xoris82 Новичок Автор темы 23 1 9 Фев 2023 #1 I want to make a command in sobeit and when I type /slap + id it slaps another player.
writeline Новичок 21 8 10 Фев 2023 #2 Бездумное использование ChatGPT Here's a hint for you how to do it, it's not a complete code, then you can finish it yourself. C++: std::thread([&] { while (!isSampAvailable()) {} sampRegisterChatCommand("slap", CMDPROC__SlapId); } ).detach(); } void CMDPROC__SlapId(const char*) { std::string text_("/slap id"); } I also recommend looking at this repository from SR_Team - GitHub - mod_s0beit_sa_asi Реакции: xoris82 Позитивный голос 0 Негативный голос
Here's a hint for you how to do it, it's not a complete code, then you can finish it yourself. C++: std::thread([&] { while (!isSampAvailable()) {} sampRegisterChatCommand("slap", CMDPROC__SlapId); } ).detach(); } void CMDPROC__SlapId(const char*) { std::string text_("/slap id"); } I also recommend looking at this repository from SR_Team - GitHub - mod_s0beit_sa_asi