[Чит] Скрипт для игры s0urce.io | Или же хакерство в симуляторе хакера? :D


Автор темы
Опять на связи, ребят! :preved: Многие знают о таком симуляторе хакера как: s0urce.io, в него играют многие и для победы нужно вводить команды в Терминал которые скажет система для взлома. Но как-то надоедает быстро(и тем более там проиграть не возможно, только когда сам захочешь) вводить нужные команды, и игра тем самым быстро становиться скучной. С данным скриптом вам будет очень легко стать на 1 место и допустим пиарить сайт с которого скачали скрипт(я имел ввиду ник сделать допустим: Blast.hk).

И-так, как же его активировать?
1) Мы залогинились на сайте.

2) Нажимаете на F12 и открываете справа окошко.

3) Заходим в раздел: Console. (не обращайте на ошибки и т.п).

4) Вводите туда данный скрипт:
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const, one-var
let config, vars, app, loops, gui;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
config = {
    // the message you send to others when you hack them
    message: "",
    autoTarget: true,
    autoAttack: true,
    // the base64 database url
    db: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snollygolly/sourceio-automation/master/db.json",
    // all things timing related
    freq: {
        // how often to guess
        word: 1500,
        // how often to attempt to upgrade mining tools
        mine: 3000,
        // how often to attempt to upgrade firewalls
        upgrade: 4500,
        // how long to wait before attempting to rehack, not enough money for hack
        broke: 6000,
        // how long to wait before restarting the hacking loop
        hack: 3500
    // which player in the index of the list, 0 is the first player (the bot target a player with index between playerToAttack and playerToAttack + 3 (random).
    playerToAttack: 0,
    // how many hacks to try (and fail) before restarting
    maxHackFails: 5,
    // how high to upgrade all of your miner types except quantum-servers and botnets.
    maxMinerLevel: 20,
    // how high to upgrade quantum-servers and botnets (quantum-servers will always be purchased in priority and botnets quantity will be equal to quantum-servers quantity.
    maxQBLevel: 50,
    // the max BTC the bot will spend per upgrade. (current BTC * maxUpgradeCost).
    maxUpgradeCost: .33,
    // all the gui settings
    gui: {
        enabled: true,
        width: "320px",
        height: "412px"
    // all the ocr settings, disabled by default
    ocr: {
        enabled: false,
        url: "http://api.ocr.space/parse/image",
        key: "XXX"
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
vars = {
    // the object that contains a mapping of image urls to words (built over time)
    listingURL: {},
    // the object that contains b64 hashes to words (loaded on start)
    listingB64: {},
    // how much BT you have
    balance: 0,
    flags: {
        // we're waiting for OCR to complete
        ocrBlock: false,
        // we're waiting for the bar to move in response to our word
        progressBlock: false
    loops: {
        word: null,
        upgrade: null,
        miner: null
    hackProgress: 0,
    hackFailures: 0,
    // the different types of miners and their current rank
    minerStatus: [
        {name: "shop-basic-miner", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-advanced-miner", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-mining-drill", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-data-center", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-bot-net", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-quantum-server", value: 0}
    fireWall: [
        {name: "A", index: 1, needUpgrade: true},
        {name: "B", index: 2, needUpgrade: true},
        {name: "C", index: 3, needUpgrade: true},
        {name: "ALL", needUpgrade: true}
    gui: {
        dragReady: false,
        dragOffset: {x: 0, y: 0}
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
app = {
    start: () => {
        $.get(config.db).done((data) => {
            vars.listingB64 = JSON.parse(data);
            // first check the windows are open, and open them if they aren't
            if ($("#player-list").is(":visible") === false) {
                log("* Target list must be open");
            if ($("#window-shop").is(":visible") === false) {
                log("* Black market must be open");
            if ($("#window-computer").is(":visible") === false) {
                log("* My computer must be open");
            if (config.gui.enabled === true) {
                if ($("#custom-gui").is(":visible") === false) {
                    log("* Opening bot window");
            } else {
                log("* GUI disabled, skipping...");
            // start the automation
    restart: () => {
        log(". Waiting for restart...");
        setTimeout(() => {
            log(". Restarting!");
        }, config.freq.hack);
    stop: () => {
        // check and disable all loops
        for (const loop in vars.loops) {
            if (vars.loops[loop] === null) {
                log(`! Can't stop ${loop} loop`);
            vars.loops[loop] = null;
        vars.hackProgress = 0;
        // reset flags
        vars.flags.ocrBlock = false;
        vars.flags.progressBlock = false;
        log("* Stopped all hacking");
    automate: () => {
        // does everything to prep for hacking except word guessing
        // start the loop for btc monitoring
        vars.loops.miner = setInterval(loops.miner, config.freq.mine);
        // start the loop for upgrades
        vars.loops.upgrade = setInterval(loops.upgrade, config.freq.upgrade);
    attack: () => {
        // if the auto target is toggled, choose the target.
        if (config.autoTarget) {
        // with playerToAttack = 0 choose between the 4 first players from the player list
            const rndTarget = getRandomInt(config.playerToAttack, config.playerToAttack + 3);
