- 10
- 2
- Версия SA-MP
- Любая
собрал и пересобрал сборку но всё также, проблема не в эффектах или колоколе, так как когда стреляю по нпс всё нормально или просто по игроку которому нельзя нанести урон, но как только даю хит в перестрелке сразу же крашит
вот лог краша
SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x70477D90
Base: 0x03C70000
EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x0000002F ECX: 0x08475630 EDX: 0x00000708
ESI: 0x00B62CB0 EDI: 0x00B62F90 EBP: 0x0000002F ESP: 0x0028F640
EFLAGS: 0x00010246
+0000: 0x004F0ABD 0xFFFFFFFA 0x00B6BC90 0x0028F69C
+0010: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0000002F 0x00000000 0x3F80294D
+0020: 0x00000000 0x0028F6D8 0xFFFFFFFA 0x00B6BC90
+0030: 0x3DC2B240 0x414EDB46 0x3F57EF2C 0x00507899
+0040: 0x01C6B5D0 0x0028F71C 0x0053E990 0x713AF75A
+0050: 0x0028F71C 0x713AFC50 0x00000001 0x0028F6E4
+0060: 0x713AB8E9 0x0028F6F0 0x01C4C3E0 0x71408A9C
+0070: 0x01C6B5D0 0xCBFCB852 0x00000100 0x741623E0
+0080: 0x00000100 0x00000024 0x00000001 0x00000000
+0090: 0x0028F6AC 0x0028F6AC 0x0028F708 0x71403B40
+00A0: 0x00000001 0x0028F6F8 0x713AFC02 0x01C4C3F4
+00B0: 0x00000001 0x0028F89C 0x0028F714 0x713AE267
+00C0: 0x0028F71C 0x0028F89C 0x0028F87C 0x71403B58
+00D0: 0x00000000 0x0028F888 0x713B0246 0x714089A4
+00E0: 0x01C6B5D0 0x00000100 0x00000025 0x00000000
+00F0: 0x0028F87C 0x71403D85 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0028F888
+0100: 0x00000000 0x0028F89C 0x0000001A 0x00000001
+0110: 0x00000000 0x017F0456 0x00000100 0x00000025
+0120: 0x414B0002 0x00000001 0x0028F7A0 0x6D8118FD
+0130: 0x741623E0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x6D811830
+0140: 0x414B0002 0x00000000 0x6D811830 0x00000000
+0150: 0x010A001F 0x0028F834 0x6D968DC8 0x00000000
+0160: 0x0028F7CC 0x75C562FA 0x017F0456 0x00000100
+0170: 0x00000025 0x414B0002 0x6D811830 0xDCBAABCD
+0180: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x6D811830 0x0028F7DC
+0190: 0x0028F7F8 0x00000000 0x0028F834 0x0028F844
+01A0: 0x75C56D91 0x75C56D51 0xCBFCB706 0x0028F914
+01B0: 0x0028F90C 0x02325740 0x00000024 0x00000000
+01C0: 0x6D411812 0x4CC3BECF 0xFFFFFFFF 0x6D8E5F0D
+01D0: 0x6D8E605C 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x0000000A
+01E0: 0x00000000 0x6D988410 0x6D411C96 0x0028F83C
+01F0: 0x0028F880 0x00000001 0x07E740A0 0x00000008
+0200: 0x0028F858 0x714089A4 0x01C6B5D0 0x0028F824
+0210: 0x75C60735 0x75C606EB 0x0028F90C 0x00000000
+0220: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x01C6B5D0
+0230: 0x01C6CC08 0x00000000 0x0028F8A4 0x0028F994
+0240: 0x71403CEC 0x00000000 0x0028F894 0x713B013C
+0250: 0x0028F89C 0x75C66C30 0x0053ECC2 0x00000001
+0260: 0x00619B71 0x0000001A 0x00000001 0x00000001
+0270: 0x0000000A 0x00748DA0 0x0000001A 0x00000001
SCM Op: 0x3D0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 19483
Game Version: US 1.0
State Information: Ped Context: 0
P0 (0,0) P1 (0,0) P2 (0,0) P3 (0,0)
P4 (0,0) P5 (0,0) P6 (32,0) P7 (0,0)
P8 (32,0) P9 (0,0) P11 (0,0)
P12 (0,0) P13 (0,0) P14 (0,0) P15 (0,0)
P16 (0,0) P17 (0,0) P18 (32,0) P19 (32,0)
P20 (32,0) P21 (0,0) P22 (17,0) P23 (0,0)
P24 (32,0) P25 (0,0) P26 (0,0) P27 (32,0)
P28 (0,0) P29 (0,0) P30 (0,0) P31 (0,0)
P32 (0,0) P33 (0,0) P34 (0,0) P35 (0,0)
P36 (0,0) P37 (0,0) P38 (0,0) P39 (32,0)
P40 (0,0) P41 (0,0) P42 (17,0) P43 (0,0)
P44 (0,0) P45 (0,0) P46 (0,0) P47 (32,0)
P48 (0,0) P49 (0,0) P50 (32,0) P51 (0,0)
P54 (0,0) P55 (32,0)
P59 (0,0)
P63 (0,0)
P66 (0,0) P69 (0,0) P83 (0,0)
P90 (0,0) P95 (0,0)
P97 (0,0) P98 (0,0) P101 (0,0) P117 (0,0) P119 (0,0)
P129 (0,0) P171 (0,0)
P184 (0,0)
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Log started.
