Икноки оружий


Автор темы
Версия MoonLoader
    struct CTextDrawData {
        float          m_fLetterWidth;
        float          m_fLetterHeight;
        unsigned long  m_letterColor;
        unsigned char  unknown;
        unsigned char  m_bCenter;
        unsigned char  m_bBox;
        float          m_fBoxSizeX;
        float          m_fBoxSizeY;
        unsigned long  m_boxColor;
        unsigned char  m_nProportional;
        unsigned long  m_backgroundColor;
        unsigned char  m_nShadow;
        unsigned char  m_nOutline;
        unsigned char  m_bLeft;
        unsigned char  m_bRight;
        int            m_nStyle;
        float          m_fX;
        float          m_fY;
        unsigned char  pad_[8];
        unsigned long  field_99B;
        unsigned long  field_99F;
        unsigned long  m_nIndex;
        unsigned char  field_9A7;
        unsigned short m_nModel;
        float          m_rotation[3];
        float          m_fZoom;
        unsigned short m_aColor[2];
        unsigned char  field_9BE;
        unsigned char  field_9BF;
        unsigned char  field_9C0;
        unsigned long  field_9C1;
        unsigned long  field_9C5;
        unsigned long  field_9C9;
        unsigned long  field_9CD;
        unsigned char  field_9D1;
        unsigned long  field_9D2;
    }__attribute__ ((packed));

    struct CTextDraw {
        char m_szText[801];
        char m_szString[1602];
        struct CTextDrawData m_data;
    }__attribute__ ((packed));

    struct CTextDrawPool {
        int       m_bNotEmpty[2048 + 256];
        struct CTextDraw* m_pObject[2048 + 256];
    }__attribute__ ((packed));

    typedef unsigned char RwUInt8;
    typedef int RwInt32;
    typedef short RwInt16;

    struct RwRaster {
        struct RwRaster             *parent;
        RwUInt8                     *cpPixels;
        RwUInt8                     *palette;
        RwInt32                     width, height, depth;
        RwInt32                     stride;
        RwInt16                     nOffsetX, nOffsetY;
        RwUInt8                     cType;
        RwUInt8                     cFlags;
        RwUInt8                     privateFlags;
        RwUInt8                     cFormat;
        RwUInt8                     *originalPixels;
        RwInt32                      originalWidth;
        RwInt32                      originalHeight;
        RwInt32                      originalStride;
        void*                       texture_ptr;

    struct RwTexture {
        struct RwRaster* raster;
    typedef unsigned char RwUInt8;
    typedef int RwInt32;
    typedef short RwInt16;
    typedef struct RwRaster RwRaster;
    struct RwRaster {
        struct RwRaster*            parent;
        RwUInt8*                    cpPixels;
        RwUInt8*                    palette;
        RwInt32                     width, height, depth;
        RwInt32                     stride;
        RwInt16                     nOffsetX, nOffsetY;
        RwUInt8                     cType;
        RwUInt8                     cFlags;
        RwUInt8                     privateFlags;
        RwUInt8                     cFormat;
        RwUInt8*                    originalPixels;
        RwInt32                     originalWidth;
        RwInt32                     originalHeight;
        RwInt32                     originalStride;
        void*                       texture_ptr;
    typedef struct RwLLLink RwLLLink;
    struct RwLLLink
        void *next;
        void *prev;
    typedef struct RwLinkList RwLinkList;
    struct RwLinkList
        struct RwLLLink link;
    typedef struct RwObject RwObject;
    struct RwObject
      char type;
      char subType;
      char flags;
      char privateFlags;
      struct RwFrame *parent;
    typedef struct RwTexDictionary RwTexDictionary;
    struct RwTexDictionary
        RwObject object;
        RwLinkList texturesInDict;
        RwLLLink lInInstance;
    typedef struct CBaseModelInfo_vtbl CBaseModelInfo_vtbl;
    struct CBaseModelInfo_vtbl {
        void* destructor;
        void* AsAtomicModelInfoPtr;
        void* AsDamageAtomicModelInfoPtr;
        void* AsLodAtomicModelInfoPtr;
        char(__thiscall* GetModelType)(struct CBaseModelInfo*);
    typedef struct CBaseModelInfo CBaseModelInfo;
    struct CBaseModelInfo {
        CBaseModelInfo_vtbl* vtbl;
        unsigned int m_dwKey;
        short m_wUsageCount;
        short m_wTxdIndex;
        char m_nAlpha;
        char m_n2dfxCount;
        short m_w2dfxIndex;
        short m_wObjectInfoIndex;
        unsigned short m_nMdlFlags;
        struct CColModel* m_pColModel;
        float m_fDrawDistance;
        struct RpClump* m_pRwObject;
    typedef struct TxdDef TxdDef;
    struct TxdDef {
        RwTexDictionary *m_pRwDictionary;
        unsigned short m_wRefsCount;
        short m_wParentIndex;
        unsigned int m_hash;
    typedef struct CPool CPool;
    struct CPool
        TxdDef* m_pObjects;
        uint8_t* m_byteMap;
        int m_nSize;
        int top;
        char m_bOwnsAllocations;
        char bLocked;
        short _pad;
    typedef struct RwTexture RwTexture;
    struct RwTexture {
        RwRaster* raster;
    typedef struct CSprite2d CSprite2d;
    struct CSprite2d {
        RwTexture* m_pTexture;
    typedef struct CWeaponInfo CWeaponInfo;
    struct CWeaponInfo
        int m_eFireType;
        float targetRange;
        float m_fWeaponRange;
        int dwModelId1;
        int dwModelId2;
        int nSlot;
        int m_nFlags;
        int AssocGroupId;
        short ammoClip;
        short damage;
        float* fireOffset;
        int skillLevel;
        int reqStatLevelToGetThisWeaponSkilLevel;
        float m_fAccuracy;
        float moveSpeed;
        float animLoopStart;
        float animLoopEnd;
        int animLoopFire;
        int animLoop2Start;
        int animLoop2End;
        int animLoop2Fire;
        float breakoutTime;
        float speed;
        int radius;
        float lifespan;
        float spread;
        char AssocGroupId2;
        char field_6D;
        char baseCombo;
        char m_nNumCombos;

