Lua FpsRender _evo | Счетчик фпс с настройками.

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Всефорумный модератор
2.0 - Добавлена настройка задержки обновления ФПС`a
2.0 - Добавлена настройка активации панели через чит-код
2.0 - Добавлена настройка клавиш для активации панели
2.0 - Добавлена кастомизация панели(хз зачем)
2.0 - Убрано требование "Член" для скачки скрипта.
Последнее очень важно, я не мог его скачать:sad_frog2:
  • Нравится
Реакции: Azller Lollison


Короче у меня стоит MoonLoader 025. При заходе в игру в чат пишет что скрипт загружен, но меню не открывается не на /frender_show, не на ALT + 2.
Шо делать?

Azller Lollison

Автор темы
Короче у меня стоит MoonLoader 025. При заходе в игру в чат пишет что скрипт загружен, но меню не открывается не на /frender_show, не на ALT + 2.
Шо делать?
скинь лог консоли. Скорее всего крашится из-за чего-то


скинь лог консоли. Скорее всего крашится из-за чего-то
Лог moonloader.
[15:25:06.751132] (system)    Session started.
[15:25:06.751132] (debug)    Module handle: 6FC90000

MoonLoader v.025-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[15:25:06.751132] (info)    Working directory: D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[15:25:06.751132] (debug)    FP Control: 0009001F
[15:25:06.751132] (debug)    Game: GTA SA US
[15:25:06.751132] (system)    Installing pre-game hooks...
[15:25:06.751132] (system)    Hooks installed.
[15:25:07.410342] (debug)    Initializing opcode handler table
[15:25:07.410342] (debug)    package.path = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[15:25:07.410342] (debug)    package.cpath = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[15:25:07.411342] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\autoaccent.luac'...
[15:25:07.411342] (debug)    New script: 01C58024
[15:25:07.415342] (debug)    Add thread 01BFB4CD to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:07.417342] (system)    AutoAccent: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.417342] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BikeSH.lua'...
[15:25:07.417342] (debug)    New script: 01C58374
[15:25:07.419342] (system)    Bike Speed Hack: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.419342] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BRСar-1.3.lua'...
[15:25:07.419342] (debug)    New script: 01C5851C
[15:25:07.422343] (system)    Break Dance Car: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.422343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BufferCleanerAuto.lua'...
[15:25:07.422343] (debug)    New script: 01C586C4
[15:25:07.423343] (system)    BufferCleanerAuto.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.423343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\CarGM.lua'...
[15:25:07.423343] (debug)    New script: 01C5886C
[15:25:07.425343] (system)    Bike Speed Hack: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.426343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ChatHelper.lua'...
[15:25:07.426343] (debug)    New script: 01C58A14
[15:25:07.427343] (system)    ChatHelper: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.427343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Crosshair.lua'...
[15:25:07.427343] (debug)    New script: 01C58BBC
[15:25:07.428343] (system)    CrossHairHack: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.429343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deddosouru c-bug (v4).luac'...
[15:25:07.429343] (debug)    New script: 01C58D64
[15:25:07.430343] (system)    LEGAL C-BUG: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.430343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\fpsRender.luac'...
[15:25:07.430343] (debug)    New script: 01C58F0C
[15:25:07.444344] (system)    fpsRender.luac: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.444344] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\gmpatch.lua'...
[15:25:07.445344] (debug)    New script: 01C590B4
[15:25:07.446344] (system)    gmpatch: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.446344] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\setWeather&Time.lua'...
[15:25:07.446344] (debug)    New script: 01C5925C
[15:25:07.447344] (system)    setWeather&Time: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:19.410028] (system)    Installing post-load hooks...
[15:25:19.411028] (system)    Hooks installed.
[15:25:19.411028] (debug)    Add thread 01C24D25 to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:22.350196] (debug)    Add thread 01C24F75 to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:22.350196] (debug)    Add thread 01C24BFD to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:22.383198] (debug)    Add thread 01C2509D to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:25.967403] (debug)    Add thread 01C258B5 to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:25.967403] (error)    fpsRender.luac: wrong wait() delay
[15:25:26.039407] (error)    fpsRender.luac: Script died due to error. (01C58F0C)
[15:25:26.039407] (debug)    Remove thread 01C258B5 from SCM-thread queue
[15:25:28.480547] (debug)    Add thread 01C25B05 to SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.120073] (system)    Unloading...
[15:26:30.121073] (system)    AutoAccent: Script terminated. (01C58024)
[15:26:30.121073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C24F75 from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.121073] (system)    Bike Speed Hack: Script terminated. (01C58374)
[15:26:30.122073] (system)    Break Dance Car: Script terminated. (01C5851C)
[15:26:30.122073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C24D25 from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.122073] (system)    BufferCleanerAuto.lua: Script terminated. (01C586C4)
[15:26:30.122073] (system)    Bike Speed Hack: Script terminated. (01C5886C)
[15:26:30.123073] (system)    ChatHelper: Script terminated. (01C58A14)
[15:26:30.123073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C24BFD from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.124073] (system)    CrossHairHack: Script terminated. (01C58BBC)
[15:26:30.124073] (system)    LEGAL C-BUG: Script terminated. (01C58D64)
[15:26:30.124073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C25B05 from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.124073] (system)    gmpatch: Script terminated. (01C590B4)
[15:26:30.124073] (system)    setWeather&Time: Script terminated. (01C5925C)
[15:26:30.124073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C2509D from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.137074] (system)    Session terminated.
[15:26:30.137074] (debug)    Remove thread 01BFB4CD from SCM-thread queue

