Помирает скрипт


Автор темы
Версия MoonLoader
Вообщем сначала скрипт загружается и все ок. но потом ниже пишет вот это:
C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[ML] (error) Bot by Kalgan: Script died due to an error. (0649059C) - код ошибки. Сам скрипт ниже:

script_name("Bot by Kalgan")
script_description("Шахта бот, использовать на свой риск")


require "lib.moonloader"

local sampev = require 'samp.events'

function main()
    if not isSampfuncsLoaded() or not isSampLoaded() then return end
    sampRegisterChatCommand("botstart", cmd_bot)

    local saveX = {}
    local saveY = {}
    local saveZ = {}
    while true do
        if isPlayerPlaying(playerHandle) and enabled then
            local posX, posY, posZ = GetCoordinates()
            local mfind, mposX, mposY, mposZ = SearchMarker(posX, posY, posZ, 146.260864, false)
            if mfind then BeginToPoint(mposX, mposY, mposZ, 1.000000, -255, false) end
            BeginToPoint(-1901.540039, 1247.989990, 1216.239990, 1.000000, -255, false)
            BeginToPoint(-1931.349976, 1249.260010, 1216.089966, 1.000000, -255, false)
            BeginToPoint(-1975.000000, 1249.430054, 1216.619995, 1.000000, -255, false)
            local posX, posY, posZ = GetCoordinates()
            local mfind, mposX, mposY, mposZ = SearchMarker(posX, posY, posZ, 146.260864, false)
            if mfind then BeginToPoint(mposX, mposY, mposZ, 1.000000, -255, false) end
            BeginToPoint(-1973.560059, 1249.170044, 1216.369995, 1.000000, -255, false)
            BeginToPoint(-1973.560059, 1249.170044, 1216.369995, 1.000000, -255, false)
            BeginToPoint(-1904.640015, 1249.530029, 1216.989990, 1.000000, -255, false)

--------------------------- STANDART FUNCTIONS ---------------------------
function runToPoint(tox, toy, sprint)
local x, y, z = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)
local angle = getHeadingFromVector2d(tox - x, toy - y)
setCameraPositionUnfixed(0, math.rad(angle - 90))
stopRun = false
while getDistanceBetweenCoords2d(x, y, tox, toy) > 0.5 do
setGameKeyState(1, -255)
if sprint then
setGameKeyState(16, 255)
x, y, z = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)
angle = getHeadingFromVector2d(tox - x, toy - y)
setCameraPositionUnfixed(0, math.rad(angle - 90))
if stopRun then

function sampev.onServerMessage(color, text)
if text:find('У вас сломалась кирка! Для продолжени¤ работы необходимо купить новую!') then
 if isPlayerPlaying(playerHandle) and enabled then

runToPoint(-1913.109985, 1249.430054, 1216.719971, 1.000000, -255, false)
local posX, posY, posZ = GetCoordinates()
local mfind, mposX, mposY, mposZ = SearchMarker(posX, posY, posZ, 16.391304, false)
if mfind then runToPoint(mposX, mposY, mposZ, 1.000000, -255, false) end
enabled = false
if MarkerPosX ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosY ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosZ ~= 0.0 then
            if getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ) < radius then
                ret_posX = MarkerPosX
                ret_posY = MarkerPosY
                ret_posZ = MarkerPosZ
                isFind = true
                radius = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ)
sampSendDialogResponse(9440, 1, 1, "Улица")
if isPlayerPlaying(playerHandle) and enabled then
runToPoint(-1879.069946, -1642.060059, 21.770000, 1.000000, -255, false)
            enabled = false    
if MarkerPosX ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosY ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosZ ~= 0.0 then
            if getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ) < radius then
                ret_posX = MarkerPosX
                ret_posY = MarkerPosY
                ret_posZ = MarkerPosZ
                isFind = true
                radius = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ)

sampSendDialogResponse(9441, 1, 2, "Кирка 2 уроверь")    
if isPlayerPlaying(playerHandle) and enabled then
runToPoint(-1879.069946, -1642.060059, 21.770000, 1.000000, -255, false)
            enabled = false                    

if MarkerPosX ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosY ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosZ ~= 0.0 then
            if getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ) < radius then
                ret_posX = MarkerPosX
                ret_posY = MarkerPosY
                ret_posZ = MarkerPosZ
                isFind = true
                radius = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ)
sampSendDialogResponse(9440, 1, 4, "3 этаж (Серебро)")    

