Опять на связи, ребят! :preved: Многие знают о таком симуляторе хакера как: s0urce.io, в него играют многие и для победы нужно вводить команды в Терминал которые скажет система для взлома. Но как-то надоедает быстро(и тем более там проиграть не возможно, только когда сам захочешь) вводить нужные команды, и игра тем самым быстро становиться скучной. С данным скриптом вам будет очень легко стать на 1 место и допустим пиарить сайт с которого скачали скрипт(я имел ввиду ник сделать допустим: Blast.hk).
И-так, как же его активировать?
1) Мы залогинились на сайте.
2) Нажимаете на F12 и открываете справа окошко.
3) Заходим в раздел: Console. (не обращайте на ошибки и т.п).
4) Вводите туда данный скрипт:
5) Нажимаете на Enter и пишите команду активации: app.start()
6) У Вас должно вылезти окошко "Source.io Bot" и куча других окошек самой игры(бот значит уже запущен, но можно остановить).
7) Расставляем как вам удобно, в моём случае так:
8) Всё, готово! Скрипт запущен и можете смотреть сериал и наслаждаться 1/2 местом(хорошая реклама будет если сделать ник blast.hk :trollface2:).
Автор скрипта: snollygolly
Автор русификации скрипта: GamerOnCheck
Ссылка на ГитХаб: https://github.com/snollygolly/sourceio-automation
И-так, как же его активировать?
1) Мы залогинились на сайте.
2) Нажимаете на F12 и открываете справа окошко.
3) Заходим в раздел: Console. (не обращайте на ошибки и т.п).
4) Вводите туда данный скрипт:
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const, one-var
let config, vars, app, loops, gui;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
config = {
// the message you send to others when you hack them
message: "",
autoTarget: true,
autoAttack: true,
// the base64 database url
db: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snollygolly/sourceio-automation/master/db.json",
// all things timing related
freq: {
// how often to guess
word: 1500,
// how often to attempt to upgrade mining tools
mine: 3000,
// how often to attempt to upgrade firewalls
upgrade: 4500,
// how long to wait before attempting to rehack, not enough money for hack
broke: 6000,
// how long to wait before restarting the hacking loop
hack: 3500
// which player in the index of the list, 0 is the first player (the bot target a player with index between playerToAttack and playerToAttack + 3 (random).
playerToAttack: 0,
// how many hacks to try (and fail) before restarting
maxHackFails: 5,
// how high to upgrade all of your miner types except quantum-servers and botnets.
maxMinerLevel: 20,
// how high to upgrade quantum-servers and botnets (quantum-servers will always be purchased in priority and botnets quantity will be equal to quantum-servers quantity.
maxQBLevel: 50,
// the max BTC the bot will spend per upgrade. (current BTC * maxUpgradeCost).
maxUpgradeCost: .33,
// all the gui settings
gui: {
enabled: true,
width: "320px",
height: "412px"
// all the ocr settings, disabled by default
ocr: {
enabled: false,
url: "http://api.ocr.space/parse/image",
key: "XXX"
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
vars = {
// the object that contains a mapping of image urls to words (built over time)
listingURL: {},
// the object that contains b64 hashes to words (loaded on start)
listingB64: {},
// how much BT you have
balance: 0,
flags: {
// we're waiting for OCR to complete
ocrBlock: false,
// we're waiting for the bar to move in response to our word
progressBlock: false
loops: {
word: null,
upgrade: null,
miner: null
hackProgress: 0,
hackFailures: 0,
// the different types of miners and their current rank
minerStatus: [
{name: "shop-basic-miner", value: 0},
{name: "shop-advanced-miner", value: 0},
{name: "shop-mining-drill", value: 0},
{name: "shop-data-center", value: 0},
{name: "shop-bot-net", value: 0},
{name: "shop-quantum-server", value: 0}
fireWall: [
{name: "A", index: 1, needUpgrade: true},
{name: "B", index: 2, needUpgrade: true},
{name: "C", index: 3, needUpgrade: true},