local CWeaponInfo__GetWeaponInfo = ffi.cast("CWeaponInfo*(__cdecl*)(uint8_t, uint8_t)", 0x743C60)
local CKeyGen__AppendStringToKey = ffi.cast("unsigned int(__cdecl*)(unsigned int, char*)", 0x53CF70)
local RwTexDictionaryFindHashNamedTexture = ffi.cast("RwTexture*(__cdecl*)(RwTexDictionary*, unsigned int)", 0x734E50)

function getWeaponIconTexture(nWeaponModelId)
    local pTexture = ffi.new("RwTexDictionary*");
    local pModelInfo = ffi.new("CBaseModelInfo*");
    local pWeaponInfo = CWeaponInfo__GetWeaponInfo(nWeaponModelId, 1);
    if (pWeaponInfo.dwModelId1 > 0) then
        pModelInfo = ffi.cast("CBaseModelInfo**", 0xA9B0C8)[pWeaponInfo.dwModelId1];
        local nTxdIndex = pModelInfo.m_wTxdIndex;
        local pTxdPool = ffi.cast("CPool**", 0xC8800C)[0];
        if ffi.cast("uint8_t", pTxdPool.m_byteMap + nTxdIndex) >= 0 then
            pTexture = pTxdPool.m_pObjects[nTxdIndex].m_pRwDictionary;
        if pTexture ~= nil then
            local nAppended = CKeyGen__AppendStringToKey(pModelInfo.m_dwKey, ffi.cast("char*", "ICON"));
            local texture = RwTexDictionaryFindHashNamedTexture(pTexture, nAppended);
            if texture ~= nil then
                return texture.raster.texture_ptr
        local fistSprite = ffi.cast("CSprite2d*", 0xBAB1FC)[0];
        return fistSprite.m_pTexture.raster.texture_ptr
    return nil;

Юзаю это: https://www.blast.hk/threads/13380/post-1483261 вместе с https://www.blast.hk/threads/13380/post-995962

Ругается на строчку ]](208 строчка)
attempt to redefine 'RwRaster' at line 80
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'cdef'
Последнее редактирование:
    struct CTextDrawData {
        float          m_fLetterWidth;
        float          m_fLetterHeight;
        unsigned long  m_letterColor;
        unsigned char  unknown;
        unsigned char  m_bCenter;
        unsigned char  m_bBox;
        float          m_fBoxSizeX;
        float          m_fBoxSizeY;
        unsigned long  m_boxColor;
        unsigned char  m_nProportional;
        unsigned long  m_backgroundColor;
        unsigned char  m_nShadow;
        unsigned char  m_nOutline;
        unsigned char  m_bLeft;
        unsigned char  m_bRight;
        int            m_nStyle;
        float          m_fX;
        float          m_fY;
        unsigned char  pad_[8];
        unsigned long  field_99B...


