- 110
- 95
- Версия SA-MP
- 0.3.7 (R1)
- 0.3DL
Get memory - is a script with which you can get a hexadecimal memory address that you can use in lua. Now all you have to do is get the pointer in the cheat engine e.g. life values and rewrite the module, base address and offset to the function and then you will get a memory address such as permanent gta memory addresses. Remember to use the "valueadr" variable in your script because the address changes when the game is restarted.
you have two versions of the script to choose from, the first one is to activate it with a function call, e.g. 'getmem (' gta_sa.exe ', 0x76F3B8, 0x540, false)'. The second version is saved in the function that the main function activates.
(the most important descriptions are in squares)

you have two versions of the script to choose from, the first one is to activate it with a function call, e.g. 'getmem (' gta_sa.exe ', 0x76F3B8, 0x540, false)'. The second version is saved in the function that the main function activates.
(the most important descriptions are in squares)

Get memory - это сценарий, с помощью которого вы можете получить шестнадцатеричный адрес памяти, который вы можете использовать в lua. Теперь все, что вам нужно сделать, это получить указатель в чит-движке, например, жизненные значения, и переписать модуль, базовый адрес и смещение функции, а затем вы получите адрес памяти, такой как постоянные адреса памяти GTA. Не забудьте использовать в скрипте переменную valueadr, потому что адрес меняется при перезапуске игры.
у вас есть две версии скрипта на выбор, первая - активировать его, вызвав функцию, например, getmem ('gta_sa.exe', 0x76F3B8, 0x540, false) '. Вторая версия хранится в функции, которую активирует основная функция.
(важнейшие описания в квадратах)

у вас есть две версии скрипта на выбор, первая - активировать его, вызвав функцию, например, getmem ('gta_sa.exe', 0x76F3B8, 0x540, false) '. Вторая версия хранится в функции, которую активирует основная функция.
(важнейшие описания в квадратах)

