ASI HUD Ultimate Health | Смена цвета ХП в зависимости от его количества.


R4-2 и R5 завтра добавлю, а вот 0.3e добавлять смысла не вижу, на нём никто не играет, даже крмп, ибо всё нормальные сервера уже давно перешли на 0.3.7
What would you like to add? It's exactly 20 seconds, it saves you the few people who will suddenly want to
By the way, personally I don't recommend making hooks to places in gta's memory that can cause problems with anti_cheat in the future. Stay with the small changes in samp.dll it's better

By the way, this offset is very simple, you can make it update automatically by AoB_scan for you in this case in my opinion, because not many mods change the color and did not cause a collision