// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
0662: printstring "YouTube.com/DapoShow"
0662: printstring "VK.COM/DAPODOPE"
wait 0
else_jump @Label00002D
wait 0
0@ = SAMP.GetGamestate()
0@ == 3
else_jump @Label00003A
0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini"
else_jump @Label00016F
0AF0: 0@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Time"
0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Weather"
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockTime"
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockWeather"
jump @Label000364
0AA7: call_function 8532696 num_params 2 pop 2 "wt+" "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" 18@
0AF1: write_int 12 to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Time"
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Weather"
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockTime"
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockWeather"
0AF0: 0@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Time"
0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Weather"
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockTime"
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockWeather"
0AA7: call_function 8532363 num_params 1 pop 1 18@ 18@
0B34: samp register_client_command "st" to_label @Label000448
0B34: samp register_client_command "sw" to_label @Label000675
0B34: samp register_client_command "bt" to_label @Label0008AD
0B34: samp register_client_command "bw" to_label @Label000A63
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather] {ffffff}Çàãðóæåí! {DC4747}Êîìàíäû: {ffffff}/st, /sw, /bt, /bw {DC4747}v3.0 {ffffff}by Dapo Show" -1
wait 0
2@ == 0
else_jump @Label00042A
00C0: set_current_time_hours_to 0@ minutes_to 0
3@ == 0
else_jump @Label000441
set_weather 1@
jump @Label00040D
0C17: 5@ = strlen 4@
not 5@ > 0
else_jump @Label0004B7
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather] {ffffff}Ââåäèòå {DC4747}/st {ffffff}- âðåìÿ" -1
jump @Label000673
0AD4: TIMERB = scan_string 4@ format "%d" 5@
if and
5@ > -1
not 5@ >= 25
else_jump @Label000616
2@ == 1
else_jump @Label000554
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather] {ffffff}Ó âàñ ñòîèò çàïðåò íà èçìåíåíèå âðåìåíè {DC4747}(/bt)" -1
jump @Label00060F
0AF1: write_int 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Time"
0AF0: 0@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Time"
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather]: {FFFFFF}Çíà÷åíèå âðåìåíè óñòàíîâëåíî íà {DC4747}%d" 16777215 5@
jump @Label000673
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather]: {FFFFFF}Äîïóñòèìûå çíà÷åíèÿ îò {DC4747}0 {FFFFFF}äî {DC4747}24" -1
0C17: 5@ = strlen 4@
not 5@ > 0
else_jump @Label0006EB
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather] {ffffff}Ââåäèòå {DC4747}/sw {ffffff}- íîìåð ïîãîäû" -1
jump @Label0008AB
0AD4: TIMERB = scan_string 4@ format "%d" 5@
if and
5@ > -1
not 5@ >= 46
else_jump @Label00084E
3@ == 1
else_jump @Label000787
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather] {ffffff}Ó âàñ ñòîèò çàïðåò íà èçìåíåíèå ïîãîäû {DC4747}(/bw)" -1
jump @Label000847
0AF1: write_int 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Weather"
0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "Weather"
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather]: {FFFFFF}Çíà÷åíèå ïîãîäû óñòàíîâëåíî íà {DC4747}%d" 16777215 5@
jump @Label0008AB
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather]: {FFFFFF}Äîïóñòèìûå çíà÷åíèÿ îò {DC4747}0 {FFFFFF}äî {DC4747}45" -1
2@ == 1
else_jump @Label000995
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockTime"
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockTime"
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather]: {FFFFFF}Òåïåðü ñåðâåð {DC4747}íå ñìîæåò {FFFFFF}ìåíÿòü âàøå âðåìÿ! " -1
jump @Label000A61
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockTime"
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockTime"
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather]: {FFFFFF}Òåïåðü ñåðâåð {73b461}ñìîæåò {FFFFFF}ìåíÿòü âàøå âðåìÿ! " -1
3@ == 1
else_jump @Label000B52
0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockWeather"
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockWeather"
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather]: {FFFFFF}Òåïåðü ñåðâåð {DC4747}íå ñìîæåò {FFFFFF}ìåíÿòü âàøó ïîãîäó! " -1
jump @Label000C25
0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockWeather"
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\TimeWeather by Dapo Show.ini" section "TW" key "BlockWeather"
chatmsg "{73b461}[Time/Weather]: {FFFFFF}Òåïåðü ñåðâåð {73b461}ñìîæåò {FFFFFF}ìåíÿòü âàøó ïîãîäó! " -1