            // playerToAttack is an int, the index of the player list
            const targetName = $("#player-list").children("tr").eq(rndTarget)[0].innerText;
            log(`. Now attacking ${targetName}`);
            // click it, and then hack, and then a random port
        // if the auto attack port is toggled, choose the port and click
        if (config.autoAttack) {
            const portNumber = getRandomInt(1,3);
            // do a check for money
            const portStyle = $(`#window-other-port${portNumber}`).attr("style");
            if (portStyle.indexOf("opacity: 1") === -1) {
            // this port costs too much, let's wait a bit
                log("* Hack too expensive, waiting");
                setTimeout(app.attack, config.freq.broke);
        vars.loops.word = setInterval(loops.word, config.freq.word);
    findWord: () => {
        const wordLink = $(".tool-type-img").prop("src");
        if (!wordLink.endsWith("s0urce.io/client/img/words/template.png")) {
            if (vars.listingURL.hasOwnProperty(wordLink) === true) {
                const word = vars.listingURL[wordLink];
                log(`. Found word (URL): [${word}]`);
            toDataURL(wordLink).then((dataUrl) => {
                const hash = getHashCode(dataUrl);
                if (vars.listingB64.hasOwnProperty(hash) === true) {
                    const word = vars.listingB64[hash];
                    log(`. Found word (B64): [${word}]`);
                if (config.ocr.enabled === true) {
                    log("* Not seen, trying OCR...");
                    app.doOCR(config.ocr.url, {
                        apikey: config.ocr.key,
                        language: "eng",
                        url: wordLink
                } else {
                    log("* OCR disabled, skipping...");
        } else {
            log("* Can't find the word link...");
            // if the target is disconnected and autoTarget disabled, re-enable it.
            if ($("#cdm-text-container span:last").text() === "Target is disconnected from the Server." && !config.autoTarget) {
    learn: (word) => {
        const wordLink = $(".tool-type-img").prop("src");
        vars.listingURL[wordLink] = word;
    submit: (word) => {
    doOCR: (link, payload) => {
        vars.flags.ocrBlock = true;
        // this is made somewhat generic to allow different ocr vendors
        $.post(link, payload).done((data) => {
            const word = String(data["ParsedResults"][0]["ParsedText"]).trim().toLowerCase().split(" ").join("");
            if (word.length > 2) {
                log(`. Got data: [${word}]`);
                vars.flags.ocrBlock = false;
            } else {
                log("* OCR failed");
loops = {
    word: () => {
        // block is true is we're mid-OCR
        if (vars.flags.ocrBlock === true) {
        if ($("#targetmessage-input").is(":visible") === true) {
            // we're done!
        // if we're waiting on the progress bar to move...
        if (vars.flags.progressBlock === true) {
            const newHackProgress = parseHackProgress($("#progressbar-firewall-amount").attr("style"));
            // check to see if it's new
            if (vars.hackProgress === newHackProgress) {
                // the bar hasn't moved
                log("* Progress bar hasn't moved, waiting");
                if (vars.hackFails >= config.maxHackFails) {
                    vars.hackFails = 0;
                    log("* Progress bar is stuck, restarting");
                    // maybe the URLs have changed
                    vars.listingURL = {};
            // the bar has moved
            vars.hackFails = 0;
            vars.hackProgress = newHackProgress;
            vars.flags.progressBlock = false;
        // actually do the word stuff
        vars.flags.progressBlock = true;
    miner: () => {
        // first, get the status of our miners
        for (const miner of vars.minerStatus) {
            // set value
            miner.value = parseInt($(`#${miner.name}-amount`).text());
            // this is available to buy
            if ($(`#${miner.name}`).attr("style") === "opacity: 1;") {
                // buy more quantum servers and botnets, buy botnets at the same rate as the quantum servers.
                if (miner.value >= config.maxQBLevel) {
                    // we're beyond or at the max QB level, no updates needed
                // is this an advanced miner?
                const isAdvancedMiner = (miner.name === "shop-quantum-server" || miner.name === "shop-bot-net") ? true : false;
                if (miner.value >= config.maxMinerLevel && isAdvancedMiner === false) {
                    // this isn't an advanced miner and it's beyond the max level, no updates needed
                // we should buy this
    upgrade: () => {
        // leave if all firewalls are upgraded to max
        if (!vars.fireWall[3].needUpgrade)
        // get a random firewall
        // i refers to the location in the vars.firewall array
        const i = getRandomInt(0,2);
        // index refers to 1,2,3, the index in the DOM (use for selectors)
        const index = vars.fireWall[i].index;
        // if this fireWall is already fully upgraded, get an other random firewall.
        if (!vars.fireWall[i].needUpgrade)
        vars.balance = parseInt($("#window-my-coinamount").text());
        // if the back button is visible, we're on a page, let's back out and hide the firewall warning.
        if ($("#window-firewall-pagebutton").is(":visible") === true) {
        // click on the firewall
        log(`. Handling upgrades to firewall ${vars.fireWall[i].name}`);
        // get stats
        const stats = [
            parseInt($("#shop-max-charges").text()), parseInt($("#shop-strength").text()), parseInt($("#shop-regen").text())
        const statLookup = [
            "max_charge10", "difficulty", "regen"
        const maxStats = [
            30, 4, 10
        let maxUpgradeCount = 0;
        for (const stat in maxStats) {