function MovePlayer(move_code, isSprint)
    setGameKeyState(1, move_code)
    --[[255 - обычный бег назад
       -255 - обычный бег вперед
      65535 - идти шагом вперед
     -65535 - идти шагом назад]]
    if isSprint then setGameKeyState(16, 255) end

function SetAngle(x, y, z)
    local posX, posY, posZ = GetCoordinates()
    local pX = x - posX
    local pY = y - posY
    local zAngle = getHeadingFromVector2d(pX, pY)

    if isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) then
        local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed)
        setCarHeading(car, zAngle)
        setCharHeading(playerPed, zAngle)


function GetCoordinates()
    if isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) then
        local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed)
        return getCarCoordinates(car)
        return getCharCoordinates(playerPed)

function cmd_bot(param)
    enabled = not enabled
    if enabled then
        sampAddChatMessage(string.format("[%s]: Активирован", thisScript().name), 0x40FF40)
        sampAddChatMessage(string.format("[%s]: Деактивирован", thisScript().name), 0xFF4040)

-- Teleport from ClickWarp (by FYP)
function teleportPlayer(x, y, z)
    if isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) then
        setCharCoordinates(playerPed, x, y, z)
    setCharCoordinatesDontResetAnim(playerPed, x, y, z)

function setCharCoordinatesDontResetAnim(char, x, y, z)
    if doesCharExist(char) then
        local ptr = getCharPointer(char)
        setEntityCoordinates(ptr, x, y, z)

function setEntityCoordinates(entityPtr, x, y, z)
    if entityPtr ~= 0 then
        local matrixPtr = readMemory(entityPtr + 0x14, 4, false)
        if matrixPtr ~= 0 then
            local posPtr = matrixPtr + 0x30
            writeMemory(posPtr + 0, 4, representFloatAsInt(x), false) --X
            writeMemory(posPtr + 4, 4, representFloatAsInt(y), false) --Y
            writeMemory(posPtr + 8, 4, representFloatAsInt(z), false) --Z
-- End Teleport code

--------------------------- ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS ---------------------------

function SearchMarker(posX, posY, posZ, radius, isRace)
    local ret_posX = 0.0
    local ret_posY = 0.0
    local ret_posZ = 0.0
    local isFind = false

    for id = 0, 31 do
        local MarkerStruct = 0
        if isRace then MarkerStruct = 0xC7F168 + id * 56
        else MarkerStruct = 0xC7DD88 + id * 160 end
        local MarkerPosX = representIntAsFloat(readMemory(MarkerStruct + 0, 4, false))
        local MarkerPosY = representIntAsFloat(readMemory(MarkerStruct + 4, 4, false))
        local MarkerPosZ = representIntAsFloat(readMemory(MarkerStruct + 8, 4, false))

        if MarkerPosX ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosY ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosZ ~= 0.0 then
            if getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ) < radius then
                ret_posX = MarkerPosX
                ret_posY = MarkerPosY
                ret_posZ = MarkerPosZ
                isFind = true
                radius = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ)

    return isFind, ret_posX, ret_posY, ret_posZ

Cупир пупир крутые скриптеры, прошу помогите


Говорю сам скрипт загружается!!!!. Но не работает вот из-за этой хуйни
Это конечно очень хорошо, что он загружается, но текст ошибки бьять можно?
Либо сразу лог мунлоадера