[15:25:06] SAMPFUNCS v5.3.3 release #19 (SA-MP 0.3.7) loaded. Base address: 0x04DF0000.
[15:25:06] Compiled: Aug  8 2016 13:19:58
[15:25:06] Initializing opcodes...
[15:25:06] Opcodes initialized successfully. Total opcodes count: 382.
[15:25:06] Initializing core plugins...
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "!MenuManager.sf" loaded.
[15:25:06] Initializing plugins...
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "CheatPack.sf" loaded.
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "dScripts.sf" loaded.
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "ebot .sf" loaded.
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "SilentAIMv12.sf" loaded.
[15:25:07] samp.dll base addres: 0x03DC0000
[15:25:07] Installing hooks:
[15:25:07] Hook command process input installed.
[15:25:07] Hook on dialog response installed.
[15:25:07] Hook init netgame installed.
[15:25:07] Hook QuitGameHook installed.
[15:25:07] All hooks installed.
[15:25:20] Direct3DDevice9 hook installed.
[15:25:20] {FFFFFF}Chat++ by {90EE90}BlackKnigga {FFFFFF}loaded!
[15:25:20] Hook RakPeer::HandleRPCPacket installed.
[15:25:20] Initializing SAMP data...
[15:25:20] Info initialized.
[15:25:20] Pools initialized.
[15:25:20] Player pool initialized.
[15:25:20] Vehicle pool initialized.
[15:25:20] Chat initialized.
[15:25:20] Input initialized.
[15:25:20] Death list initialized.
[15:25:20] Dialog initialized.
[15:25:20] Misc data initialized.
[15:25:20] Scoreboard initialized.
[15:25:20] RakNet initialized.
[15:25:20] ==========================================
[15:25:20]  SAMPFUNCS v5.3.3 release #19 (SA-MP 0.3.7)
  Compiled: Aug  8 2016 13:18:13

  Author: FYP
  Active developers: FYP, SR_Team, EXPORT

  Past developers and special thanks:
   MogAika, urShadow, legend2360, NarutoUA, Dark_Knight

BlastHack © 2013 - 2016
[15:25:20] ==========================================
[15:25:20] SAMPFUNCS v5.3.3 release #19 (SA-MP 0.3.7) completely loaded!

Azller Lollison

Автор темы
Лог moonloader.
[15:25:06.751132] (system)    Session started.
[15:25:06.751132] (debug)    Module handle: 6FC90000