            if (stats[stat] < maxStats[stat]) {
                const statPrice = parseInt($(`#shop-firewall-${statLookup[stat]}-value`).text());
                if (statPrice < (vars.balance * config.maxUpgradeCost)) {
                    log(`. Buying: ${$(".window-shop-element-info b").eq(stat).text()}`);
                    // buy more than one upgrade, but only if they cost less than a third of the bitcoin balance.
                    // return;
            } else {
                if (maxUpgradeCount === 3) {
                    vars.fireWall[i].needUpgrade = false;
                    if (vars.fireWall.every(checkFirewallsUpgrades))
                        vars.fireWall[3].needUpgrade = false;
        // let's go back
        if ($("#window-firewall-pagebutton").is(":visible") === true) {
gui = {
    show: () => {
        if ($("#custom-gui").length > 0) {
        const sizeCSS = `height: ${config.gui.height}; width: ${config.gui.width};`;
        const labelMap = {
            word: "Скорость печатания",
            mine: "Апгрейжер майнеров",
            upgrade: "Firewall Апгрейжер",
            hack: "Ожидание перед атакой"
        const freqInput = (type) => {
            return `<span style="font-size:15px">
                <input type="text" class="custom-gui-freq input-form" style="width:50px;margin:0px 0px 15px 5px;border:" value="${config.freq[type]}" data-type="${type}">
        const botWindowHTML = `
        <div id="custom-gui" class="window" style="border-color: rgb(62, 76, 95); color: rgb(191, 207, 210); ${sizeCSS} z-index: 10; top: 11.5%; left: 83%;">
            <div id="custom-gui-bot-title" class="window-title" style="background-color: rgb(62, 76, 95);">
                Source.io Bot
                <span class="window-close-style">
                    <img class="window-close-img" src="http://s0urce.io/client/img/icon-close.png">
            <div class="window-content" style="${sizeCSS}">
                <div id="custom-restart-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
                    Перезапустить бота
                <div id="custom-stop-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
                    Остановить бота
                <div id="custom-autoTarget-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
                    Авто-выбор цели
                <div id="custom-autoAttack-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
                <span>Сообщение после взлома:</span>
                <input type="text" class="custom-gui-msg input-form" style="width:250px;height:30px;border:;background:lightgrey;color:black" value="${config.message}" >
                <div id="custom-github-button" class="button" style="display: block;">
                    This script is on Github!
        // color the toggle buttons
        $("#custom-autoTarget-button").css("color", config.autoTarget ? "green" : "red");
        $("#custom-autoAttack-button").css("color", config.autoAttack ? "green" : "red");
        // bind functions to the gui's buttons
        $("#custom-gui-bot-title > span.window-close-style").on("click", () => {
        $("#custom-restart-button").on("click", () => {
        $("#custom-stop-button").on("click", () => {
        $("#custom-autoTarget-button").on("click", () => {
            config.autoTarget = !config.autoTarget;
            $("#custom-autoTarget-button").css("color", config.autoTarget ? "green" : "red");
        $("#custom-autoAttack-button").on("click", () => {
            config.autoAttack = !config.autoAttack;
            $("#custom-autoAttack-button").css("color", config.autoAttack ? "green" : "red");
        $("#custom-github-button").on("click", () => {
        $(".custom-gui-freq").on("keypress", (e) => {
            if (e.keyCode !== 13) {
            const type = $(e.target).attr("data-type");
            if (!config.freq[type]) {
                // invalid input, disregard i guess?
            config.freq[type] = $(e.target).val();
            log(`* Frequency for '${type}' set to ${config.freq[type]}`);
        $(".custom-gui-msg").on("keypress", (e) => {
            if (e.keyCode !== 13) {
            config.message = $(e.target).val();
            log(`* Message for  set to : ${config.message}`);
        // make the bot window draggable
        const botWindow = ("#custom-gui");
        $(document).on("mousedown", botWindow, (e) => {
            vars.gui.dragReady = true;
            vars.gui.dragOffset.x = e.pageX - $(botWindow).position().left;
            vars.gui.dragOffset.y = e.pageY - $(botWindow).position().top;
        $(document).on("mouseup", botWindow, () => {
            vars.gui.dragReady = false;
        $(document).on("mousemove", (e) => {
            if (vars.gui.dragReady) {
                $(botWindow).css("top", `${e.pageY - vars.gui.dragOffset.y}px`);
                $(botWindow).css("left", `${e.pageX - vars.gui.dragOffset.x}px`);
function checkFirewallsUpgrades(FW, index) {
    if (index === 3)
        return true;
    return FW.needUpgrade === false;
function parseHackProgress(progress) {
    // remove the %;
    const newProgress = progress.slice(0, -2);
    const newProgressParts = newProgress.split("width: ");
    return parseInt(newProgressParts.pop());
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function getHashCode(data) {
    let hash = 0;
    if (data.length === 0) {
        return hash;
    for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        const c = data.charCodeAt(i);
        hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + c;
        hash &= hash;
    return hash.toString();
function toDataURL(url) {
    return fetch(url)
        .then(response => response.blob())
        .then(blob => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result);
            reader.onerror = reject;
function log(message) {
    console.log(`:: ${message}`);
5) Нажимаете на Enter и пишите команду активации: app.start()