Автор темы
Скинь просто лог мунлоадера
[16:08:43.475114] (system)    Session started.
[16:08:43.475114] (debug)    Module handle: 6D200000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[16:08:43.475114] (info)    Working directory: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader
[16:08:43.475114] (debug)    FP Control: 0009001F
[16:08:43.475114] (debug)    Game: GTA SA US
[16:08:43.475114] (system)    Installing pre-game hooks...
[16:08:43.475114] (system)    Hooks installed.
[16:08:46.262579] (debug)    Initializing opcode handler table
[16:08:46.262579] (debug)    package.path = C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\?.lua;C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\?.luac;C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[16:08:46.262579] (debug)    package.cpath = C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[16:08:46.393586] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\aim.lua'...
[16:08:46.393586] (debug)    New script: 0649028C
[16:08:46.441589] (system)    aim.lua: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.441589] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\AutoPilot by Scar v5.2 [NEW].lua'...
[16:08:46.441589] (debug)    New script: 06490414
[16:08:46.450590] (error)    AutoPilot by Scar v5.2 [NEW].lua: ...meCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\AutoPilot by Scar v5.2 [NEW].lua:3: module 'mimgui' not found:
    no field package.preload['mimgui']
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\mimgui.lua'
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\mimgui\init.lua'
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\mimgui.lua'
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\mimgui\init.lua'
    no file '.\mimgui.lua'
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\mimgui.luac'
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\mimgui\init.luac'
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\mimgui.luac'
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\mimgui\init.luac'
    no file '.\mimgui.luac'
    no file 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\mimgui.dll'
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'require'
    ...meCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\AutoPilot by Scar v5.2 [NEW].lua:3: in main chunk
[16:08:46.450590] (error)    AutoPilot by Scar v5.2 [NEW].lua: Script died due to an error. (06490414)
[16:08:46.451590] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[16:08:46.452590] (debug)    New script: 06490414
[16:08:46.455590] (system)    ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.456590] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua'...
[16:08:46.456590] (debug)    New script: 0649059C
[16:08:46.565596] (system)    Bot by Kalgan: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.565596] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot dlya Vas.lua'...
[16:08:46.565596] (debug)    New script: 06490724
[16:08:46.576597] (system)    Bot dlya Vas: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.576597] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\BOT MAIN (1).luac'...
[16:08:46.576597] (debug)    New script: 064908AC
[16:08:46.605598] (system)    BOT MAIN BY BONDY: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.606598] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\BOT MAIN.luac'...
[16:08:46.606598] (debug)    New script: 06490A34
[16:08:46.639600] (system)    BOT MAIN BY BONDY: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.639600] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\camhack.lua'...
[16:08:46.639600] (debug)    New script: 06490BBC
[16:08:46.667602] (system)    CamHack: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.667602] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[16:08:46.667602] (debug)    New script: 06490D44
[16:08:46.678603] (system)    Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.678603] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua'...
[16:08:46.678603] (debug)    New script: 06490ECC
[16:08:46.684603] (system)    CheckOnline: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.685603] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\cwh.lua'...
[16:08:46.685603] (debug)    New script: 06491054
[16:08:46.734606] (system)    DRWH: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.735606] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\dialogs.lua'...
[16:08:46.735606] (debug)    New script: 064911DC
[16:08:46.739606] (system)    dialogs.lua: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.739606] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\new 1.lua'...
[16:08:46.739606] (debug)    New script: 06491364
[16:08:46.740606] (error)    new 1.lua: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\new 1.lua:14: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 7) near '<eof>'
[16:08:46.740606] (error)    new 1.lua: Script died due to an error. (06491364)
[16:08:46.740606] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[16:08:46.740606] (debug)    New script: 06491364
[16:08:46.747607] (system)    ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.747607] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\renderobjects.lua'...
[16:08:46.747607] (debug)    New script: 064914EC
[16:08:46.918616] (system)    renderobjects.lua: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.918616] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\routes_recorder.lua'...
[16:08:46.919616] (debug)    New script: 06491674
[16:08:46.952618] (system)    routes recorder: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.952618] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[16:08:46.952618] (debug)    New script: 064917FC
[16:08:46.963619] (system)    SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:46.963619] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\SilentAim.luac'...
[16:08:46.963619] (debug)    New script: 06491984
[16:08:47.032623] (system)    SilentAim: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.032623] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\tpm.v3.lua'...
[16:08:47.033623] (debug)    New script: 06491B0C
[16:08:47.062625] (system)    CoordMaster.v2: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.062625] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Воспроизвести маршрут.lua'...
[16:08:47.063625] (debug)    New script: 06491C94
[16:08:47.072625] (system)    readcodinat: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.073625] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Для шахты.lua'...
[16:08:47.073625] (debug)    New script: 0A5D21B4
[16:08:47.083626] (system)    Для шахты: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.083626] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Для шахты2.lua'...
[16:08:47.083626] (debug)    New script: 0A5D233C
[16:08:47.093626] (system)    Для шахты2: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.093626] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Для шахты3.lua'...
[16:08:47.093626] (debug)    New script: 0A5D24C4
[16:08:47.103627] (system)    Для шахты3: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.103627] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\новый 1.lua'...
[16:08:47.103627] (debug)    New script: 0A5D264C
[16:08:47.141629] (error)    новый 1.lua: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\новый 1.lua:110: ')' expected near '2'
[16:08:47.141629] (error)    новый 1.lua: Script died due to an error. (0A5D264C)
[16:08:47.141629] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\новый 111111.lua'...
[16:08:47.142629] (debug)    New script: 0A5D264C