{name: "ALL", needUpgrade: true}
gui: {
dragReady: false,
dragOffset: {x: 0, y: 0}
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
app = {
start: () => {
$.get(config.db).done((data) => {
vars.listingB64 = JSON.parse(data);
// first check the windows are open, and open them if they aren't
if ($("#player-list").is(":visible") === false) {
log("* Target list must be open");
if ($("#window-shop").is(":visible") === false) {
log("* Black market must be open");
if ($("#window-computer").is(":visible") === false) {
log("* My computer must be open");
if (config.gui.enabled === true) {
if ($("#custom-gui").is(":visible") === false) {
log("* Opening bot window");
} else {
log("* GUI disabled, skipping...");
// start the automation
restart: () => {
log(". Waiting for restart...");
setTimeout(() => {
log(". Restarting!");
}, config.freq.hack);
stop: () => {
// check and disable all loops
for (const loop in vars.loops) {
if (vars.loops[loop] === null) {
log(`! Can't stop ${loop} loop`);
vars.loops[loop] = null;
vars.hackProgress = 0;
// reset flags
vars.flags.ocrBlock = false;
vars.flags.progressBlock = false;
log("* Stopped all hacking");
automate: () => {
// does everything to prep for hacking except word guessing
// start the loop for btc monitoring
vars.loops.miner = setInterval(loops.miner, config.freq.mine);
// start the loop for upgrades
vars.loops.upgrade = setInterval(loops.upgrade, config.freq.upgrade);
attack: () => {
// if the auto target is toggled, choose the target.
if (config.autoTarget) {
// with playerToAttack = 0 choose between the 4 first players from the player list
const rndTarget = getRandomInt(config.playerToAttack, config.playerToAttack + 3);
// playerToAttack is an int, the index of the player list
const targetName = $("#player-list").children("tr").eq(rndTarget)[0].innerText;
log(`. Now attacking ${targetName}`);
// click it, and then hack, and then a random port
// if the auto attack port is toggled, choose the port and click
if (config.autoAttack) {
const portNumber = getRandomInt(1,3);
// do a check for money
const portStyle = $(`#window-other-port${portNumber}`).attr("style");
if (portStyle.indexOf("opacity: 1") === -1) {
// this port costs too much, let's wait a bit
log("* Hack too expensive, waiting");
setTimeout(app.attack, config.freq.broke);
vars.loops.word = setInterval(loops.word, config.freq.word);
findWord: () => {
const wordLink = $(".tool-type-img").prop("src");
if (!wordLink.endsWith("s0urce.io/client/img/words/template.png")) {
if (vars.listingURL.hasOwnProperty(wordLink) === true) {
const word = vars.listingURL[wordLink];
log(`. Found word (URL): [${word}]`);
toDataURL(wordLink).then((dataUrl) => {
const hash = getHashCode(dataUrl);
if (vars.listingB64.hasOwnProperty(hash) === true) {
const word = vars.listingB64[hash];
log(`. Found word (B64): [${word}]`);
if (config.ocr.enabled === true) {
log("* Not seen, trying OCR...");
app.doOCR(config.ocr.url, {
apikey: config.ocr.key,
language: "eng",
url: wordLink
} else {
log("* OCR disabled, skipping...");
} else {
log("* Can't find the word link...");
// if the target is disconnected and autoTarget disabled, re-enable it.
if ($("#cdm-text-container span:last").text() === "Target is disconnected from the Server." && !config.autoTarget) {
learn: (word) => {
const wordLink = $(".tool-type-img").prop("src");
vars.listingURL[wordLink] = word;
submit: (word) => {
doOCR: (link, payload) => {
vars.flags.ocrBlock = true;
// this is made somewhat generic to allow different ocr vendors
$.post(link, payload).done((data) => {
const word = String(data["ParsedResults"][0]["ParsedText"]).trim().toLowerCase().split(" ").join("");
if (word.length > 2) {
log(`. Got data: [${word}]`);
vars.flags.ocrBlock = false;
} else {
log("* OCR failed");
loops = {
word: () => {
// block is true is we're mid-OCR
if (vars.flags.ocrBlock === true) {
if ($("#targetmessage-input").is(":visible") === true) {
// we're done!
