- 363
- 145
download libraries and unzip in moonloaderWhen I open the menu then close it my mouse don't move the camera anymore
lib -
download libraries and unzip in moonloaderWhen I open the menu then close it my mouse don't move the camera anymore
чё не так то, у тебя вылета скрипта нет, у тебя всё запустилось
поотрубай настройки для авто, мб ты что то там включил, или уже проблема с другими скриптамиПомогите пж, устанавлию значит захожу в игру и всё ок ульра фак работает, но когда я сажусь в транспорт(не скутеры) у меня не работают поворотники и панель с топливом.Что делать? Arizona
скинь мунлоадер логне работает всё установил
[15:36:28.051406] (system) Session started.скинь мунлоадер лог
мунлоадер 026 установи[15:36:28.051406] (system) Session started.
[15:36:28.053390] (debug) Module handle: 50520000
MoonLoader v.025-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137
Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team
Избранное - Lua - ASI - MoonLoader
v.026.5-beta MoonLoader - это мод для игры GTA San Andreas, стремящийся стать полной современной заменой CLEO. Он вносит возможность загрузки Lua-скриптов в игру, имеет всю функциональность опкодов игры, библиотеки CLEO, плагина SAMPFUNCS и добавляет свой набор новых функций для разработки
[15:36:28.053390] (info) Working directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader
[15:36:28.053390] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[15:36:28.053390] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[15:36:28.053390] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[15:36:28.054383] (system) Hooks installed.
[15:36:29.934843] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[15:36:29.934843] (debug) package.path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\?.lua;C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\?.luac;C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[15:36:29.934843] (debug) package.cpath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[15:36:29.934843] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua'...
[15:36:29.935836] (debug) New script: 01B84514
[15:36:29.965636] (debug) Add thread 08EB7075 to SCM-thread queue
[15:36:29.990470] (system) AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:29.990470] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\autochecksantrope.lua'...
[15:36:29.990470] (debug) New script: 16AED034
[15:36:29.992457] (system) autochecksantrope.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:29.992457] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[15:36:29.992457] (debug) New script: 16AF26C4
[15:36:29.995436] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:29.995436] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[15:36:29.995436] (debug) New script: 16AF2C7C
[15:36:30.000403] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:30.000403] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua'...
[15:36:30.000403] (debug) New script: 16AF5034
[15:36:30.003383] (system) CheckOnline: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:30.003383] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\GachiRvanka 2.0 [by Scar_].lua'...
[15:36:30.003383] (debug) New script: 16AF51DC
[15:36:30.044110] (system) GachiRvanka 2.0 [by Scar_].lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:30.044110] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper for jail.lua'...
[15:36:30.044110] (debug) New script: 16AFD38C
[15:36:30.045104] (system) Helper for jail.lua: Script terminated. (16AFD38C)
[15:36:30.045104] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper for jail.lua: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:36:30.045104] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac'...
[15:36:30.045104] (debug) New script: 16AFD704
[15:36:30.046096] (system) Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac: Script terminated. (16AFD704)
[15:36:30.046096] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:36:30.046096] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac'...
[15:36:30.046096] (debug) New script: 16AFDDA4
[15:36:30.051063] (system) MVDHelper Manager: Script terminated. (16AFDDA4)
[15:36:30.052059] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: Moon ImGui requires MoonLoader v.026 or greater.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac: in function <C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac:0>
[15:36:30.052059] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac'...
[15:36:30.052059] (debug) New script: 16AFDA54
[15:36:30.073908] (system) MVDHelper: Script terminated. (16AFDA54)
[15:36:30.076889] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: Moon ImGui requires MoonLoader v.026 or greater.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac: in function <C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac:0>
[15:36:30.077883] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[15:36:30.077883] (debug) New script: 16AFE0F4
[15:36:30.079869] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:30.079869] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac'...
[15:36:30.079869] (debug) New script: 16AFD8AC
[15:36:30.080864] (system) SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac: Script terminated. (16AFD8AC)
[15:36:30.080864] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:36:30.080864] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\scriptManager.luac'...
