function main() --main function must be in every script
if not isSampfuncsLoaded() or not isSampLoaded() then return end --if no sampfuncs and samp loaded to game, close (or not lol)
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end --waiting for samp loaded
local font = renderCreateFont("Arial", 8, 5) --creating font
sampfuncsRegisterConsoleCommand("deletetd", del) --registering command to sampfuncs console, this will call delete function
sampfuncsRegisterConsoleCommand("showtdid", show) --registering command to sampfuncs console, this will call function that shows textdraw id's
while true do --inf loop
wait(0) --this shit is important
if toggle then --params that not declared has a nil value that same as false
for a = 0, 2304 do --cycle trough all textdeaw id
if sampTextdrawIsExists(a) then --if textdeaw exists then
x, y = sampTextdrawGetPos(a) --we get it's position. value returns in game coords
x1, y1 = convertGameScreenCoordsToWindowScreenCoords(x, y) --so we convert it to screen cuz render needs screen coords
renderFontDrawText(font, a, x1, y1, 0xFFBEBEBE) --and then we draw it's id on textdeaw position
--functions can be declared at any part of code unlike it usually works in lua
function del(n) --this function simly delete textdeaw with a number that we give with command
function show() --this function sets toggle param from false to true and vise versa
toggle = not toggle