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    Lua хороним самп (могилки)

    SICKEST LUA EVER 2025! THANK YOU what if, when the player dies, the grave automatically appears? without typing /bbid player id/name
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    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    local sampev = require 'lib.samp.events' require 'lib.moonloader' local act = false function main() while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end sampRegisterChatCommand('vaz', function() act = not act sampAddChatMessage(act and '{e53939}RLS.LT AUTO VAZIUOJU...
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    ASI NoCamRestore (Horizontal/Vertical)

    explain in more detail what it does? or make a video about it
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    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    script_name("drawClickableText") script_description("example of using drawClickableText function with mechanic feature") script_version_number(1) script_version("v.001") script_authors("hnnssy") local ffi = require "ffi" local getBonePosition = ffi.cast("int (__thiscall*)(void*, float*, int...
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    SA:MP Single ASI PickupGroundLight | Свечение под пикапами

    сделать управление FPS CONTROL от BLACK JESUS, но на ВСЕХ ВЕРСИЯХ
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    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    How can I add to the list so that I can give the specified amount to a player, from 50 to 100 bullets? For example, if I have a Desert Eagle in my hand, I'll give the Desert Eagle, and if I have a rifle, I'll give a rifle. But how can I implement a feature where pressing a specific mouse button...
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    UltraWH R5 version SA:MP

    Hello, does anyone have UltraWH for R5 SA:MPversion? Without NAMETAG only BONES
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    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    How i can fix that? [14:03:02.343318] (error) krd.lua: C:\Users\User\Desktop\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\krd.lua:8: attempt to call global 'sampRegisterChatCommand' (a nil value) stack traceback: C:\Users\User\Desktop\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\krd.lua: in function...
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    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    I fixed that before now i'm getting another error attempt to call global 'sampSendChatMessage' (a nil value) sampSendChat doesn't work same error local key = require 'vkeys' function main() lua_thread.create(function() while true do wait(100) if...
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    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    local key = require 'vkeys' function main() lua_thread.create(function() while true do wait(100) if isControlPressed(key.VK_Z) then sampSendChat('/mechanikas') repeat wait(0)...
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    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    pcall(require, 'sflua') function main() repeat wait(3000) until isSampLoaded() while true do wait(3000) local vehicle = getCarCharIsUsing(PLAYER_PED) if vehicle and doesVehicleExist(vehicle) then local health = getCarHealth(vehicle)...
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    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    how could I make a script so that the police officer would send me a fine and I would automatically accept it? pcall(require, 'sflua') function isFinePaymentRequestDisplayed() for i = 0, sampGetChatStringLength() - 1 do local chatText = sampGetChatString(i) if...
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    C# Исходник Софт Youtube Extractor

    For some reason's the app doesnt open
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    Как поднять FPS Arizona RP

    вы можете сделать это с помощью geforce experience lock FPS