T TadasD Новичок Автор темы 15 0 25 Окт 2018 #1 could you help me to find a script which would reduce bullets damage to a car? thank you :)
™ ™ ChipFamily По ту сторону надежды. 5,143 1,987 25 Окт 2018 #2 Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки. What you need - no. Use the complete invulnerability of the car, just turn off at the right time. Позитивный голос 0 Негативный голос
NekliFF Известный 429 98 25 Окт 2018 #3 Use GM - GodMode for cars, the best option. unfortunately, there is no such script that would reduce the bullet damage to the car, there is only complete invulnerability with activation. Позитивный голос 0 Негативный голос
Use GM - GodMode for cars, the best option. unfortunately, there is no such script that would reduce the bullet damage to the car, there is only complete invulnerability with activation.