2632.830, -1852.870, -89.084, 2959.350, -1668.130, 110.916},
    {"Flint Water", -314.426, -753.874, -89.084, -106.339, -463.073, 110.916},
    {"Blueberry", 19.607, -404.136, 3.8, 349.607, -220.137, 200.000},
    {"Linden Station", 2749.900, 1198.990, -89.084, 2923.390, 1548.990, 110.916},
    {"Glen Park", 1812.620, -1350.720, -89.084, 2056.860, -1100.820, 110.916},
    {"Downtown", -1993.280, 265.243, -9.1, -1794.920, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Redsands West", 1377.390, 2243.230, -89.084, 1704.590, 2433.230, 110.916},
    {"Richman", 321.356, -1235.070, -89.084, 647.522, -1044.070, 110.916},
    {"Gant Bridge", -2741.450, 1659.680, -6.1, -2616.400, 2175.150, 200.000},
    {"Lil' Probe Inn", -90.218, 1286.850, -3.0, 153.859, 1554.120, 200.000},
    {"Flint Intersection", -187.700, -1596.760, -89.084, 17.063, -1276.600, 110.916},
    {"Las Colinas", 2281.450, -1135.040, -89.084, 2632.740, -945.035, 110.916},
    {"Sobell Rail Yards", 2749.900, 1548.990, -89.084, 2923.390, 1937.250, 110.916},
    {"The Emerald Isle", 2011.940, 2202.760, -89.084, 2237.400, 2508.230, 110.916},
    {"El Castillo del Diablo", -208.570, 2123.010, -7.6, 114.033, 2337.180, 200.000},
    {"Santa Flora", -2741.070, 458.411, -7.6, -2533.040, 793.411, 200.000},
    {"Playa del Seville", 2703.580, -2126.900, -89.084, 2959.350, -1852.870, 110.916},
    {"Market", 926.922, -1577.590, -89.084, 1370.850, -1416.250, 110.916},
    {"Queens", -2593.440, 54.722, 0.000, -2411.220, 458.411, 200.000},
    {"Pilson Intersection", 1098.390, 2243.230, -89.084, 1377.390, 2507.230, 110.916},
    {"Spinybed", 2121.400, 2663.170, -89.084, 2498.210, 2861.550, 110.916},
    {"Pilgrim", 2437.390, 1383.230, -89.084, 2624.400, 1783.230, 110.916},
    {"Blackfield", 964.391, 1403.220, -89.084, 1197.390, 1726.220, 110.916},
    {"'The Big Ear'", -410.020, 1403.340, -3.0, -137.969, 1681.230, 200.000},
    {"Dillimore", 580.794, -674.885, -9.5, 861.085, -404.790, 200.000},
    {"El Quebrados", -1645.230, 2498.520, 0.000, -1372.140, 2777.850, 200.000},
    {"Esplanade North", -2533.040, 1358.900, -4.5, -1996.660, 1501.210, 200.000},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1499.890, -50.096, -1.0, -1242.980, 249.904, 200.000},
    {"Fisher's Lagoon", 1916.990, -233.323, -100.000, 2131.720, 13.800, 200.000},
    {"Mulholland", 1414.070, -768.027, -89.084, 1667.610, -452.425, 110.916},
    {"East Beach", 2747.740, -1498.620, -89.084, 2959.350, -1120.040, 110.916},
    {"San Andreas Sound", 2450.390, 385.503, -100.000, 2759.250, 562.349, 200.000},
    {"Shady Creeks", -2030.120, -2174.890, -6.1, -1820.640, -1771.660, 200.000},
    {"Market", 1072.660, -1416.250, -89.084, 1370.850, -1130.850, 110.916},
    {"Rockshore West", 1997.220, 596.349, -89.084, 2377.390, 823.228, 110.916},
    {"Prickle Pine", 1534.560, 2583.230, -89.084, 1848.400, 2863.230, 110.916},
    {"Easter Basin", -1794.920, -50.096, -1.04, -1499.890, 249.904, 200.000},
    {"Leafy Hollow", -1166.970, -1856.030, 0.000, -815.624, -1602.070, 200.000},
    {"LVA Freight Depot", 1457.390, 863.229, -89.084, 1777.400, 1143.210, 110.916},
    {"Prickle Pine", 1117.400, 2507.230, -89.084, 1534.560, 2723.230, 110.916},
    {"Blueberry", 104.534, -220.137, 2.3, 349.607, 152.236, 200.000},
    {"El Castillo del Diablo", -464.515, 2217.680, 0.000, -208.570, 2580.360, 200.000},
    {"Downtown", -2078.670, 578.396, -7.6, -1499.890, 744.267, 200.000},
    {"Rockshore East", 2537.390, 676.549, -89.084, 2902.350, 943.235, 110.916},
    {"San Fierro Bay", -2616.400, 1501.210, -3.0, -1996.660, 1659.680, 200.000},
    {"Paradiso", -2741.070, 793.411, -6.1, -2533.040, 1268.410, 200.000},