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Unprotecting memory region '.rdata': 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x008B1000 (size: 0x0064A000)
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Parsing FXT file ATP.fxt
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP1]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP2]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP3]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP4]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP5]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP6]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP7]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP8]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Added FXT[ATPDB1]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Added FXT[ATPDB4]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Added FXT[ATPDB5]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Added FXT[ATPDB6]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Unloading plugins...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Loading plugin cleo/CLEO+.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.773 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.775 Loading plugin cleo/GxtHook.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.778 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.779 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.781 Loading plugin cleo/newOpcodes.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.783 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting DmaFix...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting TextManager...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting SoundSystem...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting ScriptEngine...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
18/02/2022 04:13:41.071 Creating main window...
18/02/2022 04:13:41.248 Found sound device 0: No sound
18/02/2022 04:13:41.248 Found sound device 1 (default): Динамики (Аудио устройства USB)
18/02/2022 04:13:41.248 Found sound device 2: Динамики (SplitCam Virtual Audio Device (WDM))
18/02/2022 04:13:41.248 On system found 3 devices, 3 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Динамики (Аудио устройства USB))
18/02/2022 04:13:43.736 SoundSystem initialized
18/02/2022 04:13:43.736 Floating-point audio supported!
18/02/2022 04:13:43.736 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
18/02/2022 04:14:28.601 Scripts exclusively initialized
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Deleting dynamic fxts...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Cleaning up script data... 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Searching for cleo scripts
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Loading custom script Birds.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Registering custom script named Birds.c
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Loading custom script Birds_in_the_forest(dimon_gta).cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Registering custom script named Birds_i
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Loading custom script Camera_shake.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Registering custom script named Camera_
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Loading custom script camera_vehicles.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Registering custom script named camera_
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Loading custom script ccontrol.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Registering custom script named ccontro
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Loading custom script CrossSys.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Registering custom script named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Loading custom script Danger Effect.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Registering custom script named Danger
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Loading custom script Enhance_ParticleTXD_Junior_Djjr.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.607 Registering custom script named Enhance
18/02/2022 04:14:28.607 Loading custom script GTA 5 FIGHT AIM.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.607 Registering custom script named GTA 5 F
18/02/2022 04:14:28.607 Loading custom script helialarm.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Registering custom script named heliala
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Loading custom script IV Carjacking Camera.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Registering custom script named IV Carj
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Loading custom script limit_lods.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Registering custom script named limit_l
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Loading custom script noisefix.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Registering custom script named noisefi
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Loading custom script PlayerMoveHead.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Registering custom script named PlayerM
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Loading custom script Rain Audio Fix.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Registering custom script named Rain Au
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Loading custom script Remove_3D_Gunflash_Junior_Djjr.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Registering custom script named Remove_