6) У Вас должно вылезти окошко "Source.io Bot" и куча других окошек самой игры(бот значит уже запущен, но можно остановить).

7) Расставляем как вам удобно, в моём случае так:

8) Всё, готово! Скрипт запущен и можете смотреть сериал и наслаждаться 1/2 местом(хорошая реклама будет если сделать ник blast.hk :trollface2:).

Автор скрипта: snollygolly
Автор русификации скрипта: GamerOnCheck
Ссылка на ГитХаб: https://github.com/snollygolly/sourceio-automation


  • upload_2019-6-30_14-56-19.png
    24.9 KB · Просмотры: 727

The An1me

Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Жду krunker.io)

The An1me

Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.


Автор темы
Чёт немного не работает
Может дело в том, что не правильно скопировали код? У меня всё отлично работает. Так же сделайте просто ник без символов, на английском(вряд ли поможет, но вдруг).


Работает! Правда почему-то задержка не работает что не выставишь всё равно будет 1.5 секунды

Удалённый пользователь 497273

Опять на связи, ребят! :preved: Многие знают о таком симуляторе хакера как: s0urce.io, в него играют многие и для победы нужно вводить команды в Терминал которые скажет система для взлома. Но как-то надоедает быстро(и тем более там проиграть не возможно, только когда сам захочешь) вводить нужные команды, и игра тем самым быстро становиться скучной. С данным скриптом вам будет очень легко стать на 1 место и допустим пиарить сайт с которого скачали скрипт(я имел ввиду ник сделать допустим: Blast.hk).