[15:36:30.080864] (debug) New script: 16AFDF4C
[15:36:30.087815] (system) ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:30.087815] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[15:36:30.087815] (debug) New script: 16AFD8AC
[15:36:30.094768] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:30.094768] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\teleport.lua'...
[15:36:30.094768] (debug) New script: 16AFDA54
[15:36:30.105698] (system) teleport.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:30.106691] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\tsrbot (2).lua'...
[15:36:30.106691] (debug) New script: 16AFDDA4
[15:36:30.118609] (system) tsrbot (2).lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:36:30.118609] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\UltraFuck.luac'...
[15:36:30.118609] (debug) New script: 16AFD3B4
[15:36:30.119603] (system) UltraFuck.luac: Script terminated. (16AFD3B4)
[15:36:30.119603] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\UltraFuck.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:36:32.248503] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[15:36:32.249497] (system) Hooks installed.
[15:36:32.251504] (debug) Add thread 1B6DDF25 to SCM-thread queue
[15:36:36.662586] (debug) Add thread 08CF3A6D to SCM-thread queue
[15:36:36.662586] (debug) Add thread 08CF35CD to SCM-thread queue
[15:36:36.664553] (debug) Add thread 08CF43AD to SCM-thread queue
[15:36:36.851300] (debug) Add thread 0D9FE725 to SCM-thread queue
[15:36:37.668899] (debug) Add thread 21A7107D to SCM-thread queue
[15:36:38.982104] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Script terminated. (16AF2C7C)
[15:36:43.261951] (error) CheckOnline: C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua:108: Server not found.
[15:36:43.261951] (error) CheckOnline: Script died due to error. (16AF5034)
[15:43:15.667364] (system) AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua: Script terminated. (01B84514)
[15:43:15.667364] (debug) Remove thread 21A7107D from SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.674316] (system) autochecksantrope.lua: Script terminated. (16AED034)
[15:43:15.674316] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Script terminated. (16AF26C4)
[15:43:15.676301] (system) GachiRvanka 2.0 [by Scar_].lua: Script terminated. (16AF51DC)
[15:43:15.676301] (debug) Remove thread 08CF3A6D from SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.687229] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Script terminated. (16AFE0F4)
[15:43:15.692195] (system) ScriptManager: Script terminated. (16AFDF4C)
[15:43:15.692195] (debug) Remove thread 08CF35CD from SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.695177] (system) SF Integration: Script terminated. (16AFD8AC)
[15:43:15.697163] (debug) Remove thread 1B6DDF25 from SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.698158] (system) teleport.lua: Script terminated. (16AFDA54)
[15:43:15.698158] (debug) Remove thread 08CF43AD from SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.701137] (system) tsrbot (2).lua: Script terminated. (16AFDDA4)
[15:43:15.701137] (debug) Remove thread 0D9FE725 from SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.703122] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua'...
[15:43:15.703122] (debug) New script: 249BBA44
[15:43:15.768683] (system) AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.769676] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\autochecksantrope.lua'...
[15:43:15.769676] (debug) New script: 249BCAD4
[15:43:15.771663] (system) autochecksantrope.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.771663] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[15:43:15.772656] (debug) New script: 249BB89C
[15:43:15.774643] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.774643] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[15:43:15.774643] (debug) New script: 249BBBEC
[15:43:15.779609] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.779609] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua'...
[15:43:15.779609] (debug) New script: 249BB6F4
[15:43:15.782589] (system) CheckOnline: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.782589] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\GachiRvanka 2.0 [by Scar_].lua'...
[15:43:15.782589] (debug) New script: 249BB1FC
[15:43:15.824309] (system) GachiRvanka 2.0 [by Scar_].lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.824309] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper for jail.lua'...
[15:43:15.824309] (debug) New script: 249BB3A4
[15:43:15.824309] (system) Helper for jail.lua: Script terminated. (249BB3A4)
[15:43:15.825303] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper for jail.lua: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:43:15.825303] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac'...