[16:08:47.175631] (error)    новый 111111.lua: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\новый 111111.lua:110: ')' expected near '2'
[16:08:47.175631] (error)    новый 111111.lua: Script died due to an error. (0A5D264C)
[16:08:47.175631] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Новый бот.lua'...
[16:08:47.175631] (debug)    New script: 0A5D264C
[16:08:47.185632] (system)    Новый бот: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.186632] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Новый текстовый документ.lua'...
[16:08:47.186632] (debug)    New script: 0A5D27D4
[16:08:47.209633] (system)    Новый текстовый документ.lua: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.212633] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Тестовые Скрипты.lua'...
[16:08:47.212633] (debug)    New script: 0A5D295C
[16:08:47.237635] (system)    Тестовые Скрипты.lua: Loaded successfully.
[16:08:47.237635] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Шахта Бот.lua'...
[16:08:47.238635] (debug)    New script: 0A5D2AE4
[16:08:47.248635] (error)    Шахта Бот.lua: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Шахта Бот.lua:110: ')' expected near '2'
[16:08:47.249635] (error)    Шахта Бот.lua: Script died due to an error. (0A5D2AE4)
[16:08:47.249635] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Шахта Ботт.lua'...
[16:08:47.249635] (debug)    New script: 0A5D2AE4
[16:08:47.283637] (error)    Шахта Ботт.lua: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Шахта Ботт.lua:110: ')' expected near '2'
[16:08:47.283637] (error)    Шахта Ботт.lua: Script died due to an error. (0A5D2AE4)
[16:08:47.284637] (system)    Loading script 'C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Шахта Боттт.lua'...
[16:08:47.284637] (debug)    New script: 0A5D2AE4
[16:08:47.294638] (error)    Шахта Боттт.lua: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Шахта Боттт.lua:110: ')' expected near '2'
[16:08:47.294638] (error)    Шахта Боттт.lua: Script died due to an error. (0A5D2AE4)
[16:09:05.474678] (system)    Installing post-load hooks...
[16:09:05.475678] (system)    Hooks installed.
[16:09:38.172548] (error)    CheckOnline: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua:108: Server not found.
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'assert'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua:108: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\CheckOnline.lua:104>
[16:09:38.172548] (error)    CheckOnline: Script died due to an error. (06490ECC)
[16:09:38.248552] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.250552] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.251552] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.252552] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.253553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.257553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.258553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.259553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.260553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.262553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.263553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.267553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.268553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.269553] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.270554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.270554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.272554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.273554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.276554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.277554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.279554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.280554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.281554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.282554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.283554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.287554] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.288555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.289555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.290555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.291555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.291555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.293555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.296555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.298555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.299555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.300555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.300555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.301555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.302555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.303555] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.307556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.308556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.309556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.310556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.311556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.312556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.313556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.317556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.318556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.319556] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: attempt to compare number with nil
stack traceback:
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\Bot by Kalgan.lua:123: in function 'callback'
    C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:79: in function <C:\GameCS\GTA LOW\moonloader\lib\samp\events\core.lua:53>
[16:09:38.402561] (error)    Bot by Kalgan: Script died due to an error. (0649059C)
[16:10:11.243439] (system)    Unloading...
[16:10:11.243439] (system)    aim.lua: Script terminated. (0649028C)
[16:10:11.245440] (system)    ML-AutoReboot: Script terminated. (06490414)
[16:10:11.249440] (system)    Bot dlya Vas: Script terminated. (06490724)
[16:10:11.251440] (system)    BOT MAIN BY BONDY: Script terminated. (064908AC)
[16:10:11.253440] (system)    BOT MAIN BY BONDY: Script terminated. (06490A34)
[16:10:11.254440] (system)    CamHack: Script terminated. (06490BBC)
[16:10:11.256440] (system)    Check MoonLoader Updates: Script terminated. (06490D44)
[16:10:11.260440] (system)    DRWH: Script terminated. (06491054)
[16:10:11.261440] (system)    dialogs.lua: Script terminated. (064911DC)
[16:10:11.262441] (system)    ML-ReloadAll: Script terminated. (06491364)
[16:10:11.263441] (system)    renderobjects.lua: Script terminated. (064914EC)
[16:10:11.266441] (system)    routes recorder: Script terminated. (06491674)
[16:10:11.271441] (system)    SF Integration: Script terminated. (064917FC)
[16:10:11.272441] (system)    SilentAim: Script terminated. (06491984)
[16:10:11.275441] (system)    CoordMaster.v2: Script terminated. (06491B0C)
[16:10:11.277441] (system)    readcodinat: Script terminated. (06491C94)
[16:10:11.281442] (system)    Для шахты: Script terminated. (0A5D21B4)
[16:10:11.282442] (system)    Для шахты2: Script terminated. (0A5D233C)
[16:10:11.283442] (system)    Для шахты3: Script terminated. (0A5D24C4)
[16:10:11.284442] (system)    Новый бот: Script terminated. (0A5D264C)
[16:10:11.285442] (system)    Новый текстовый документ.lua: Script terminated. (0A5D27D4)
[16:10:11.286442] (system)    Тестовые Скрипты.lua: Script terminated. (0A5D295C)
[16:10:11.335445] (system)    Session terminated.

