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- Версия MoonLoader
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Hey there!
So this mod will grab the aimed player's id and will run a certain command. But I want it to send the command only if my Player Color/ Id Color/ Nickname color is "-14269954" or "-7500289". I tried sampGetPlayerColor but it crashes my game every time, I guess I'm doing something wrong. Please help me out.
Summary: I want the command/mod to run only if my player/ nickname color is "-14269954" or "-7500289".
So this mod will grab the aimed player's id and will run a certain command. But I want it to send the command only if my Player Color/ Id Color/ Nickname color is "-14269954" or "-7500289". I tried sampGetPlayerColor but it crashes my game every time, I guess I'm doing something wrong. Please help me out.
Summary: I want the command/mod to run only if my player/ nickname color is "-14269954" or "-7500289".
function main()
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(50) end
sampAddChatMessage("{33CCFF}Henlo {FFFFFF}By {FF4545} Unknown{FFFFFF}loaded {00FF00}successfully", -1)
while true do
if not (sampIsChatInputActive() or sampIsDialogActive() or isSampfuncsConsoleActive()) then
local result, aimPlayer = getCharPlayerIsTargeting(playerHandle)
local result2, aimPlayerID = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(aimPlayer)
if result and result2 and isKeyJustPressed(vkeys. VK_U) then
sampSendChat("/b mod test works: " .. aimPlayerID .. "")