function Draw3DCircle(x, y, z, radius, color)
local screen_x_line_old, screen_y_line_old;
for rot=0, 360 do
local rot_temp = math.rad(rot)
local lineX, lineY, lineZ = radius * math.cos(rot_temp) + x, radius * math.sin(rot_temp) + y, z
local screen_x_line, screen_y_line = convert3DCoordsToScreen(lineX, lineY, lineZ)
if screen_x_line ~=nil and screen_x_line_old ~= nil and isPointOnScreen(lineX, lineY, lineZ, 1) then renderDrawLine(screen_x_line, screen_y_line, screen_x_line_old, screen_y_line_old, 3, color) end
screen_x_line_old, screen_y_line_old = screen_x_line, screen_y_line