ищу скрипт target info c видео.


Автор темы
Версия SA-MP
  1. 0.3.7 (R1)
  2. 0.3.7-R2
  3. 0.3.7-R3
  4. 0.3.7-R4
  5. Любая
давно играл с скриптом который показывает какое у человека в руках оружие, как такового применения данному скрипту нет, но в редких случаях помогает, но мне нравится чисто визуальная составляющая, увы сам скрипт потерял, остался только фрагмент с этим скриптом (TARGET ACTOR HAS ----- )


давно играл с скриптом который показывает какое у человека в руках оружие, как такового применения данному скрипту нет, но в редких случаях помогает, но мне нравится чисто визуальная составляющая, увы сам скрипт потерял, остался только фрагмент с этим скриптом (TARGET ACTOR HAS ----- )
Довольно лаганный скрипт по сей день, потому что в нем костыльная проверка на оружие в руке.

// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label17 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 10 
004D: jump_if_false @Label125 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ PURPLE DILDO~W~ [LOL]." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label17 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label125 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 11 
004D: jump_if_false @Label236 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ WHITE DILDO~W~ [LOL]." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label125 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label236 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 12 
004D: jump_if_false @Label351 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ LONG WHITE DILDO~W~ [XD]." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label125 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label351 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 2 
004D: jump_if_false @Label449 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ GOLF~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label351 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label449 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 3 
004D: jump_if_false @Label552 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ NITESTICK~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label449 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label552 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 4 
004D: jump_if_false @Label651 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ KNIFE~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label552 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label651 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 5 
004D: jump_if_false @Label757 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ BASEBALL BAT~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label651 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label757 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 6 
004D: jump_if_false @Label857 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ SHOVEL~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label757 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label857 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 7 
004D: jump_if_false @Label959 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ POOL CUE~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label857 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label959 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 8 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1059 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ KATANA~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label959 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1059 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 9 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1159 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ CHNSAW~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1059 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1159 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 16 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1260 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ GRENADE~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1159 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1260 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 17 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1362 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ TEAR GAS~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1260 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1362 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 18 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1464 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ MOLOTOVS~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1362 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1464 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 22 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1564 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ PISTOL~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1464 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1564 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 23 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1673 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ SILENCED PISTOL~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1564 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1673 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 24 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1779 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ DESERT EAGLE~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1673 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1779 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 25 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1880 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ SHOTGUN~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1779 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1880 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 26 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1990 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ SAWN OFF SHOTGUN~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1880 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label1990 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 27 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2098 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ COMBAT SHOTGUN~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label1990 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2098 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 28 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2201 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ MICRO UZI~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2098 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2201 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 28 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2304 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ MICRO UZI~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2201 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2304 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 29 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2401 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ MP5~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2304 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2401 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 32 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2499 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ TEC9~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2401 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2499 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 30 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2597 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ AK47~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2499 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2597 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 31 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2693 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ M4~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2597 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2693 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 33 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2792 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ RIFLE~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2693 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2792 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 34 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2892 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ SNIPER~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2792 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2892 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 35 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2989 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ RPG~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2892 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label2989 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 36 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3098 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ MISSLE LAUNCHER~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label2989 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3098 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 37 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3205 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ FLAME THROWER~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label3098 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3205 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 38 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3306 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ MINIGUN~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label3205 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3306 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 41 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3411 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ SPRAY PAINT~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label3306 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3411 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 42 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3522 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ FIRE EXTINGUISHER~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label3411 

0001: wait 0 ms 
00D6: if 
0AD2: 1@ = player $0[2] targeted_actor //IF and SET 
004D: jump_if_false @Label3522 
00D6: if 
0491:   actor 1@ has_weapon 43 
004D: jump_if_false @Label17 
0001: wait 0 ms 
0ACC: show_text_lowpriority "~R~TARGET ACTOR~W~ HAS~G~ CAMERA~W~." time 3000 
0001: wait 3000 ms 
0002: jump @Label3522 
004E: end_thread
Последнее редактирование модератором:


давно играл с скриптом который показывает какое у человека в руках оружие, как такового применения данному скрипту нет, но в редких случаях помогает, но мне нравится чисто визуальная составляющая, увы сам скрипт потерял, остался только фрагмент с этим скриптом (TARGET ACTOR HAS ----- )


  • test.lua.lua
    404 байт · Просмотры: 6