MoonLoader v.025-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[15:25:06.751132] (info)    Working directory: D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[15:25:06.751132] (debug)    FP Control: 0009001F
[15:25:06.751132] (debug)    Game: GTA SA US
[15:25:06.751132] (system)    Installing pre-game hooks...
[15:25:06.751132] (system)    Hooks installed.
[15:25:07.410342] (debug)    Initializing opcode handler table
[15:25:07.410342] (debug)    package.path = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[15:25:07.410342] (debug)    package.cpath = D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[15:25:07.411342] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\autoaccent.luac'...
[15:25:07.411342] (debug)    New script: 01C58024
[15:25:07.415342] (debug)    Add thread 01BFB4CD to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:07.417342] (system)    AutoAccent: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.417342] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BikeSH.lua'...
[15:25:07.417342] (debug)    New script: 01C58374
[15:25:07.419342] (system)    Bike Speed Hack: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.419342] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BRСar-1.3.lua'...
[15:25:07.419342] (debug)    New script: 01C5851C
[15:25:07.422343] (system)    Break Dance Car: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.422343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BufferCleanerAuto.lua'...
[15:25:07.422343] (debug)    New script: 01C586C4
[15:25:07.423343] (system)    BufferCleanerAuto.lua: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.423343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\CarGM.lua'...
[15:25:07.423343] (debug)    New script: 01C5886C
[15:25:07.425343] (system)    Bike Speed Hack: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.426343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ChatHelper.lua'...
[15:25:07.426343] (debug)    New script: 01C58A14
[15:25:07.427343] (system)    ChatHelper: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.427343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Crosshair.lua'...
[15:25:07.427343] (debug)    New script: 01C58BBC
[15:25:07.428343] (system)    CrossHairHack: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.429343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\deddosouru c-bug (v4).luac'...
[15:25:07.429343] (debug)    New script: 01C58D64
[15:25:07.430343] (system)    LEGAL C-BUG: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.430343] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\fpsRender.luac'...
[15:25:07.430343] (debug)    New script: 01C58F0C
[15:25:07.444344] (system)    fpsRender.luac: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.444344] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\gmpatch.lua'...
[15:25:07.445344] (debug)    New script: 01C590B4
[15:25:07.446344] (system)    gmpatch: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:07.446344] (system)    Loading script 'D:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\setWeather&Time.lua'...
[15:25:07.446344] (debug)    New script: 01C5925C
[15:25:07.447344] (system)    setWeather&Time: Loaded successfully.
[15:25:19.410028] (system)    Installing post-load hooks...
[15:25:19.411028] (system)    Hooks installed.
[15:25:19.411028] (debug)    Add thread 01C24D25 to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:22.350196] (debug)    Add thread 01C24F75 to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:22.350196] (debug)    Add thread 01C24BFD to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:22.383198] (debug)    Add thread 01C2509D to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:25.967403] (debug)    Add thread 01C258B5 to SCM-thread queue
[15:25:25.967403] (error)    fpsRender.luac: wrong wait() delay
[15:25:26.039407] (error)    fpsRender.luac: Script died due to error. (01C58F0C)
[15:25:26.039407] (debug)    Remove thread 01C258B5 from SCM-thread queue
[15:25:28.480547] (debug)    Add thread 01C25B05 to SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.120073] (system)    Unloading...
[15:26:30.121073] (system)    AutoAccent: Script terminated. (01C58024)
[15:26:30.121073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C24F75 from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.121073] (system)    Bike Speed Hack: Script terminated. (01C58374)
[15:26:30.122073] (system)    Break Dance Car: Script terminated. (01C5851C)
[15:26:30.122073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C24D25 from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.122073] (system)    BufferCleanerAuto.lua: Script terminated. (01C586C4)
[15:26:30.122073] (system)    Bike Speed Hack: Script terminated. (01C5886C)
[15:26:30.123073] (system)    ChatHelper: Script terminated. (01C58A14)
[15:26:30.123073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C24BFD from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.124073] (system)    CrossHairHack: Script terminated. (01C58BBC)
[15:26:30.124073] (system)    LEGAL C-BUG: Script terminated. (01C58D64)
[15:26:30.124073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C25B05 from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.124073] (system)    gmpatch: Script terminated. (01C590B4)
[15:26:30.124073] (system)    setWeather&Time: Script terminated. (01C5925C)
[15:26:30.124073] (debug)    Remove thread 01C2509D from SCM-thread queue
[15:26:30.137074] (system)    Session terminated.
[15:26:30.137074] (debug)    Remove thread 01BFB4CD from SCM-thread queue

[15:25:06] SAMPFUNCS v5.3.3 release #19 (SA-MP 0.3.7) loaded. Base address: 0x04DF0000.
[15:25:06] Compiled: Aug  8 2016 13:19:58
[15:25:06] Initializing opcodes...
[15:25:06] Opcodes initialized successfully. Total opcodes count: 382.
[15:25:06] Initializing core plugins...
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "!MenuManager.sf" loaded.
[15:25:06] Initializing plugins...
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "CheatPack.sf" loaded.
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "dScripts.sf" loaded.
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "ebot .sf" loaded.
[15:25:06] SF Plugin "SilentAIMv12.sf" loaded.
[15:25:07] samp.dll base addres: 0x03DC0000
[15:25:07] Installing hooks:
[15:25:07] Hook command process input installed.
[15:25:07] Hook on dialog response installed.
[15:25:07] Hook init netgame installed.
[15:25:07] Hook QuitGameHook installed.
[15:25:07] All hooks installed.
[15:25:20] Direct3DDevice9 hook installed.
[15:25:20] {FFFFFF}Chat++ by {90EE90}BlackKnigga {FFFFFF}loaded!
[15:25:20] Hook RakPeer::HandleRPCPacket installed.
[15:25:20] Initializing SAMP data...
[15:25:20] Info initialized.
[15:25:20] Pools initialized.
[15:25:20] Player pool initialized.
[15:25:20] Vehicle pool initialized.
[15:25:20] Chat initialized.
[15:25:20] Input initialized.
[15:25:20] Death list initialized.
[15:25:20] Dialog initialized.
[15:25:20] Misc data initialized.
[15:25:20] Scoreboard initialized.
[15:25:20] RakNet initialized.
[15:25:20] ==========================================
[15:25:20]  SAMPFUNCS v5.3.3 release #19 (SA-MP 0.3.7)
  Compiled: Aug  8 2016 13:18:13

  Author: FYP
  Active developers: FYP, SR_Team, EXPORT

  Past developers and special thanks:
   MogAika, urShadow, legend2360, NarutoUA, Dark_Knight

BlastHack © 2013 - 2016
[15:25:20] ==========================================
[15:25:20] SAMPFUNCS v5.3.3 release #19 (SA-MP 0.3.7) completely loaded!
Хм.. Я не ебу если честно че ругается на задержку. Скоро фикс мб залью
  • Нравится
Реакции: Krotchy


Он у тебя текущий показует или средний высчитывает ?


А, так чеж ты сразу не сказал? Щас мы тебе предоставим фикс без пояснения. Лог бы хоть дал.
сообщение в чате имеется о запуске скрипта, но вот на команды или клавиши реакции никакой.


  • moonloader.log
    4.2 KB · Просмотры: 7
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