Eblang головного мозга
    struct CTextDrawData {
        float          m_fLetterWidth;
        float          m_fLetterHeight;
        unsigned long  m_letterColor;
        unsigned char  unknown;
        unsigned char  m_bCenter;
        unsigned char  m_bBox;
        float          m_fBoxSizeX;
        float          m_fBoxSizeY;
        unsigned long  m_boxColor;
        unsigned char  m_nProportional;
        unsigned long  m_backgroundColor;
        unsigned char  m_nShadow;
        unsigned char  m_nOutline;
        unsigned char  m_bLeft;
        unsigned char  m_bRight;
        int            m_nStyle;
        float          m_fX;
        float          m_fY;
        unsigned char  pad_[8];
        unsigned long  field_99B;
        unsigned long  field_99F;
        unsigned long  m_nIndex;
        unsigned char  field_9A7;
        unsigned short m_nModel;
        float          m_rotation[3];
        float          m_fZoom;
        unsigned short m_aColor[2];
        unsigned char  field_9BE;
        unsigned char  field_9BF;
        unsigned char  field_9C0;
        unsigned long  field_9C1;
        unsigned long  field_9C5;
        unsigned long  field_9C9;
        unsigned long  field_9CD;
        unsigned char  field_9D1;
        unsigned long  field_9D2;
    }__attribute__ ((packed));

    struct CTextDraw {
        char m_szText[801];
        char m_szString[1602];
        struct CTextDrawData m_data;
    }__attribute__ ((packed));

    struct CTextDrawPool {
        int       m_bNotEmpty[2048 + 256];
        struct CTextDraw* m_pObject[2048 + 256];
    }__attribute__ ((packed));

    typedef unsigned char RwUInt8;
    typedef int RwInt32;
    typedef short RwInt16;

    struct RwRaster {
        struct RwRaster             *parent;
        RwUInt8                     *cpPixels;
        RwUInt8                     *palette;
        RwInt32                     width, height, depth;
        RwInt32                     stride;
        RwInt16                     nOffsetX, nOffsetY;
        RwUInt8                     cType;
        RwUInt8                     cFlags;
        RwUInt8                     privateFlags;
        RwUInt8                     cFormat;
        RwUInt8                     *originalPixels;
        RwInt32                      originalWidth;
        RwInt32                      originalHeight;
        RwInt32                      originalStride;
        void*                       texture_ptr;

