- 55
- 2
- Версия SA-MP
- 0.3.7-R3
Короче в видео все рассказал.
require "lib.moonloader"
local keys = require "vkeys"
local tag = "{FFD700}BarjBind {FFFFFF}for{DC143C} ARZ {008000}Loaded"
local main_color = 0x0000FF
function main()
if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end
sampAddChatMessage("" .. tag, main_color)
while true do
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_L) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/lock") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_7) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/bcl") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_B) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/opengate") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_K) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/key") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_J) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/time") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_1) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/usemed") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_X) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/style") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_9) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/mask") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_0) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/balloon") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_4) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/armour") end
if isKeyJustPressed(VK_3) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/anim 3") end
if isKeyDown(VK_MENU) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_NUMPAD1) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/usedrugs 1") end
if isKeyDown(VK_MENU) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_NUMPAD2) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/usedrugs 2") end
if isKeyDown(VK_MENU) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_NUMPAD3) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/usedrugs 3") end
if isKeyDown(VK_RBUTTON) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_R) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/repcar") end
if isKeyDown(VK_RBUTTON) and isKeyJustPressed(VK_2) and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isPauseMenuActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then sampSendChat("/fillcar") end