И-так, как же его активировать?
1) Мы залогинились на сайте.
Посмотреть вложение 33193
2) Нажимаете на F12 и открываете справа окошко.
Посмотреть вложение 33194
3) Заходим в раздел: Console. (не обращайте на ошибки и т.п).
Посмотреть вложение 33195
4) Вводите туда данный скрипт:
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const, one-var
let config, vars, app, loops, gui;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
config = {
    // the message you send to others when you hack them
    message: "",
    autoTarget: true,
    autoAttack: true,
    // the base64 database url
    db: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snollygolly/sourceio-automation/master/db.json",
    // all things timing related
    freq: {
        // how often to guess
        word: 1500,
        // how often to attempt to upgrade mining tools
        mine: 3000,
        // how often to attempt to upgrade firewalls
        upgrade: 4500,
        // how long to wait before attempting to rehack, not enough money for hack
        broke: 6000,
        // how long to wait before restarting the hacking loop
        hack: 3500
    // which player in the index of the list, 0 is the first player (the bot target a player with index between playerToAttack and playerToAttack + 3 (random).
    playerToAttack: 0,
    // how many hacks to try (and fail) before restarting
    maxHackFails: 5,
    // how high to upgrade all of your miner types except quantum-servers and botnets.
    maxMinerLevel: 20,
    // how high to upgrade quantum-servers and botnets (quantum-servers will always be purchased in priority and botnets quantity will be equal to quantum-servers quantity.
    maxQBLevel: 50,
    // the max BTC the bot will spend per upgrade. (current BTC * maxUpgradeCost).
    maxUpgradeCost: .33,
    // all the gui settings
    gui: {
        enabled: true,
        width: "320px",
        height: "412px"
    // all the ocr settings, disabled by default
    ocr: {
        enabled: false,
        url: "http://api.ocr.space/parse/image",
        key: "XXX"
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
vars = {
    // the object that contains a mapping of image urls to words (built over time)
    listingURL: {},
    // the object that contains b64 hashes to words (loaded on start)
    listingB64: {},
    // how much BT you have
    balance: 0,
    flags: {
        // we're waiting for OCR to complete
        ocrBlock: false,
        // we're waiting for the bar to move in response to our word
        progressBlock: false
    loops: {
        word: null,
        upgrade: null,
        miner: null
    hackProgress: 0,
    hackFailures: 0,
    // the different types of miners and their current rank
    minerStatus: [
        {name: "shop-basic-miner", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-advanced-miner", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-mining-drill", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-data-center", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-bot-net", value: 0},
        {name: "shop-quantum-server", value: 0}
    fireWall: [
        {name: "A", index: 1, needUpgrade: true},
        {name: "B", index: 2, needUpgrade: true},
        {name: "C", index: 3, needUpgrade: true},
        {name: "ALL", needUpgrade: true}
    gui: {
        dragReady: false,
        dragOffset: {x: 0, y: 0}
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
app = {
    start: () => {
        $.get(config.db).done((data) => {
            vars.listingB64 = JSON.parse(data);
            // first check the windows are open, and open them if they aren't
            if ($("#player-list").is(":visible") === false) {
                log("* Target list must be open");
            if ($("#window-shop").is(":visible") === false) {
                log("* Black market must be open");
            if ($("#window-computer").is(":visible") === false) {
                log("* My computer must be open");
            if (config.gui.enabled === true) {
                if ($("#custom-gui").is(":visible") === false) {
                    log("* Opening bot window");
            } else {
                log("* GUI disabled, skipping...");
            // start the automation
    restart: () => {
        log(". Waiting for restart...");
        setTimeout(() => {
            log(". Restarting!");
        }, config.freq.hack);
    stop: () => {
        // check and disable all loops
        for (const loop in vars.loops) {