// if we're waiting on the progress bar to move...
if (vars.flags.progressBlock === true) {
const newHackProgress = parseHackProgress($("#progressbar-firewall-amount").attr("style"));
// check to see if it's new
if (vars.hackProgress === newHackProgress) {
// the bar hasn't moved
log("* Progress bar hasn't moved, waiting");
if (vars.hackFails >= config.maxHackFails) {
vars.hackFails = 0;
log("* Progress bar is stuck, restarting");
// maybe the URLs have changed
vars.listingURL = {};
// the bar has moved
vars.hackFails = 0;
vars.hackProgress = newHackProgress;
vars.flags.progressBlock = false;
// actually do the word stuff
vars.flags.progressBlock = true;
miner: () => {
// first, get the status of our miners
for (const miner of vars.minerStatus) {
// set value
miner.value = parseInt($(`#${miner.name}-amount`).text());
// this is available to buy
if ($(`#${miner.name}`).attr("style") === "opacity: 1;") {
// buy more quantum servers and botnets, buy botnets at the same rate as the quantum servers.
if (miner.value >= config.maxQBLevel) {
// we're beyond or at the max QB level, no updates needed
// is this an advanced miner?
const isAdvancedMiner = (miner.name === "shop-quantum-server" || miner.name === "shop-bot-net") ? true : false;
if (miner.value >= config.maxMinerLevel && isAdvancedMiner === false) {
// this isn't an advanced miner and it's beyond the max level, no updates needed
// we should buy this
upgrade: () => {
// leave if all firewalls are upgraded to max
if (!vars.fireWall[3].needUpgrade)
// get a random firewall
// i refers to the location in the vars.firewall array
const i = getRandomInt(0,2);
// index refers to 1,2,3, the index in the DOM (use for selectors)
const index = vars.fireWall[i].index;
// if this fireWall is already fully upgraded, get an other random firewall.
if (!vars.fireWall[i].needUpgrade)
vars.balance = parseInt($("#window-my-coinamount").text());
// if the back button is visible, we're on a page, let's back out and hide the firewall warning.
if ($("#window-firewall-pagebutton").is(":visible") === true) {
// click on the firewall
log(`. Handling upgrades to firewall ${vars.fireWall[i].name}`);
// get stats
const stats = [
parseInt($("#shop-max-charges").text()), parseInt($("#shop-strength").text()), parseInt($("#shop-regen").text())
const statLookup = [
"max_charge10", "difficulty", "regen"
const maxStats = [
30, 4, 10
let maxUpgradeCount = 0;
for (const stat in maxStats) {
if (stats[stat] < maxStats[stat]) {
const statPrice = parseInt($(`#shop-firewall-${statLookup[stat]}-value`).text());
if (statPrice < (vars.balance * config.maxUpgradeCost)) {
log(`. Buying: ${$(".window-shop-element-info b").eq(stat).text()}`);
// buy more than one upgrade, but only if they cost less than a third of the bitcoin balance.
// return;
} else {
if (maxUpgradeCount === 3) {
vars.fireWall[i].needUpgrade = false;
if (vars.fireWall.every(checkFirewallsUpgrades))
vars.fireWall[3].needUpgrade = false;
// let's go back
if ($("#window-firewall-pagebutton").is(":visible") === true) {
gui = {
show: () => {
if ($("#custom-gui").length > 0) {
const sizeCSS = `height: ${config.gui.height}; width: ${config.gui.width};`;
const labelMap = {
word: "Скорость печатания",
mine: "Апгрейжер майнеров",
upgrade: "Firewall Апгрейжер",
hack: "Ожидание перед атакой"
const freqInput = (type) => {
return `<span style="font-size:15px">
<input type="text" class="custom-gui-freq input-form" style="width:50px;margin:0px 0px 15px 5px;border:" value="${config.freq[type]}" data-type="${type}">
const botWindowHTML = `
<div id="custom-gui" class="window" style="border-color: rgb(62, 76, 95); color: rgb(191, 207, 210); ${sizeCSS} z-index: 10; top: 11.5%; left: 83%;">
<div id="custom-gui-bot-title" class="window-title" style="background-color: rgb(62, 76, 95);">
Source.io Bot
<span class="window-close-style">
<img class="window-close-img" src="http://s0urce.io/client/img/icon-close.png">
<div class="window-content" style="${sizeCSS}">
<div id="custom-restart-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
Перезапустить бота
<div id="custom-stop-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
Остановить бота
<div id="custom-autoTarget-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
Авто-выбор цели
<div id="custom-autoAttack-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
<span>Сообщение после взлома:</span>
<input type="text" class="custom-gui-msg input-form" style="width:250px;height:30px;border:;background:lightgrey;color:black" value="${config.message}" >
<div id="custom-github-button" class="button" style="display: block;">
This script is on Github!
