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Реакции: PanSeek


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Во всех FOV Changers для этой игры есть ошибка, и вы не можете увеличивать масштаб, когда у вас высокий FOV, исправление для этого состоит в том, чтобы просто отключить FOV при прицеливании снайпером, возможно, вы могли бы добавить это Как исправление качества жизни при следующем обновлении.

Мне нравится этот мод, кстати, это основной мод, который я использую и буду использовать.

О, и пока я думаю об этом, не могли бы вы добавить скорострельный огонь для оружия? Это версия от Penis Project, вы можете найти источник здесь
( https://github.com/RemiReminko22/Penis-Project )

И снова действительно потрясающая работа, чувак.
Thank you. I see that you used GT.
I'll soon start doing a complete refactoring and adding new features. But when it will be ready - it's not known.
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Исправлю после всего рефакторинга уже.
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Реакции: ReleaseN


Since the google translate didn't work very well i'm just going to type in English and hope you can understand what i'm saying xD ,

I play in a server that has now somehow blocked skin aimbot, whenever someone enters the server with it, it somehow disables damaging other people completely, even with the actual setting disabled and pressing F12 to disable the whole menu it still blocks damage.

Do you think it'd be possible to make a version without the aimbot so that I can continue to use the menu on my server. the server is HZRP ( Heres the server IP incase you want to test shit: )

Thank you

EDIT: I've edited the menu myself and completely removed the Aimbot and can now use it on HZ again with an External Silent Aim but there is something in Zuwi that disables damage in the server.
Последнее редактирование:


PanSeek would you be able to work with me to try and figure out what the issue is? This is genuinely the best cheat i've used and I can't find another menu on or even close to the same level of quality.

I've completely removed the skin aimbot and that fixed the damage working with my Silent Aim but without it it still doesn't register damage.

Its 100% Zuwi as when I unload the menu it starts to work again, its also not an option as I've tried disabling every option and it still does it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Автор темы
Всефорумный модератор
PanSeek would you be able to work with me to try and figure out what the issue is? This is genuinely the best cheat i've used and I can't find another menu on or even close to the same level of quality.

I've completely removed the skin aimbot and that fixed the damage working with my Silent Aim but without it it still doesn't register damage.

Its 100% Zuwi as when I unload the menu it starts to work again, its also not an option as I've tried disabling every option and it still does it.

Any help would be appreciated.
Hi. Don't know. If I understood correctly, then I did nothing with Aim other than what I added as in the sobit. Or the fact that the damage does not pass - I don't know either. Perhaps after refactoring this bug will disappear. Perhaps because of the bell, but I don't think so.


Hi. Don't know. If I understood correctly, then I did nothing with Aim other than what I added as in the sobit. Or the fact that the damage does not pass - I don't know either. Perhaps after refactoring this bug will disappear. Perhaps because of the bell, but I don't think so.
Its the servers Anti Cheat, Not sure how but its got a skin aimbot patched.

Hows the remake coming by the way? is it in a usable condition yet?


Автор темы
Всефорумный модератор
Its the servers Anti Cheat, Not sure how but its got a skin aimbot patched.

Hows the remake coming by the way? is it in a usable condition yet?
Slowly but surely, a lot of things are planned and to be comfortable.
The cheat that is now, I think, is suitable.
P.S. Soon there will be one cool development (not from me).


