- 1
- 0
- Версия SA-MP
- 0.3.7-R4
Для начала установил мунлоадер,луа скрипт не заработал,после этого попытался установить Мунлоадер с плагином самп луа,при этом скачал отдельный файл и заменил папку самп внутри мунлоадера.Пробовал разными способами но не работает код в блокноте выдает ошибку скриптов.Уже долгое время не могу установить и незнаю что делаю неправильно. Для подробного подтверждения сейчас скину код внутри вордпада.
[16:11:20.467856] (system) Session started.
[16:11:20.467856] (debug) Module handle: 67DE0000
MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137
Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.blast.hk/moonloader/[/URL]
[16:11:20.467856] (info) Working directory: C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader
[16:11:20.467856] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[16:11:20.467856] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[16:11:20.467856] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[16:11:20.467856] (system) Hooks installed.
[16:11:21.444269] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[16:11:21.444269] (debug) package.path = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[16:11:21.444269] (debug) package.cpath = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[16:11:21.446269] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\autoaccent.lua'...
[16:11:21.446269] (debug) New script: 01A9CA54
[16:11:21.451270] (system) AutoAccent: Loaded successfully.
[16:11:21.451270] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\AutoBikeMotoRunSwimOnMaxSpeed.lua'...
[16:11:21.451270] (debug) New script: 01A9CBDC
[16:11:21.452270] (system) AutoBicycleRunSwimOnMaxSpeed: Loaded successfully.
[16:11:21.452270] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[16:11:21.452270] (debug) New script: 01A9CD64
[16:11:21.453270] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[16:11:21.453270] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\cottonbot.lua'...
[16:11:21.453270] (debug) New script: 01A9CEEC
[16:11:21.459270] (error) Cotton Bot v1.64: ...reas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\cottonbot.lua:8: module 'imgui' not found:
no field package.preload['imgui']
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\imgui\init.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\imgui.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\imgui\init.lua'
no file '.\imgui.lua'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\imgui.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\imgui\init.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\imgui.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\imgui\init.luac'
no file '.\imgui.luac'
no file 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\lib\imgui.dll'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
...reas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\cottonbot.lua:8: in main chunk
[16:11:21.459270] (error) Cotton Bot v1.64: Script died due to an error. (01A9CEEC)
[16:11:21.460270] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[16:11:21.460270] (debug) New script: 01A9CEEC
[16:11:21.461270] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[16:11:21.461270] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[16:11:21.461270] (debug) New script: 01A9D074
[16:11:21.463270] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[16:11:33.365951] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[16:11:33.366951] (system) Hooks installed.
[16:11:33.368951] (error) AutoAccent: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
...eas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\autoaccent.lua:20: in function <...eas MultiPlayer\GTA SAMP 0.3.7\moonloader\autoaccent.lua:18>
[16:11:33.368951] (error) AutoAccent: Script died due to an error. (01A9CA54)

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