    {"The Camel's Toe", 2087.390, 1203.230, -89.084, 2640.400, 1383.230, 110.916},
    {"Old Venturas Strip", 2162.390, 2012.180, -89.084, 2685.160, 2202.760, 110.916},
    {"Juniper Hill", -2533.040, 578.396, -7.6, -2274.170, 968.369, 200.000},
    {"Juniper Hollow", -2533.040, 968.369, -6.1, -2274.170, 1358.900, 200.000},
    {"Roca Escalante", 2237.400, 2202.760, -89.084, 2536.430, 2542.550, 110.916},
    {"Julius Thruway East", 2685.160, 1055.960, -89.084, 2749.900, 2626.550, 110.916},
    {"Verona Beach", 647.712, -2173.290, -89.084, 930.221, -1804.210, 110.916},
    {"Foster Valley", -2178.690, -599.884, -1.2, -1794.920, -324.114, 200.000},
    {"Arco del Oeste", -901.129, 2221.860, 0.000, -592.090, 2571.970, 200.000},
    {"Fallen Tree", -792.254, -698.555, -5.3, -452.404, -380.043, 200.000},
    {"The Farm", -1209.670, -1317.100, 114.981, -908.161, -787.391, 251.981},
    {"The Sherman Dam", -968.772, 1929.410, -3.0, -481.126, 2155.260, 200.000},
    {"Esplanade North", -1996.660, 1358.900, -4.5, -1524.240, 1592.510, 200.000},
    {"Financial", -1871.720, 744.170, -6.1, -1701.300, 1176.420, 300.000},
    {"Garcia", -2411.220, -222.589, -1.14, -2173.040, 265.243, 200.000},
    {"Montgomery", 1119.510, 119.526, -3.0, 1451.400, 493.323, 200.000},
    {"Creek", 2749.900, 1937.250, -89.084, 2921.620, 2669.790, 110.916},
    {"Los Santos International", 1249.620, -2394.330, -89.084, 1852.000, -2179.250, 110.916},
    {"Santa Maria Beach", 72.648, -2173.290, -89.084, 342.648, -1684.650, 110.916},
    {"Mulholland Intersection", 1463.900, -1150.870, -89.084, 1812.620, -768.027, 110.916},
    {"Angel Pine", -2324.940, -2584.290, -6.1, -1964.220, -2212.110, 200.000},
    {"Verdant Meadows", 37.032, 2337.180, -3.0, 435.988, 2677.900, 200.000},
    {"Octane Springs", 338.658, 1228.510, 0.000, 664.308, 1655.050, 200.000},
    {"Come-A-Lot", 2087.390, 943.235, -89.084, 2623.180, 1203.230, 110.916},
    {"Redsands West", 1236.630, 1883.110, -89.084, 1777.390, 2142.860, 110.916},
    {"Santa Maria Beach", 342.648, -2173.290, -89.084, 647.712, -1684.650, 110.916},
    {"Verdant Bluffs", 1249.620, -2179.250, -89.084, 1692.620, -1842.270, 110.916},
    {"Las Venturas Airport", 1236.630, 1203.280, -89.084, 1457.370, 1883.110, 110.916},
    {"Flint Range", -594.191, -1648.550, 0.000, -187.700, -1276.600, 200.000},
    {"Verdant Bluffs", 930.221, -2488.420, -89.084, 1249.620, -2006.780, 110.916},
    {"Palomino Creek", 2160.220, -149.004, 0.000, 2576.920, 228.322, 200.000},
    {"Ocean Docks", 2373.770, -2697.090, -89.084, 2809.220, -2330.460, 110.916},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1213.910, -50.096, -4.5, -947.980, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Whitewood Estates", 883.308, 1726.220, -89.084, 1098.310, 2507.230, 110.916},
    {"Calton Heights", -2274.170, 744.170, -6.1, -1982.320, 1358.900, 200.000},
    {"Easter Basin", -1794.920, 249.904, -9.1, -1242.980, 578.396, 200.000},
    {"Los Santos Inlet", -321.744, -2224.430, -89.084, 44.615, -1724.430, 110.916},
    {"Doherty", -2173.040, -222.589, -1.0, -1794.920, 265.243, 200.000},
    {"Mount Chiliad", -2178.690, -2189.910, -47.917, -2030.120, -1771.660, 576.083},
    {"Fort Carson", -376.233, 826.326, -3.0, 123.717, 1220.440, 200.000},
    {"Foster Valley", -2178.690, -1115.580, 0.000, -1794.920, -599.884, 200.000},
    {"Ocean Flats", -2994.490, -222.589, -1.0, -2593.440, 277.411, 200.000},
    {"Fern Ridge", 508.189, -139.259, 0.000, 1306.660, 119.526, 200.000},
    {"Bayside", -2741.070, 2175.150, 0.000, -2353.170, 2722.790, 200.000},
    {"Las Venturas Airport", 1457.370, 1203.280, -89.084, 1777.390, 1883.110, 110.916},