Скинь просто лог мунлоадера
Кинул лог. И?
Последнее редактирование:


Автор темы
script_name("Bot by Kalgan")
script_description("Шахта бот, использовать на свой риск")


require "lib.moonloader"

local sampev = require 'samp.events'

function main()
    if not isSampfuncsLoaded() or not isSampLoaded() then return end
    sampRegisterChatCommand("botstart", cmd_bot)

    local saveX = {}
    local saveY = {}
    local saveZ = {}
    while true do
        if isPlayerPlaying(playerHandle) and enabled then
            local posX, posY, posZ = GetCoordinates()
            local mfind, mposX, mposY, mposZ = SearchMarker(posX, posY, posZ, 146.260864, false)
            if mfind then BeginToPoint(mposX, mposY, mposZ, 1.000000, -255, false) end
            BeginToPoint(-1901.540039, 1247.989990, 1216.239990, 1.000000, -255, false)
            BeginToPoint(-1931.349976, 1249.260010, 1216.089966, 1.000000, -255, false)
            BeginToPoint(-1975.000000, 1249.430054, 1216.619995, 1.000000, -255, false)
            local posX, posY, posZ = GetCoordinates()
            local mfind, mposX, mposY, mposZ = SearchMarker(posX, posY, posZ, 146.260864, false)
            if mfind then BeginToPoint(mposX, mposY, mposZ, 1.000000, -255, false) end
            BeginToPoint(-1973.560059, 1249.170044, 1216.369995, 1.000000, -255, false)
            BeginToPoint(-1973.560059, 1249.170044, 1216.369995, 1.000000, -255, false)
            BeginToPoint(-1904.640015, 1249.530029, 1216.989990, 1.000000, -255, false)

--------------------------- STANDART FUNCTIONS ---------------------------
function runToPoint(tox, toy, sprint)
local x, y, z = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)
local angle = getHeadingFromVector2d(tox - x, toy - y)
setCameraPositionUnfixed(0, math.rad(angle - 90))
stopRun = false
while getDistanceBetweenCoords2d(x, y, tox, toy) > 0.5 do
setGameKeyState(1, -255)
if sprint then
setGameKeyState(16, 255)
x, y, z = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)
angle = getHeadingFromVector2d(tox - x, toy - y)
setCameraPositionUnfixed(0, math.rad(angle - 90))
if stopRun then

function sampev.onServerMessage(color, text)
if text:find('У вас сломалась кирка! Для продолжени¤ работы необходимо купить новую!') then
 if isPlayerPlaying(playerHandle) and enabled then

runToPoint(-1913.109985, 1249.430054, 1216.719971, 1.000000, -255, false)
local posX, posY, posZ = GetCoordinates()
local mfind, mposX, mposY, mposZ = SearchMarker(posX, posY, posZ, 16.391304, false)
if mfind then runToPoint(mposX, mposY, mposZ, 1.000000, -255, false) end
enabled = false
if MarkerPosX ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosY ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosZ ~= 0.0 then
            if getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ) < radius then
                ret_posX = MarkerPosX
                ret_posY = MarkerPosY
                ret_posZ = MarkerPosZ
                isFind = true
                radius = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ)
sampSendDialogResponse(9440, 1, 1, "Улица")
if isPlayerPlaying(playerHandle) and enabled then
runToPoint(-1879.069946, -1642.060059, 21.770000, 1.000000, -255, false)
            enabled = false    
if MarkerPosX ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosY ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosZ ~= 0.0 then
            if getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ) < radius then
                ret_posX = MarkerPosX
                ret_posY = MarkerPosY
                ret_posZ = MarkerPosZ     
                isFind = true
                radius = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ)