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Loading custom script Reverse lights by TrushinVlad.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Registering custom script named Reverse
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Loading custom script sa-reloading.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Registering custom script named sa-relo
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Loading custom script Shot Cam Shake (Junior_Djjr).cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Registering custom script named Shot Ca
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Loading custom script Show_only_necessary_hud.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Registering custom script named Show_on
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Loading custom script Siren lensfares.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Registering custom script named Siren l
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Loading custom script soundreal.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Registering custom script named soundre
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Loading custom script suninobject.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Registering custom script named suninob
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Loading custom script TUNEOFF.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Registering custom script named TUNEOFF
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Loading custom script Vdiving.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Registering custom script named Vdiving
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Loading custom script Vehcamera.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Registering custom script named Vehcame
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Loading custom script Walk.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Registering custom script named Walk.cs
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Loading custom script Water effects.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.681 Registering custom script named Water e
18/02/2022 04:14:28.681 Loading custom script WeaponRecoilAuto.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.683 Registering custom script named WeaponR
18/02/2022 04:14:30.446 Unregistering custom script named Remove_
18/02/2022 04:14:30.446 Unregistering custom script named noisefi
18/02/2022 04:14:30.446 Unregistering custom script named limit_l
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\KILLMARK.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\KILLMARK.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 Registering custom script named KILLMAR
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_SMALL.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_SMALL.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.454 Registering custom script named EXTRAZO
18/02/2022 04:14:30.454 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_MEDIUM.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.454 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_MEDIUM.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.454 Registering custom script named EXTRAZO
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_BIG.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_BIG.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 Registering custom script named EXTRAZO
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_HEAVY.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_HEAVY.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 Registering custom script named EXTRAZO
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\BLOODONSCREEN.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\BLOODONSCREEN.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 Registering custom script named BLOODON
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\PISTOLS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\PISTOLS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.457 Registering custom script named PISTOLS
18/02/2022 04:14:30.457 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SHOTGUNS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.457 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SHOTGUNS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.457 Registering custom script named SHOTGUN
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SMGS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SMGS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 Registering custom script named SMGS.MG
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\MGS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\MGS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 Registering custom script named MGS.MGG
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\HEAVY.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\HEAVY.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 Registering custom script named HEAVY.M
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\MELEE.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\MELEE.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.460 Registering custom script named MELEE.M
18/02/2022 04:14:30.460 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SNIPERS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.460 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SNIPERS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.460 Registering custom script named SNIPERS
вот лог краша
SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x70477D90
Base: 0x03C70000
EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x0000002F ECX: 0x08475630 EDX: 0x00000708
ESI: 0x00B62CB0 EDI: 0x00B62F90 EBP: 0x0000002F ESP: 0x0028F640
EFLAGS: 0x00010246
+0000: 0x004F0ABD 0xFFFFFFFA 0x00B6BC90 0x0028F69C
+0010: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0000002F 0x00000000 0x3F80294D
+0020: 0x00000000 0x0028F6D8 0xFFFFFFFA 0x00B6BC90
+0030: 0x3DC2B240 0x414EDB46 0x3F57EF2C 0x00507899
+0040: 0x01C6B5D0 0x0028F71C 0x0053E990 0x713AF75A
+0050: 0x0028F71C 0x713AFC50 0x00000001 0x0028F6E4
+0060: 0x713AB8E9 0x0028F6F0 0x01C4C3E0 0x71408A9C
+0070: 0x01C6B5D0 0xCBFCB852 0x00000100 0x741623E0
+0080: 0x00000100 0x00000024 0x00000001 0x00000000
+0090: 0x0028F6AC 0x0028F6AC 0x0028F708 0x71403B40
+00A0: 0x00000001 0x0028F6F8 0x713AFC02 0x01C4C3F4
+00B0: 0x00000001 0x0028F89C 0x0028F714 0x713AE267
+00C0: 0x0028F71C 0x0028F89C 0x0028F87C 0x71403B58
+00D0: 0x00000000 0x0028F888 0x713B0246 0x714089A4
+00E0: 0x01C6B5D0 0x00000100 0x00000025 0x00000000
+00F0: 0x0028F87C 0x71403D85 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0028F888
+0100: 0x00000000 0x0028F89C 0x0000001A 0x00000001
+0110: 0x00000000 0x017F0456 0x00000100 0x00000025
+0120: 0x414B0002 0x00000001 0x0028F7A0 0x6D8118FD
+0130: 0x741623E0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x6D811830
+0140: 0x414B0002 0x00000000 0x6D811830 0x00000000
+0150: 0x010A001F 0x0028F834 0x6D968DC8 0x00000000
+0160: 0x0028F7CC 0x75C562FA 0x017F0456 0x00000100
+0170: 0x00000025 0x414B0002 0x6D811830 0xDCBAABCD
+0180: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x6D811830 0x0028F7DC
+0190: 0x0028F7F8 0x00000000 0x0028F834 0x0028F844
+01A0: 0x75C56D91 0x75C56D51 0xCBFCB706 0x0028F914
+01B0: 0x0028F90C 0x02325740 0x00000024 0x00000000
+01C0: 0x6D411812 0x4CC3BECF 0xFFFFFFFF 0x6D8E5F0D
+01D0: 0x6D8E605C 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x0000000A
+01E0: 0x00000000 0x6D988410 0x6D411C96 0x0028F83C
+01F0: 0x0028F880 0x00000001 0x07E740A0 0x00000008
+0200: 0x0028F858 0x714089A4 0x01C6B5D0 0x0028F824
+0210: 0x75C60735 0x75C606EB 0x0028F90C 0x00000000
+0220: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x01C6B5D0
+0230: 0x01C6CC08 0x00000000 0x0028F8A4 0x0028F994
+0240: 0x71403CEC 0x00000000 0x0028F894 0x713B013C
+0250: 0x0028F89C 0x75C66C30 0x0053ECC2 0x00000001
+0260: 0x00619B71 0x0000001A 0x00000001 0x00000001
+0270: 0x0000000A 0x00748DA0 0x0000001A 0x00000001
SCM Op: 0x3D0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 19483
Game Version: US 1.0
State Information: Ped Context: 0
P0 (0,0) P1 (0,0) P2 (0,0) P3 (0,0)
P4 (0,0) P5 (0,0) P6 (32,0) P7 (0,0)
P8 (32,0) P9 (0,0) P11 (0,0)
P12 (0,0) P13 (0,0) P14 (0,0) P15 (0,0)
P16 (0,0) P17 (0,0) P18 (32,0) P19 (32,0)
P20 (32,0) P21 (0,0) P22 (17,0) P23 (0,0)
P24 (32,0) P25 (0,0) P26 (0,0) P27 (32,0)
P28 (0,0) P29 (0,0) P30 (0,0) P31 (0,0)
P32 (0,0) P33 (0,0) P34 (0,0) P35 (0,0)
P36 (0,0) P37 (0,0) P38 (0,0) P39 (32,0)
P40 (0,0) P41 (0,0) P42 (17,0) P43 (0,0)
P44 (0,0) P45 (0,0) P46 (0,0) P47 (32,0)
P48 (0,0) P49 (0,0) P50 (32,0) P51 (0,0)
P54 (0,0) P55 (32,0)
P59 (0,0)
P63 (0,0)
P66 (0,0) P69 (0,0) P83 (0,0)
P90 (0,0) P95 (0,0)
P97 (0,0) P98 (0,0) P101 (0,0) P117 (0,0) P119 (0,0)
P129 (0,0) P171 (0,0)
P184 (0,0)
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Log started.
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Unprotecting memory region '.rdata': 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x008B1000 (size: 0x0064A000)
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Parsing FXT file ATP.fxt
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP1]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP2]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP3]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP4]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP5]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP6]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP7]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.770 Added FXT[ATP8]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Added FXT[ATPDB1]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Added FXT[ATPDB4]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Added FXT[ATPDB5]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Added FXT[ATPDB6]
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Unloading plugins...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.771 Loading plugin cleo/CLEO+.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.773 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.775 Loading plugin cleo/GxtHook.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.778 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.779 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.781 Loading plugin cleo/newOpcodes.cleo
18/02/2022 04:13:36.783 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting DmaFix...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting TextManager...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting SoundSystem...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting ScriptEngine...
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
18/02/2022 04:13:36.784 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
18/02/2022 04:13:41.071 Creating main window...
18/02/2022 04:13:41.248 Found sound device 0: No sound
18/02/2022 04:13:41.248 Found sound device 1 (default): Динамики (Аудио устройства USB)
18/02/2022 04:13:41.248 Found sound device 2: Динамики (SplitCam Virtual Audio Device (WDM))
18/02/2022 04:13:41.248 On system found 3 devices, 3 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Динамики (Аудио устройства USB))
18/02/2022 04:13:43.736 SoundSystem initialized
18/02/2022 04:13:43.736 Floating-point audio supported!
