x86 библиотека для хуков с полной поддержкой функторов, лямбд с захватами и прочих
Примеры кода:
int CFASTCALL func1(float a, float b) {
print_info(a, b);
a = 50; b = 100;
return 5;
int main() {
// func_ptr is pointer to function
auto func_ptr = &func1;
// func_type is int(CFASTCALL*)(float, float)
using func_type = decltype(&func1);
// Creating simple hook object with function type is template parameter and function pointer in constructor
kthook::kthook_signal<func_type> hook{ func_ptr };
// Connecting lambda callback that receiving function arguments by references
hook.before += [](const auto& hook, float& a, float& b) {
print_info(a, b);
return true;
[operator () at 31]: a = 30; b = 20
[func1 at 16 ]: a = 30; b = 20
func1(30.f, 20.f);
int main() {
auto func_ptr = &func1;
using func_type = decltype(&func1);
kthook::kthook_simple_t<func_type> hook{ func_ptr };
hook.before.connect([](const auto& hook, float& a, float& b) {
print_info(a, b);
// changing arguments
a = 50.f, b = 30.f;
return true;
// connect after callback
hook.after.connect([](const auto& hook, int& return_value, float& a, float& b) {
print_info(a, b);
// changing return_value
return_value = 20;
return true;
[operator () at 31]: a = 30; b = 20
[func1 at 16 ]: a = 50; b = 30
[operator () at 34]: a = 50; b = 30
[operator () at 34]: return_value = 5;
[main at 20]: return_value = 20;
auto ret_val = func1(30.f, 20.f);
Остальные примеры можно найти на гитхабе
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