Help, error in the cleo VRP.
mac HEY DARLING 1,317 911 29 Фев 2016 #2 What is VRP? Maybe link? I've got roleplay project called VRP :pidrila:
F fiendshadow 3LFhocV726q7pKWWky2vv3W38Dm9sGJV86 Проверенный 455 122 29 Фев 2016 #3 [Mactawish] написал(а): What is VRP? Maybe link? I've got roleplay project called VRP :pidrila: Нажмите для раскрытия...
[Mactawish] написал(а): What is VRP? Maybe link? I've got roleplay project called VRP :pidrila: Нажмите для раскрытия...
F fiendshadow 3LFhocV726q7pKWWky2vv3W38Dm9sGJV86 Проверенный 455 122 29 Фев 2016 #4 install Sampfuncs 5.2.2, cleo 4.3 and test cleo script, if script again not found you record file, write in official theme
install Sampfuncs 5.2.2, cleo 4.3 and test cleo script, if script again not found you record file, write in official theme
Dark_Knight Me, me and me. Друг 4,083 2,111 1 Мар 2016 #5 fiendshadow написал(а): install Sampfuncs 5.2.2, cleo 4.3 and test cleo script, if script again not found you record file, write in official theme Нажмите для раскрытия... 4,3 cleo = bullshit. Use 4.1.
fiendshadow написал(а): install Sampfuncs 5.2.2, cleo 4.3 and test cleo script, if script again not found you record file, write in official theme Нажмите для раскрытия... 4,3 cleo = bullshit. Use 4.1.
F Facufer Новичок Автор темы 5 1 1 Мар 2016 #6 It does not work with Cleo 4.1 I have Sampfuncs 5.2 and cleo 4.3, still does not work :(