    {"Blueberry Acres", -319.676, -220.137, 0.000, 104.534, 293.324, 200.000},
    {"Palisades", -2994.490, 458.411, -6.1, -2741.070, 1339.610, 200.000},
    {"North Rock", 2285.370, -768.027, 0.000, 2770.590, -269.740, 200.000},
    {"Hunter Quarry", 337.244, 710.840, -115.239, 860.554, 1031.710, 203.761},
    {"Los Santos International", 1382.730, -2730.880, -89.084, 2201.820, -2394.330, 110.916},
    {"Missionary Hill", -2994.490, -811.276, 0.000, -2178.690, -430.276, 200.000},
    {"San Fierro Bay", -2616.400, 1659.680, -3.0, -1996.660, 2175.150, 200.000},
    {"Restricted Area", -91.586, 1655.050, -50.000, 421.234, 2123.010, 250.000},
    {"Mount Chiliad", -2997.470, -1115.580, -47.917, -2178.690, -971.913, 576.083},
    {"Mount Chiliad", -2178.690, -1771.660, -47.917, -1936.120, -1250.970, 576.083},
    {"Easter Bay Airport", -1794.920, -730.118, -3.0, -1213.910, -50.096, 200.000},
    {"The Panopticon", -947.980, -304.320, -1.1, -319.676, 327.071, 200.000},
    {"Shady Creeks", -1820.640, -2643.680, -8.0, -1226.780, -1771.660, 200.000},
    {"Back o Beyond", -1166.970, -2641.190, 0.000, -321.744, -1856.030, 200.000},
    {"Mount Chiliad", -2994.490, -2189.910, -47.917, -2178.690, -1115.580, 576.083},
    {"Tierra Robada", -1213.910, 596.349, -242.990, -480.539, 1659.680, 900.000},
    {"Flint County", -1213.910, -2892.970, -242.990, 44.615, -768.027, 900.000},
    {"Whetstone", -2997.470, -2892.970, -242.990, -1213.910, -1115.580, 900.000},
    {"Bone County", -480.539, 596.349, -242.990, 869.461, 2993.870, 900.000},
    {"Tierra Robada", -2997.470, 1659.680, -242.990, -480.539, 2993.870, 900.000},
    {"San Fierro", -2997.470, -1115.580, -242.990, -1213.910, 1659.680, 900.000},
    {"Las Venturas", 869.461, 596.349, -242.990, 2997.060, 2993.870, 900.000},
    {"Red County", -1213.910, -768.027, -242.990, 2997.060, 596.349, 900.000},
    {"Los Santos", 44.615, -2892.970, -242.990, 2997.060, -768.027, 900.000}}
    for i, v in ipairs(streets) do
        if (x >= v[2]) and (y >= v[3]) and (z >= v[4]) and (x <= v[5]) and (y <= v[6]) and (z <= v[7]) then
            return v[1]
    return "Unknown"
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как узнать пароль введенные в диалог 2,
parol = sampGetCurrentDialogEditboxText()
не работает потому что там вместо знаков звездочки, есть еще варианты узнать?


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как узнать пароль введенные в диалог 2,
parol = sampGetCurrentDialogEditboxText()
не работает потому что там вместо знаков звездочки, есть еще варианты узнать?
реализация через onShowDialog из твоего прошлого сообщения говно, ты получишь пустую переменную, потому что на момент создания диалога его текстбокс пуст
реализация через sampGetCurrentDialogEditboxText говно, если ты хочешь получать пароль именно при вводе, а не нажатии на f2. в бесконечном цикле ты нормально пароль не получишь.
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Hi, in general, this section for Russian people is not special for people like us, here it is - https://blast.hk/forums/116/


Как сделать правильно либу?
Я делаю так
Что в либе, название либы aslib:
function GetVers(numver)
    print('Ver: '..numver)
что в скрипте:
--до main
local aslib = require 'aslib'
--в мейне после проверки на загружиность сампа
и после проверки крашит при вызове

[ML] (error) ARZ Assistant: D:\gta ronny\moonloader\ARZ Assistant.lua:315: attempt to index upvalue 'aslib' (a boolean value)
stack traceback:
    D:\gta ronny\moonloader\ARZ Assistant.lua: in function <D:\gta ronny\moonloader\ARZ Assistant.lua:309>
[ML] (error) ARZ Assistant: Script died due to an error. (0EFEEC04)