    struct RwTexture {
        struct RwRaster* raster;
    typedef unsigned char RwUInt8;
    typedef int RwInt32;
    typedef short RwInt16;
    typedef struct RwRaster RwRaster;
    struct RwRaster {
        struct RwRaster*            parent;
        RwUInt8*                    cpPixels;
        RwUInt8*                    palette;
        RwInt32                     width, height, depth;
        RwInt32                     stride;
        RwInt16                     nOffsetX, nOffsetY;
        RwUInt8                     cType;
        RwUInt8                     cFlags;
        RwUInt8                     privateFlags;
        RwUInt8                     cFormat;
        RwUInt8*                    originalPixels;
        RwInt32                     originalWidth;
        RwInt32                     originalHeight;
        RwInt32                     originalStride;
        void*                       texture_ptr;
    typedef struct RwLLLink RwLLLink;
    struct RwLLLink
        void *next;
        void *prev;
    typedef struct RwLinkList RwLinkList;
    struct RwLinkList
        struct RwLLLink link;
    typedef struct RwObject RwObject;
    struct RwObject
      char type;
      char subType;
      char flags;
      char privateFlags;
      struct RwFrame *parent;
    typedef struct RwTexDictionary RwTexDictionary;
    struct RwTexDictionary
        RwObject object;
        RwLinkList texturesInDict;
        RwLLLink lInInstance;
    typedef struct CBaseModelInfo_vtbl CBaseModelInfo_vtbl;
    struct CBaseModelInfo_vtbl {
        void* destructor;
        void* AsAtomicModelInfoPtr;
        void* AsDamageAtomicModelInfoPtr;
        void* AsLodAtomicModelInfoPtr;
        char(__thiscall* GetModelType)(struct CBaseModelInfo*);
    typedef struct CBaseModelInfo CBaseModelInfo;
    struct CBaseModelInfo {
        CBaseModelInfo_vtbl* vtbl;
        unsigned int m_dwKey;
        short m_wUsageCount;
        short m_wTxdIndex;
        char m_nAlpha;
        char m_n2dfxCount;
        short m_w2dfxIndex;
        short m_wObjectInfoIndex;
        unsigned short m_nMdlFlags;
        struct CColModel* m_pColModel;
        float m_fDrawDistance;
        struct RpClump* m_pRwObject;
    typedef struct TxdDef TxdDef;
    struct TxdDef {
        RwTexDictionary *m_pRwDictionary;
        unsigned short m_wRefsCount;
        short m_wParentIndex;
        unsigned int m_hash;
    typedef struct CPool CPool;
    struct CPool
        TxdDef* m_pObjects;
        uint8_t* m_byteMap;
        int m_nSize;
        int top;
        char m_bOwnsAllocations;
        char bLocked;
        short _pad;
    typedef struct RwTexture RwTexture;
    struct RwTexture {
        RwRaster* raster;
    typedef struct CSprite2d CSprite2d;
    struct CSprite2d {
        RwTexture* m_pTexture;
    typedef struct CWeaponInfo CWeaponInfo;
    struct CWeaponInfo
        int m_eFireType;
        float targetRange;
        float m_fWeaponRange;
        int dwModelId1;
        int dwModelId2;
        int nSlot;
        int m_nFlags;
        int AssocGroupId;
        short ammoClip;
        short damage;
        float* fireOffset;
        int skillLevel;
        int reqStatLevelToGetThisWeaponSkilLevel;
        float m_fAccuracy;
        float moveSpeed;
        float animLoopStart;
        float animLoopEnd;
        int animLoopFire;
        int animLoop2Start;
        int animLoop2End;
        int animLoop2Fire;
        float breakoutTime;
        float speed;
        int radius;
        float lifespan;
        float spread;
        char AssocGroupId2;
        char field_6D;
        char baseCombo;
        char m_nNumCombos;

local CWeaponInfo__GetWeaponInfo = ffi.cast("CWeaponInfo*(__cdecl*)(uint8_t, uint8_t)", 0x743C60)
local CKeyGen__AppendStringToKey = ffi.cast("unsigned int(__cdecl*)(unsigned int, char*)", 0x53CF70)
local RwTexDictionaryFindHashNamedTexture = ffi.cast("RwTexture*(__cdecl*)(RwTexDictionary*, unsigned int)", 0x734E50)

function getWeaponIconTexture(nWeaponModelId)
    local pTexture = ffi.new("RwTexDictionary*");
    local pModelInfo = ffi.new("CBaseModelInfo*");
    local pWeaponInfo = CWeaponInfo__GetWeaponInfo(nWeaponModelId, 1);
    if (pWeaponInfo.dwModelId1 > 0) then
        pModelInfo = ffi.cast("CBaseModelInfo**", 0xA9B0C8)[pWeaponInfo.dwModelId1];
        local nTxdIndex = pModelInfo.m_wTxdIndex;
        local pTxdPool = ffi.cast("CPool**", 0xC8800C)[0];
        if ffi.cast("uint8_t", pTxdPool.m_byteMap + nTxdIndex) >= 0 then
            pTexture = pTxdPool.m_pObjects[nTxdIndex].m_pRwDictionary;
        if pTexture ~= nil then
            local nAppended = CKeyGen__AppendStringToKey(pModelInfo.m_dwKey, ffi.cast("char*", "ICON"));
            local texture = RwTexDictionaryFindHashNamedTexture(pTexture, nAppended);
            if texture ~= nil then
                return texture.raster.texture_ptr
        local fistSprite = ffi.cast("CSprite2d*", 0xBAB1FC)[0];
        return fistSprite.m_pTexture.raster.texture_ptr
    return nil;

Юзаю это: https://www.blast.hk/threads/13380/post-1483261 вместе с https://www.blast.hk/threads/13380/post-995962

Ругается на строчку ]](208 строчка)
attempt to redefine 'RwRaster' at line 80
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'cdef'
оставь только одну структуру RwRaster в cdef
  • Нравится
Реакции: Daniel_Govnocode