            if (vars.loops[loop] === null) {
                log(`! Can't stop ${loop} loop`);
            vars.loops[loop] = null;
        vars.hackProgress = 0;
        // reset flags
        vars.flags.ocrBlock = false;
        vars.flags.progressBlock = false;
        log("* Stopped all hacking");
    automate: () => {
        // does everything to prep for hacking except word guessing
        // start the loop for btc monitoring
        vars.loops.miner = setInterval(loops.miner, config.freq.mine);
        // start the loop for upgrades
        vars.loops.upgrade = setInterval(loops.upgrade, config.freq.upgrade);
    attack: () => {
        // if the auto target is toggled, choose the target.
        if (config.autoTarget) {
        // with playerToAttack = 0 choose between the 4 first players from the player list
            const rndTarget = getRandomInt(config.playerToAttack, config.playerToAttack + 3);
            // playerToAttack is an int, the index of the player list
            const targetName = $("#player-list").children("tr").eq(rndTarget)[0].innerText;
            log(`. Now attacking ${targetName}`);
            // click it, and then hack, and then a random port
        // if the auto attack port is toggled, choose the port and click
        if (config.autoAttack) {
            const portNumber = getRandomInt(1,3);
            // do a check for money
            const portStyle = $(`#window-other-port${portNumber}`).attr("style");
            if (portStyle.indexOf("opacity: 1") === -1) {
            // this port costs too much, let's wait a bit
                log("* Hack too expensive, waiting");
                setTimeout(app.attack, config.freq.broke);
        vars.loops.word = setInterval(loops.word, config.freq.word);
    findWord: () => {
        const wordLink = $(".tool-type-img").prop("src");
        if (!wordLink.endsWith("s0urce.io/client/img/words/template.png")) {
            if (vars.listingURL.hasOwnProperty(wordLink) === true) {
                const word = vars.listingURL[wordLink];
                log(`. Found word (URL): [${word}]`);
            toDataURL(wordLink).then((dataUrl) => {
                const hash = getHashCode(dataUrl);
                if (vars.listingB64.hasOwnProperty(hash) === true) {
                    const word = vars.listingB64[hash];
                    log(`. Found word (B64): [${word}]`);
                if (config.ocr.enabled === true) {
                    log("* Not seen, trying OCR...");
                    app.doOCR(config.ocr.url, {
                        apikey: config.ocr.key,
                        language: "eng",
                        url: wordLink
                } else {
                    log("* OCR disabled, skipping...");
        } else {
            log("* Can't find the word link...");
            // if the target is disconnected and autoTarget disabled, re-enable it.
            if ($("#cdm-text-container span:last").text() === "Target is disconnected from the Server." && !config.autoTarget) {
    learn: (word) => {
        const wordLink = $(".tool-type-img").prop("src");
        vars.listingURL[wordLink] = word;
    submit: (word) => {
    doOCR: (link, payload) => {
        vars.flags.ocrBlock = true;
        // this is made somewhat generic to allow different ocr vendors
        $.post(link, payload).done((data) => {
            const word = String(data["ParsedResults"][0]["ParsedText"]).trim().toLowerCase().split(" ").join("");
            if (word.length > 2) {
                log(`. Got data: [${word}]`);
                vars.flags.ocrBlock = false;
            } else {
                log("* OCR failed");
loops = {
    word: () => {
        // block is true is we're mid-OCR
        if (vars.flags.ocrBlock === true) {
        if ($("#targetmessage-input").is(":visible") === true) {
            // we're done!
        // if we're waiting on the progress bar to move...
        if (vars.flags.progressBlock === true) {
            const newHackProgress = parseHackProgress($("#progressbar-firewall-amount").attr("style"));
            // check to see if it's new
            if (vars.hackProgress === newHackProgress) {
                // the bar hasn't moved
                log("* Progress bar hasn't moved, waiting");
                if (vars.hackFails >= config.maxHackFails) {
                    vars.hackFails = 0;
                    log("* Progress bar is stuck, restarting");
                    // maybe the URLs have changed
                    vars.listingURL = {};
