
  • Автор темы deleted-user-432993
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Вообщем вдруг moonloader стал выдавать ошибку что он не знает банальных функций, хотя час назад все было нормально, что случилось?
Библиотеки переустанавливал, мун тоже переустанавливал. В чём причина? скриптов не качал последние 2 недели

[19:04:49.859633] (system)    Session started.
[19:04:49.859633] (debug)    Module handle: 52C30000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[19:04:49.859633] (info)    Working directory: C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[19:04:49.859633] (debug)    FP Control: 0109001F
[19:04:49.859633] (debug)    Game: GTA SA US
[19:04:49.859633] (system)    Installing pre-game hooks...
[19:04:49.861621] (system)    Hooks installed.
[19:04:51.382657] (debug)    Initializing opcode handler table
[19:04:51.382657] (debug)    package.path = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[19:04:51.382657] (debug)    package.cpath = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[19:04:51.384652] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoLANG.lua'...
[19:04:51.384652] (debug)    New script: 07E79714
[19:04:51.402604] (system)    AutoLANG.lua: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.402604] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[19:04:51.402604] (debug)    New script: 07E79A24
[19:04:51.403601] (system)    ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.404598] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ChatHelper.lua'...
[19:04:51.404598] (debug)    New script: 07E79D34
[19:04:51.405597] (system)    ChatHelper: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.405597] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[19:04:51.405597] (debug)    New script: 07E784B4
[19:04:51.407592] (system)    Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.407592] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FPhone.luac'...
[19:04:51.407592] (debug)    New script: 07E7863C
[19:04:51.413575] (system)    Fast Phone: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.413575] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\multiconnect.luac'...
[19:04:51.413575] (debug)    New script: 07E787C4
[19:04:51.565169] (system)    multiconnect.luac: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.565169] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[19:04:51.565169] (debug)    New script: 07E7894C
[19:04:51.566166] (system)    ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.566166] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\resetRemove.lua'...
[19:04:51.566166] (debug)    New script: 08D717CC
[19:04:51.569158] (system)    resetRemove.lua: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.569158] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\rp_doc.lua'...
[19:04:51.569158] (debug)    New script: 08D72594
[19:04:51.571153] (system)    RP Document: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.571153] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\samp++v2.1.lua'...
[19:04:51.571153] (debug)    New script: 08D7271C
[19:04:51.578134] (system)    samp++v2.1.lua: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.578134] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Scoreboard [ver1.7].lua'...
[19:04:51.578134] (debug)    New script: 08D728A4
[19:04:51.589137] (system)    ImGui Scoreboard: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.589137] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[19:04:51.589137] (debug)    New script: 08D71ADC
[19:04:51.591131] (system)    SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.591131] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\snailmatic.luac'...
[19:04:51.591131] (debug)    New script: 08D7304C
[19:04:51.602102] (script)    SnailMatic: [mimgui] Warning! Overwriting existing key "Text"!
[19:04:51.609052] (system)    SnailMatic: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.609052] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\spawnFix.lua'...
[19:04:51.609052] (debug)    New script: 08D72A2C
[19:04:51.610050] (system)    spawnFix: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.610050] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Universal Logo Changer v2.1.lua'...
[19:04:51.610050] (debug)    New script: 08D72284
[19:04:51.617031] (system)    Universal Logo Changer v2.1.lua: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:52.810972] (system)    Installing post-load hooks...
[19:04:52.810972] (system)    Hooks installed.
[19:04:52.811969] (error)    AutoLANG.lua: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoLANG.lua:779: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoLANG.lua:736>
[19:04:52.811969] (error)    AutoLANG.lua: Script died due to an error. (07E79714)
[19:04:52.812967] (error)    multiconnect.luac: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\multiconnect.luac: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\multiconnect.luac:0>
[19:04:52.812967] (error)    multiconnect.luac: Script died due to an error. (07E787C4)
[19:04:52.815959] (error)    RP Document: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\rp_doc.lua:35: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\rp_doc.lua:31>
[19:04:52.815959] (error)    RP Document: Script died due to an error. (08D72594)
[19:04:52.816987] (system)    spawnFix: Script terminated. (08D72A2C)
[19:04:52.943622] (error)    Fast Phone: opcode '0B2B' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FPhone.luac: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FPhone.luac:0>
[19:04:52.943622] (error)    Fast Phone: Script died due to an error. (07E7863C)
[19:04:52.944615] (error)    samp++v2.1.lua: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\samp++v2.1.lua:98: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\samp++v2.1.lua:96>
[19:04:52.945613] (error)    samp++v2.1.lua: Script died due to an error. (08D7271C)


Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Вообщем вдруг moonloader стал выдавать ошибку что он не знает банальных функций, хотя час назад все было нормально, что случилось?
Библиотеки переустанавливал, мун тоже переустанавливал. В чём причина? скриптов не качал последние 2 недели

[19:04:49.859633] (system)    Session started.
[19:04:49.859633] (debug)    Module handle: 52C30000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[19:04:49.859633] (info)    Working directory: C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[19:04:49.859633] (debug)    FP Control: 0109001F
[19:04:49.859633] (debug)    Game: GTA SA US
[19:04:49.859633] (system)    Installing pre-game hooks...
[19:04:49.861621] (system)    Hooks installed.
[19:04:51.382657] (debug)    Initializing opcode handler table
[19:04:51.382657] (debug)    package.path = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[19:04:51.382657] (debug)    package.cpath = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[19:04:51.384652] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoLANG.lua'...
[19:04:51.384652] (debug)    New script: 07E79714
[19:04:51.402604] (system)    AutoLANG.lua: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.402604] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[19:04:51.402604] (debug)    New script: 07E79A24
[19:04:51.403601] (system)    ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.404598] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ChatHelper.lua'...
[19:04:51.404598] (debug)    New script: 07E79D34
[19:04:51.405597] (system)    ChatHelper: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.405597] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[19:04:51.405597] (debug)    New script: 07E784B4
[19:04:51.407592] (system)    Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.407592] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FPhone.luac'...
[19:04:51.407592] (debug)    New script: 07E7863C
[19:04:51.413575] (system)    Fast Phone: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.413575] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\multiconnect.luac'...
[19:04:51.413575] (debug)    New script: 07E787C4
[19:04:51.565169] (system)    multiconnect.luac: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.565169] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[19:04:51.565169] (debug)    New script: 07E7894C
[19:04:51.566166] (system)    ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.566166] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\resetRemove.lua'...
[19:04:51.566166] (debug)    New script: 08D717CC
[19:04:51.569158] (system)    resetRemove.lua: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.569158] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\rp_doc.lua'...
[19:04:51.569158] (debug)    New script: 08D72594
[19:04:51.571153] (system)    RP Document: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.571153] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\samp++v2.1.lua'...
[19:04:51.571153] (debug)    New script: 08D7271C
[19:04:51.578134] (system)    samp++v2.1.lua: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.578134] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Scoreboard [ver1.7].lua'...
[19:04:51.578134] (debug)    New script: 08D728A4
[19:04:51.589137] (system)    ImGui Scoreboard: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.589137] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[19:04:51.589137] (debug)    New script: 08D71ADC
[19:04:51.591131] (system)    SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.591131] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\snailmatic.luac'...
[19:04:51.591131] (debug)    New script: 08D7304C
[19:04:51.602102] (script)    SnailMatic: [mimgui] Warning! Overwriting existing key "Text"!
[19:04:51.609052] (system)    SnailMatic: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.609052] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\spawnFix.lua'...
[19:04:51.609052] (debug)    New script: 08D72A2C
[19:04:51.610050] (system)    spawnFix: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:51.610050] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Universal Logo Changer v2.1.lua'...
[19:04:51.610050] (debug)    New script: 08D72284
[19:04:51.617031] (system)    Universal Logo Changer v2.1.lua: Loaded successfully.
[19:04:52.810972] (system)    Installing post-load hooks...
[19:04:52.810972] (system)    Hooks installed.
[19:04:52.811969] (error)    AutoLANG.lua: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoLANG.lua:779: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoLANG.lua:736>
[19:04:52.811969] (error)    AutoLANG.lua: Script died due to an error. (07E79714)
[19:04:52.812967] (error)    multiconnect.luac: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\multiconnect.luac: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\multiconnect.luac:0>
[19:04:52.812967] (error)    multiconnect.luac: Script died due to an error. (07E787C4)
[19:04:52.815959] (error)    RP Document: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\rp_doc.lua:35: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\rp_doc.lua:31>
[19:04:52.815959] (error)    RP Document: Script died due to an error. (08D72594)
[19:04:52.816987] (system)    spawnFix: Script terminated. (08D72A2C)
[19:04:52.943622] (error)    Fast Phone: opcode '0B2B' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FPhone.luac: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FPhone.luac:0>
[19:04:52.943622] (error)    Fast Phone: Script died due to an error. (07E7863C)
[19:04:52.944615] (error)    samp++v2.1.lua: opcode '0AF8' call caused an unhandled exception
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'sampAddChatMessage'
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\samp++v2.1.lua:98: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\samp++v2.1.lua:96>
[19:04:52.945613] (error)    samp++v2.1.lua: Script died due to an error. (08D7271C)
gta_sa.set удалял?

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