18/02/2022 04:13:43.736 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
18/02/2022 04:14:28.601 Scripts exclusively initialized
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Deleting dynamic fxts...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Cleaning up script data... 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Searching for cleo scripts
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Loading custom script Birds.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Registering custom script named Birds.c
18/02/2022 04:14:28.604 Loading custom script Birds_in_the_forest(dimon_gta).cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Registering custom script named Birds_i
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Loading custom script Camera_shake.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Registering custom script named Camera_
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Loading custom script camera_vehicles.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Registering custom script named camera_
18/02/2022 04:14:28.605 Loading custom script ccontrol.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Registering custom script named ccontro
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Loading custom script CrossSys.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Registering custom script named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Loading custom script Danger Effect.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Registering custom script named Danger
18/02/2022 04:14:28.606 Loading custom script Enhance_ParticleTXD_Junior_Djjr.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.607 Registering custom script named Enhance
18/02/2022 04:14:28.607 Loading custom script GTA 5 FIGHT AIM.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.607 Registering custom script named GTA 5 F
18/02/2022 04:14:28.607 Loading custom script helialarm.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Registering custom script named heliala
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Loading custom script IV Carjacking Camera.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Registering custom script named IV Carj
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Loading custom script limit_lods.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Registering custom script named limit_l
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Loading custom script noisefix.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Registering custom script named noisefi
18/02/2022 04:14:28.608 Loading custom script PlayerMoveHead.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Registering custom script named PlayerM
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Loading custom script Rain Audio Fix.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Registering custom script named Rain Au
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Loading custom script Remove_3D_Gunflash_Junior_Djjr.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Registering custom script named Remove_
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Loading custom script Reverse lights by TrushinVlad.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Registering custom script named Reverse
18/02/2022 04:14:28.609 Loading custom script sa-reloading.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Registering custom script named sa-relo
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Loading custom script Shot Cam Shake (Junior_Djjr).cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Registering custom script named Shot Ca
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Loading custom script Show_only_necessary_hud.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Registering custom script named Show_on
18/02/2022 04:14:28.610 Loading custom script Siren lensfares.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Registering custom script named Siren l
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Loading custom script soundreal.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Registering custom script named soundre
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Loading custom script suninobject.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Registering custom script named suninob
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Loading custom script TUNEOFF.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.611 Registering custom script named TUNEOFF
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Loading custom script Vdiving.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Registering custom script named Vdiving
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Loading custom script Vehcamera.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Registering custom script named Vehcame
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Loading custom script Walk.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Registering custom script named Walk.cs
18/02/2022 04:14:28.612 Loading custom script Water effects.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.681 Registering custom script named Water e
18/02/2022 04:14:28.681 Loading custom script WeaponRecoilAuto.cs...
18/02/2022 04:14:28.683 Registering custom script named WeaponR
18/02/2022 04:14:30.446 Unregistering custom script named Remove_
18/02/2022 04:14:30.446 Unregistering custom script named noisefi
18/02/2022 04:14:30.446 Unregistering custom script named limit_l
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\KILLMARK.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\KILLMARK.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 Registering custom script named KILLMAR
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_SMALL.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.453 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_SMALL.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.454 Registering custom script named EXTRAZO
18/02/2022 04:14:30.454 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_MEDIUM.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.454 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_MEDIUM.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.454 Registering custom script named EXTRAZO
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_BIG.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_BIG.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 Registering custom script named EXTRAZO
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_HEAVY.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.455 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\EXTRAZOOM_HEAVY.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 Registering custom script named EXTRAZO
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\BLOODONSCREEN.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\EXTRAS\BLOODONSCREEN.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 Registering custom script named BLOODON
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\PISTOLS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.456 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\PISTOLS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.457 Registering custom script named PISTOLS
18/02/2022 04:14:30.457 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SHOTGUNS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.457 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SHOTGUNS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.457 Registering custom script named SHOTGUN
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SMGS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SMGS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 Registering custom script named SMGS.MG
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\MGS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.458 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\MGS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 Registering custom script named MGS.MGG
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\HEAVY.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\HEAVY.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 Registering custom script named HEAVY.M
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\MELEE.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.459 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\MELEE.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.460 Registering custom script named MELEE.M
18/02/2022 04:14:30.460 [0A92] Starting new custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SNIPERS.MGG from thread named CrossSy
18/02/2022 04:14:30.460 Loading custom script CROSSSYS\WEAPONS\SNIPERS.MGG...
18/02/2022 04:14:30.460 Registering custom script named SNIPERS