Lua Gmcar and flip


Автор темы
Версия SA-MP
  1. 0.3.7 (R1)
  2. 0.3DL
Godmode for all vehicles

It is a simple script that gives immunity damaged for all vehicles. Activation via the command /gmcar.
The script does not repair the car body, but only sets the health of the car, which makes it more difficult to detect. Script Also repairs tires if damaged and gives immunity to fire, explosions and shots, Under the delete button, you can restore the car to the wheels.
You can activate the script while you are on your feet or in a vehicle.

Это простой скрипт, который дает устойчивость к повреждениям всем транспортным средствам. Активация через команду /gmcar.
Скрипт не ремонтирует кузов автомобиля, а только устанавливает исправность автомобиля, что затрудняет его обнаружение. Скрипт Также ремонтирует шины в случае повреждения и дает невосприимчивость к огню, взрывам и выстрелам, Под кнопкой удаления вы можете вернуть машину на колеса.
Вы можете активировать скрипт как на ногах, так и в автомобиле.

0.3dl requires a samp api

Script update, I fixed bugs in the code, previously the script required a reload in the game by posting a message in the chat before checking for samp availability, and it might not heal planes / helicopters due to a script error. From now on, the script has its own config, thanks to which you can easily adapt it to a given server.
for 0.3dl, no new version available so far
flyproof=true --if false disables the granting of immunity for fly vehicles
fproofmelee=false --damage white weapon / fist damage
fproofstrokes=true --if false the plane explodes on impact
carproof=true --if false disables the granting of immunity for other vehicles
proofstrokes=false --damage from hitting something
proofmelee=false --damage white weapon / fist damage
fixbodycar=false --if true repair your vehicle like payn spray (often detectable)
fixtire=false --if true repair your tires (often detectable)
starthealcar=900 --the life value from which the vehicle is to be treated
sethealcar=900 --life value to be set during treatment


  • gmcar 0.3dl.lua
    1.6 KB · Просмотры: 301
  • gmcar and flip.rar
    1.3 KB · Просмотры: 344
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