sampSendDialogResponse(9441, 1, 2, "Кирка 2 уроверь")    
if isPlayerPlaying(playerHandle) and enabled then
runToPoint(-1879.069946, -1642.060059, 21.770000, 1.000000, -255, false)
            enabled = false                    

if MarkerPosX ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosY ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosZ ~= 0.0 then
            if getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ) < radius then
                ret_posX = MarkerPosX
                ret_posY = MarkerPosY
                ret_posZ = MarkerPosZ
                isFind = true
                radius = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ)
sampSendDialogResponse(9440, 1, 4, "3 этаж (Серебро)")    

function MovePlayer(move_code, isSprint)
    setGameKeyState(1, move_code)
    --[[255 - обычный бег назад
       -255 - обычный бег вперед
      65535 - идти шагом вперед
     -65535 - идти шагом назад]]
    if isSprint then setGameKeyState(16, 255) end

function SetAngle(x, y, z)
    local posX, posY, posZ = GetCoordinates()
    local pX = x - posX
    local pY = y - posY
    local zAngle = getHeadingFromVector2d(pX, pY)

    if isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) then
        local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed)
        setCarHeading(car, zAngle)
        setCharHeading(playerPed, zAngle)


function GetCoordinates()
    if isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) then
        local car = storeCarCharIsInNoSave(playerPed)
        return getCarCoordinates(car)
        return getCharCoordinates(playerPed)

function cmd_bot(param)
    enabled = not enabled
    if enabled then
        sampAddChatMessage(string.format("[%s]: Активирован", thisScript().name), 0x40FF40)
        sampAddChatMessage(string.format("[%s]: Деактивирован", thisScript().name), 0xFF4040)

-- Teleport from ClickWarp (by FYP)
function teleportPlayer(x, y, z)
    if isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) then
        setCharCoordinates(playerPed, x, y, z)
    setCharCoordinatesDontResetAnim(playerPed, x, y, z)

function setCharCoordinatesDontResetAnim(char, x, y, z)
    if doesCharExist(char) then
        local ptr = getCharPointer(char)
        setEntityCoordinates(ptr, x, y, z)

function setEntityCoordinates(entityPtr, x, y, z)
    if entityPtr ~= 0 then
        local matrixPtr = readMemory(entityPtr + 0x14, 4, false)
        if matrixPtr ~= 0 then
            local posPtr = matrixPtr + 0x30
            writeMemory(posPtr + 0, 4, representFloatAsInt(x), false) --X
            writeMemory(posPtr + 4, 4, representFloatAsInt(y), false) --Y
            writeMemory(posPtr + 8, 4, representFloatAsInt(z), false) --Z
-- End Teleport code

--------------------------- ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS ---------------------------

function SearchMarker(posX, posY, posZ, radius, isRace)
    local ret_posX = 0.0
    local ret_posY = 0.0
    local ret_posZ = 0.0
    local isFind = false

    for id = 0, 31 do
        local MarkerStruct = 0
        if isRace then MarkerStruct = 0xC7F168 + id * 56
        else MarkerStruct = 0xC7DD88 + id * 160 end
        local MarkerPosX = representIntAsFloat(readMemory(MarkerStruct + 0, 4, false))
        local MarkerPosY = representIntAsFloat(readMemory(MarkerStruct + 4, 4, false))
        local MarkerPosZ = representIntAsFloat(readMemory(MarkerStruct + 8, 4, false))

        if MarkerPosX ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosY ~= 0.0 or MarkerPosZ ~= 0.0 then
            if getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ) < radius then
                ret_posX = MarkerPosX
                ret_posY = MarkerPosY
                ret_posZ = MarkerPosZ
                isFind = true
                radius = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(MarkerPosX, MarkerPosY, MarkerPosZ, posX, posY, posZ)

    return isFind, ret_posX, ret_posY, ret_posZ