[15:43:15.825303] (debug) New script: 249BB3A4
[15:43:15.825303] (system) Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac: Script terminated. (249BB3A4)
[15:43:15.825303] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:43:15.825303] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac'...
[15:43:15.825303] (debug) New script: 249BB3A4
[15:43:15.830268] (system) MVDHelper Manager: Script terminated. (249BB3A4)
[15:43:15.831264] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: Moon ImGui requires MoonLoader v.026 or greater.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac: in function <C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac:0>
[15:43:15.831264] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac'...
[15:43:15.831264] (debug) New script: 249BB3A4
[15:43:15.853114] (system) MVDHelper: Script terminated. (249BB3A4)
[15:43:15.855103] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: Moon ImGui requires MoonLoader v.026 or greater.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac: in function <C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac:0>
[15:43:15.856096] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[15:43:15.856096] (debug) New script: 249BB3A4
[15:43:15.858081] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.858081] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac'...
[15:43:15.858081] (debug) New script: 249BB54C
[15:43:15.858081] (system) SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac: Script terminated. (249BB54C)
[15:43:15.859076] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:43:15.859076] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\scriptManager.luac'...
[15:43:15.859076] (debug) New script: 249BB54C
[15:43:15.865036] (system) ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.866029] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[15:43:15.866029] (debug) New script: 1B6E3604
[15:43:15.871989] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.872983] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\teleport.lua'...
[15:43:15.872983] (debug) New script: 1B6E19DC
[15:43:15.883910] (system) teleport.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.883910] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\tsrbot (2).lua'...
[15:43:15.883910] (debug) New script: 1B6E207C
[15:43:15.893842] (system) tsrbot (2).lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:43:15.893842] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\UltraFuck.luac'...
[15:43:15.894836] (debug) New script: 1B6E2A6C
[15:43:15.894836] (system) UltraFuck.luac: Script terminated. (1B6E2A6C)
[15:43:15.897818] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\UltraFuck.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:43:15.942517] (debug) Add thread 1F755E25 to SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.943508] (debug) Add thread 1F756515 to SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.959402] (debug) Add thread 1F756C05 to SCM-thread queue
[15:43:15.960396] (debug) Add thread 1F756E55 to SCM-thread queue
[15:43:16.069664] (debug) Add thread 1F7303BD to SCM-thread queue
[15:43:16.967635] (debug) Add thread 1F72FF1D to SCM-thread queue
[15:43:17.998756] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Script terminated. (249BBBEC)
[15:43:18.704214] (error) CheckOnline: C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua:108: Server not found.
[15:43:18.704214] (error) CheckOnline: Script died due to error. (249BB6F4)
[15:44:25.677271] (system) AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua: Script terminated. (249BBA44)
[15:44:25.677271] (debug) Remove thread 1F72FF1D from SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.680250] (system) autochecksantrope.lua: Script terminated. (249BCAD4)
[15:44:25.680250] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Script terminated. (249BB89C)
[15:44:25.681244] (system) GachiRvanka 2.0 [by Scar_].lua: Script terminated. (249BB1FC)
[15:44:25.681244] (debug) Remove thread 1F756C05 from SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.684224] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Script terminated. (249BB3A4)
[15:44:25.685217] (system) ScriptManager: Script terminated. (249BB54C)
[15:44:25.685217] (debug) Remove thread 1F755E25 from SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.686232] (system) SF Integration: Script terminated. (1B6E3604)
[15:44:25.686232] (debug) Remove thread 1F756515 from SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.687224] (system) teleport.lua: Script terminated. (1B6E19DC)
[15:44:25.687224] (debug) Remove thread 1F756E55 from SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.688218] (system) tsrbot (2).lua: Script terminated. (1B6E207C)
[15:44:25.688218] (debug) Remove thread 1F7303BD from SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.689211] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua'...
[15:44:25.689211] (debug) New script: 249BCAD4
[15:44:25.735877] (system) AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.735877] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\autochecksantrope.lua'...
