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Dante Tello is a Brasilian.He was born in Araguaina. In childhood he lived with his Mother,Father and grandmother. In 7 years his grandmother died. Then after 12 years he finished studies and then go to learn in Police Academy.His parents was a doctors and they want to his son be a doctor too. To help peoples save their lives and more. But Dante like detectives and policemans from childhood that make their pasion about police. After police academy he go to work in Brasilian Police Departmnent.
He work so clear and professional than all office like him. In short time hi make a good grade, the chef so admired him that he sent Dante to work in Los Santos Police Department,that was not problems chef said that he sent to him the best police officer to work. When Dante came to Los Santos his airplane crashed in to sea near from beach, he stay lived but the face was burned. The doctor could saved his live, but burned face impossible was to restore so the doctors change their face.
When Dante came do LSPD to work they didn't take him to work because they were sure that he is not Dante because they had a photo with him. Dante tried to explain that he is Dante but no results he was forced to start new life because all of their documents were burned,crashed.

i was playing on Romania RolePlay there are a registration sistem like here but little players. I was on this server Level 2 and had added a lot of information about roleplaying proces. My IG name was Dante_Tello.
Other RP server was Advance RP. IG name is like on Romania RolePlay.
Some Rp servers with similar names on Romania RolePlay are: Average RP, Arizona RP, Samp RP, Adrenailne RP and Capital RP.
this is all servers were i played.

P.S. In this question i don't plagiate it is real servers and names from this servers were i have played

ROB,SCAMMING<RAPE: Scamming is allowed from 5 lvl or higher,you can scamm 50.000$.You are not allowed to kill people after scamming.
Robbing is when you take someone's posesion with force.
Scamming when you please a person to make something/sell something for you but you don't pay after he/she made it for you.
Robbing is allowed from 5 lvl or higher, you can rob 500$ no more. You are not allowed to kill the person while/after who you robbed or scammed. You can scamm,robb how much drugs/weapons/cargo you want/can. You can't scamm/rob the houses/proprities/bussiness.
You can get jail from an admin depend of the cause of case.
you can't rob 2 or more people in 2 hours, after you robbed you need to wait 2 hours then you can robb again. If someone robbed you or scammed you can rob again your things fron the robber/scammer. Legal bussiness or betting shops can't scamm you. Maximum bett is 1.000.000$ and you need to roleplay it(need to be roleplayed).
The person who robbed you or scammed get banned you things gone with him and admin doesn't return them back. Admin doesn't return your things if you give it to somebody and he doesn't return it back.
Rules to robb a bank:
Need to be 30 ore more PD/SD members online and on duty.
There is no roof entrance in Los Santos bank.
You need to give information about the heist before you start to robb.

You can't comite robb/scamm in populated places or forward the police department. The places were you don't can robb/scamm are:
City Hall
Police Station
Hospitals High School
Vehicle dealership
Ocean Docs.
If you run to kill someone and he run in one of this places you can't go to him and kill.

metagaming - in prescurtation MG is using ooc (out of character) info in ic(in character) or confusing ooc chat with ic. For example one player said you in ic chat that your health is low and you need to go to the hospital, this is metagaming beacause he may not now your health, or other example is that one player are call you by your name , wen you didn't say him your name.
powergaming - in prescurtation PG.powergaming is then a player are making things that in real life is impossible for a human to make it, or a player are fighting with some players, then in real life he afraid or is impossible. For example /me try to jump from building then try to land in to legs to live, this is not possible i think in real life.

P.S.3. There i writing what i know about this MG and PG , if you think that is plagiarisme please say on what questions you think i had plagiaristed. This is very important for me to make my charachter good and easier.
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