local ffi = require "ffi"
local getBonePosition = ffi.cast("int (__thiscall*)(void*, float*, int, bool)", 0x5E4280)
local memory = require 'memory'
function main()
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(0) end wait(1)
while true do
for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do
local result, ped = sampGetCharHandleBySampPlayerId(i)
if result and isCharOnScreen(ped) then
posX, posY, w, h, headx, heady, legrx, legry, leglx, legly = GetSkinParams(ped)
function shoot()
posX = posX - 320
posY = posY - 224
posX = math.abs(posX)
posY = math.abs(posY)
headx = headx - 320
heady = heady - 224
headx = math.abs(headx)
heady = math.abs(heady)
legrx = legrx - 320
legry = legry - 224
legrx = math.abs(legrx)
legry = math.abs(legry)
leglx = leglx - 320
legly = legly - 224
leglx = math.abs(leglx)
legly = math.abs(legly)
d2232 = d2232 / 2
d14 = d14 / 2
if posX <= d2232 and posY <= d14 and getActiveCamMode() == 7 and active then -- тело
setGameKeyState(17, 255)
elseif headx <= d2232 and heady <= d14 and getActiveCamMode() == 7 and active then -- бошка
setGameKeyState(17, 255)
elseif legrx <= d2232 and legry <= d14 and getActiveCamMode() == 7 and active then -- правая нога
setGameKeyState(17, 255)
elseif leglx <= d2232 and legly <= d14 and getActiveCamMode() == 7 and active then -- левая нога
setGameKeyState(17, 255)
function getActiveCamMode()
local activeCamId = memory.getint8(0x00B6F028 + 0x59)
return getCamMode(activeCamId)
function getCamMode(id)
local cams = 0x00B6F028 + 0x174
local cam = cams + id * 0x238
return memory.getint16(cam + 0x0C)
function GetSkinParams(pedik)
X22, Y22, Z22 = getBodyPartCoordinates(22, pedik)
local xx22, yy22 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(X22, Y22, Z22)
xxx22, yyy22 = convertWindowScreenCoordsToGameScreenCoords(xx22, yy22)
X32, Y32, Z32 = getBodyPartCoordinates(32, pedik)
local xx32, yy32 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(X32, Y32, Z32)
xxx32, yyy32 = convertWindowScreenCoordsToGameScreenCoords(xx32, yy32)
d2232 = getDistanceBetweenCoords2d(xxx22, yyy22, xxx32, yyy32) -- ШИРИНА СКИНА
X1, Y1, Z1 = getBodyPartCoordinates(1, pedik)
local xx1, yy1 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(X1, Y1, Z1)
xxx1, yyy1 = convertWindowScreenCoordsToGameScreenCoords(xx1, yy1)
X4, Y4, Z4 = getBodyPartCoordinates(4, pedik)
local xx4, yy4 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(X4, Y4, Z4)
xxx4, yyy4 = convertWindowScreenCoordsToGameScreenCoords(xx4, yy4)
d14 = getDistanceBetweenCoords2d(xxx22, yyy22, xxx32, yyy32) -- ВЫСОТА СКИНА
X3, Y3, Z3 = getBodyPartCoordinates(3, pedik)
local xx3, yy3 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(X3, Y3, Z3)
xxx3, yyy3 = convertWindowScreenCoordsToGameScreenCoords(xx3, yy3)
X6, Y6, Z6 = getBodyPartCoordinates(6, pedik)
local xx6, yy6 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(X6, Y6, Z6)
xxx6, yyy6 = convertWindowScreenCoordsToGameScreenCoords(xx6, yy6)
X52, Y52, Z52 = getBodyPartCoordinates(52, pedik)
local xx52, yy52 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(X52, Y52, Z52)
xxx52, yyy52 = convertWindowScreenCoordsToGameScreenCoords(xx52, yy52)
X42, Y42, Z42 = getBodyPartCoordinates(42, pedik)
local xx42, yy42 = convert3DCoordsToScreen(X42, Y42, Z42)
xxx42, yyy42 = convertWindowScreenCoordsToGameScreenCoords(xx42, yy42)
return xxx3, yyy3, d2232, d14, xxx6, yyy6, xxx52, yyy52, xxx42, yyy42
function getBodyPartCoordinates(id, handle)
local pedptr = getCharPointer(handle)
local vec = ffi.new("float[3]")
getBonePosition(ffi.cast("void*", pedptr), vec, id, true)
return vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]