[15:44:25.735877] (debug) New script: 249BB1FC
[15:44:25.738878] (system) autochecksantrope.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.738878] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[15:44:25.738878] (debug) New script: 249BB3A4
[15:44:25.740864] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.740864] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[15:44:25.740864] (debug) New script: 249BB54C
[15:44:25.744838] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.744838] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua'...
[15:44:25.744838] (debug) New script: 249BB89C
[15:44:25.746824] (system) CheckOnline: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.746824] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\GachiRvanka 2.0 [by Scar_].lua'...
[15:44:25.746824] (debug) New script: 249BBA44
[15:44:25.774617] (system) GachiRvanka 2.0 [by Scar_].lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.774617] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper for jail.lua'...
[15:44:25.775611] (debug) New script: 1B6E19DC
[15:44:25.775611] (system) Helper for jail.lua: Script terminated. (1B6E19DC)
[15:44:25.775611] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper for jail.lua: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:44:25.775611] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac'...
[15:44:25.775611] (debug) New script: 1B6E3604
[15:44:25.776606] (system) Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac: Script terminated. (1B6E3604)
[15:44:25.776606] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:44:25.776606] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac'...
[15:44:25.776606] (debug) New script: 1B6E207C
[15:44:25.780577] (system) MVDHelper Manager: Script terminated. (1B6E207C)
[15:44:25.780577] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: Moon ImGui requires MoonLoader v.026 or greater.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac: in function <C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MHManager.luac:0>
[15:44:25.780577] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac'...
[15:44:25.781571] (debug) New script: 1B6E3604
[15:44:25.798458] (system) MVDHelper: Script terminated. (1B6E3604)
[15:44:25.801441] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: Moon ImGui requires MoonLoader v.026 or greater.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\lib\imgui.lua:4: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac: in function <C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\MVDhelp.luac:0>
[15:44:25.801441] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[15:44:25.801441] (debug) New script: 1B6E3604
[15:44:25.803451] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.803451] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac'...
[15:44:25.803451] (debug) New script: 1B6E19DC
[15:44:25.804444] (system) SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac: Script terminated. (1B6E19DC)
[15:44:25.804444] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SanTrope_Bypass_v4.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:44:25.804444] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\scriptManager.luac'...
[15:44:25.804444] (debug) New script: 1B6E207C
[15:44:25.809411] (system) ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.809411] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[15:44:25.809411] (debug) New script: 1B6E2A6C
[15:44:25.814378] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.814378] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\teleport.lua'...
[15:44:25.814378] (debug) New script: 1B6E2574
[15:44:25.821333] (system) teleport.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.821333] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\tsrbot (2).lua'...
[15:44:25.822323] (debug) New script: 1B6E271C
[15:44:25.829800] (system) tsrbot (2).lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:44:25.829800] (system) Loading script 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\UltraFuck.luac'...
[15:44:25.829800] (debug) New script: 1B6E2C14
[15:44:25.829800] (system) UltraFuck.luac: Script terminated. (1B6E2C14)
[15:44:25.829800] (error) C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\UltraFuck.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[15:44:25.833773] (error) CheckOnline: C:\Program Files (x86)\Games\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua:108: Server not found.
[15:44:25.833773] (error) CheckOnline: Script died due to error. (249BB89C)
[15:44:25.867546] (debug) Add thread 1F7303BD to SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.869535] (debug) Add thread 1F732B0D to SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.887413] (debug) Add thread 1F730BD5 to SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.888407] (debug) Add thread 1F73525D to SCM-thread queue
[15:44:25.992758] (debug) Add thread 1F7331FD to SCM-thread queue
[15:44:26.897220] (debug) Add thread 1F73FD7D to SCM-thread queue
[15:44:28.343393] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Script terminated. (249BB54C)
Шиза?Ничего не вырезалиПросто сделали из скрипта обрезаное говно,раньше было больше функцый,хотябы рендер вернули.А так скрипт отличный
хахах)) скачал 1.0 версию скрипта и жалуетсяПросто сделали из скрипта обрезаное говно,раньше было больше функцый,хотябы рендер вернули.А так скрипт отличный