- 128
- 6
if vxfullped.v then
local pos = {GetBodyPartCoordinates(8, handlePed)}
local x1, y1 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3])
local x2, y2 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]) -- NEW variant
local _, id = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(handlePed)
local nick = sampGetPlayerNickname(id)
renderFontDrawText(font, nick.." | ID ["..id.."]" , x2, y2 - 50, color, -1)
[ML] (error) Scarllet Rage: ...\comed\Downloads\GTA SA\moonloader\Scarllet Rage (8).lua:926: attempt to call global 'GetBodyPartCoordinates' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...\comed\Downloads\GTA SA\moonloader\Scarllet Rage (8).lua: in function 'whiledo'
...\comed\Downloads\GTA SA\moonloader\Scarllet Rage (8).lua:403: in function <...\comed\Downloads\GTA SA\moonloader\Scarllet Rage (8).lua:245>
[ML] (error) Scarllet Rage: Script died due to an error. (266D4D74)
please help me correct the function or send me the correct one
local pos = {GetBodyPartCoordinates(8, handlePed)}
local x1, y1 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3])
local x2, y2 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]) -- NEW variant
local _, id = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(handlePed)
local nick = sampGetPlayerNickname(id)
renderFontDrawText(font, nick.." | ID ["..id.."]" , x2, y2 - 50, color, -1)
[ML] (error) Scarllet Rage: ...\comed\Downloads\GTA SA\moonloader\Scarllet Rage (8).lua:926: attempt to call global 'GetBodyPartCoordinates' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...\comed\Downloads\GTA SA\moonloader\Scarllet Rage (8).lua: in function 'whiledo'
...\comed\Downloads\GTA SA\moonloader\Scarllet Rage (8).lua:403: in function <...\comed\Downloads\GTA SA\moonloader\Scarllet Rage (8).lua:245>
[ML] (error) Scarllet Rage: Script died due to an error. (266D4D74)
please help me correct the function or send me the correct one