            // the bar has moved
            vars.hackFails = 0;
            vars.hackProgress = newHackProgress;
            vars.flags.progressBlock = false;
        // actually do the word stuff
        vars.flags.progressBlock = true;
    miner: () => {
        // first, get the status of our miners
        for (const miner of vars.minerStatus) {
            // set value
            miner.value = parseInt($(`#${miner.name}-amount`).text());
            // this is available to buy
            if ($(`#${miner.name}`).attr("style") === "opacity: 1;") {
                // buy more quantum servers and botnets, buy botnets at the same rate as the quantum servers.
                if (miner.value >= config.maxQBLevel) {
                    // we're beyond or at the max QB level, no updates needed
                // is this an advanced miner?
                const isAdvancedMiner = (miner.name === "shop-quantum-server" || miner.name === "shop-bot-net") ? true : false;
                if (miner.value >= config.maxMinerLevel && isAdvancedMiner === false) {
                    // this isn't an advanced miner and it's beyond the max level, no updates needed
                // we should buy this
    upgrade: () => {
        // leave if all firewalls are upgraded to max
        if (!vars.fireWall[3].needUpgrade)
        // get a random firewall
        // i refers to the location in the vars.firewall array
        const i = getRandomInt(0,2);
        // index refers to 1,2,3, the index in the DOM (use for selectors)
        const index = vars.fireWall[i].index;
        // if this fireWall is already fully upgraded, get an other random firewall.
        if (!vars.fireWall[i].needUpgrade)
        vars.balance = parseInt($("#window-my-coinamount").text());
        // if the back button is visible, we're on a page, let's back out and hide the firewall warning.
        if ($("#window-firewall-pagebutton").is(":visible") === true) {
        // click on the firewall
        log(`. Handling upgrades to firewall ${vars.fireWall[i].name}`);
        // get stats
        const stats = [
            parseInt($("#shop-max-charges").text()), parseInt($("#shop-strength").text()), parseInt($("#shop-regen").text())
        const statLookup = [
            "max_charge10", "difficulty", "regen"
        const maxStats = [
            30, 4, 10
        let maxUpgradeCount = 0;
        for (const stat in maxStats) {
            if (stats[stat] < maxStats[stat]) {
                const statPrice = parseInt($(`#shop-firewall-${statLookup[stat]}-value`).text());
                if (statPrice < (vars.balance * config.maxUpgradeCost)) {
                    log(`. Buying: ${$(".window-shop-element-info b").eq(stat).text()}`);
                    // buy more than one upgrade, but only if they cost less than a third of the bitcoin balance.
                    // return;
            } else {
                if (maxUpgradeCount === 3) {
                    vars.fireWall[i].needUpgrade = false;
                    if (vars.fireWall.every(checkFirewallsUpgrades))
                        vars.fireWall[3].needUpgrade = false;
        // let's go back
        if ($("#window-firewall-pagebutton").is(":visible") === true) {
gui = {
    show: () => {
        if ($("#custom-gui").length > 0) {
        const sizeCSS = `height: ${config.gui.height}; width: ${config.gui.width};`;
        const labelMap = {
            word: "Скорость печатания",
            mine: "Апгрейжер майнеров",
            upgrade: "Firewall Апгрейжер",
            hack: "Ожидание перед атакой"
        const freqInput = (type) => {
            return `<span style="font-size:15px">
                <input type="text" class="custom-gui-freq input-form" style="width:50px;margin:0px 0px 15px 5px;border:" value="${config.freq[type]}" data-type="${type}">
        const botWindowHTML = `
        <div id="custom-gui" class="window" style="border-color: rgb(62, 76, 95); color: rgb(191, 207, 210); ${sizeCSS} z-index: 10; top: 11.5%; left: 83%;">
            <div id="custom-gui-bot-title" class="window-title" style="background-color: rgb(62, 76, 95);">
                Source.io Bot
                <span class="window-close-style">
                    <img class="window-close-img" src="http://s0urce.io/client/img/icon-close.png">
            <div class="window-content" style="${sizeCSS}">
                <div id="custom-restart-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
                    Перезапустить бота