full codes in the attachment
I allow any use provided that the authorship is preserved!
любое использование скрипта, пока моя подпись в скрипте!
Function 0.3.7:
--Getmem by: Horacy
--Discord: Thorus#3048
local memory = require 'memory'
local hex = ('%x'):format(0)
local valueadr = 0 --result
--[[Now use getmem('base module', base hex part module, offset, bool protected, type value)
1 float
2 double
3 int8
4 int32
5 int16
6 int64
7 uint8
8 uint16
9 uint32
10 uint64
example: getmem('gta_sa.exe', 0x38E50, 0x0, false, 1)
function test()
getmem('gta_sa.exe', 0x76F3B8, 0x540, false, 1)
function getmem(baseadr, baseadr1, hexpointer, protect, typev)
modulehandle = getModuleHandle(baseadr)
fulladr = memory.getint32(modulehandle + baseadr1)
hex = '0x'..dec_to_hex(fulladr)
if typev == 1 then
valueadr = memory.getfloat(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 2 then
valueadr = memory.getdouble(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 3 then
valueadr = memory.getint8(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 4 then
valueadr = memory.getint32(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 5 then
valueadr = memory.getint16(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 6 then
valueadr = memory.getint64(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 7 then
valueadr = memory.getuint8(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 8 then
valueadr = memory.getuint16(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 9 then
valueadr = memory.getuint32(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 10 then
valueadr = memory.getuint64(hex + hexpointer, protect)
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] Invalid type', -1)
state = false
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] MODULE name: {FFFFFF}'..baseadr, -1)
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] MODULE handle: {FFFFFF}'..modulehandle, -1)
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] DEC base adr: {FFFFFF}'..fulladr, -1)
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] HEX base adr: {FFFFFF}'..hex, -1)
if typev == 1 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] float: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 2 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] double: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 3 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] int8: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 4 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] int32: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 5 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] int16: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 6 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] int64: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 7 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] uint8: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 8 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] uint16: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 9 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] uint32: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
elseif typev == 10 then
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] uint64: {FFFFFF}'..valueadr, -1)
sampAddChatMessage('{0400ff}[Getmem] Invalid type', -1)
state = false
function dec_to_hex(dec)
--source https://www.blast.hk/threads/13380/post-548435
if type(dec) ~= "number" then
sampAddChatMessage("[Ошибка]: {FFFFFF}Тип значения не числовой.", 0xFF0000)
if dec - math.floor(dec) > 0 then
sampAddChatMessage("[Ошибка]: {FFFFFF}Попытка применить побитовую операцию к нецелому числу.", 0xFF0000)
if dec < 0 then
dec = bit.tobits(bit.bnot(math.abs(dec)) + 1)
dec = bit.tonumb(dec)
local hex_tbl = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}
local hex = ""
while dec ~= 0 do
last = math.fmod(dec, 16)
if last < 10 then
hex = tostring(last) .. hex
hex = hex_tbl[last - 10 + 1] .. hex
dec = math.floor(dec / 16)
if hex == "" then
hex = "0"
return hex
Function 0.3DL:
--Getmem by: Horacy
--Discord: Thorus#3048
local dl = require "lib.SA-MP API.init"
local memory = require 'memory'
local hex = ('%x'):format(0)
local valueadr = 0 --result
--[[Now use getmem('base module', base hex part module, offset, bool protected, type value)
1 float
2 double
3 int8
4 int32
5 int16
6 int64
7 uint8
8 uint16
9 uint32
10 uint64
example: getmem('gta_sa.exe', 0x38E50, 0x0, false, 1)
function test()
getmem('gta_sa.exe', 0x76F3B8, 0x540, false, 1)
function getmem(baseadr, baseadr1, hexpointer, protect, typev)
modulehandle = getModuleHandle(baseadr)
fulladr = memory.getint32(modulehandle + baseadr1)
hex = '0x'..dec_to_hex(fulladr)
if typev == 1 then
valueadr = memory.getfloat(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 2 then
valueadr = memory.getdouble(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 3 then
valueadr = memory.getint8(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 4 then
valueadr = memory.getint32(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 5 then
valueadr = memory.getint16(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 6 then
valueadr = memory.getint64(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 7 then
valueadr = memory.getuint8(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 8 then
valueadr = memory.getuint16(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 9 then
valueadr = memory.getuint32(hex + hexpointer, protect)
elseif typev == 10 then
valueadr = memory.getuint64(hex + hexpointer, protect)
dl.AddMessageToChat(4, "[Getmem] Invalid type", "", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
state = false
dl.AddMessageToChat(4, "", "", 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF)
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..baseadr, "[Getmem] Module name:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..modulehandle, "[Getmem] MODULE handle:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..fulladr, "[Getmem] DEC base adr:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..hex, "[Getmem] HEX base adr:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
if typev == 1 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] float:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 2 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] double:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 3 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] int8:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 4 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] int32:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 5 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] int16:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 6 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] int64:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 7 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] uint8:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 8 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] uint16:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 9 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] uint32:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
elseif typev == 10 then
dl.AddMessageToChat(2, ""..valueadr, "[Getmem] uint64:", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
dl.AddMessageToChat(4, "[Getmem] Invalid type", "", 0xFFFFFF, 0x0400ff)
state = false
dl.AddMessageToChat(4, " ", "", 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF)
function dec_to_hex(dec)
--source https://www.blast.hk/threads/13380/post-548435
if type(dec) ~= "number" then
--sampAddChatMessage("[Ошибка]: {FFFFFF}Тип значения не числовой.", 0xFF0000)
if dec - math.floor(dec) > 0 then
--sampAddChatMessage("[Ошибка]: {FFFFFF}Попытка применить побитовую операцию к нецелому числу.", 0xFF0000)
if dec < 0 then
dec = bit.tobits(bit.bnot(math.abs(dec)) + 1)
dec = bit.tonumb(dec)
local hex_tbl = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}
local hex = ""
while dec ~= 0 do
last = math.fmod(dec, 16)
if last < 10 then
hex = tostring(last) .. hex
hex = hex_tbl[last - 10 + 1] .. hex
dec = math.floor(dec / 16)
if hex == "" then
hex = "0"
return hex
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