Проблема с moonloader


Автор темы
Вот лог
[01:02:13.030490] (info)    Working directory: C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[01:02:13.030490] (debug)    FP Control: 0009001F
[01:02:13.030490] (debug)    Game: GTA SA US
[01:02:13.030490] (system)    Installing pre-game hooks...
[01:02:13.031490] (system)    Hooks installed.
[01:02:19.161546] (debug)    Initializing opcode handler table
[01:02:19.161546] (debug)    package.path = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[01:02:19.161546] (debug)    package.cpath = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[01:02:19.161546] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AdminChecker by Kalashnikov.lua'...
[01:02:19.161546] (debug)    New script: 0B01B7DC
[01:02:19.933864] (debug)    Add thread 01B97CFD to SCM-thread queue
[01:02:19.982856] (system)    AdminChecker by Kalashnikov.lua: Script terminated. (0B01B7DC)
[01:02:19.984855] (error)    ...A San Andreas\moonloader\AdminChecker by Kalashnikov.lua:8: attempt to index global 'f' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    ...A San Andreas\moonloader\AdminChecker by Kalashnikov.lua:8: in main chunk
[01:02:19.984855] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Anti-Cop.luac'...
[01:02:19.984855] (debug)    New script: 0B01BE7C
[01:02:19.985855] (system)    Anti-Cop.luac: Script terminated. (0B01BE7C)
[01:02:19.985855] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Anti-Cop.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:19.985855] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Checker.luac'...
[01:02:19.985855] (debug)    New script: 0B01CD64
[01:02:19.986856] (system)    Checker.luac: Script terminated. (0B01CD64)
[01:02:19.986856] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Checker.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:19.986856] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\crc-checks.lua'...
[01:02:19.987855] (debug)    New script: 0B01B7DC
[01:02:20.018851] (system)    crc-checks.lua: Loaded successfully.
[01:02:20.018851] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FarmBot-vk-lcrackteam.luac'...
[01:02:20.019850] (debug)    New script: 0B01D25C
[01:02:20.138832] (system)    FarmBot-vk-lcrackteam.luac: Script terminated. (0B01D25C)
[01:02:20.138832] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FarmBot-vk-lcrackteam.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:20.138832] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\farm_bot_v.1.2.lua'...
[01:02:20.138832] (debug)    New script: 0B01BE7C
[01:02:20.182825] (system)    Farm Bot by Kreker: Loaded successfully.
[01:02:20.182825] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FlyCar.lua'...
[01:02:20.182825] (debug)    New script: 0B01D404
[01:02:20.555768] (system)    FlyCar.lua: Loaded successfully.
[01:02:20.555768] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\MHManager.luac'...
[01:02:20.555768] (debug)    New script: 0B01B634
[01:02:20.603760] (system)    MVDHelper Manager: Loaded successfully.
[01:02:20.603760] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\PassFly (Ping).lua'...
[01:02:20.603760] (debug)    New script: 0B01C024
[01:02:20.635755] (system)    Pass Ban: Loaded successfully.
[01:02:20.635755] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Reconnect.lua'...
[01:02:20.635755] (debug)    New script: 0B01D0B4
[01:02:20.664750] (system)    Reconnect: Loaded successfully.
[01:02:20.664750] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.1.luac'...
[01:02:20.664750] (debug)    New script: 0B01D25C
[01:02:20.678749] (system)    Ryda Bot v1.1.luac: Script terminated. (0B01D25C)
[01:02:20.679749] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.1.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:20.679749] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.2.luac'...
[01:02:20.679749] (debug)    New script: 0B01C51C
[01:02:20.708743] (system)    Ryda Bot v1.2.luac: Script terminated. (0B01C51C)
[01:02:20.709745] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.2.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:20.709745] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\scriptManager.luac'...
[01:02:20.709745] (debug)    New script: 0B01CF0C
[01:02:20.740739] (system)    ScriptManager: Loaded successfully.
[01:02:20.740739] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[01:02:20.740739] (debug)    New script: 0B01D25C
[01:02:20.778734] (system)    SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[01:02:20.778734] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\tpm.luac'...
[01:02:20.778734] (debug)    New script: 0B01BB2C
[01:02:20.793730] (system)    tpm.luac: Script terminated. (0B01BB2C)
[01:02:20.794731] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\tpm.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:20.794731] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\tpm.v2.lua'...
[01:02:20.794731] (debug)    New script: 0B01B984
[01:02:20.821726] (system)    tpm.v2.lua: Script terminated. (0B01B984)
[01:02:20.821726] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\tpm.v2.lua: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:20.821726] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\tpm.v3.lua'...
[01:02:20.821726] (debug)    New script: 0B01B984
[01:02:20.839724] (system)    tpm.v3.lua: Script terminated. (0B01B984)
[01:02:20.839724] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\tpm.v3.lua: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:20.839724] (system)    Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\train bot.luac'...
[01:02:20.839724] (debug)    New script: 0B01C1CC
[01:02:20.854723] (system)    train bot.luac: Script terminated. (0B01C1CC)
[01:02:20.854723] (error)    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\train bot.luac: cannot load incompatible bytecode
[01:02:36.244631] (system)    Installing post-load hooks...
[01:02:36.244631] (system)    Hooks installed.
[01:02:36.247630] (debug)    Add thread 158F5615 to SCM-thread queue
[01:02:37.994651] (debug)    Add thread 15C1852D to SCM-thread queue
[01:02:37.995651] (debug)    Add thread 15C18655 to SCM-thread queue
[01:02:37.995651] (debug)    Add thread 15C163A5 to SCM-thread queue
[01:02:37.995651] (debug)    Add thread 15C1671D to SCM-thread queue
[01:02:39.025022] (debug)    Add thread 18BFB0AD to SCM-thread queue
[01:02:39.106035] (debug)    Add thread 18BEE52D to SCM-thread queue
[01:02:54.571555] (error)    crc-checks.lua: C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\crc-checks.lua:224: attempt to call global 'renderGetFontCharWidth' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\crc-checks.lua:224: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\crc-checks.lua:196>
Последнее редактирование модератором:

Святой Леоне

Я сильно не разбираюсь и не хочу рисковать
вообщем, я тебе скинул ссылку на тему бластхака, если ты не доверяешь администратору форума (автору той темы), то зачем ты тут зарегистрирован?


Автор темы
вообщем, я тебе скинул ссылку на тему бластхака, если ты не доверяешь администратору форума (автору той темы), то зачем ты тут зарегистрирован?
Хороший вопрос,я не знаю...В 3 часа ночи,голова боится


Там трояны,пока
Фип льёт трояны, пздц. Ты сидишь на форуме который он создал, за который он платит и на котором тебе бесплатно помогают другие люди и при этом обвиняешь его в том что он льёт трояны?
Trefa,хочешь сам проверь
А ты каким образом это проверил? Каким образом выяснил что там трояны?