goodini2000 Новичок Автор темы 9 4 9 Фев 2025 #1 здравствуйте, помогите пожалуйста найти анти-чит SampGuard последней версии для моего мода.
Receiver leet-cheats 👑 Модератор 646 955 10 Фев 2025 #2 GitHub - Amit-B/samp-guard: Software used to extend the multiplayer game SA-MP with client-sided anti cheat and additional features. Software used to extend the multiplayer game SA-MP with client-sided anti cheat and additional features. - Amit-B/samp-guard Позитивный голос 0 Негативный голос
GitHub - Amit-B/samp-guard: Software used to extend the multiplayer game SA-MP with client-sided anti cheat and additional features. Software used to extend the multiplayer game SA-MP with client-sided anti cheat and additional features. - Amit-B/samp-guard