                <div id="custom-stop-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
                    Остановить бота
                <div id="custom-autoTarget-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
                    Авто-выбор цели
                <div id="custom-autoAttack-button" class="button" style="display: block; margin-bottom: 15px">
                <span>Сообщение после взлома:</span>
                <input type="text" class="custom-gui-msg input-form" style="width:250px;height:30px;border:;background:lightgrey;color:black" value="${config.message}" >
                <div id="custom-github-button" class="button" style="display: block;">
                    This script is on Github!
        // color the toggle buttons
        $("#custom-autoTarget-button").css("color", config.autoTarget ? "green" : "red");
        $("#custom-autoAttack-button").css("color", config.autoAttack ? "green" : "red");
        // bind functions to the gui's buttons
        $("#custom-gui-bot-title > span.window-close-style").on("click", () => {
        $("#custom-restart-button").on("click", () => {
        $("#custom-stop-button").on("click", () => {
        $("#custom-autoTarget-button").on("click", () => {
            config.autoTarget = !config.autoTarget;
            $("#custom-autoTarget-button").css("color", config.autoTarget ? "green" : "red");
        $("#custom-autoAttack-button").on("click", () => {
            config.autoAttack = !config.autoAttack;
            $("#custom-autoAttack-button").css("color", config.autoAttack ? "green" : "red");
        $("#custom-github-button").on("click", () => {
        $(".custom-gui-freq").on("keypress", (e) => {
            if (e.keyCode !== 13) {
            const type = $(e.target).attr("data-type");
            if (!config.freq[type]) {
                // invalid input, disregard i guess?
            config.freq[type] = $(e.target).val();
            log(`* Frequency for '${type}' set to ${config.freq[type]}`);
        $(".custom-gui-msg").on("keypress", (e) => {
            if (e.keyCode !== 13) {
            config.message = $(e.target).val();
            log(`* Message for  set to : ${config.message}`);
        // make the bot window draggable
        const botWindow = ("#custom-gui");
        $(document).on("mousedown", botWindow, (e) => {
            vars.gui.dragReady = true;
            vars.gui.dragOffset.x = e.pageX - $(botWindow).position().left;
            vars.gui.dragOffset.y = e.pageY - $(botWindow).position().top;
        $(document).on("mouseup", botWindow, () => {
            vars.gui.dragReady = false;
        $(document).on("mousemove", (e) => {
            if (vars.gui.dragReady) {
                $(botWindow).css("top", `${e.pageY - vars.gui.dragOffset.y}px`);
                $(botWindow).css("left", `${e.pageX - vars.gui.dragOffset.x}px`);
function checkFirewallsUpgrades(FW, index) {
    if (index === 3)
        return true;
    return FW.needUpgrade === false;
function parseHackProgress(progress) {
    // remove the %;
    const newProgress = progress.slice(0, -2);
    const newProgressParts = newProgress.split("width: ");
    return parseInt(newProgressParts.pop());
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function getHashCode(data) {
    let hash = 0;
    if (data.length === 0) {
        return hash;
    for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        const c = data.charCodeAt(i);
        hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + c;
        hash &= hash;
    return hash.toString();
function toDataURL(url) {
    return fetch(url)
        .then(response => response.blob())
        .then(blob => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result);
            reader.onerror = reject;
function log(message) {
    console.log(`:: ${message}`);
5) Нажимаете на Enter и пишите команду активации: app.start()
Посмотреть вложение 33192
6) У Вас должно вылезти окошко "Source.io Bot" и куча других окошек самой игры(бот значит уже запущен, но можно остановить).
Посмотреть вложение 33189
7) Расставляем как вам удобно, в моём случае так:
Посмотреть вложение 33190
8) Всё, готово! Скрипт запущен и можете смотреть сериал и наслаждаться 1/2 местом(хорошая реклама будет если сделать ник blast.hk :trollface2:).

Автор скрипта: snollygolly
Автор русификации скрипта: GamerOnCheck
Ссылка на ГитХаб: https://github.com/snollygolly/sourceio-automation
нашёл тему как mope.io сможешь сделать скрипт, по такой игре?