// color the toggle buttons
$("#custom-autoTarget-button").css("color", config.autoTarget ? "green" : "red");
$("#custom-autoAttack-button").css("color", config.autoAttack ? "green" : "red");
// bind functions to the gui's buttons
$("#custom-gui-bot-title > span.window-close-style").on("click", () => {
$("#custom-restart-button").on("click", () => {
$("#custom-stop-button").on("click", () => {
$("#custom-autoTarget-button").on("click", () => {
config.autoTarget = !config.autoTarget;
$("#custom-autoTarget-button").css("color", config.autoTarget ? "green" : "red");
$("#custom-autoAttack-button").on("click", () => {
config.autoAttack = !config.autoAttack;
$("#custom-autoAttack-button").css("color", config.autoAttack ? "green" : "red");
$("#custom-github-button").on("click", () => {
$(".custom-gui-freq").on("keypress", (e) => {
if (e.keyCode !== 13) {
const type = $(e.target).attr("data-type");
if (!config.freq[type]) {
// invalid input, disregard i guess?
config.freq[type] = $(e.target).val();
log(`* Frequency for '${type}' set to ${config.freq[type]}`);
$(".custom-gui-msg").on("keypress", (e) => {
if (e.keyCode !== 13) {
config.message = $(e.target).val();
log(`* Message for set to : ${config.message}`);
// make the bot window draggable
const botWindow = ("#custom-gui");
$(document).on("mousedown", botWindow, (e) => {
vars.gui.dragReady = true;
vars.gui.dragOffset.x = e.pageX - $(botWindow).position().left;
vars.gui.dragOffset.y = e.pageY - $(botWindow).position().top;
$(document).on("mouseup", botWindow, () => {
vars.gui.dragReady = false;
$(document).on("mousemove", (e) => {
if (vars.gui.dragReady) {
$(botWindow).css("top", `${e.pageY - vars.gui.dragOffset.y}px`);
$(botWindow).css("left", `${e.pageX - vars.gui.dragOffset.x}px`);
function checkFirewallsUpgrades(FW, index) {
if (index === 3)
return true;
return FW.needUpgrade === false;
function parseHackProgress(progress) {
// remove the %;
const newProgress = progress.slice(0, -2);
const newProgressParts = newProgress.split("width: ");
return parseInt(newProgressParts.pop());
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function getHashCode(data) {
let hash = 0;
if (data.length === 0) {
return hash;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const c = data.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + c;
hash &= hash;
return hash.toString();
function toDataURL(url) {
return fetch(url)
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(blob => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result);
reader.onerror = reject;
function log(message) {
console.log(`:: ${message}`);
6) У Вас должно вылезти окошко "Source.io Bot" и куча других окошек самой игры(бот значит уже запущен, но можно остановить).
7) Расставляем как вам удобно, в моём случае так:
8) Всё, готово! Скрипт запущен и можете смотреть сериал и наслаждаться 1/2 местом(хорошая реклама будет если сделать ник blast.hk :trollface2:).
Автор скрипта: snollygolly
Автор русификации скрипта: GamerOnCheck
Ссылка на ГитХаб: https://github.com/snollygolly/sourceio-automation