Might be a mod conflicting with whatever you edited but i'm now crashing, i've attached a crash log

Crash Log:
Unhandled exception at 0x0072CD14 in gta_sa.exe (+0x32cd14): 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0178F510.
    Register dump:
        EAX: 0x00000005  EBX: 0x00010000  ECX: 0x0177F66C  EDX: 0x00000008 
        EDI: 0x00000002 ESI: 0x00000005 EBP: 0x0177F540 EIP: 0x0072CD14 
        ESP: 0x0177F4D8  EFL: 0x00210246  CS: 0x00000023   SS: 0x0000002B   
        GS: 0x0000002B FS: 0x00000053 ES: 0x0000002B DS: 0x0000002B   
    Stack dump:
        0x0177F4D8:  FF800000 FF800000 0FDA80A8 0177F4F8 00B6BC90 6E76FCEE
        0x0177F4F0: 0177F550 7A2981BD 00000001 0177F534 7A26A9D0 7A2A3DB8
        0x0177F508:  00000000 47C34FF3 00010000 00000200 FFC00000 FF800000
        0x0177F520:  00000000 00000000 0177F504 FF800000 0177F59C 7F800000
        0x0177F538:  007EDDB4 0177F59C 7F800000 00555563 0177F638 00000005
        0x0177F550:  00554840 0177F59C 0177F59C 0000000D 0FDA80A8 01BF0638
        0x0177F568:  26509950 0177F688 00000000 7F800000 7F800000 FF800000
        0x0177F580:  7F800000 FF800000 FF800000 7F800000 6E76FE72 8000189C
        0x0177F598: 00001FA4 43AC7B00 C4E599A9 414FA368 43AC7B00 C4E599A9
        0x0177F5B0: 414FA368 43AC7B00 C4E599A9 414FA368 43AC7B00 C4E599A9
        base: 0x01580000   top: 0x0177F4D8   bottom: 0x01780000
    Backtrace (may be wrong):
        =>0x0072CD14 in gta_sa.exe (+0x32cd14) (0x0177F540)
          0x00555563 in gta_sa.exe (+0x155563) (0x0177F544)
          0x0177F638 in unknown (+0x177f638) (0x0177F548)


Автор темы
Всефорумный модератор
Might be a mod conflicting with whatever you edited but i'm now crashing, i've attached a crash log

Crash Log:
Unhandled exception at 0x0072CD14 in gta_sa.exe (+0x32cd14): 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0178F510.
    Register dump:
        EAX: 0x00000005  EBX: 0x00010000  ECX: 0x0177F66C  EDX: 0x00000008
        EDI: 0x00000002 ESI: 0x00000005 EBP: 0x0177F540 EIP: 0x0072CD14
        ESP: 0x0177F4D8  EFL: 0x00210246  CS: 0x00000023   SS: 0x0000002B  
        GS: 0x0000002B FS: 0x00000053 ES: 0x0000002B DS: 0x0000002B  
    Stack dump:
        0x0177F4D8:  FF800000 FF800000 0FDA80A8 0177F4F8 00B6BC90 6E76FCEE
        0x0177F4F0: 0177F550 7A2981BD 00000001 0177F534 7A26A9D0 7A2A3DB8
        0x0177F508:  00000000 47C34FF3 00010000 00000200 FFC00000 FF800000
        0x0177F520:  00000000 00000000 0177F504 FF800000 0177F59C 7F800000
        0x0177F538:  007EDDB4 0177F59C 7F800000 00555563 0177F638 00000005
        0x0177F550:  00554840 0177F59C 0177F59C 0000000D 0FDA80A8 01BF0638
        0x0177F568:  26509950 0177F688 00000000 7F800000 7F800000 FF800000
        0x0177F580:  7F800000 FF800000 FF800000 7F800000 6E76FE72 8000189C
        0x0177F598: 00001FA4 43AC7B00 C4E599A9 414FA368 43AC7B00 C4E599A9
        0x0177F5B0: 414FA368 43AC7B00 C4E599A9 414FA368 43AC7B00 C4E599A9
        base: 0x01580000   top: 0x0177F4D8   bottom: 0x01780000
    Backtrace (may be wrong):
        =>0x0072CD14 in gta_sa.exe (+0x32cd14) (0x0177F540)
          0x00555563 in gta_sa.exe (+0x155563) (0x0177F544)
          0x0177F638 in unknown (+0x177f638) (0x0177F548)
It's strange, i am changed state false -> true..