SA:MP рандомные подгрузки


Автор темы
Версия SA-MP
  1. 0.3.7-R3
на срп - в районе одежды возле сантамария, в сф на мосту (между сфа и сфпд), доки лс, и еще пару вроде
игра подвисает на рандомное время, походу пока кто-то не покинет стрим зону мою, или я что то не проеду, иногда вылетают варнинги в чате такого характера

Warning: Model 195 wouldn't load in time!
SignText: Can't create font Webdings
Warning: Model 293 wouldn't load in time!
Warning: Model 295 wouldn't load in time!

и логи крашей бывают разные
Type 1: Crash
About: It is a general Windows dll so it can be caused by many different and generic issues like memory allocation. The "backtrace" at the end of the log better tells the source of the problem, contact someone experienced.
Problem 1: Already reported when using peds pack in hd
Solution 1: Identify and remove the buggy pedestrian.
Type 2: Crash when trying to open the game along with "Runtime Error!".
Problem 2: Possibly your PC sound problem, DirectPlay. It could also be a problem with the ModLoader cache. Go to the folder "C:\Users\(USER)\AppData\Local\modloader" where "(USER)" is your username, and delete all content. Next time your game will take a while to open, but it will work.
Solution 2: Read Error: DSOUND.dll (ctrl+f)
Type 3: Crash when installing a grams mod with SkyGfx installed
Issue 3: Grass models mismatch.
Solution 3: Disable "ps2grassFiles" from SkyGfx1.ini (and other .ini from it)
Problem 4: CLEO_CALL/SCM_FUNC limit of some CLEO mod.
Solution 4: If so, the SCRLog will say exactly that, and which script it was. If it happens to you, contact the author to fix it, CLEO_CALL is probably being called without returning.
Problem 5: Misconfigured .ini file (wrong letters or characters in an option of an .ini file).
Solution 5: Identify and fix it, it has happened for example when using "FFFFFF" instead of "0xFFFFFF" in MixSets.

!!! Translation may be wrong !!!

а это лог moonloader (мелкий краш выбил на moonloader asi, решил проверить, и лог есть) - именно в этот момент как произошел подвис, начали грузиться заново луа скрипты какого то хуя

[13:35:21.112082] (system) Unloading...
[13:35:21.112082] (system) AutoBicycleRunSwimOnMaxSpeed: Script terminated. (06FC522C)
[13:35:21.112082] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Script terminated. (06FC59D4)
[13:35:21.112082] (system) Car Lock ( Lua Version).lua: Script terminated. (06FC5B5C)
[13:35:21.112082] (system) Dual Monitor Fix: Script terminated. (06FC6AAC)
[13:35:21.113083] (system) heli_autopilot.lua: Script terminated. (06FC5E6C)
[13:35:21.115085] (system) mafia-tools: Script terminated. (06FC6C34)
[13:35:21.116086] (system) mafia_captures_line_legacy.lua: Script terminated. (06FC53B4)
[13:35:21.117086] (system) nyt_camhunt.lua: Script terminated. (13762F64)
[13:35:21.119088] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Script terminated. (13763274)
[13:35:21.120089] (system) reload_weapon.lua: Script terminated. (137633FC)
[13:35:21.120089] (system) setWeather&Time: Script terminated. (13763894)
[13:35:21.120089] (system) SF Integration: Script terminated. (13763A1C)
[13:35:21.120089] (system)

гта не чистая, proper fix + rosa project 1.4 вроде
ну и так же много скриптов по фиксу разных проблем
skygfx удалил*
из лога краш1 я все сделал