O ontanov Новичок Автор темы 1 0 9 Авг 2022 #1 Hello, i need help with samp dialog. I need here to write number "20" and press "rinktis". I need code for this dialog
Hello, i need help with samp dialog. I need here to write number "20" and press "rinktis". I need code for this dialog
VRush https://t.me/vrushscript 2,416 1,201 10 Авг 2022 #2 Код: sampSendDialogResponse(int id, int button, int listitem, string input) int id - ID Dialog int button - ID Button (0 / 1) int listitem - List number (from 0) zstring input - Text Позитивный голос 0 Негативный голос
Код: sampSendDialogResponse(int id, int button, int listitem, string input) int id - ID Dialog int button - ID Button (0 / 1) int listitem - List number (from 0) zstring input - Text